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Consensual Romantic Relationships Involving Students

Chapter 4094
Issued May 22, 2018


Kansas State 1xbet online games login promotes an atmosphere of professionalism based on mutual trust and respect. The integrity of interaction among faculty, staff and students must not be compromised. When a 1xbet online games login employee is in a position of direct supervisory or evaluative authority over a student, and the employee and student are also involved in a consensual romantic relationship, there is a potential for a conflict of interest, favoritism or exploitation. Moreover, such relationships may lead to restricted opportunities, or the perception thereof, for others in the academic environment. In addition, when such relationships decline or end, there is an increased potential for various complaints.

Consensual romantic relationships between employees are governed by the University's Nepotism and Employee Relationships 1xbet online games login (PPM 4095). The University's 1xbet online games login Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment (PPM 3010) governs any conduct involving nonconsensual, unwelcome sexual conduct by an individual in either the academic or employment environment, and any other conduct constituting discrimination, harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, as those terms are defined in that 1xbet online games login .

.020 1xbet online games login

To protect the integrity of the University academic environment, consensual romantic relationships between employees and students are prohibited when the employee has direct evaluative or supervisory authority over the student. In such instance when a relationship arises contrary to this 1xbet online games login , the employee shall immediately disclose the relationship to the employee's supervisor or department/unit head. The employee shall cooperate with the supervisor, in conjunction with department/unit head as necessary, to sever the evaluative or supervisory relationship and eliminate the existing or potential conflict of interest. A violation of this 1xbet online games login may lead to disciplinary action as appropriate, up to and including termination of employment.

Individuals who believe in good faith that this 1xbet online games login has been violated should report the violation to the employee's supervisor or other appropriate University official.

.030 Definitions

"Consensual romantic relationships" – means mutually understood consensual romantic or sexual relationships between individuals.

"Direct evaluative or supervisory authority" - When one participant in a consensual romantic relationship is personally involved in directly evaluating, grading, or otherwise assessing the other participant's academic performance, or making decisions that materially affect the participant's advancement in an academic program or participation in a 1xbet online games login -sponsored program or activity.

.040 Statutes, Regulations and Policies

Kansas Board of Regents 1xbet online games login and Procedures Manual, Chapter IIC.2.b.v.
PPM 4095: Nepotism and Employee Relationships
PPM 3010: 1xbet online games login Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment

.050 Questions concerning this 1xbet online games login should be addressed to the following offices:

Human Resources(HR) is responsible for this 1xbet online games login . The Vice President or designee must approve any exception to this 1xbet online games login or related procedures. Questions should be directed to Human Resources,Employee Relations and Engagement (785) 532-6277 or hr@ksu.edu.

Questions may also be addressed to the Office of General Counsel, (785) 532-5730.