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1xbet sports betting Organization Event Policy

Chapter 8530

Issued May 27, 2009, Revised Aug. 2, 2017, Revised Aug. 10, 2023

Table of Contents

.010 Introduction
.020 Definitions
.030 Event Registration
.040 Responsibilities of the 1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator
.050 Responsibilities of Advisors
.060 Questions

.010 Introduction

Planning safe, successful, quality events is an important aspect of 1xbet sports betting organization activity.

This policy provides recognized 1xbet sports betting organizations with guidance and learning opportunities as they relate to social responsibility and event management, which support the following:

  • Creation of safe and successful environments for event participants;
  • Empowerment of recognized 1xbet sports betting organizations to hold themselves, guests, and others accountable for actions; and
  • Education on event planning and risk management practices.

Failure to register an event could result in the organization being referred to appropriate university offices for further policy review. This could include 1xbet sports betting Support & Accountability or 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement and may include potential outcomes which involve a loss of privileges or loss of organization recognition.

.020 Definitions

Recognized 1xbet sports betting Organization: Recognized 1xbet sports betting Organizations, or RSOs, are any 1xbet sports betting organization that has completed and maintained the necessary requirements to be recognized by the university through SPI, as defined in 1xbet onl.

RSO-Sponsored Event: Any activity that: (1) is planned, organized, funded, or hosted by a recognized 1xbet sports betting organization; or (2) is attended by a significant number of RSO members and takes place in any residential location disclosed by the RSO in their request for recognition with the university.

Sponsoring Organization: The RSO(s) responsible for planning, organizing, funding, or hosting the event.

1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator: The 1xbet sports betting member of the sponsoring organization designated by the RSO to be the lead contact and event organizer. The responsibilities of the 1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator are further specified below; namely, that the 1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator serve as the primary point of contact for the University to discuss the logistics of the event with the sponsoring organization. In no case shall the 1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator be responsible for reporting prohibited conduct that occurs at the event, unless the 1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator holds another role that requires them to report behavioral concerns.

Event Registration: The process all RSOs should complete prior to hosting an event to support the coordination of a safe and successful event.

1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement: 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement, or SPI, is the university office designated as the point of contact for recognized 1xbet sports betting organizations. SPI facilitates the event registration process and provides informational materials to help RSOs plan safe and successful events.

.030 Event Registration

All RSO-sponsored events that are open to non-members must complete the event registration process, as outlined by 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement. Closed meetings or activities do not need to be registered, unless they involve alcohol or minors. Closed meetings or activities are those that are only open to organization members (non-members may not attend).

RSO-sponsored events must follow all local, state, and national laws and ordinances. Events taking place on university property must follow all related policies and Building Authority procedures. Events should not be advertised until official registration has been submitted. All promotional materials for RSO-sponsored events must identify the name of the sponsoring organization.

To complete the event registration process, RSOs should follow procedures and guidelines as outlined on 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement 1xbet onl

.040 Responsibilities of the 1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator

The 1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator shall be responsible for event-related details leading up to, during, and through a post-event evaluation to ensure the safe and successful production of an RSO-sponsored event. This individual shall serve as the primary contact in the event registration process.

While different events require varied planning segments, a 1xbet sports betting Event Coordinator may be involved in the following activities/tasks:

  • Review the event planning guidelines listed on 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement 1xbet on.
  • Submit an event registration form with 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement.
  • Serve as a liaison between the sponsoring organization(s) and the university and communicate in a timely manner.
  • Attend a pre-event planning meeting with appropriate representatives of the university to review details related to the time, place, and nature of the specified event, as required by 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement. Most events will not require a pre-event planning meeting.

CSI .050 Responsibilities of Advisors

It is the expectation that the RSO Advisor participate in the event planning and registration process. Specifically, the advisor will be expected to participate in the following:

  • Shall, at minimum, have an awareness of all organization events and activities, including event date, time, place, cost, fundraising, admission, audience, and participants.
  • Shall review and acknowledge, if appropriate and upon notification, all event registrations submitted by their RSO.
  • Shall attend any pre-event planning meetings as required by 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement. Most events will not require a pre-event planning meeting.

.060 Questions

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to 1xbet sports betting Programs and Involvement, 114 K-State 1xbet sports betting Union, 785-532-6541.