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Insurance Programs

Chapter 4820
Revised January 11, 2006, February 9, 2006, April 1, 2006, February 14, 2008, and March 16, 2016, June 6, 2022

Table of Contents

.010 Introduction
.020 Eligibility for Participation
.030 Disability Income Benefit
.040 Employment-Connected Accidental Death Benefit
.050 Group Health Insurance
.060 Insured Death Benefit
.070 Supplemental Life Insurance Plans
.080 Deleted
.090 Unemployment Insurance Program
.100 Worker's Compensation Program
.110 Questions
Related Content
.100 Accident/Injury Report
.200 Delta Dental Claim Form
.300 Health Insurance Claim Form (State of Kansas)
.400 Health Insurance Communication Form
.500 Prescription Claim Form
.600 Prescription Drug Program Grievance Form
.700 State of Kansas Health Insurance Information

.010 Introduction

The State of Kansas and Kansas State University provide benefits eligible 1xbet sports betting with insurance and related programs as part of their total compensation. Some of these programs are inherent with employee's position and others are optional at the election of the employee. The composition and enrollment periods for these programs change from time to time. Therefore, it is prudent for all 1xbet sports betting to stay informed concerning the current status of these programs.

.020 Eligibility for Participation

Eligibility for participation in these programs is dependent upon the 1xbet sports betting appointment status:

  1. Unclassified 1xbet sports betting (exempt and non-exempt)– appointed to either a full-time (1.0 FTE) or part-time (.5 FTE or more) regular position for at least 90 calendar days or more are benefits eligible for program participation.

  2. University Support Staff 1xbet sports betting (exempt and non-exempt)– appointed to either a full-time (1.0 FTE) or part-time (.5 FTE or more) regular position requiring at least 1,000 hours of compensable service per year are benefits eligible for program participation.

1xbet sports betting appointed to positions with Federal benefits (e.g. retirement plan, health insurance, disability) are not eligible to participate in these programs except for the Teachers and 1xbet sports betting Association (TEA) life insurance program, workers' compensation (effective February 1, 2003), and unemployment compensation (effective February 1, 2003).

.030 Disability Income Benefit

The following information is a summary of that contained in the official disability plan document issued by the Kansas Public 1xbet sports betting Retirement System (KPERS). The official disability plan document provisions take precedence over any information contained in this policy guidance.

Disability income protection starts with the 1xbet sports betting 's first day of work.

If an 1xbet sports betting , while covered for benefits under this plan, becomes totally disabled, the disability income provider will pay a monthly disability income commencing after the later of the 180 day elimination period or the first day upon which the 1xbet sports betting ceases to draw compensation from the employer. The maximum benefit period will be as follows:

  1. 1xbet sports betting who become disabled before age 60 can continue to receive disability benefits until they retire or reach age 65, whichever occurs first.

  2. 1xbet sports betting who become disabled at or after age 60 can continue to receive disability benefits for five years or until they retire, whichever occurs first.

In no event will any disability income benefit be paid for:

  1. the first 180 days of continuous total disability (elimination period); or

  2. while the 1xbet sports betting continues to draw compensation from their employer; or

  3. any period beyond the date the 1xbet sports betting withdraws his or her contributions from KPERS or from a Kansas Board of Regents retirement plan provider.

Disability income benefits cease if the 1xbet sports betting withdraws his or her contributions from KPERS or from a Kansas Board of Regents retirement plan provider. This includes withdrawals during the 180 day elimination period.

Effective January 1, 2006 the disability income benefit shall be 60 percent of the 1xbet sports betting 's current annual rate of compensation on the date such disability commenced, payable in equal monthly installments, reduced by the Social Security Administration primary disability or retirement benefit, or any Worker's Compensation benefit, and by any other disability benefit from any other source by reason of employment, subject to a minimum disability income benefit of 0.00 per month and a maximum disability income benefit of ,000.00 per month.

No disability benefit will be paid for disabilities caused by or contributed to by:

  1. participation in an assault, felony, strike, civil disorder or riot;
  2. an act of war, declared or undeclared;
  3. attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane;
  4. visual impairment if the member is in training at and employed by a sheltered workshop for the blind operated by the Kansas Department for Children and Families;
  5. the use of an illegal or controlled substance not prescribed by a physician; or
  6. service in the Armed Forces, National Guard, or military reserves of any country or international authority.

The disability plan will not cover any disability that begins during the first 12 months after the 1xbet sports betting 's effective date of coverage under the plan that is caused or contributed to by a pre-existing condition. Pre-existing condition means any sickness or injury for which the 1xbet sports betting , within three (3) months prior to their effective date of coverage under the plan:

  1. was diagnosed by or received treatment from a legally qualified physician; or
  2. had symptoms for which an ordinarily prudent person would have sought treatment.

KPERS retirement plan members approved for disability income benefits will continue to accrue service credit for retirement benefits during the period of total disability.

An employee who is in the 180-day disability elimination period may be placed on leave without pay when all accumulated leave has been exhausted. Time away from work, both paid and unpaid together, may be granted 1xbet sports betting for a maximum of one year. If an employee remains totally disabled after the one-year period, the employee must either:

  1. return to work, with or without an accommodation; or
  2. resign their appointment; or
  3. retire, if qualified.

The 1xbet sports betting 's department is to notify the Division of Human Resources when an 1xbet sports betting is away from work for more than 30 calendar days due to a medical reason. The Division of Human Resources is responsible for submitting the necessary documents to KPERS to begin the 180-day elimination period. The 1xbet sports betting is responsible for applying for Social Security disability benefits during the elimination period.

The disability income benefit provisions for 1xbet sports betting participating in the Kansas Police and Firefighter's (KP&F) retirement plan is different than noted above. 1xbet sports betting participating in KP&F should contact the Division of Human Resources for specific information relating to their disability provisions.

The disability income benefit program is paid for by Kansas State University and underwritten by Disability Management Services, Inc. A copy of the official disability income benefit certificate is available from the Division of Human Resources, upon request.

Additional information, including the Long Term Disability Plan Description. can be found through the KPERS website.

Disability coverage for 1xbet sports betting on leave without pay (LWOP) is administered as follows:

  1. University Support Staff 1xbet sports betting :
    1. Voluntary leave without pay–coverage ceases
    2. Involuntary leave without pay–coverage continues (no cost to the 1xbet sports betting )
  2. Unclassified 1xbet sports betting :
    1. Voluntary leave without pay–1xbet sports betting has the option to continue coverage by paying the premium or forfeit coverage through non-payment of premium
    2. Involuntary leave without pay–coverage continues (no cost to the 1xbet sports betting )
.040 Employment-Connected Accidental Death Benefit

This employment-connected accidental death benefit is provided to 1xbet sports betting who, at the time of their death:

  1. are actively participating in the KPERS retirement plan;
  2. unclassified 1xbet sports betting who are actively participating in the Kansas Board of Regents mandatory retirement plan; and
  3. unclassified 1xbet sports betting who are in the Kansas Board of Regents one year waiting period (effective: May 23, 2002).

It does not include 1xbet sports betting who are participating in the KP&F retirement plan. There are different employment-connected accidental death benefit provisions for these 1xbet sports betting . 1xbet sports betting participating in the KP&F retirement plan should contact the Division of Human Resources for information relating to their employment-connected accidental death benefit provisions.

The Kansas Public 1xbet sports betting Retirement System (KPERS) provides accidental death benefits in the event of the employee's death as a result of an accident arising out of, and in the course of, the employee's actual performance of duty. The accidental death benefit is a lump sum payment of ,000 and a monthly benefit based on 50 percent of the member's final average salary less any monies received from Worker's Compensation. The minimum monthly benefit is 0.

The accidental death benefit is payable only to a legal surviving spouse, dependent children orif no spouse or children, dependent parents. The spouse's benefit is a lifetime benefit. Upon the spouse's death, if there are remaining dependent children,the benefit will be divided equally between the dependent children until they reach age 18 or 23, if a full time student.

Departments are to notify the Division of Human Resources immediately upon the death of an 1xbet sports betting . The Division of Human Resources will assist the surviving spouse, dependent children or dependent parents, as appropriate, in applying for this entitlement.

The employment-connected accidental death benefit program is paid for by Kansas State University.

Accidental death benefit coverage is not available for 1xbet sports betting on Leave Without Pay (LWOP).

.050 Group Health Insurance

Effective: January 1, 2002

The State of Kansas provides benefits eligible 1xbet sports betting a number of health care programs. The type of health insurance program available is based upon the negotiated contract between the State of Kansas Health Care Commission and the individual health care provider companies. Generally, these include such programs as: medical care; dental care; pharmaceutical; vision care; and mental health. However, this may vary from year to year as programs are renegotiated. Participation in any of these health care programs is optional for the employee.

Benefits eligibility is as defined in section .020 of this chapter. Student 1xbet sports betting and graduate teaching/research assistants are not eligible to participate in the health insurance program.

Benefits eligible 1xbet sports betting may enroll in the state sponsored health insurance program at the following times:

  1. within the first 31 calendar days of their date of hire; or
  2. during the annual open enrollment period; or
  3. within 31 calendar days of a family status change.

Once eligibility requirements are met, all benefits eligible 1xbet sports betting must select a group health insurance plan provider or waive health insurance coverage within 31 calendar days by properly enrolling in the State of Kansas Membership Administrative Portal (MAP). If the employee is enrolling with spouse, child(ren) or full-family coverage, both the employee and dependents must be covered under the same group health insurance program.

Under any of the available health care providers, benefits eligible 1xbet sports betting may elect coverage for: themselves; themselves and spouse; themselves and child(ren); or full family. The employee pays for participation in this program through semi-monthly payroll deductions of pretax or after-tax premiums. The University contributes additional amounts, depending on the type of enrollment and employment status.

The State of Kansas and the insurance providers reserve the right to request documentation to support proof of relationship, dependency, and/or residency. A social security number (SSN) is required for any dependent over 60 days of age.

A newly hired eligible 1xbet sports betting becomes eligible for health insurance after being employed for 30 days.

During the annual open enrollment period, generally in October each calendar year, the Division of Human Resources, furnishes information to benefits eligible 1xbet sports betting concerning changes that will be effective the next health insurance plan year. 1xbet sports betting will be advised of the election options available to them during this open enrollment period. The State of Kansasprovides an online comprehensive booklet entitled "Open Enrollment." This booklet contains information about:

  1. enrollment options;
  2. effective date of coverage;
  3. health insurance plan providers;
  4. semi-monthly premium rates; and

This booklet is available at attachment .700 of this chapter.

1xbet sports betting on either voluntary or involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP) are permitted to continue their health insurance coverage during the LWOP period. The Division of Human Resources will furnish information to the employee concerning this continuation option. Nine month 1xbet sports betting , who are placed on involuntary leave without pay during the summer months, also qualify for continuation of their health insurance coverage.

An 1xbet sports betting on Leave Without Pay under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provisions is allowed to continue their health insurance coverage under the same conditions and at the same level of employee and employer contributions as would have been provided if the employee had been continuously employed. 1xbet sports betting on FMLA leave will be subject to any change in group health insurance plans or benefits that affect all 1xbet sports betting . 1xbet sports betting on FMLA leave will be given notice of any opportunity to change plans or benefits that is available to all 1xbet sports betting .

Any individual turning age 65 who is actively employed with the State of Kansas or the 1xbet sports betting 's spouse who is turning age 65, must select either Medicare -Part B or the State of Kansas group health insurance program as their primary carrier. The 1xbet sports betting must complete a Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Health Care Selection form, sent directly to the 1xbet sports betting from the State of Kansas.

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) allows certain individuals the right to continue health insurance coverage under the state program. 1xbet sports betting and their dependents who lose health insurance coverage under the State of Kansas group health insurance program have the right to elect to continue coverage by paying the premiums themselves. The type of continuation is based upon the medical, dental, and/or vision care programs the employee was enrolled in at the time of their employment. If an employee goes on leave without pay and then terminates employment and the employee does not continue group health insurance coverage during the leave without pay period, that employee and any dependents would not be eligible for COBRA continuation because they were not participating in the group health insurance program at the time of the leave without pay.

Effective October 1, 2019, group health insurance coverage will cease as follows:

  • 1xbet sports betting separation or retirement date is the first day of the month, coverage ends on that day
  • 1xbet sports betting separation or retirement date is the second day of the month or later, coverage ends on the last day of that month.

1xbet sports betting are expected to pay their employee premiums for the entire month of coverage when coverage continues through the end of the month.

Retired 1xbet sports betting who receive either KPERS or Board of Regents retirement benefits; who are qualified for KPERS disability benefits; or who are a surviving spouse of such deceased 1xbet sports betting may voluntarily continue group health insurance coverage by making premium payments directly to the State of Kansas contracted vendor.

Kansas State University will honor, to the extent possible, the provisions of a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCHO), issued by a district court after July 1, 1994, that does not violate the provisions of the group health insurance program. It will be assumed that the child(ren) will meet the definition of dependent for group health insurance purposes.

The Division of Human Resources is responsible for administering the State of Kansas health insurance program to the following extent:

  1. deducting premiums from 1xbet sports betting 's paycheck;
  2. collecting premium payments from 1xbet sports betting , as necessary;

The Division of Human Resources is not responsible for the specific health care plan provisions, such as: selected medical procedures, claims submissions, etc. The individual program provider is responsible for advising 1xbet sports betting about these kind of issues. 1xbet sports betting are to contact their particular health insurance carrier for information concerning specific coverage issues. The health insurance carrier's booklet/certificate lists limitation and general exclusions of coverage.

.060 Insured Death Benefit

Upon the death of an employee, regardless of cause, the insured death benefit provides the employee's named beneficiary 150 percent of the employee's annual rate of compensation. The compensation may be paid in a lump sum, or equal monthly payments for one to twenty years. This coverage is provided to benefits eligible university support staff and unclassified 1xbet sports betting , except those participating in the Kansas Police and Firefighter's (KP&F) retirement plan.

Departments are to immediately notify the Division of Human Resources upon the death of an employee. The Division of Human Resources is responsible for submitting the appropriate documents and beneficiary information to the Kansas Public 1xbet sports betting Retirement System (KPERS). The beneficiary information is that contained on the Designation of Beneficiary (KPERS-7/99) form that the employee completes. An employee may submit a new KPERS-7/99 form naming a different primary and/or contingent beneficiary to the Division of Human Resources at any time. The effective date for the new beneficiary is upon receipt of the KPERS-7/99 form in the office of the Kansas Public 1xbet sports betting Retirement System (KPERS) in Topeka.

An 1xbet sports betting who terminates their employment at Kansas State University due to resignation or retirement, has the right to convert all or a portion of his or her insured death benefit from term insurance to an individual life insurance policy without submitting proof of insurability. This conversion option must be elected within 60 calendar days of termination of employment. The insurance underwriter will notify the 1xbet sports betting as to the premium amounts, payment methods, etc. The Division of Human Resources will provide the 1xbet sports betting with portability information.

Alternatively, an 1xbet sports betting who terminates their employment at Kansas State University due to resignation or retirement, has the right to continue all or a portion of his or her basic term life insurance coverage under portability provisions without submitting proof of good health, if, at the time of termination of employment, the 1xbet sports betting is under age 80. This portability option must be elected within 60 calendar days of termination of employment. The Division of Human Resources will provide the 1xbet sports betting with information to port their policy.

The insured death benefit program is paid for by Kansas State University and underwritten by the Kansas Public 1xbet sports betting Retirement System (KPERS) contracted insurance carrier. A copy of the official certificate of insured death benefit is available from the Division of Human Resources, upon request.

Insured death benefit coverage for 1xbet sports betting on Leave Without Pay (LWOP) is administered as follows:

  1. University Support Staff 1xbet sports betting :
    1. Voluntary leave without pay (for other than health reasons)—coverage ceases. If for 1xbet sports betting 's personal health reasons—coverage continues (no cost to the 1xbet sports betting )
    2. Involuntary leave without pay—coverage continues (no cost to the 1xbet sports betting )
  2. Unclassified 1xbet sports betting :
    1. Voluntary leave without pay (for other than health reasons)— 1xbet sports betting has the option to continue coverage by paying the premium or forfeit coverage through non-payment of premium. If for 1xbet sports betting 's personal health reasons— coverage continues (no cost to the 1xbet sports betting )
    2. Involuntary leave without pay—coverage continues (no cost to the 1xbet sports betting )
.070 Supplemental Life Insurance Plans

Benefits eligible 1xbet sports betting have the option to purchase supplemental life insurance. There are two supplemental plans available that allow for premium payment through payroll deduction. These are:

  1. KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance (OGLI), and
  2. Teachers and 1xbet sports betting Association (TEA) of Kansas State University.

Both of these life insurance plans are available to the benefits-eligible 1xbet sports betting as an election.

The KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance (OGLI) is a term life insurance plan. This insurance plan is underwritten by the Kansas Public 1xbet sports betting Retirement System (KPERS) contracted insurance carrier.

Enrollment is available as follows:

  1. New Hires --the 1xbet sports betting must enroll within 31 days of their appointment date to be eligible for a guaranteed issued amount without proof of insurability. Additional information can be found on the KPERS website.

  2. Current 1xbet sports betting --1xbet sports betting who have not reached the plan maximum may enroll or increase coverage at any time with proof of insurability. Coverage will be effective upon approval by the contracted insurance company. 1xbet sports betting (who have not reached the maximum) are eligible for an additional guaranteed issue if they experience a birth or adoption of a child, marriage, or change in marital status (divorce or death). This election must be done within 31 calendar days of the event.

This life insurance plan offers coverage for the 1xbet sports betting , spouse and child(ren).

The beneficiary for this KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance plan will be the same as the 1xbet sports betting 's beneficiary for the KPERS insured death benefit.

1xbet sports betting may reduce their coverage level or cancel participation at any time by completing a reduction/cancellation form, available from KPERS.

This group term life insurance plan includes conversion privileges. Conversion privileges means that upon resignation of employment or retirement, the 1xbet sports betting has the privilege of converting this term life insurance plan to an individual policy through the contracted insurance company, without evidence of insurability. The conversion document is available on the Division of Human Resources website. This election must be made within 60 calendar days from the last date the 1xbet sports betting is on the participating employer's payroll.

Alternatively, an 1xbet sports betting who terminates their employment at Kansas State University due to resignation or retirement, may be able to continue all or a portion of his or her supplemental term life insurance coverage under portability provisions without submitting proof of good health, This portability option must be elected within 60 calendar days of termination of employment. The conversion option is also available. Additional information is available on the Division of Human Resources website.

1xbet sports betting approved for long-term disability through the KPERS contracted vendor are permitted to continue the KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance plan by paying for their coverage at group rates until: (1) age 65, (2) retirement, (3) recovery from disability, or (4) withdrawal of retirement funds.

An accelerated death benefit is available. The benefit applies to both the basic and optional group life insurance plans. If the 1xbet sports betting is diagnosed by a physician as being terminally ill with a life expectancy of 24 months or less, the 1xbet sports betting may request an Accelerated Benefit payment. An Accelerated Benefit is an advance (before death) payment of a part or all of the 1xbet sports betting 's life insurance benefit. Additional information about this benefit is available by contacting KPERS at (888) 289-2306.

KPERS Optional Life Insurance (OGLI) coverage for 1xbet sports betting on voluntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP) is administered as follows:

  1. Non-FMLA qualifying event -

    1. Employee's participation in the Kansas Public 1xbet sports betting Retirement System (KPERS) retirement plan:

      1xbet sports betting , except those on military leave, have the option of continuing the KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance, on a premium paying basis, for up to 12 months. After the 12 month limit, the coverage must be converted to an individual whole life policy in order to retain coverage. If coverage is not continued, coverage will be reinstated to the prior coverage amount if the employee returns to work within three months. If return to work is after three months, the employee may apply for coverage when they do return to work, or at any time thereafter, but there is no guaranteed issue available to the employee. The employee must submit evidence of insurability for all coverage amounts.

    2. 1xbet sports betting participating in the Kansas Board of Regents Retirement Plan:

      1xbet sports betting , except those on military leave, have the option of continuing the KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance coverage, on a premium paying basis, for the entire approve leave of absence (paid or unpaid). If KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance coverage is not continued, coverage will be reinstated to the prior coverage amount if the employee returns to work within three months. If return to work is after three months, the employee may apply for coverage when they do return to work, or at any time thereafter, but there is not guaranteed issue available to the employee. The employee must submit evidence of insurability for all coverage amounts.

  2. 1xbet sports betting 's illness as an FMLA qualifying event -

    The 1xbet sports betting will be allowed to continue KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance on a premium paying basis until the earlier of:

    1. recovery,
    2. retirement,
    3. age 65, or
    4. termination of employment, or
    5. withdrawal of KPERS or Kansas Board of Regents retirement funds.

    If coverage is not continued, coverage will be reinstated to the prior coverage amount if the 1xbet sports betting returns to work within three months. If return to work is after three months, the 1xbet sports betting may apply for coverage when they do return to work, or at any time thereafter, but there is no guaranteed issue available to the 1xbet sports betting . The 1xbet sports betting must submit evidence of insurability for all coverage amounts.

  3. Family member illness as an FMLA qualifying event -

    KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance may be continued on a premium paying basis for up to 12 months. After the 12 month limit, the coverage must be converted to an individual whole life policy in order to retain coverage. If coverage is not continued, coverage will be reinstated to the prior coverage amount if the 1xbet sports betting returns to work within three months. If return to work is after three months, the 1xbet sports betting may apply for coverage when they do return to work, or at any time thereafter, but there is no guaranteed issue available to the 1xbet sports betting . The 1xbet sports betting must submit evidence of insurability for all coverage amounts.

    1xbet sports betting on involuntary LWOP have the option of continuing their KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance policy by paying the premium directly to the Division of Human Resources or canceling their coverage.

  4. Military leave -

    An 1xbet sports betting who is on approved military leave without pay has the option of continuing the KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance on a premium paying basis for up to 12 months while on military leave without pay. The 1xbet sports betting pays the premium for this coverage directly to the Division of Human Resources, Kansas State University, by personal check or money order. If after the 12 month period, the 1xbet sports betting is still on military leave without pay and wishes to keep the KPERS Optional Group Life Insurance coverage, s/he must convert the coverage to an individual policy. The 1xbet sports betting pays the premium for this coverage directly to the contracted insurance company. Whether or not the 1xbet sports betting exercises these options, the 1xbet sports betting on military leave without pay is immediately entitled, upon timely return to state employment, to his/her former level of optional coverage. Premiums will be based on the 1xbet sports betting 's age at the time of return to state employment.

The Teachers and 1xbet sports betting Association (TEA) of Kansas State University offers a term life insurance plan available for the employee, spouse and child(ren). Benefits eligible 1xbet sports betting may enroll in TEA, if elected within 31 days of their hire date, without proof of insurability. Members may enroll or increase their level of coverage up to ,000, without proof of insurability, within 30 days of marriage, change in marital status, birth or adoption of a child. The Hartford Insurance Company, the insurance plan underwriter, reserves the right to order medical tests necessary to determine insurability.

The premium is based upon the 1xbet sports betting age, the amount of coverage selected, and whether or not spouse and children coverage is selected.

TEA requires a one-time .00 membership processing fee.

.090 Unemployment Insurance Program

Unemployment insurance is an insurance program that provides temporary, weekly unemployment checks to qualified unemployed workers. Unemployed workers must meet specific eligibility requirements in order to receive unemployment benefits. Kansas State University, as an employer, participates in this program; however, it is administered by the State of Kansas Department of Human Resources.

The Kansas Employment Security Law was enacted to provide some income during limited unemployment of those individuals who are unemployed due to conditions in the economy or labor market and through no fault of their own. Unemployment insurance pays benefits to qualified unemployed workers until they are recalled by the employer; until they find jobs for which they are reasonably suited in terms of training, past experience, and past wages; or until they reach the maximum benefit payable.

For further information about unemployment insurance, contact:

State of Kansas
Department of Human Resources
401 S. W. Topeka Boulevard
Topeka, Kansas 66603-3182

.100 Worker's Compensation Program

1xbet sports betting of Kansas State University, including student 1xbet sports betting , are provided protection under the Worker's Compensation Act. 1xbet sports betting appointed to positions with Federal benefits are covered by the State of Kansas Worker's Compensation program for any job-related injuries or accidents occurring after February 1, 2003.

The State Self-Insurance Fund (SSIF) office at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment is responsible for determining compensability and providing benefits contained within the Worker's Compensation Act for the majority of state agency and Kansas Board of Regents 1xbet sports betting . The Division of Human Resources at Kansas State University has been designated as the contact with the Department of Administration for reporting all accidents. Worker's Compensation claims for Kansas State University 1xbet sports betting will be submitted to the State Self-Insurance Fund in Topeka, Kansas.

Reporting accidents/incidents/injuries— Work related accidents, incidents, injuries, or occupational diseases must be reported for all faculty, staff, and student 1xbet sports betting injured while performing the duties of their employment, regardless of where the situation occurs. 1xbet sports betting must immediately notify their supervisor if they have sustained an on-the-job injury. All on-the-job accidents, incidents, and injuries must be reported by the supervisor or other authorized person to the Division of Human Resources within three (3) business days of the injury. To report a work-related injury, use the Electronic Incident Report form. Any supervisor who hears or knows of an accident, incident, or injury should inquire directly of the 1xbet sports betting and make the necessary report.

The Electronic Incident Report form is to be completed by or for the injured 1xbet sports betting and submitted to the Division of Human Resources within 3 working days of the accident/injury. The Division of Human Resources will report the information to the State Self-Insurance Fund (SSIF). Failure to report work related accidents/injuries within the required time limit may result in denial of benefits. The SSIF will determine if the claim is compensable under workers compensation.

Medical attention — The Worker's Compensation insurance carrier has the right to select the doctor who will treat the injury. In some areas, the injured 1xbet sports betting will be directed to a contracted provider. Authorized providers and initial emergency care providers can be found on the CompAlliance website.

Non-Emergent Medical Treatment: If an 1xbet sports betting needs to seek non-emergent medical treatment for a work-related injury, authorization must be obtained from the Nurse Triage Line for the treatment. The 1xbet sports betting may call the Nurse Triage Line at 1-833-756-2007 to receive authorization for medical treatment. The State Self Insurance Fund is legally authorized to choose the treating physician. If an 1xbet sports betting self-selects a doctor and does not have prior authorization for treatment from SSIF the SSIF will only be responsible for the first 0 in unauthorized medical bills from the self-selected physician (s) once the injury has been found compensable.

Emergency Medical Treatment:Life or limb-threatening emergency situations require immediate medical attention from the closest medical facility. Injuries such as broken bones, profuse bleeding head injuries, wounds that require stitches, chemicals in the eye(s), etc. are some examples of emergency situations. Prior authorization is not required for emergency treatment but the supervisor or HR liaison should submit an incident report as soon as possible of the injury and emergency treatment.

If a claim is found to be non-compensable under workers compensation by the SSIF, any medical bills relating to the claim must be submitted to the 1xbet sports betting 's personal medical insurance.

Medical bills for approved claims should be submitted directly by the provider to the SSIF via CompAlliance. The address is:

PO BOX 1697
Topeka, KS 66601-1697

Time off work – Any time an 1xbet sports betting misses from work due to a work-related accident or injury must be communicated to the Benefits Administration office in Human Resources. Supervisors or HR Liaisons can report this information by emailing benefits@ksu.edu.

The time away from work for an 1xbet sports betting to receive the initial evaluation, care and treatment for a job-related injury or illness under the Worker's Compensation Program is not chargeable to the 1xbet sports betting 's accrued leave credits. Any time away from work after the initial evaluation, care and treatment for a job related injury or illness under the Worker's Compensation Program, including any follow-up appointments, care or treatment, is charged to the 1xbet sports betting 's accrued leave credits in the following order: sick leave, vacation leave, and holiday compensatory time, unless the 1xbet sports betting elects in writing, to use leave credits in a different order or requests to be placed on leave without pay.

Disability compensation— After review by a SSIF claims adjustor/investigator, if a claim is determined to be compensable and the injured 1xbet sports betting 's medical restrictions cannot be accommodated by the employer, the injured 1xbet sports betting may be entitled to disability benefits. The 1xbet sports betting is not entitled to this benefit for the first week they are off work, unless they are off work three consecutive weeks. Thereafter, payments shall be made in a sum equal to 66 2/3% of the 1xbet sports betting 's gross average weekly wage, but not to exceed the maximum benefit provisions of the Worker's Compensation Act. Payments will be made within the normal biweekly pay periods on or about the regular pay dates. Reimbursement for travel to obtain authorized medical treatment is payable at a mileage rate set by the Worker's Compensation Act. Round trips that exceed five miles are reimbursable.

1xbet sports betting who are awarded Worker's Compensation pay are granted, at the employee's election, use of accumulated leave to pay the difference between their regular pay and the Worker's Compensation pay. Normally, leave credits are used in the following order until exhausted: sick leave, vacation leave, and holiday compensatory leave.

The 1xbet sports betting may submit a written request to the Division of Human Resources to use their leave credits in a different order or to not use accumulated leave credits to pay the difference between their regular pay and the Worker's Compensation pay. Worker's Compensation hours are credited back to the 1xbet sports betting 's leave balances in quarter-hour increments.

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - If the work related injury for which the 1xbet sports betting is receiving Worker's Compensation meets the criteria of a "serious health condition" as set forth in the KSU Policy and Procedures Manual 1xbet (1xbet sports betting Leaves) chapter, the time that the 1xbet sports betting is off work (i.e. the time covered by Worker's Compensation and any accrued leave) will be counted as part of the 1xbet sports betting 's 12-workweek FMLA leave entitlement.

Return to work - Promptly contact the Division of Human Resources when an 1xbet sports betting returns to work from a job-related accident or injury, with or without restrictions, full-time or part-time. This may be done by e-mail at benefits@ksu.edu.

Fraud and abuse— The Worker's Compensation Act contains penalties for acts of fraud or abuse. Anyone making false reports, working while drawing disability benefits, or otherwise abusing the Worker's Compensation system, are to be reported by calling 1-800-613-0014.

.110 Questions

Supporting K-Sta (HR) is responsible for this policy. The Vice President or designee must approve any exception to this policy or related procedures. Questions should be directed to Human Resources at 785-532-6277 or hr@ksu.edu.

Specific questions regarding these programs should be addressed as follows:

  1. Death benefits, disability, group health insurance, life insurance, long-term care and Worker's Compensation to Benefits at (785) 532-6277.
  2. Unemployment insurance to Resource Center and Operations at (785) 532-6277.
  3. Federal benefit programs to the Division of Cooperative Extension Operations office at (785) 532-5790.