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Division of 1xbet online casino

Chapter 7810

Revised August 31, 2012; July 28, 2017

Table of Contents

.010Use of 1xbet online casino Folding Tables and Chairs
.020Access Control - Utility Tunnels
.030Access Control - KSU Building Roofs
.040KSU Utilities - Utilization Requirements
.050Processing Requests for Estimates
.060 Campus Maintenance and Repair Services
Related Materials
.110 1xbet sports betting log-in to IT services
.115Request for an Estimate (pdf)

.010 Use of 1xbet online casino Folding Tables and Chairs

Use of university tables and chairs is provided upon request by submitting a Work Order Request to the 1xbet online casino Service Desk indicating the number of tables and chairs needed. If tables and/or chairs are requested in conjunction with an event, a 1xbet online casino Request for Use of University Buildings and Grounds form is required.

Tables and chairs are to be used on authorized Kansas State University property by recognized university groups or departments. The sponsor or the group representative must be present when the chairs are delivered in order to verify their condition upon delivery. If not present, the tables or chairs will not be delivered. The sponsor or the group representative must be present when the chairs and tables are picked up in order to verify damage or loss during use. If not present, the 1xbet online casino supervisor will note the condition of the tables or chairs. If damage occurs, the using department or group will pay for the total amount of replacement. The order form for pick-up and delivery must be signed by the sponsor or the requesting group at both the delivery time and the pick-up time.

The sponsoring department will be billed by the Division of 1xbet online casino for the use. Additional charges are assessed for delivery, set up, tear down and re-storage. If the request for use is to be canceled, the sponsor or group must notify the Special Events Coordinator 24 hours prior to the scheduled date in order to release them for use elsewhere. Failure to do so will result in the group being billed for the use.

Arrangements for delivery and pick-up of tables or chairs is to be done through the 1xbet online casino Service Desk, 785-532-6389.

.020 Access Control - Utility Tunnels

The tunnel system, housing utilities that serve the Kansas State University campus, is part of campus 1xbet online casino and the responsibility, both for safety and security, of the Division of 1xbet online casino . Entrance to any tunnel shall have direct approval from the Associate Vice President for 1xbet online casino and be in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. Two or more persons shall be present to enter a tunnel and must always remain in sight of each other. Bump/hard hats shall be worn while in the tunnel.

  2. Entryway to tunnels shall be secured. Doors, manhole covers, screens, etc., required to be left open must be manned or properly barricaded.

  3. Applicable safety regulations will be followed at all times and safety appliances used where required. All persons, other than 1xbet online casino personnel, who may be approved by 1xbet online casino to go in university utility tunnels will be required to sign a waiver of liability.

  4. All installations in the tunnels shall meet the standards and guidelines of the Division of 1xbet online casino and such installation will be monitored by the Associate Vice President for 1xbet online casino or his designated representative. Damages to the tunnels or utilities will be the responsibility of the company/department causing the damage.

  5. Damages to the tunnels or utilities will be repaired at the discretion of 1xbet online casino and paid for by the responsible party. Any installation that is not in compliance with Item 4 will be subject to removal and reinstallation by 1xbet online casino at the expense of the responsible party.

  6. The Kansas State University Police Department will be notified by the user, if other than 1xbet online casino personnel, each time entrance is made into the tunnel system, giving the point of entry, number of persons, work location, approximate duration, and when user leaves and tunnel is secured.

Failure to secure authorization to enter tunnels or violations of any other procedure(s) outlined above will be reported to Kansas State 1xbet online casino Police Department and trespassers will be immediately removed from the tunnels.

.030 Access Control - KSU Building Roofs

Roofs of university buildings are the responsibility of the Division of 1xbet online casino . Access to roofs shall be requested from and approved by the Associate Vice President for 1xbet online casino as follows:

  1. Before placement of any object, permanent or temporary, a detailed sketch is required and must be approved by the Director of 1xbet online casino Building Maintenance, showing the method of attachment and roof system protection. All installation will be monitored by a representative from 1xbet online casino . Any damages occurring to the structure or roof will be repaired by 1xbet online casino and the cost paid by the user.

  2. Access routes and means of access to roofs will be established by 1xbet online casino , and access is not permitted unless approved as stated. If access is approved, unlocking access routes will be arranged through the Director.

  3. Applicable safety regulations will be followed at all times and safety appliances used where required. All persons, other than 1xbet online casino personnel, who may be approved by 1xbet online casino to go on university building roofs will be required to sign a waiver of liability.

  4. Any requested opening and/or closing of a roof penetration will be made by 1xbet online casino and the cost will be borne by the requestor.

.040 KSU Utilities - Utilization Requirements

Utilities are described as domestic water, chilled water, steam, natural gas, electricity and sewer. The availability and/or accessibility of any or all of these utility services is limited in certain buildings on campus. To assure that Kansas State 1xbet online casino departments and college needs can be satisfactorily met in the development of their programs and laboratories, the following guidelines are recommended.

  1. The Assistant Vice President for 1xbet online casino is to be contacted at the beginning of any program planning if the project includes installation of equipment or remodeling in areas involving any of the referred to utilities. All utility connections shall be made according to the latest building codes, as required by Kansas statutes.

  2. The Assistant Vice President for 1xbet online casino shall be contacted before purchase request is initiated, gift is acceptedor grant request is submitted to ensure all utility systems involved are adequate and any necessary adjustments or increases in service can be made prior to start-up.Such changes may be required in either internal building systems or external delivery systems.

  3. It is the responsibility of the user to notify the Assistant Vice President for 1xbet online casino in sufficient time to make service arrangementsfor new departmental equipment, and it is the responsibility of 1xbet online casino to provide utility services where possible and economically feasible.

  4. Failure to make adequate advance arrangements for the activities as outlined in guidelines 1 and 2 may result in significant delays.

.050 Requests for Project Estimate

A core function of 1xbet online casino is to assist the K-State community with planning and implementing construction projects in University buildings and on University land. A key element to planning large and small/medium construction projects is the development of accurate and timely forecasts of probable project cost. 1xbet online casino assists by developing these forecasts and opinions of probable costs to aid in the project decision-making process for both long range large capital project planning and the planning and implementation of small/medium capital projects. Forecasts and opinions of probable cost are provided to campus typically at no charge by 1xbet online casino through a request by a vice president, dean, department chair or assigned building manager.

If construction is proposed or desired, the process begins with completing a Project Estimate Request form (pdf). Requestors are asked to provide contact information along with potential project scope and a desired project timeline.

Project Estimate Request forms are submitted online or sent through campus mail to the attention of: 1xbet online casino Service Desk, Dykstra Hall). Validated requests are converted to an Estimate Work Order # in AIM for internal tracking and then routed to internal staff by service desk personnel. For questions regarding completion of the form, contact the 1xbet online casino Service Desk.

Requests for opinions of probable project cost most often fall into three basic categories:

A. Small maintenance/repair and cosmetic work typically of a single trade such as paint, carpet, moving an outlet, changing a light fixture, etc. These also include any specialized operations, maintenance or cleaning request not included in the basic campus services described in PPM Chapter 7810.060.

B. Small/medium renovation/remodeling or new building projects less than 0,000 (small) and ,000,000 (medium) with multiple trades to coordinate service. See 1xbet sports bett.

C. Large capital projects over ,000,000 in total value. At K-State, capital projects are defined by the Legislature and Kansas Board of Regents as those exceeding ,000,000 in total project cost. See 1xbet sports bett.

Small maintenance/repair and cosmetic requests are received and routed by the 1xbet online casino Service Desk to the zone maintenance, construction, custodial or landscape/grounds team leadership for assignment and completion. These requests are typically completed and returned to the requestor within 10 working days. If at that time, or within a reasonable window of estimate age, the campus client agrees in writing that the scope of work is correct, opinion of probable cost is acceptable and an FIS account is identified, then work may be scheduled for completion by contacting the 1xbet online casino Service Desk.

All other requests are routed by the 1xbet online casino Service Desk to Campus Planning and Project Management for review and assignment to a project manager. These request are typically coordinated with steps 2 and 3 of the capital improvement decision process. See 1xbet sports bett for additional information.

.060 Campus Maintenance and Repair Services

The Division of 1xbet online casino is responsible forand shall provide campus maintenance and repair services to buildings, campus grounds, parking lots, sidewalks, streets and utilities, whether the work is done by 1xbet online casino personnel, contract or by a department, and regardless of the source of funding. This policy defines procedures and identifies responsibility for approval and payment.


"Maintenance services" are the recurring, day-to-day, periodic or scheduled work required to preserve or immediately restore a facility or grounds to such condition that it can be effectively used for its designed purpose. Such services are budgeted and performed through the Division of 1xbet online casino . Departments wishing additional or extraordinary services can obtain them through a Work Order Request and FIS account to cover related costs. It is the responsibility of individual departments to ensure that day-to-day usage and all special activities are conducted in a manner which maintains the integrity of our buildings and grounds. If damages result in excess of normal wear and tear (as determined by the Division of 1xbet online casino ), departments will befinancially responsible for the restoration of the facility or grounds and correction of the circumstances that caused the problem.

"Repairs" relate to the restoration of a facility or grounds to such a condition that it may be effectively utilized for its intended purpose. This may involve the overhaul or replacement of major constituent parts that have deteriorated by action of the elements or usage. Ordinary repairs are budgeted and performed through the Division of 1xbet online casino and through the Special Maintenance and Repairs allocation. Departments wishing additional or extraordinary repairs can obtain them through a Work Order Request and FIS account to cover related costs. It should be noted that some types of repairs will necessitate upgrade of a facility or grounds to comply with the latest building code, as required by Kansas statutes.

Maintenance Services

A. The Division of 1xbet online casino provides the following routine maintenance services for academic and administrative 1xbet online casino :

1. Complete custodial services in buildings. This is inclusive of floor care, general cleaning, emptying of waste baskets, cleaning of chalkboards and arranging chairs in classrooms.

2. Trash removal.

3. Care of the grounds area including lawns, trees, flowers, shrubs and other aspects of the landscape.

4. Snow removal from streets and walks.

5. Plumbing services including domestic water supply infrastructure, fixtures and drinking fountains, storm and sanitary sewer to drain traps.

6. Utilities: electricity, gas, water and sewer to all public areas and to departmental equipment.

B. Requests for services beyond the routine will be charged to the requesting department. These services may include, but are not limited to:

1. Additional cleaning services.

2. Trash removal beyond normal items and frequency, heavy or bulky materials, or excessive amounts.

3. Carpet cleaning contracted by off-campus vendors and 1xbet online casino .

4. Installation of department equipment.


A. The Division of 1xbet online casino provides the following routine minor repairs:

1. Exterior and interior building surfaces. This includes walls, windows, doors and existing floors.

2. Campus streets and walks.

3. Lighting of buildings and grounds, which includes replacement of bulbs and fixtures that are a part of the building.

4. Comfort air conditioning. This includes maintenance and repair of existing units.

5. Utilities to tables or equipment or to the basic electrical disconnect or shutoff valve that services the equipment.

6. Painting of building common area interiors and exteriors on a regular maintenance schedule.

7. Other minor repairs, maintenance or building code related upgrades which do not fall into departmental or other jurisdiction.

Departments wishing to have repairs beyond those routinely provided may pay for them through a Work Order Request and/or Estimate Request to the 1xbet online casino Customer Service Desk.

Examples of typical requests:

  • Light fixtures not a part of the building and special light bulbs.
  • Painting not a part of the regular schedule.
  • Plumbing to the drain trap.
  • Carpeting in areas not currently carpeted.
  • Air conditioning in areas not now air conditioned.
  • Utilities from equipment, table or shutoff valve.
  • Other equipment or furnishings or equipment owned and/or on the departmental inventory.
.070 Questions

All questions concerning policies and procedures should be referred to the Associate Vice President for 1xbet online casino and University Architect, 785-532-1373.