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Lafene 1xbet best casino website Center

Chapter 3055
Revised June 4, 2009

Table of Contents

.010General 1xbet best casino website
.020Services and Hours
.024Use of Fax Machines to Transmit Confidential Medical 1xbet best casino website
.030Campus Medical Emergency 1xbet best casino website
.040Release of 1xbet best casino website from Medical Records Policy
.050Procedure for Releasing X-Ray Films
.060Eligibility for Care, General Provisions
.070Medical Treatment of Visitors with 1xbet best casino website Affiliation
.080Continuation of Services in the Event of a Disaster
.090Special Arrangements/Agreements with 1xbet best casino website Depts
.100KSU Faculty/Staff Members with Work Related Injuries

.010 General 1xbet best casino website

The mission of Lafene 1xbet best casino website Center at Kansas State University is to offer accessible, high quality and affordable outpatient healthcare service on the Manhattan campus. Additionally we provide exceptional 1xbet best casino website and well-being education to the student body and larger Kansas State University community.

The Center is, at all times and to the best of its ability, responsive to the needs and concerns of the student body and general community of Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

Student 1xbet best casino website service commenced at Kansas State University in 1913 and was housed on the second floor of Anderson Hall, now the main administrative building.

In 1920, Student 1xbet best casino website moved into an old two-story stone building, built in 1866 and located near the northeast corner of what is now the University Power Plant. The building had previously been the residences of Presidents Anderson and Fairchild. Enlargements to the structure, using materials from an old stone barn, which had been located on the property, allowed the facility to house a dozen student patients.

Following World War I, and again after World War II, surplus military barracks were acquired and added to the stone building, providing a total of 80 beds and expanded space for the entire staff, x-ray, laboratory, physical therapy and an outpatient clinic.

After many trials and tribulations with the old facility, construction began in 1958 ona new facility located adjacent to the campus library. It was completed at a cost 0,000 and initially occupied in November, 1959. The facility was named after Dr. Benjamin Lafene who was director of the 1xbet best casino website Center from 1949 through 1961.

The new facility contained 19 double bed rooms and two single occupant rooms as well as modern facilities to house all the necessary ancillary services and a clinic for outpatients.

In 1987 the hospital portion of the 1xbet best casino website services was closed due to declining utilization and an increased emphasis being placed on ambulatory services.

Today, Lafene 1xbet best casino website Center is housed on the west side of campus, across from Kramer Dining Center. The center was relocated in the summer of 2003 to provide better accessibility and additional parking for students. The 1xbet best casino website Center employs over 80 staff members including full-time physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners with a full complement of medical and clerical support personnel. On the average, nearly 300 students present themselves at Lafene each weekday during the fall and spring semesters, to have their healthcare needs met.

The 1xbet best casino website Center is a professionally accredited 1xbet best casino website facility designed to provide cost-effective healthcare and 1xbet best casino website information to K-State students. A 1xbet best casino website fee is included in the student's tuition each semester that entitles access to all services available at the 1xbet best casino website Center from a week before the first day of classesuntil midnight the day before the next semester begins.

Lafene 1xbet best casino website Center, as a department of Kansas State University, is governed by the Kansas State Board of Regents who are appointed by the governor of the State.

Organizationally, within the structure of the University, the 1xbet best casino website Center falls under the authority and responsibility of the Associate Vice President for Student Life, who in turn is directly responsible to the Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students who is directly responsible to the President of the University.

.020 Services and Hours

Services Offered:

Primary Care Services
Allergy/Immunization & Travel Services
Clinical Laboratory Services
Diagnostic X-Ray Services
1xbet best casino website Promotion Services
Dietitian Services
Massage Therapy Services
Physical Therapy Services
Pharmacy Services including a drive-thru
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Services
Sports Medicine Services
Women's 1xbet best casino website Services

General Clinic:

Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.(during fall and spring semesters)
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (during summer and breaks)

Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

For Appointment:

Access the patient portal (MyLAFENE+) using your WID and birthdate


Call: 785-532-6544

.024 Use of Fax Machines to Transmit Confidential Medical 1xbet best casino website

  1. Confidential medical information may be transmitted via fax when necessary to provide patient care. All efforts shall be undertaken to ensure confidentiality of Patient 1xbet best casino website Information.

  2. Only personnel authorized by the 1xbet best casino website Center's Director, Medical Director, Associate Director or Risk Manager, may fax confidential patient information. Primarily those personnel are assigned to the Registration & Records area.

  3. The patient must be advised of the physician's wish to have information sent via fax. Except as noted in section G, below, a consent form must be signed by the patient and sent via fax to the 1xbet best casino website Center prior to any records being returned via fax to the treating physician. Copies of faxed authorization for release of information may be honored and shall be deemed to have the same force and effect as the original document.

  4. Confirmation of the correct telephone number is made. Verification of recipient by regular telephone, prior to faxing and after faxing, is required if the facility, telephone number and/or privacy of the fax machine is unknown.

  5. A cover sheet must be attached to all faxed medical 1xbet best casino website stating the transmitted 1xbet best casino website is confidential and the receiving party is prohibited from disclosing the 1xbet best casino website to any other unauthorized party. The cover sheet is to be filed in the patient's medical chart.

  6. If the 1xbet best casino website Center requests confidential information be faxed, also request that the person transmitting the fax call immediately prior to sending the information. Personnel authorized by the 1xbet best casino website Center Director, Medical Director, Associate Director or Risk Manager at the 1xbet best casino website Center shall ensure the entire transmission is received and delivered to the requesting individual.

  7. In the event of an extreme medicial emergency or when medicial information is necessary for the ongoing treatment of a patient and patient consent for release of information cannot be obtained, the 1xbet best casino website Center Director, the Associate Director or the Medical Director may give approval to fax medical information regarding a specific patient.

  8. In no event shall patient information regarding drug or alcohol abuse, mental 1xbet best casino website history, sexually transmitted diseases or HIV/AIDs status or treatment or other information considered sensitive under federal or state law be transmitted by fax machine, unless approved by the 1xbet best casino website Center Director, Medical Director, Associate Director or Risk Manager.

  9. Oversight of this 1xbet best casino website and all related policies is the responsibility of the Privacy Officer.

.030 Campus Medical Emergency 1xbet best casino website

In case of a medical emergency occurring on campus or in a classroom at the 1xbet best casino website , the Riley County Ambulance Service (911) is to be initially called. This service is equipped and on constant standby to more quickly and efficiently respond.

.040 Release of 1xbet best casino website from Medical Records Policy

Medical records are kept for a minimum period of ten years, as required by the Statues of the State of Kansas.

Current files are stored electronically in our medical software. Only authorized personnel have access to the electronic charts. Medical record access is for official purposes only.

1xbet best casino website regarding payment, treatment and operations that can be released without authorization from the patient include:


  • Name
  • Age
  • Birth date
  • Address
  • Verification of care which includes dates and times of admission and dismissal
  • Attending physician

Confidential (for use within the medical care facility)

  • To any staff physician for treatment of the patient;
  • To staff nurses and other medical care facility employees having patient-related reasons for obtaining the record and only as necessary to carry out their professional duties:
  • To the facility's legal consultant or insurance carrier to protect the interest of the facility in cases involving liability or compensation.
  • For research and study; while maintaining confidentiality of the record and anonymity of the patient.

Proper authorization is always required from the patient to release confidential 1xbet best casino website to:

  • Outside physicians and other medical care facilities unless referred by a Lafene 1xbet best casino website Care provider for treatment purposes. (Reasonable courtesy should, of course, be shown outside physicians, and the interest of the patient and the medical care facility must be observed.)
  • Insurance companies (unless for payment purposes) (45 C.F.R. 164.502(a))
  • Attorneys (see Lafene 1xbet best casino website Center Administrative Policy 1300.1005)
  • News Media
  • Employers
  • Instructors/Teachers
  • Parents

Items that need to appear on an authorization in order to be valid:

  1. Signature by competent patient of legal age

  2. Name of patient

  3. Specific identification of the institution from which 1xbet best casino website is being requested

  4. Name of party or company to whom 1xbet best casino website is to be released

  5. Date of authorization:

    1. Valid for 90 days from date of authorization unless otherwise indicated, not to exceed one year.

    2. Not valid if dated prior to period of treatment (with the exception of release of 1xbet best casino website regarding ongoing care)

  6. Itemization of 1xbet best casino website to be released

  7. A photocopy of a valid authorization is acceptable.

NOTE: The above does not apply to release of information regarding: Drug or alcohol abuse, mental 1xbet best casino website treatment, information obtained as a requirement for the facility's Needlestick Policy and Procedures and designated as "Needle stick Protocol." Specific guidelines according to the publication, 1xbet best casino website Information Management: Law, and Practice Manual (Second Edition) by Goodell, Stratton, Edmonds, and Palmer, LLP, 2001, revised 12-30-2004;

"a proper authorization form should include the name of the institution releasing the information; the name of the party receiving the information; the patient's full name, address, and date of birth or identification number; a specific and meaningful description of the information to be released; the expiration date or event; the date of the authorization; the patient's signature or the signature of a person authorized to sign on behalf of the patient, stating that person's authority; a statement that the patient has the right to revoke the authorizaton at any time unless the information has already been disclosed pursuant to a valid authorization and before receipt of revocation, and a statement describing how the individual may revoke such authorization; and a statement that if the information is released to an organization other than a 1xbet best casino website plan or 1xbet best casino website care provider, the released information may no longer be protected by federal privacy regulations."

Healthcare providers are required to respond to a summons issued by the Clerk of any court (subpoena duces tecum) which will probably include the patient authorization. It is recommended that the facility legal counsel be consulted if it is deemed advisable by the Director or the Privacy Officer. It is recommended that the facility legal counsel be consulted if the subpoena does not include the patient authorization or if drug or alcohol abuse is involved.

.050 Procedure for Releasing X-Rays

Each patient is given a CD with his/her x-rays on it at the time of service.

.060 Eligibility for Care, General Provisions

1xbet best casino website Fees are established upon the recommendation of the Student Senate with approval by the Board of Regents. The 1xbet best casino website Fee is a general support fee that provides access to the services of the 1xbet best casino website Center for the payer.

Generally, all students who are enrolled and attending classes during a regular semester or summer sessionwho have paid the 1xbet best casino website feeare eligible for care.

The paid 1xbet best casino website fee provides access to the 1xbet best casino website Center. It also generally provides routine clinic office consultations or short visits during regular clinic hours at no charge. Additional minimal charges are made for ancillary services and supplies. Refer to the current 1xbet best casino website Center Schedule of Charges for more information.

During the summer, students who were enrolled in the preceding spring semester and were eligible for care, and who are pre-enrolled or planning to attend the fall semester, may obtain refills of prescriptions more than once without paying the 1xbet best casino website fee. This also includes the requirement of an updated physician order for the refill. Medical consultation beyond that allowed above requires an office visit charge for non-students.

Those students who have graduated from the university in the spring and who had paid that spring semester's 1xbet best casino website fee may request to pay non-student rates for services. The patient's account with Lafene 1xbet best casino website Center must be current and not in delinquent status and must be maintained current to remain eligible. No further requests for eligibility beyond the summer session can be granted until enrollment occurs.

Periodically, on a formal basis, special arrangements or agreements for healthcare services may be made with on-campus or off-campus entities. Lists of those students or participants, home address, WID or social security number, insurance or billing 1xbet best casino website , and methods of identification shall be furnished in advance.

Non-student spouses of students may be seen and pay the customary office visit charge for non-students each time service is rendered including prescription refills.

Provider visits for faculty and staff primarily focus on the treatment and care of minor 1xbet best casino website conditions, pharmacy services, and laboratory services. Furthermore, we are in-network for the State of Kansas 1xbet best casino website Insurance. Common 1xbet best casino website conditions that we can help with include:

  • Coughs, colds, sinus and ear discomfort
  • Pink eye
  • Minor cuts, bruises, and abrasions
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Bug bites, stings, and domestic animal bites
  • Acute sprains and strains
  • Laboratory and Pharmacy services (based on your primary care provider’s order)

.070 Medical Treatment of Visitors with 1xbet best casino website Affiliation

Visiting athletes or other participants in university sponsored sporting or other events, participants in University sponsored conferences, workshops, camps, seminars or other events, visiting family members or guardians of students may utilize the services of the 1xbet best casino website Center on an emergency basis, or by special arrangement approved by the Center Director. Those utilizing the 1xbet best casino website Center's services outside of a special agreement or arrangement shall be charged the current non-student fees for office visits and ancillary services. The office visit charge may include a physician consultation and medication order for a one time fill at the 1xbet best casino website Center pharmacy.

.080 Continuation of Services in the Event of a Disaster

In the event a disaster should occur which incapacitates the 1xbet best casino website Center and prevents the provision of service for any period of time, the following procedures and plan shall be invoked until the 1xbet best casino website Center can regain its ability to provide care:

  1. By all means of communication available, i.e., 1xbet best casino website media, Manhattan Community media, notices to on-campus and-off campus living groups, 1xbet best casino website academic departments, deans and other areas where students may congregate, notify the student population of the plan for service continuation.

  2. For emergency medical and for inpatient hospital care, the population should report to the local hospital emergency service, 1823 College Avenue, 785-776-3322.

  3. For non-emergent general or specialty care, the population should contact a local physician's office or clinic.

  4. 1xbet best casino website Center and University Administrative personnel shall make efforts to secure as soon as possible, a temporary location, which would provide a safe, secure and otherwise appropriate environment for the re-establishment of services to the student, so as to minimize the inconvenience to the population served.

.090 Special Arrangements/Agreements with 1xbet best casino website Depts

Special arrangements or agreements may be negotiated and approved by the 1xbet best casino website Center Director between the 1xbet best casino website Center and University departments or off campus agencies. These arrangements shall be in writing and communicated to each Center.

.100 KSU Faculty/Staff Members with Work Related Injuries

All university faculty/staff members and University student employees, working in Manhattan, experiencing work related injuries must report to the 1xbet best casino website care facility contracted for Worker's Compensation care. The State Self Insurance Fund currently has a contractual arrangement with the local hospital for treatment of job related accidents if it is:

  1. life threatening - go to the Emergency Department - on College Avenue

  2. non-life-threatening - go to Occupational 1xbet best casino website office on Seth Child Avenue.

.110 Questions

Any questions regarding the contents of the foregoing policies and procedures for this chapter should be directed to the Director's Office, Lafene 1xbet best casino website Center.