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Recruitment and Selection for University Support Staff

Chapter 4410
Issued April 20, 1999 Revised November 24, 2007, December 23, 2009, June 19, 2014, October 19, 2016 and October 15, 2020

Table of Contents

.020 Related Policies
.030Types of University Support Staff Jobs
.040Types of University Support Staff Recruitment
.050Recruitment Procedures for University Support Staff 1xbet sports betting
.060Screening, Interviewing and Selecting
.070 Drug Screening, Alcohol, and Controlled Substance Testing for Commercial Drivers and Safety Sensitive 1xbet sports betting
.080Temporary 1xbet sports betting
.090Record Keeping
.100Recruitment Forms and Guidelines

.010 Introduction

Talent 1xbet sports betting in Human Resources is responsible for managing the recruitment and hiring of all University Support Staff at Kansas State University (K-State). The purpose of this chapter is to identify procedures for recruitment of university support staff positions.

.020 Related Policies

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.030 Types of University Support Staff Jobs

There are five types of university support staff jobs, referred to as 1xbet sports betting :

  1. Regular Full-Time 1xbet sports betting
  2. Regular Part-Time 1xbet sports betting (.9 or less)
  3. Limited-Term 1xbet sports betting (Pre-determined end date)
  4. Nine-Month 1xbet sports betting
  5. Temporary 1xbet sports betting (Restricted to 999 hours per year)

Recruitment for each type of 1xbet sports betting is identical except for Temporary Positions (seeSection .080) that do not require advertising. Talent 1xbet sports betting must approve the process and selection for temporary positions. Full discussion on types of positions is available in PPM 4210.

.040 Types ofUniversity Support Staff Recruitment

Talent 1xbet sports betting manages all recruitment actions for current Kansas State University employees (internal vacancies) and for prospective employees (external vacancies open to all eligible persons). Talent 1xbet sports betting works in concert with all departments to ensure Kansas State University is an equal opportunity employer.

Current K-State employees may apply for any 1xbet sports betting for which they meet the minimum qualifications, whether the 1xbet sports betting is at a higher pay grade (promotion), a lower pay grade (voluntary demotion), or at the same pay grade (lateral transfer).

There are two types of recruitment:

  1. External: Recruitment is open to 1xbet sports betting applicants from the general public who meet the minimum requirements. External announcements generally produce the most applicants.
  2. Internal (Agency only): Recruitment restricted to current 1xbet sports betting of Kansas State University, i.e., (university support staff, unclassified, temporary and students). Limiting the vacancy to internal applicants will lower the number of applicants in the pool.

.050 Recruiting Procedures for University Support Staff 1xbet sports betting

Prior to Recruitment

Departments shall determine the need to create or fill an existing 1xbet sports betting and review 1xbet sports betting description for necessary updates/changes.Before recruitment can begin, the Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness department of Human Resources must approve the 1xbet sports betting description in the applicant tracking system. Complete information on allocations, reclassifications and annual updates of positions is available inPPM Chapter 4210 (.040). Before a filled 1xbet sports betting can be recruited for, a letter from the employee indicating the termination date is required.

Initiate Recruitment

Departments initiate the recruitment process with Talent Acquisition after obtaining approval of the 1xbet sports betting description from Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness. A recruitment cannot be initiated until Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness has approved the 1xbet sports betting description in the applicant tracking system.

  1. Vacant 1xbet sports betting :
    A job requisition 1xbet sports betting be completed in the applicant tracking system to initiate a search.
  2. New 1xbet sports betting :
    Complete allocation process for a new 1xbet sports betting according the department and college processes as well as those for Human Resources. SeePPM Chapter 4210 (.040)for applicable information. A job requisition 1xbet sports betting be completed in the applicant tracking system to initiate a search.
Advertisements and Postings

External vacancies will be advertised in the weekend edition of local newspapers upon request. Talent 1xbet sports betting will develop an advertisement to strengthen the university's employer brand. Departments will be billed directly from the newspaper. The cost of advertising is split evenly among all the departments advertising for that issue. Vacancies are posted on the K-State Jobs website. Additional targeted advertising may be necessary depending on the nature of the 1xbet sports betting and difficulty in recruitment.

Canceling Recruitment

If circumstances arise when a recruitment in progress needs to be cancelled, the department must contact Talent Acquisition. The department with the vacant 1xbet sports betting should notify all applicants that the recruitment has been cancelled or postponed.

Subsequent Recruitments

If a department recruits for a vacancy that is the same job title as another vacancy filled within the past 60 days, an additional candidate(s) may be selected from the same group of applicants from the hire date on which the candidate started the 1xbet sports betting , and with consultation with Talent Acquisition. A 1xbet sports betting description must be completed and approved by Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness for each 1xbet sports betting number. Contact Talent Acquisition before proceeding with this option.

.060 Screening, Interviewing and Selecting

All applicants must apply through the university applicant tracking system. Talent 1xbet sports betting is available to assist applicants with the application process.

Applicant Lists

Talent 1xbet sports betting will certify that applicants meet the minimum requirements for the job title prior to forwarding to departments. Departments will receive application materials of all qualified candidates.

Initial Screening of Candidate Documents

Talent 1xbet sports betting will forward all candidates who meet the minimum requirements, therefore, screening of candidates can occur immediately.As such, departments must consider 1xbet sports betting candidates in the screening process, using the preferred criteria set forth developed by departments prior to screening applicant materials. This allows departments to rate applications based on those qualifications beyond the minimum requirements, i.e., the preferred selection criteria. Caution must be taken to ensure that the preferred knowledge, skills and abilities used to screen are actually needed in the job. Selection criteria must be applied equally to 1xbet sports betting candidates. This process is necessary to identify the top candidates through a structured process.

Talent 1xbet sports betting recommends search committees interview at leastthreecandidates. In the unlikely event that no candidates match the preferred screening criteria, departments should contact Talent 1xbet sports betting for guidance.

Conducting Interviews

Departments may conduct phone interviews. It is an opportunity to assess the candidates' communication skills and experience. Interview questions shall be drafted prior to the interview and 1xbet sports betting candidates must be asked the same questions, however, follow-up or probing questions may differ.


Departments shall contact Talent 1xbet sports betting for assistance in utilizing assessments during the hiring process.

Reference Checks

References for candidates selected for interview should occur after the interview has taken place.


Kansas State University is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, ancestry, disability, genetic information, military status, or veteran status, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

The department must change the status in the applicant tracking system to identify the top candidate(s) to which they wish to extend a job offer prior to offering any candidate a 1xbet sports betting . Talent Acquisition will conduct a review of the search and notify departments that they can proceed with an offer within the advertised hourly rate/salary range and contingent on the results of the background check.

The department will be making a verbal offer (within the advertised hourly rate/salary range) prior to completing the offer card. The offer card is created once the candidate has verbally accepted the 1xbet sports betting . If the candidate declines the verbal offer, the department may proceed to the next candidate to make another verbal offer. Once the offer card is approved, Talent Acquisition will make the online offer and the candidate can electronically accept or decline.

Once the selection is complete and the status is changed in the applicant tracking system, the Talent Acquisition team will initiate the background check.The department has an obligation to notify all non-selected candidates that the 1xbet sports betting has been filled. This process is done by changing the candidate status in the applicant tracking system.

Acting Assignments

An acting assignment occurs when a campus department/unit needs to assign an existing K-State employee to perform the duties of an employee who is unable to fulfill his/her duties for an extended period (generally up to three months). The department/unit has an obligation to use its best judgment regarding the selection of an employee for the temporary assignment. Perception about the lack of a competitive selection process for an acting assignment needs to be carefully considered; a legitimate business reason for not having a competitive selection process for an acting assignment 1xbet sports betting exist. Examples might include: an immediate urgent need to have someone in the role or limited availability of qualified individuals.

An employee selected to fill an acting assignment must meet the minimum qualifications for the 1xbet sports betting . Employees who are appointed to an acting assignment shall be temporarily granted additional compensation as appropriate, in consultation with Human Resources.

Request to extend search

Departments may request to extend the search and re-advertise. This type of request may be needed if the candidate of choice declines the offer and no other candidates are viable choices or the department has exhausted its pool of candidates. Notify your Talent 1xbet sports betting partner for assistance.

.070 Drug Screening, Alcohol, and Controlled Substance Testing for Commercial Drivers and Safety Sensitive 1xbet sports betting

Commercial Driver 1xbet sports betting

All announcements for 1xbet sports betting requiring a commercial driver's license (CDL) will contain a statement that alcohol and controlled substance testing is required as a condition of employment.

Safety Sensitive 1xbet sports betting

All announcements to recruit applicants for designated safety sensitive 1xbet sports betting , as law enforcement officers authorized to carry firearms, will contain a statement that drug screening is required at the time an offer of employment is made.

Offers of employment are contingent upon successful passing of the relevant substance testing.

.080 Temporary 1xbet sports betting

Departments needing to hire a temporary employee must complete a 1xbet sports betting Description and recruit for the 1xbet sports betting via the applicant tracking system. Temporary employees must meet the minimum requirements for the 1xbet sports betting . Temporary employees may not work for K-State more than 999 hours in a 12-month period, whether it is in one 1xbet sports betting or multiple positions. This includes all hours worked as a temporary for the State of Kansas; this also includes overtime hours worked during this period. Temporary employees must successfully complete a background checkprior to working.

.090 Record Keeping

Departments are responsible for maintaining 1xbet sports betting recruitment materials in the applicant tracking system.

.100 Recruitment Forms and Guidelines

1xbet sports betting forms and guidelines mentioned in this chapter are available through the K-State Human Resources website.

.110 Questions

Supporting K-Sta (HR) is responsible for this policy. The Vice President or designee must approve any exception to this policy or related procedures. Questions should be directed to Human Resources, Talent 1xbet sports betting at 785-532-6277 or kstatecareers@ksu.edu.