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1xbet online games login Management, Funding and other changes for University Support Staff Positions

Chapter 4210
Issued April 1, 1999 Revised May 31, 2005, December 23, 2009, February 9, 2010, and August 23, 2017

Table of Contents

.010 Introduction
.020 Statutes, Regulations, and Policies
.030 Types of Positions and Funding
.040 Establishing New Positions-Allocation
.050 Changes to Existing Positions: Changes in FTE, Transfer of Positions to Other Units, and Changing Positions from 1xbet online games login Support Staff to Unclassified
.060 Reclassification of Existing Positions
.070 1xbet online games login Analysis & Review
.080 Review of Positions Prior to Recruitment
.090 Annual Review of Positions
.100 Appeals
.110 1xbet online games login Descriptions (DA-281-2 Special)
.120 Organizational Charts
.130 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
.140 Organizational Reviews
.150 Procedures for Submission of Documents
.160 Questions
Related Content
.200 Annual Review of 1xbet online games login Descriptions (PER-26)
.210 1xbet online games login Description (DA-281-2 Special)

Please note, reclassification of existing jobs will be suspended as of May 1, 2015. Because every 1xbet online games login will be reviewed and analyzed during our compensation initiative, this suspension will allow HR staff to focus on the project to ensure its success.

.220 Request for Classified 1xbet online games login Reassessment (PER-61)
.230 1xbet online games login Analysis Questionaire (PER-62)

.010 Introduction

The Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness in the Division of Human Resources is responsible for managing the State of Kansas Civil Service Classification System at Kansas State 1xbet online games login . Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness is tasked with providing consistent and equitable classification of 1xbet online games login support staff positions at Kansas State 1xbet online games login . Decentralized classification authority has been granted to the Vice President for Human Resources from the Director of the Division of Personnel Services, Kansas Department of Administration. The Division of Personnel Services does not review classification actions nor appeal requests for Kansas State 1xbet online games login . There is one exception. Positions within the Information Technology Series are reviewed at the state level to ensure technical continuity among computer-oriented classifications throughout the state.

All 1xbet online games login forms and instructions are referenced in this document and available through the links provided.

.020 Statutes, Regulations, and Policies

The Kansas Administrative Regulations, Articles 2, 4 and 5.

.030 Types of Positions and Funding

There are two categories of positions: budgeted and unbudgeted. Budgeted positions are those positions that appear in the University's Budget and have percentages of time assigned using the designation "FTE" (Full-Time Equivalent=% of time). Each departmental or administrative unit has a total FTE pool represented by the total of existing positions and any FTE reserve. Full-time positions are at the 1.0 rate whereas part-time positions could be designated as .9 FTE or .65 FTE or .5 FTE, or any percentage less than one. Both FTE and funding must be available for a 1xbet online games login to be established as a budgeted 1xbet online games login . Unbudgeted positions (temporary positions) require only that funding is available. Pertinent funding information is provided in each applicable section of this chapter. Additional funding questions should be directed to the 1xbet online c at 785-532-6767.

There are five types of 1xbet online games login support staff positions:

  1. Regular full-time 1xbet online games login : Permanent 1xbet online games login with regularly scheduled workweek of 40 hours. 1xbet online games login is reflected in the budget. (FTE = 1.0)
  2. Regular part-time 1xbet online games login : Permanent 1xbet online games login with regularly scheduled workweek of less than 40 hours. 1xbet online games login is reflected (part-time) in the budget. (FTE = .9 or .65 or .5 or any percentage less than one.)
  3. Limited Term 1xbet online games login : Full- or part-time 1xbet online games login with a specified ending date that is reflected in the budget. (FTE = 1.0 or .8 or .65, whatever percentage is applicable.) Limited term positions are most often established for work on grants, contracts or special projects that have beginning and ending dates with limited and specified funding. Limited-term positions do not have layoff rights.
  4. Nine-Month 1xbet online games login : Permanent full- or part-time 1xbet online games login where an employee works only nine months of the year. 1xbet online games login is reflected in the budget. FTE percentage based on full- or part-time status of 1xbet online games login . Also called school 1xbet online games login .
  5. Temporary 1xbet online games login : Restricted to 999 hours within a one-year period. There are limited benefits and no rights to permanent status. Funding is necessary; FTE is not. Temporary positions are not considered "budgeted positions" and therefore will not appear in the budget but will show percentage of time in the FTE area of the Human Resource Information System. 1xbet online games login descriptions are required on temporary positions.

.040 Establishing New Positions-Allocation

New positions are established (allocated) by identifying available funding and FTE. If the department has FTE reserves or a vacant 1xbet online games login with FTE, it may use this FTE for the new 1xbet online games login by sending a letter and 1xbet online games login Data Sheet (Adob) to the Budget Office. If FTE is needed, a letter and 1xbet online games login Data Sheet requesting FTE should be sent to the KSU Budget Director. In order to establish the amount of funding required and to identify the type of 1xbet online games login needed, the letter to the Budget Office requesting the new 1xbet online games login should indicate the proposed classification, such as Administrative Specialist or Accountant I. If the department used FTE from its reserves, this should be explained in the additional information line on the 1xbet online games login Data Form. If FTE is granted and the 1xbet online games login is approved, the Budget Office will notify the department of the new 1xbet online games login number and any other pertinent information.

When funding and FTE are established, a 1xbet online games login description must be submitted to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness for determination of the appropriate classification, which may differ from the original request. Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness will determine the classification by completing the steps outlined in section .060. When the classification decision has been made, the official allocation of the 1xbet online games login is complete.

Temporary positions are coordinated through Talent Acquisition at 785-532-6277. Talent Acquisition will also assist departments with the advertising and hiring of temporary employees. See 1xbet online games login Support Staff Employee for more information on temporary appointments.

.050 Changes to Existing Positions: Changes in FTE, Transfer of Positions to Other Units, and Changing Positions from 1xbet online games login Support Staff to Unclassified

Changes to positions, whether to the percentage of time, movement to another unit within the same college or another, or other changes, will affect the employees who are in them. It is of supreme importance that any of the changes described in this section have been coordinated with all parties and an agreement reached before the action is submitted for approval.

Changes in FTE (Full-time Equivalent)
Increasing FTE:

Procedures for increasing FTE depend on whether FTE is available at the Department/College or must be requested and on whether a 1xbet online games login is filled or vacant.

If the department has FTE available from a departmental or college source, such as a vacant line or pooled FTE, a letter must be sent to the 1xbet online c, with a copy to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness, Division of Human Resources, outlining the source and the recipient. In addition, send a 1xbet online games login Data Sheet (PER-36) (Adob) to the Division of Human Resources for entry into the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) if the 1xbet online games login is filled. If FTE is not available, it must first be requested from the Budget Office. Again, if the 1xbet online games login is filled and the additional FTE is approved by the Budget Office, send a 1xbet online games login Data Sheet (PER-36) to the Division of Human Resources for updating in HRIS.

Increasing the percentage of time an employee works for less than or equal to 60 days:

For 60 days or less: Increases in percentage of time worked by an employee in a 1xbet online games login with less than full-time FTE requires no prior approval or paperwork if the change will last 60 days or less. Actual hours worked will be recorded for non-exempt employees in the Human Resources Information System.

Increases beyond 60 days are considered permanent changes and are handled as described above.

Decreasing the percentage of time an employee works:

If the needs of a 1xbet online games login have decreased or other changes have resulted in the necessity to decrease the percentage of time an employee works, the department must first contact Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness,Division of Human Resources at 785-532-1866 before any steps are taken.

Transfer of Positions to Other Units
Movement of positions within the same college:

Departments wanting to move a 1xbet online games login from one department to another within the same college must complete and forward the following documents to the Vice President for Human Resources:

  1. 1xbet online games login Data Sheet (Adob) with appropriate signatures
  2. A letter indicating the change in departments (with copy to Budget Director)
  3. An updated 1xbet online games login description (DA-281-2 Special)

If the 1xbet online games login will be used differently once transferred to a new unit, the department must first contact Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness before any action is taken.

Movement of positions from one college to another:

If a 1xbet online games login is vacant, a letter of agreement between the colleges requesting transfer of a 1xbet online games login from one college to another should be forwarded to the 1xbet online c with a copy to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness, Division of Human Resources.

If a 1xbet online games login is occupied, departments should first contact the Vice President for Human Resources. An agreement must be reached between departments regarding FTE, funding, effective date and use of the 1xbet online games login as it affects the classification. Transfers that are considered lateral, i.e. no change in classification, or that do not represent a change in salary grade, can usually be handled through the following process:

  1. Submit a letter outlining the agreement and request for FTE transfer to the 1xbet online c with a copy to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness.
  2. Notify the employee with a letter outlining the changes and other pertinent information such as effective date, new reporting structure, location and hours of work.
  3. Submit an Appointment Form (Adob) to the Division of Human Resources
  4. Submit an updated 1xbet online games login description to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness within 30 days of the transfer.

If the 1xbet online games login will be used differently once transferred to a new unit, the department must first contact Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness before any action is taken.

Changing Positions from 1xbet online games login Support Staff to Unclassified

Requests to move positions into the unclassified service from the university support staff service are reviewed by the Director of Institutional Equity and the Vice President for Human Resources. Requests should be made in writing and sent to both the Vice President for Human Resourcesand the Director of Institutional Equity. Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness will coordinate the action with the Director of Institutional Equity. If the 1xbet online games login is filled, before proceeding with the request, the department must inform the employee in writing of the employee's option to remain in the university support staff service and whether the department will waive the two year unclassified service requirement and give the employee the right to a one year notice of non-reappointment or not. See Section C170.3A of the 1xbet online games logi concerning notice of reappointment for unclassified professionals.

.060 Reclassification of Existing Positions

Reclassifications are based on changes in duties, responsibilities, organizational structure or other factors affecting the 1xbet online games login and not on any individual employee characteristics or qualifications. The 1xbet online games login description, 1xbet online games login Analysis Questionaire and organizational chart form the basis for the review. Requests should not be submitted to reflect temporary changes in duties or in anticipation of duties changing in the future. In order to be considered for reclassification, departments must demonstrate sound justification for the reclassification based on organizational needs.

A 1xbet online games login review and analysis will be conducted as indicated in Section .070, 1xbet online games login Analys. Notification and appointment information is also contained in Section .070.

.070 1xbet online games login Analysis and Review

A full analysis is conducted for each allocation, reclassification, and update submitted to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness, Division of Human Resources. After initial desk- audit review, the analyst will determine whether a phone audit or on-site audit is necessary.

Classification determinations are based on numerous factors including analysis of the 1xbet online games login description and organizational chart, review of information gained from on-site interviews with the incumbent and supervisor if conducted, comparisons to the State of Kansas Classification Specifications for any and all related Civil Service Classifications, and comparisons to other positions that have similar responsibilities and duties. Additionally, research on the mission of the department and contacts with other persons with knowledge of the 1xbet online games login are possible. Much of this information can be obtained without an on-site audit and not all reviews will require or include a site visit. These factors all contribute to the total analysis and are not considered independently. Classification decisions are based on the characteristics of the 1xbet online games login and not on any characteristics of the employee such as superior performance, diligence, longevity, loyalty or exceptional qualifications.

The analysis process is comprehensive and may take considerable time to finalize. Final determinations generally take from six to eight weeks. Factors contributing to the turn-around time include scheduling and completion of on-site audit (if necessary), uniqueness of the 1xbet online games login , other reclassifications currently in process and positions submitted for recruitment actions.

Departments will be notified in writing, preceded by a courtesy phone call, of the decision that may or may not reflect the requested or proposed classification. Departments have the responsibility for notifying the employee of the completed action. A copy of the finalized 1xbet online games login description will be attached. The letter will provide appointment information including the pay grade of the classification assigned and the effective date of the action. The effective date will be the beginning of the closest pay period following completion of the action. For reclassifications to a higher grade, assignment of a step within that pay grade is determined by the department that has the following options:

  1. place employee on the same step of the pay grade for the new class on which the employee was being paid on the previous pay grade.
  2. place employee on any lower step of the pay grade for the new class that gives the employee an increase in pay.
  3. place employee on the step for new hires in the class when a higher step in the pay grade has been established as the starting pay pursuant to K.A.R. 1-5-8 .
  4. place employee on a higher step in the pay grade if the employee has exceptional qualifications related to the duties of the 1xbet online games login . The Vice President for Human Resourcesmust approve this option.

For reclassifications to a lower pay grade, the employee will be assigned to the step on the lower grade that corresponds to the pay rate the employee was previously receiving. If that rate is not on a step in the lower pay grade, the employee will be paid at the highest step in that pay grade. In unusual circumstances, such as reclassification for disciplinary actions, the Vice President for Human Resourceswill make the final determination.

An Appointment Form (Adob) must be submitted to theDivision of Human Resources for all reclassification actions.

.080 Review of Positions Prior to Recruitment

Managers and supervisors are required to review positions each time that a 1xbet online games login becomes vacant. If a revised 1xbet online games login description is submitted as part of the recruitment action, departments should allow additional lead-time to allow for completion of the review by Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness, Division of Human Resources. Priority is given to these reviews in order to avoid recruitment delays. If a revision is not submitted, Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness will review the 1xbet online games login description on file prior to releasing it for recruitment. If the 1xbet online games login description is older than one year, and no Annual Review Statement (PER-26) is on file indicating it is current, the department will be contacted to either update the 1xbet online games login description or provide the PER-26.

.090 Annual Review of Positions

1xbet online games login descriptions are to be reviewed each year by the employee and the supervisor. If the 1xbet online games login description is still accurate, there is no requirement to submit a new 1xbet online games login description. Instead, the one-page form, Annual Review of 1xbet online games login Descriptions (PER 26), may be submitted indicating the 1xbet online games login description is current. The PER-26 form may also be used for new employees as an indication that the responsibilities are understood and are current if a new 1xbet online games login description is otherwise not needed. 1xbet online games login descriptions should be updated and new ones submitted to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness to indicate changes in duties, supervisory changes, permanent shift changes, or other changes affecting the 1xbet online games login . 1xbet online games login descriptions submitted as updates will most often be reviewed by a desk-audit, but for various reasons, a phone or on-site audit could be conducted. Departments will receive a letter summarizing the review and a copy of the finalized 1xbet online games login description.

.100 Appeals

Classification authority is granted to the Vice President for Human Resources. The Division of Personnel Services, Kansas Department of Administration, does not review classification decisions for appeals or determinations of any kind. See Introduction, Section .010. Questions concerning classification decisions should be directed to the Manager of Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness or to the Vice President for Human Resources.

.110 1xbet online games login Descriptions (DA 281-2 Special)

The 1xbet online games login Description (P.D.) is the official description of an individual university support staff 1xbet online games login . The P.D. is the primary data collection instrument designed to gather information about the specific assignments and characteristics of a single 1xbet online games login . It forms the basis for classification decisions and is also used to document information for purposes of employee selection, essential function determinations and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Every university support staff 1xbet online games login must have an approved P.D. on file with Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness, Division of Human Resources. Additionally, the P.D. provides an employee with an overview of the responsibilities and duties expected. After signatures are obtained the original and one copy of the P.D. and organizational chart should be forwarded to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness, one copy given to the employee and copies kept for departmental files. The department will be notified when the P.D. has been finalized by Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness.

The 1xbet online games login Description (DA 281-2 Special) is a five-part, thirty-item document. At the top of the document, indicate whether the 1xbet online games login is new or existing. The following is basic information for completion of the document:

  • Item 1: Agency name. Kansas State 1xbet online games login (defaulted on the form)

  • Item 2: Employee Name (Blank if vacant.)

  • Item 3: Division. Example: College of Arts and Sciences; Department of Housing and Dining Services

  • Item 4: Section. Example: Department of Biology; Maintenance Shop

  • Item 5: Unit. Example: Undergraduate Studies Office; Storeroom

  • Item 6: Location. Enter city and county where employee works.

  • Item 7: Type of Appointment(1xbet online games login ). Indicate type of 1xbet online games login as described in Section .030. If the 1xbet online games login is limited term, indicate the ending date. If the 1xbet online games login is a school 1xbet online games login , circle "yes." Indicate FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) as a percentage of time next to the percent symbol.

  • Item 8: Regular Hours of Work. Indicate work schedule with beginning and ending times. If hours vary occasionally, an indication of how can be added, such as "some Saturdays or weekends."

  • Item 9: 1xbet online games login Number. Enter the 7-digit 1xbet online games login number preceded with W or K. (This should not be confused with the Employee ID number.)

  • Item 10: Department ID. Enter the 10-digit department ID that begins with 36700.

  • Item 11: Present Class Title. Examples: Administrative Specialist; Facilities Maintenance Supervisor; Laboratory Technician I. Leave blank if this is an allocation.

  • Item 12: Proposed Class Title. If this is an allocation or reclassification request, enter the requested classification or enter "Appropriate Classification." Leave item 12 blank if this is an update of the duties for the record.


  • Item 18: Mission of the unit and the 1xbet online games login 's role. In Part a, provide information on the role the 1xbet online games login plays in the unit. If the 1xbet online games login description is submitted for a reclassification request, be sure to fully respond to Part b. Otherwise, leave Part b blank.

  • Item 19-20: Supervisor and Latitude. Carefully read each section and respond to the statements or questions posed. Provide responses to all parts of an item as requested. Information in Item 19 should correspond with the signature on the form and with the organizational chart. Item 20 is a multi-part question.

  • Item 21: Describe the work. A description of the duties is to be provided in this section. Item 21 is essentially a blank page on which the duties should be grouped together based on similarities of tasks and described in sufficient detail to be useful for the employee, the supervisor, and Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness. Tasks should be numbered in descending order of importance and percentages of time spent on each grouping should be listed. Many positions can be assigned percentages using the standard workweek as representing 100%. It may be necessary for some positions to use a broader time-period, such as annually, when arriving at percentage of time spent on tasks. When assigning a group of tasks a percentage, keep each group above 5% but no group at more than 50%.

    Task statements should be written for current duties (no future or temporary) in the present tense, using quantifying descriptors when appropriate, and indicating the frequency in which tasks are performed, such as "daily," or "monthly." Structure task statements by responding to four questions: What is being done, to whom or for what, why, and how.

    Use "employee," "supervisor," etc. to identify the "who" in tasks statements rather than identifying employees by name. Include a statement on how tasks are reviewed, by whom and how often after each set of duties or summarize a review statement at the end of the duties.

    For purposes of writing task statements in Item 21, supervisors, managers, and employees should use the terms essential and marginal to help determine which duties are most important. However, the official determination of a duty as Essential (E) or Marginal (M) is made by Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness under special circumstances.

  • Item 22: Supervisory Responsibilities. This section is used to indicate supervision of other 1xbet online games login support staff employees. If no supervisory or lead worker responsibilities exist, enter "Not applicable" under section b. If an employee supervises students only, indicate the number of students supervised in the blank space and any descriptive statement that applies, but do not indicate type of supervision.

    • Part a: If an employee is acting as a lead worker but does not formally evaluate a 1xbet online games login support staff employee, check "lead worker." Indicate "Supervisor" only if the employee is officially evaluating other 1xbet online games login support staff employees. For the purposes of this section, "Manager" is not used to indicate management of a program. It is used to indicate supervision of 1xbet online games login support staff employees who also have supervisory responsibilities. For instance, a Physical Plant Supervisor may supervise a Facilities Maintenance Supervisor who in turn supervises General Maintenance and Repair Technicians.

    • Part b: Indicate titles and 1xbet online games login numbers of those who are supervised or for whom the employee acts as the lead worker.

      If supervisor or manager is indicated, the 1xbet online games login will be identified as supervisory and carry with it the requirement for supervisory training within six months of appointment. It is important to note that any supervisory responsibilities indicated in this section must also be indicated on the organizational chart. See Section .120.

  • Items 23 - 25: Errors, Contacts and Hazards. Carefully read each section and respond to the statements or questions posed. Provide responses to all parts of an item as requested.

  • Item 26: Machines and Equipment Used: List the machines used regularly on the job. Indicate the frequency items are used in terms such as "daily," "weekly," "monthly," "as needed," or "occasionally," rather than in percentages.

  • Item 27: Minimum Requirements. This section is used to indicate the minimum requirements as indicated on the State Specifications for the 1xbet online games login . (Preferred education and experience specific to a 1xbet online games login can be listed in Item 29). If you are requesting a reclassification to a different classification, indicate the minimum requirements for the requested classification.

  • Item 28: Necessary Special Requirements:

    • Part a: Indicate only those items that are required, such as a commercial driver's license (CDL). This section is also used to indicate licensing in a professional or technical capacity such as veterinary technician license or nursing license. For those after-hire requirements such as supervisory training, use explanatory phrases such as "KSU Introduction to Supervision within six months of appointment," or "Valid driver's license once appointed."

    • Part b: Use this section to indicate the physical requirements of transporting, moving, manipulating, and so on. The terms minimal exertion (up to 24 lbs.), moderate exertion (up to 49 lbs.), and considerable exertion (greater than 50 lbs.) apply to descriptions of physical activity. The number of pounds transported, whether the movement is assisted, and the frequency of the activity should be included in the response. General statements such as "work is generally sedentary but requires periodic standing and transporting office supplies," or "prolonged periods of standing or walking occur," or "requires frequent transporting of heavy equipment or supplies weighing greater than 50 lbs.," are helpful in describing the physical activity that takes place.

  • Item 29: Preferred Qualifications and Skills.

    • Part a. List preferred education and experiences that are job specific and supported by the description of duties, such as accounting classes or accounting experience.
    • Part b provides space for listing specific skills such as communication and people skills, proficiency in certain software, or familiarity with state purchasing procedures.
  • Item 30: Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ). This section is reserved for those rare instances where a particular 1xbet online games login requires special criteria be established for employees based on sex, age, religion or national origin. These exceptions are approved at the state level. Leave blank; otherwise, contact Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness for questions.

Original signatures are required as indicated.

An Organizational Chart (Section .120) must be attached to each 1xbet online games login Description.

Submit an original and one copy of both the 1xbet online games login description and organizational chart to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness for all actions.

.120 Organizational Charts

An organizational chart must be attached to each 1xbet online games login description. The chart should outline working relationships, reporting structures and overall unit organization. Include employee names, 1xbet online games login numbers of all positions shown on the chart, and the State Classifications for university support staff employees and titles for unclassified employees. Direct reporting relationships should be indicated with solid lines. Indirect relationships should be shown with dashed or broken lines to and from employees in the chart. Supervisory responsibilities listed on the organization chart should match the entries in Items 19 and 22 of the 1xbet online games login description for the individuals listed.

.130 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The 1xbet online games login description is one factor in establishing the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status of an employee. See PPM Chapter 4220, Hours of Work, Overtime, Overtime Pay and Compensatory Time for a full discussion of the FLSA.

.140 Organizational Reviews

Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness,Division of Human Resources conducts organizational reviews on 1xbet online games login support staff for departments at the request of the dean or department head. These reviews are tailored to the specific requests of the department and can include recommendations on workflow and workload, classification of positions and reporting structure.

.150 Procedures for Submission of Documents

Requests for allocation, reclassification, organizational studies or other classification actions should be made in writing to: Vice President for Human Resources, 111 Dykstra Hall, 1628 Claflin Rd, Kansas State 1xbet online games login . The letter should outline the requested action along with budget information, a completed and signed 1xbet online games login Description, an organizational chart and any other supporting documents.

.160 Questions

Questions regarding university support staff Civil Service 1xbet online games login management should be directed toSupporting K-Stat, Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness, at 785-532-1866 or hrcomp@ksu.edu. Questions regarding unclassified 1xbet online games login management should be addressed to the Deans, Vice Presidents, Provost, Budget Office, 1xbet online casino TTY or TRS: or Human Resources as appropriate.