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Employee Suggestion Program

Chapter 4890
Revised July 21, 2014

Table of Contents

.020 Process
.030 K-State's Employee Suggestion Committee
.040 Eligibility
.050 Awards
.060 Property Rights
.070 Questions

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KSU Employee Suggestion Program Application Form

KSU Employee Suggestion Program Evaluation Form (Adob)

.010 Introduction

To encourage and reward employee ideas, the State of Kansas created the Employee Suggestion Program. Kansas State 1xbet online casino is pleased to be a participant in that program.

Acceptable employee suggestions include those that will:

a) reduce costs, duplication, time, wasting or accidents;

b) increase productivity or job satisfaction;

c) improve services, job performance, public relations, or employee morale;

d) simplify procedures, methods, forms, tools or organizations; or

e) conserve human resources, material, money, energy or natural resources.

.020 Process

The Kansas State 1xbet online casino Employee Suggestion Application Form should be completed and submitted to the Chair, Employee Suggestion Award Committee, Human Resources, 111 Dykstra Hall, 1628 Claflin Rd, Manhattan, Kansas 66506. No supervisory or unit head approval is required to submit a suggestion.

Each suggestion will then be transmitted by the Chair to the Employee Suggestion Award Committee for review. The suggestor's name will not be disclosed while the suggestion is being considered. The Employee Suggestion Committee will evaluate the suggestion submitted. After reviewing all of the information provided, the Committee will decide whether or not to adopt a suggestion. The employee is notified whether or not the suggestion is adopted and if not, an explanation of why not.

.030 K-State's Employee Suggestion Committee

The KSU Employee Suggestion Committee includes three 1xbet online casino support staff members and three unclassified members who are appointed for two-year terms by the Vice President for Human Resources. The committee is chaired by a staff member from Human Resources.

.040 Eligibility

All K-State employees shall be eligible to receive cash awards under this program.

.050 Awards

An award for an adopted suggestion may be: a) certificate of merit, or b) a certificate of merit plus a cash payment.

The type of award and the cash amount, if any, for suggestions with no cost savings, will be determined by the Committee.

A monetary or non-monetary award shall be provided to employees who make a suggestion that is adopted under the Employee Suggestion program that would increase efficiencies or other economies of savings in the operations of KSU. The monetary awards for innovation shall be 10% of the cost reduction accrued during the first 12 months after implementation of the suggestion, up to a maximum of ,000. The award shall be paid by KSU implementing the suggestion from monies appropriated and available for operating expenditures of KSU or from other funding sources as appropriated.

.060 Property Rights

Once the award is granted and accepted, the suggestion shall be considered the property of Kansas State 1xbet online casino .

.070 Questions

Questions about the K-State's Employee Suggestion Award Program or any suggestions that have been submitted should be directed to the Chair, KSU Employee Suggestion Award Committee, Human Resources, 111 Dykstra Hall, 1628 Claflin Rd, Manhattan, KS 66506. (785) 532-6277.