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1xbet online games login Social Media Pages and Accounts

Chapter 3370

Issued Sept. 20, 2022

Table of Contents

.010 Purpose
.020 Terms
.030 Account Approval Process
.040 Account Operations
.045 Social Media User Policy
.050 Prohibited Actions
.060 Application of Other Policies
.070 Enforcement
.080 Questions
.085 Citations

.010 Purpose

Social media is an important communications tool for Kansas State 1xbet online games login , allowing account administrators the opportunity to effectively connect with Wildcats across the globe. Social media platforms have become integrated into everyday life and can have a powerful impact on organizational and professional reputations. Utilizing social media presents a new set of ways to showcase the 1xbet online games login as an educational institution and its commitment to teaching future generations, and Kansas State 1xbet online games login recognizes the value this can create. At the same time, the 1xbet online games login recognizes its obligation to ensure responsible and safe use of these technologies without fracturing the K-State brand presence, reputation and voice.

The purpose of Chapter 3370 is to establish a universitywide standard for the approval, creation, use and management of official 1xbet online games login social media accounts. This policy applies to all 1xbet online games login employees when developing or managing social media accounts that are officially hosted, sponsored by or affiliated with the 1xbet online games login and/or executing social media initiatives on behalf of the 1xbet online games login . In addition, this policy provides guidance to 1xbet online games login employees who indicate an institutional affiliation on their personal social media activity.

Before requesting a 1xbet online games login social media account, units must thoroughly review this policy and complete the steps outlined below to request an account approval. If the account is approved, it is expected that account administrators continue to regularly review this policy and keep the account active, responsive and engaging. Failure to do so is not justification for noncompliance.

It is important to note that social media is a tool, not a solution. Platforms evolve quickly, and not everyone within a target audience utilizes these platforms. It is important that other communications tools aside from social media are still used to reach unit communication goals. Not every unit needs to have a social media account or have a presence on every platform.

Compliance with this policy is necessary for collaboration, justification and recognition by the main 1xbet online games login 1xbet online casin and the Division of Communications and Marketing, or DCM. It applies to all 1xbet online games login social media accounts, accounts utilizing “K-State,” the Powercat, a unit wordmark or any account created for the purpose of conducting official 1xbet online games login business. Administrators and/or accounts that are not in compliance with the Kansas State 1xbet online games login social media policy may face disciplinary actions and/or account deletion.

.020 Terms

Account Administrators. Managing social media communication is a time-intensive role. It requires frequent monitoring and posting. Official 1xbet online games login social media accounts must have a minimum of two full-time 1xbet online games login employees authorized as account administrators on each platform. Accounts should not primarily be run by students.

Account types.
Some social media platforms offer different types of accounts (i.e., business accounts versus personal accounts). In these instances, DCM, under advisement of the Office of General Counsel, will determine the appropriate account type for set-up.

Account creators.
Generally speaking, account creation follows the 1xbet online games login 's brand standards in practice. Campuses, colleges, departments and other units may be eligible to create accounts, given their alignment with branding protocols. Account creation at the academic program level will not be granted unless a special circumstance warrants the creation (i.e., an interdisciplinary program shared between colleges). Approval will be required by the vice president for communications and marketing or their designee within the Division of Communications and Marketing.

A formof electronic communication, including, but not limited to websites for social networking and microblogging, through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. Examples include Twitter and Instagram.

.030 Account Approval Process

  1. Review policies. Review all applicable 1xbet online games login not intended for, and and agree to operate the desired 1xbet online games login social media account in accordance with said policies. All 1xbet online games login social media accounts and related content are the property of the 1xbet online games login , and not the intellectual or personal property of the authorized employee.

  2. Develop strategy. Develop a social media strategy for the proposed account. Examples of strategies are available on 1xbet online g.

  3. College/Unit Consent. Communicate the strategy to college/unit leadership and communications personnel for review and consent. If college/unit leadership consents, the employee shall include such approval when submitting their1xbet online games login for authorization.

  4. Request for authorization.Employees shall apply for an approved 1xbet online games login social media account as follows:
    1. Apply to create a 1xbet online games login social media account with DCM via 1xbet online games login KSIS.
    2. Agree to cease any scheduled posts during an emergency or crisis situation, and post only information related to the emergency/crisis as directed and approved by DCM.
  5. Creation. After approval by DCM,identified account administrators shall create the 1xbet online games login social media account on the respective platform(s) in accordance with guidelines and practices established by DCM, including branding policy and accessibility standards [links here]. DCM client managers are available to review or assist with social media profile images and/or graphics.

    DCM reserves the right to deny account creation or revoke the privilege to any account that violates best practice guidelines, fractures the brand, or presents a risk to the institution. Social media accountscreated prior to the K-State social media policy implementation are still subject to policy.

  6. Official 1xbet online games login Social Media Accounts. DCM shall maintain a list of official 1xbet online games login social media accounts as approved, registered, and created under this policy. DCM will not acknowledge or comment upon unauthorized or unofficial social media accounts that represent a 1xbet online games login affiliation except as set forth in this policy.

.040 Account Operations

  1. Requirements.
    Social media account administrators shall:
    1. Review the 1xbet online games login 's 1xbet online games login, which are updated from time to time to correspond with trends and best practices in social media use.
    2. Ensure 1xbet online games login policies are being followed.
    3. Communicate about questions or issues with college/unit communicator and/or DCM social media specialist.
    4. Actively engage with users, monitor community conversations, andmoderatecontent thatviolatesthe platform'sterms of use or K-State guidelines and policy.Deliver timely responses in a professional manner.
    5. During emerging situations, the official K-State social media account is the lead account for any public statements.Other account administrators shall cease any scheduled posts during an emergency or crisis situation, and post only information related to the emergency/crisis as directed and approved by DCM.
    6. If an account administrator has concerns regarding comments posted on their platforms, they should immediately contact K-State social media atsocialmedia@k-state.edu or 785-532-2535 or their college/unitcommunicationspersonnel on how to proceed.
    7. Follow the K-State social media user policy and have it visible in the bio on their 1xbet online games login -affiliated social media accounts.
  2. Responsibilities.
    When creating content or managing a K-State social media account, it is vital to remember thebrand pillars and focus of the 1xbet online games login . Content must represent and respect Kansas State 1xbet online games login , the diversity of our community, advocate for responsible digital footprints and create a positive environment. DCM reserves the right to ask any K-State affiliated social media account to remove content that violates policy or brings risk to the brand. Visuals that feature students, staff, faculty or community members should be reviewed thoroughly to protect individual privacy and the 1xbet online games login 's reputation. Individuals must be asked prior to their photos being taken for 1xbet online games login marketing purposes.

  3. Non-Authorized Use/Posts.
    Personal social media activity and accounts, whether related to personal/private matters, related to the 1xbet online games login , or otherwise, are deemed both non-authorized and not in furtherance of the employee's 1xbet online games login employment responsibilities. Consequently, the 1xbet online games login is not liable for employee personal social media activity and accounts.

  4. Noncompliant and Non-1xbet online games login Accounts.
    Social media accounts that appear to be sponsored, endorsed by, or affiliated with the 1xbet online games login , but which have not been approved and operated in accordance with this policy, may be contacted by DCM to identify the account administrators and assess policy compliance, including the 1xbet online games login branding and copyright policies. The 1xbet online games login has the right to remove (or cause to be removed) any content from any platform, whether or not maintained on behalf of the 1xbet online games login , including but not limited to, content that it deems to be threatening, obscene, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or otherwise injurious or illegal.

  5. Inactive Accounts.
    1xbet online games login social media accounts that are inactive or no longer used in regular and direct support of 1xbet online games login activities should be removed from the relevant social media network, and then reported to DCM. If a 1xbet online games login social media account has not been updated for more than six months, it may be removed from the 1xbet online games login 's database of approved accounts, and DCM will contact the department/unit to discuss the future of the account.

.045 Social Media User Policy

Thefollowing statementmust be included in the bio of all official 1xbet online games login social media channels.

Welcome to the official Kansas State 1xbet online games login [insert college, department, unit, organization name] [name of social media channel] account! We encourage thoughtful discussion and interaction relevant to the purpose of the page. The purpose of Kansas State 1xbet online games login social media pages is limited to focusing on the 1xbet online games login 's mission, goals, and programs. Content must be relevant to the topic discussed, relevant to this particular page, and to the point. Content that is excessively long or repetitive is subject to removal. Content that is profane, threatening, obscene, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, creating a security or privacy risk, spam, defamatory, infringing on another person's rights, commercial advertising by a third party, otherwise violates local, county, state or federal laws, or incites or solicits illegal conduct or violence, is prohibited. By posting content to the site, you represent that you own or otherwise have all the rights necessary to lawfully use that content and/or that the use of the content is permitted by fair use, as applicable. The 1xbet online games login reserves the right to remove any material for nonconformity with this policy.

Users acknowledge that the security of the site cannot be guaranteed, that use of the site is voluntary, and assume the risks associated with such use, releasing and holding harmless the 1xbet online games login from any and all claims related thereto. The 1xbet online games login does not necessarily endorse, support, agree with, or verify the validity of the content shared on its social media sites by users. The appearance of comments, external hyperlinks, or any information contained within "follows", "likes", "retweets" and similar actions on social media pages do not necessarily constitute endorsement or support by the 1xbet online games login .

If you have questions, please contact socialmedia@k-state.edu.

For platforms that limit characters, the following statement must be shared in the bio:

Social media user policy: k-state.edu/social. 

.050 Prohibited Actions

  1. Official K-State social media accounts shall not:
    1. Post content that violates city, state or federal laws and regulations. Posting content that violatesFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act is prohibited.
    2. Use inappropriate, harassing, threatening or obscene language or images.
    3. Comment on or post anything related to existing or potential legal matters or litigation without 1xbet online games login leadership approval.
    4. Use the K-State brand or name or endorse any view, product, private business, cause or political candidate.
    5. Represent personal opinions on 1xbet online games login -affiliated accounts. This includes, but is not limited to, creating content, sharing posts, replying to comments, and liking other posts that represent personal opinions on the 1xbet online games login -affiliated account.
    6. Share content that is profane, off-topic, violates copyright or does not properly credit the original content source.
    7. Delete, hide or moderate content that goes beyond the best practices and policy outlined by DCM and K-State.
    8. Take action that subjects the 1xbet online games login to public disrepute, embarrassment, ridicule, or scandal, with such action reflecting unfavorably upon the 1xbet online games login 's reputation or primary purposes and mission.
  2. Personal Social Media Activity and Accounts.
    Personal social media activity and accounts must avoid creating any impression that the employee is acting in an official capacity with the 1xbet online games login or otherwise representing the 1xbet online games login . Personal social media activity and accounts that directly identify the 1xbet online games login as the employee's employer should include the following disclaimer: “Views and opinions expressed are my own and have not been reviewed or approved by my employer.” Employees participating in personal social media activity and accounts are considered the owners of such accounts and are individually responsible for compliance with applicable 1xbet online games login policies and the content found in such personal social media activity and accounts.

.060 Application of Other Policies

Employees managing and/or posting on behalf of the 1xbet online games login on official social media accounts are generally expected to adhere to the same standards of conduct online as anywhere else in the workplace. All Kansas State 1xbet online games login policies apply to social media outlets to the extent applicable. Some of these policies include, but are NOT limited to:

This policy is also intended to complement social media policies applicable to the 1xbet online games login and 1xbet online games login employees, as addressed by the Kansas Board of Regents, or KBOR, and the State of Kansas.

.070 Enforcement

Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with policies outlined in the1xbet online games login and Student,USS Handbook,and any other applicable 1xbet online games login policies and procedures.

.080 Questions

Questions about this Policy should be directed to the Vice President of Communications and Marketing at 785-532-2535 or K-State social media at socialmedia@k-state.edu.

.085 Citations

This policy was developed based on the 1xbet online games login of Michigan social media implementation policy and used with permission.