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1xbet online sports betting

Chapter 7070
Revised April 27, 2009

Table of Contents

.010General Information
.020Cost Share Reports
.030Account Information Cover Sheet
.035OMB 1xbet online sports betting Classifications
.040Reporting 1xbet online sports betting Time
.050Grant Funds as a Source of 1xbet online sports betting
.070Importance of Accuracy and Timeliness
.075Late 1xbet online sports betting Transfers
Sample Forms:
.100Account Information Cover Sheet
.110Report of Payroll Expenditures
.1201xbet online sports be

.010 General Information

Federal regulations (Office of Management and Budget Circular A-21, Section J.8) require that educational institutions prepare and maintain documentation to verify the faculty and staff time devoted to a sponsored project whenever the payment for such time is directly charged to a sponsored project or claimed as 1xbet online sports betting for a sponsored project.

Time directly charged to a sponsored project is the amount of an employee's time spent working on a sponsored project where payment for that time is from that project's funds.

Time claimed for 1xbet online sports betting is time spent working on a sponsored project during the project or program period, but where the payment for that effort is from KSU funds (non-project, non-federal funds). 1xbet online sports betting is defined by the Federal Government in OMB Circular A-110, Subpart A, paragraph 2.i. as follows "1xbet online sports betting and matching means that portion of project or program costs not borne by the Federal Government." Additional information can be found in A-110, Subpart C., paragraph 23, which can be found on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) site:http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a110/a110.html.

.020 Cost Share Reports

Cost share cover sheetsare prepared for each sponsored project that had 1xbet online sports betting required during the reporting period. The reporting periods coincide with calendar quarters and will approximately match the following schedule: January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December.
The Controller's Office will send the Cover Sheet to departments approximately three weeks after the end of the last payroll period in a quarter (March, June, September, December).

.030 Account Information Cover Sheet

The Cover Sheet shows information about the account as entered in the Financial Information System (FIS). The FIS account number for that report, the account description, sponsor, department, principal investigator's) or responsible person in charge of the project, the starting and ending dates of the project. The dollar amount of required 1xbet online sports betting of salaries plus the 1xbet online sports betting reported to date will also be shown.

If any information on this form is incorrect, the department should contact the Controller's Office, Sponsored Projects Accounting Section, to make corrections.

A sample of this report can be viewed by clicking this Cover Sheet form.

.035 OMB 1xbet online sports betting Classifications

There are three classifications for 1xbet online sports betting : mandatory, voluntary committed, and voluntary uncommitted 1xbet online sports betting . Mandatory 1xbet online sports betting is 1xbet online sports betting required by the sponsor as a condition of the award. Voluntary committed 1xbet online sports betting is 1xbet online sports betting not required by the sponsor but promised by the awardees. Both mandatory and voluntary 1xbet online sports betting must be documented in theCost Sharesystem. Voluntary uncommitted 1xbet online sports betting is faculty-donated time above that agreed to as part of the award. Voluntary uncommitted 1xbet online sports betting should not be documented in theCost Sharesystem.

.040 Reporting 1xbet online sports betting Time

1xbet online sports betting (mandatory and voluntarycommitted) will be reported on the cost share spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will be completed by the departments. Information needed is: reporting organization, the name and Employee IDnumber of the employee, the FIS project number the 1xbet online sports betting time was paid from, the FIS source number the 1xbet online sports betting time was paid from, the FIS organization number the 1xbet online sports betting time was paid from, each payroll period end date for 1xbet online sports betting , the number of days, the percentage of salary time claimed for 1xbet online sports betting and the percentage of benefits time claimed for 1xbet online sports betting .

For example, a full-time professor who is 1xbet online sports betting half time on a project would show 50% of their time for 1xbet online sports betting . A graduate research assistant on a four-tenths time appointment who is 1xbet online sports betting all their time on the project would show 100%.

This information will be entered into a database for calculating 1xbet online sports betting dollars for each project. The 1xbet online sports betting report is generated and mailed to departments after the cost share spreadsheet has been returned to SPA and entered into the database.

Detailed instructions for the cost share process are located on the Sponsored Projects Accounting web site at:/controller/spa/costshare/index.html.

.050 Grant Funds as a Source of 1xbet online sports betting

Grant funds may be used as a source of 1xbet online sports betting when the allowable criteria of A-110, Subpart C., paragraph 23, and other sponsor regulations are met. This will typically be non-federal sources, such as Foundation funds. To use grant funds as a source of 1xbet online sports betting , a grant matching project needs to be requested form Sponsored Projects Accounting. The matching project will begin with a "G". Budget will be transferred out of the project which is the source of cost share and into the new matching project. The new matching project will map to the same award as the source of the cost share. Cost shared salaries will be paid from the grant matching project and will not be reported via the cost share system.

.070 Importance of Accuracy and Timeliness

Federal auditors will use the Cost Share Reports and statistics prepared there from to audit and approve or disapprove federal payments to Kansas State University. Therefore it is very important that the cost share reports be prepared and reviewed carefully, accurately, and on a timely basis.

1xbet online sports betting information is often needed to meet project requirements, such as quarterly reports or for billing purposes. If a project ends during a quarter and 1xbet online sports betting figures are required to complete a final report, a spreadsheet for that project can be processed after the final payroll period for the project is completed.

Retroactive changes to Cost Share Reports affecting 1xbet online sports betting time or an employee's source of salary will be allowed for the current and previous two quarters only. This is important to maintain a credible reporting system and to protect against audit disallowances.

.075 Late Cost Share Transfers

Changes or additions to 1xbet online sports betting are considered transfers.These are considered a late transfer 90 days after the original cost share was due OR if the effort report due date has passed.Late cost share transfers will be allowed only in limited circumstances.For late transfers, the Late Cost Share Transfer Justification Form must be completed, signed and submitted to the Sponsored Projects Accounting Office for approval.In addition, the spreadsheet needs to be submitted via e-mail.

.080. Questions

Questions on this chapter should be referred to the Controller's Office, Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) Section at 532-6207.