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Change Funds Procedures

Chapter 6120
Revised July 6, 2015

Table of Contents

.010Change Funds Authorized
.020Establishment of a 1xbet online casino
.0301xbet online casino Procedures
.040Restoration of Change Funds
.050Temporary Change Funds
Related Content
.100Application to Establish 1xbet online casino form
.1101xbet online casino Procedures and Receipt
.120Reconciliation of 1xbet online casino and Rec
.130Record of Cash "Long or "Short" form DA-76
.140Agency Purchase Order Voucher

.010 Change Funds Authorized

The procedures and conditions under which change funds (to be maintained in the form of cash) may be established are defined in K.S.A. 75-3078, which requires all change funds be established from the University Imprest Fund. Any University department which needs a 1xbet online casino should submit an application through the Division of Financial Services as explained in.020 Establishment of a 1xbet online casino . No change funds are to be established by withholding receipts. All receipts are to be deposited each business day.

The use of change funds as defined in K.S.A. 75-3078 is limited "exclusively for the making of change in receiving amounts due the State" and expressly prohibits advances for any purpose from the 1xbet online casino . Change funds are not to be used for "check-cashing or loan purposes or for a petty cash fund".

.020 Establishment of a 1xbet online casino

A University department which needs a 1xbet online casino is to submit an application to the State of Kansas Director of Accounts and Reports through the Division of Financial Services by submitting a completed 1xbet online casino Maintenance form. The Division of Financial Services will review and approve the application, and then submit the form to the Director of Accounts and Reports. Upon approval by the Director of Accounts and Reports, the amount approved will be withdrawn from the University Imprest Fund bank account and used to establish the authorized 1xbet online casino . This is the only method to establish a 1xbet online casino See PPM Chapter 6320.134 for instructions on how to request Imprest Funds for a 1xbet online casino .

Any time there is a change in the custodian, alternate custodian, supervising employee or department head an updated 1xbet online casino Maintenance form is required to be submitted to the Division of Financial Services for approvalby theDivision of Financial Services and the Director of Accounts and Reports.

.030 1xbet online casino Procedures

The 1xbet online casino cash is to be maintained by thedesignated custodianand/or the designatedalternate custodianfor use in making change. The 1xbet online casino is to be counted daily and a record maintained of all cash "long" or "short" transactions. TheReconciliation of 1xbet online casino and Receiptsform is to be used for the daily reconciliation of the 1xbet online casino . TheRecord of Cash "Long or "Short" form DA-76is to be updated each time the 1xbet online casino balance increases or decreases due to a cash "long" or "short". All monies received are to be deposited no later than the following business day.

Cash shorts reduce the amount of the 1xbet online casino on hand until the shortage is restored.If you have cash long, you may deposit the "Cash Long" amount into a departmental account with the designation of the amount of "Cash Long".Generally minor longs or shortages adjust the operating amount of the 1xbet online casino until restored or the end of the year when longs are required to be deposited. As of June 30 each year, if you have a "Cash Long" condition, you must deposit the long amount in order to bring your 1xbet online casino back to its authorized amount. All shortages must be restored at the end of the fiscal year if not before. See Section.040 Restoration of Change Funds

.040 Restoration of Change Funds

The 1xbet online casino is to be restored and Reconciliation of 1xbet online casino completed:

  1. any time a shortage approaches 0 or the majority of the 1xbet online casino ; whichever is greater
  2. weekly for excess of funds
  3. as of June 30 of each year regardless of the amount of shortage.

In the event that departmental approved 1xbet online casino is "short" and needs to be restored, an APV (Agency Payment Voucher) must be created. The APV should be made payable to "KSU 1xbet online casino " with an "A" in the payment indicator. The department's budget allotment or appropriate fee fund should be utilized to restore the fund to its authorized amount, using object code E5910. The description area of the document must contain the statement, "Restoring 1xbet online casino #XXX." Please attach a copy of the Reconciliation of 1xbet online casino DA-75 and Record of Cash "Long or Short" form DA-76 to the APV. The document will need to be signed by someone with signature approval and sent to the Division of Financial Services, General Accounting Office, Unger Complex, 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 500, for processing.

Upon receipt of the APV with forms DA-75 and DA-76, a state warrant will be issued to "KSU 1xbet online casino " andsent to KSUto restore the fund to its authorized amount. The custodian or the alternate will properly endorse the warrant, cash it at the Cashiers and Student AccountsOffice, 211 Anderson Hall, and place the cash in the 1xbet online casino , thereby restoring the 1xbet online casino to its authorized amount.

.050 Temporary 1xbet online casino

Departments needing a 1xbet online casino for a limited period of time, such as during the sale of tickets for a University activity, are to request in writing a temporary 1xbet online casino from the Division of Financial Servicesthrough the Imprest Account.Thedescriptionis to specify the type of receipts to be collected, the dates the 1xbet online casino will be needed, the name of the person authorized to receive the 1xbet online casino from University cashier and the denominations and quantity of each coin and currency required.

.060 Questions

All questions regarding change funds are to be referred to Division of Financial Services, General Accounting, (785) 532-6202.