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1xbet sports betting Information System

Chapter 6030
Revised July 6, 2015; May 16, 2018; Jan. 17, 2019

Table of Contents

.010 Introduction
.020 Responsibilities
.030 Overview of the Accounting Process
.040 Operations
.050 Multi-Segment FIS Account Structure
.060 Establishing FIS Projects
.065 Program Cost Account Codes
.070 Source Numbers
.080 Organization/Department Numbers
.090 FIS Object Codes
.100 1xbet sports betting Access
.110 1xbet sports betting Procedures
.120 Cash Receipts Procedures
.130 Cash Disbursement Procedures
.140 FIS Restricted Use Accounts in Overdraft Status
.150 Encumbrance Procedures
.160 Sponsored Programs
.170 Purchasing
.180 Payroll
.190 Data Retrieval
.200 Monthly Reports
.210 Questions
Related Content
.420 New 1xbet sports betting Request Form
.430 1xbet sports betting Forms

.010 Introduction

The 1xbet sports betting Information System, or FIS, is the official accounting system of Kansas State University. Through FIS individual 1xbet sports betting transactions relating to budgets, receipts, disbursements, and transfers are accumulated to provide summary and detailed reports to assist in the 1xbet sports betting management of the University. This 1xbet sports betting information is also reformatted and submitted to theStatewide Management, Accounting and Reporting Tool(SMART) for inclusion in statewide 1xbet sports betting records. The goal of FIS is to provide accurate, useful 1xbet sports betting information to assist managers in making decisions with respect to their fiduciary responsibilities while meeting state requirements. The system operates under the direction of the Assistant Vice President for Division of 1xbet sports betting Services though it relies on detailed information from many areas and individuals on campus. Hence it is critical that each area and individual understand responsibilities and the results of actions taken with respect to the accounting system. This guide is designed to provide general direction, recommendations, and minimum required controls to employees in utilization of FIS.

There are many features in addition to those discussed in this overview which make the system very flexible and usable. Departments are encouraged to utilize the system for their reporting needs rather than restructure, or reprocess the data through mini-unit automated systems. Through a thorough understanding of FIS, the user will derive the maximum benefit from the system. This understanding, combined with timely input of 1xbet sports betting data, will result in more useful 1xbet sports betting reports.

This revised chapter supersedes all previous 1xbet sports betting information system chapters.

.020 Responsibilities

Department personnel are responsible for accurate completion of all documents sent to the Division of 1xbet sports betting Services; carefully reviewing monthly reports; reporting errors to the Division of 1xbet sports betting Services in a timely manner; and, verifying errors are corrected as they anticipated.

The Division of 1xbet sports betting Services is responsible for: providing training and/or information to departmental personnel on document completion and report review; maintaining the accounting system; development and maintenance of controls in the system; and, correcting noted errors in a timely manner.

.030 Overview of the Accounting Process

Accounting Principles:

Kansas State 1xbet sports betting follows the fund accounting concept utilized by non-profit organizations. Following widely accepted standards for reporting allows consistency between KSU and other universities. These standards are established by the National Association of College and 1xbet sports betting Business Officers (NACUBO) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

The 1xbet sports betting Information System (FIS) is designed to follow these standards yet provide flexibility to meet the individual needs of most users.

.040 Operations

All information to update the accounting system is provided to either the 1xbet sports betting Office or Division of Financial Services. Standard documents have been developed to provide consistency in recurring actions. Copies of these documents and instructions on their completion are in 1xbet sports bett.

Upon receipt of a document theDivision of 1xbet sports betting Services, Accounts Payablesection, scans it for compliance with any applicable regulations and obvious errors. The document is then entered into FIS and the accounting 1xbet sports betting is updated. Departments can review the 1xbet sports betting updates for their accounts through on-line access. See PPM Chapter 6030.190 Data Retrieval. Daily reports are generated for theDivision of 1xbet sports betting Servicesfor use in verifying all data was entered.

FIS is designed to update daily. Any report program can be produced at any time, even on a daily basis, if desired.

.050 Multi-Segment FIS Account Structure

General Ledger Account Structure

1xbet sports betting Source (Index)Organization (Department)Object Code

The GL Account Structure as shown above is currently comprised of four component segments, each having a specific structure and purpose:

1. 1xbet sports betting : The 1xbet sports betting segment is 10 characters in length.

The first character must be either a "G" (Grant Accounts), an "M" (Matching Accounts), or an "N" for Non-Grant/Non-Matching accounts.

The second through fourth character contains the Organization (Department) Alpha abbreviation.This is the same 3 character alpha as used for HRIS. An Excel document containing campus Alpha Organization codes is located on our web site.

The fifth through tenth characters are free-form, alphanumeric, as determined by the individual department.No special characters or spaces are allowed.

Examples (Spaces for instructional use only)

  • N UCO 481003
  • G UCO 00MISC

2. SOURCE (Index): The Source segment is numeric and 4 characters in length.

Designated by the State, it is a higher level categorization that is defined by the state. A table of the sources frequently used by campus departments is on our web site.

3. ORGANIZATION (Department): The Organization segment is also numeric and is 5 characters in length.

Organization numbers are the same as the KSU Department number.In order to obtain a department number, approval must be sought through the 1xbet sports betting Office to be designated as an official KSU department.

The same table that has your Organization Alpha abbreviation also has your organization number.

4. Object Code (Object): The Object segment is alphanumeric and 5 characters in length.

Used to categorize assets, liabilities, fund balance, revenue, expense, and 1xbet sports betting entries.

The first character must be an Alpha character and defines type as a(n):

E (Expense)A (Assets)

R (Revenue)L (Liabilities)

B (1xbet sports betting )F (Fund Balance)

.060 Establishing FIS Projects

Individual FIS accounts are required for all major programs and operations. Related activities within a department may be grouped together in a single FIS 1xbet sports betting , however, a separate accounting should be maintained by the department for each activity. A miscellaneous restricted fee 1xbet sports betting may be established to group low-volume, low-dollar, or non-repetitive activities.

To request the establishment of a new FIS 1xbet sports betting , one copy of the "New Account Request Form" needs to be completed and submitted to theDivision of Financial Services. A copy of this form and instructions for completion are in1xbet sports betting. Questions regarding the establishment of a new account for the completion of the form should be directed to 1xbet online sports betting Rep at 785-532-1853.

NOTE: These instructions and form are NOT applicable when requesting a 1xbet sports betting number for a Sponsored 1xbet sports betting . Please contact1xbet online casino at 785-532-6207 regarding appropriate procedures.

.065 Program Cost Account Codes

Program Cost Account Codes (PCA) are used to identify the type of activity. Only one PCA can be used for each 1xbet sports betting . These PCA codes identify the 1xbet sports betting by functional classifications outlined by the National Association of College and University Business Administration. Examples include instruction, research, public service, academic support, student services, institutional support, operation and maintenance of plant, scholarships and fellowships, auxiliaries, and independent operations.

The list of Program Cost Account Codes is available on the 1xbet sports betting Cost Account codes,Expense.

.070 Source Numbers

"FIS Sources (State Index Codes) are used to identify the type of funding affected through transacting business in FIS. Sources note the funding as being state appropriated, general fees, or restricted fees to name a few.

A detailed list of Source Codes can be found at the following link: 1xbet sports be

.080 Organization/Department Numbers

Each department has been assigned a unique five digit number as an attribute in FIS and each account is identified to the appropriate department. The first two digits of the five digit number generally identifies the organizational unit (college or vice presidential area) with the last three digits identifying the specific department. 1xbet sports betting Cost Account codes.

In order to establish new departments, change departmental names and to make organizational changes within non-academic departments, a request should be submitted for approval to the vice president associated with the non-academic department. Academic department changes should be submitted for approval to the Provost and must additionally follow steps outlined in the 1xbet best casino website Kansas State Unive.

To request approval, a memorandum should be submitted providing details associated with the change. At a minimum, requests should include the following information:

  • Reason for the changes, including the benefit to Kansas State 1xbet sports betting
  • Evidence of required approvals (e.g., college level approvals)
  • Proposed effective date
  • Any name changes, including prior and new department names
  • Five digit department number(s) involved

The Division of Financial Services should be copied on the request. Once approved, the Division of Financial Services will route the request through the following offices for notification and administrative action: Human Capital Services (HRIS), 1xbet sports betting Office, Planning and Analysis, PreAward Services and Office of the Registrar (KSIS).

Changes to the organizational structure that meet the below criteria must be approved by the Council of Chief Academic Officers, the Council of Presidents and the Kansas Board of Regents:

  • Substantial reorganization of a state 1xbet sports betting ’s academic structure.
  • Any new stand-alone college/school.
  • If they require new state funding, any new department, institute or center.
  • Any new degree programs.
  • Any extension of an approved degree program to a higher degree level, e.g., Associate Degree to Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Any new major under an existing degree name.

In order to allow appropriate time to obtain Regent approval, the vice president or provost should receive the request at least three months in advance of the desired change.

.090 FIS Object Codes

1xbet sports betting Cost Account codes.

.100 1xbet sports betting Access

Entry into the 1xbet sports betting Information System is limited to those who have attended the formal training sessions and submitted the 1xbet sports betting Information System Acc. For further information, contact the 1xbet online casinoat 785-532-1861.

Once you have entered the 1xbet sports betting you are free (within the limits of your 1xbet sports betting access security authorization) to move about the 1xbet sports betting through the menu screens.

.110 1xbet sports betting Procedures

Interaction with FIS 1xbet sports betting will be in three categories:

1. Annual 1xbet sports betting :

Each fiscal year, the 1xbet sports betting Office completes the annual the annual operating 1xbet sports betting for Kansas State University and its sub-agencies: Research and Extension and the College of Veterinary Medicine.The annual operating 1xbet sports betting is developed based on Legislative, Board of Regents, and KSU central administrative approval. The annual operating 1xbet sports betting consists of all university funds that are expended through the State. The 1xbet sports betting is used to allocate the appropriate funds to the campus and is reported to the Kansas Legislature and the Board of Regents each year in the 1xbet sports betting request document. The annual 1xbet sports betting position listing provides detailed 1xbet sports betting information of classified and unclassified positions, student and other operating expenditures by organization.The detailed funding information includes project, source, and organization for each 1xbet sports betting line.

The 1xbet sports betting Office downloads only centrally allocated funds from the annual 1xbet sports betting position listing into FIS. See the 1xbet online casino website for a list of centrally allocated funds:

The Annual 1xbet sports betting amounts are downloaded into FIS by project, source, and organization (multi-segment account) using the object codes listed below:

A. RevenueB0100

B. ClassifiedB1000

C. UnclassifiedB1100

D. StudentB1200

E. OOEB2000

Revenue is transferred into each account equal to the 1xbet sports betting allocation for the centrally allocated funds.

2. Benefit Pool Allocation:

During the annual 1xbet sports betting download process, unclassified benefits for sources 0003, 2000, 1020, 1030, and 1300 are deposited into a central benefit pool project.Each month after payroll benefit expenses have posted, the 1xbet sports betting and cash will be transferred from the benefit pool to each organization based on the actual unclassified benefit expense.The transactions will post to each project, source, and organization where the expense was incurred. The benefit pool has several exceptions within the sources listed. The 1xbet sports betting Office will exclude from the benefit pool: K-State Salina, Targeted Excellence Projects, Summer School, and Federal Benefits. These areas have the benefit amounts budgeted with each project at the beginning of the fiscal year.

3. 1xbet sports betting Tran-Type:

In the Discover Report, Transaction Detail Report, the column Tran-type will list one of the two following descriptions:

1. 1xbet sports betting – Original:

A. This Tran-type is used when original 1xbet sports betting is downloaded into FIS as described above.All original 1xbet sports betting entries occur in July at the beginning of the fiscal year except for the second allocation made to the Research and Extension federal funds.The description in FIS reads "1xbet sports betting -Original" without a document number.

2. 1xbet sports betting - Transfer:

A. In FIS the Tran-type shown as 1xbet sports betting -Transfer occurs with no document numbers when a benefit pool transfer is being made.The benefit pool transfers will usually occur twice during a month.The object code of B1100 will identify these entries.

B. When all other 1xbet sports betting transfers are being made, the type is 1xbet sports betting -Transfer with a document number present.If there is a question, a document can be located through a document search.

Preparation and Processing:

The 1xbet sports betting Office is responsible for entering the original 1xbet sports betting amounts and processing the Allocated 1xbet sports betting Transfer Forms on all non-grant projects.The Allocated 1xbet sports betting Transfers will adjust the revised 1xbet sports betting column on the FIS reports.

The Allocated 1xbet sports betting Transfer form is located on the Division of 1xbet sports betting Services website. Instructions to complete the form are found on the 1xbet sports betting Of.

Departments will release and approve Allocated 1xbet sports betting Transfers to the 1xbet sports betting Office. The 1xbet sports betting Office will then review all transfers and authorize them to be entered into FIS. The Division of Financial Services will upload them into the Financial Information System.

Instructions for preparing this form are found in PPM Chapter 6030.440.

.120 Cash Receipts Procedures

There are four basic cash receipt transactions: Standard Cash Receipts, Direct Deposit Receipts, Letter of Credit Receipts and Refunds. Standard Cash Receipts are any collection of monies made by the 1xbet sports betting departments and deposited with theCampus Treasury management 1xbet onli of theDivision of 1xbet sports betting Services. Direct Deposits and Letter of Credit Receipts are monies sent directly to the State Treasurer's Office without first being deposited locally and mainly concern theDivision of 1xbet sports betting Servicespersonnel. Refunds only involve campus enrollment fees, KSU, Housing and Global Campus enrollment fees. Deposits should not be made to any Grant Projects or any allocated funds.

Standard Cash Receipts may be deposited to any 1xbet sports betting . The system recognizes cash receipts as a credit to the 1xbet sports betting indicated and automatically generates an offsetting debit to the claim on cash. Red deposits (negative cash receipts) and refunds are recorded as a debit to the account indicated and automatically generates an off-setting credit to the claim on cash. On all FIS transactions, a credit is indicated by a negative sign behind the figure.

Therefore, a standard cash receipt transaction will have a negative sign and any red deposit or refund will have a positive (no sign) behind it.

The procedure for preparing cash receipts for deposit are described in 1xbet online casi. If you have any additional questions about cash receipts, please contact theCampus Treasury management 1xsection, Room 212 Anderson Hall at 785-532-6317.

.130 Cash Disbursement Procedures

Cash disbursements record money paid by the institution.

The 1xbet sports betting recognizes cash disbursements as debits to the account on the transaction. The 1xbet sports betting automatically generates an offsetting credit to cash.

Detailed explanation on document preparation is explained in1xbet sports bett.

.140 Projects in Overdraft Status

After accounts are overdrawn for three consecutive months, vendor payments, which attempt to post charges against overdrawn restricted use, non-grant FIS accounts, will be returned to the paying departments. The selection of another account, a transfer of payment, or a transfer of funds must occur before the payment will be processed. It should be noted that encumbered amounts are not included in the calculation of the account balance when determining the overdraft status.

Circumstances that warrant exception to this policy should be brought to the attention of theDivision of 1xbet sports betting Servicesthrough a letter explaining the extenuating circumstances. Letters requesting exception must be signed by the dean or head of the administrative unit that is responsible for the overdrawn account. Letters requesting exemption from this policy are valid for 24 months. As exemption authorizations expire, new letters proposing a course of action to resolve the deficit must be submitted according to the guidance noted above.

Month End Reports indicate the status of cash in each account. Additionally, theAccounts Payablesection of theDivision of 1xbet sports betting Servicesdistributes on a quarterly basis reports to administrative unit and college level business managers that indicate restricted use accounts in overdraft status. In addition to the hard copy notification to the department,Accounts Payablestaff will monitor restricted use accounts and department staff will be contacted subsequent to the three-month grace period mentioned above.

General use accounts and grant accounts are excluded from this policy. TheBudget Office and Sponsored Programs Accounting in the Division of 1xbet sports betting Servicesset policies that apply to these account types.

.150 Encumbrance Procedures

1xbet sports betting users may recognize committed funds prior to the actual recognition when goods/services are received. This allows the institution to analyze the use and current status of budgeted funds. These commitments are entered into the 1xbet sports betting with an encumbrance transaction.

Encumbrances provide more comprehensive control of budgeted expenditures and more detailed reporting. Like budgets, encumbrances are memo notation items and are not treated as liabilities. An encumbrance reduces the project's 1xbet sports betting availability and generates a commitment record on the Open Commitment File.

.160 Sponsored Programs

See 1xbet sports betting.

.170 Purchasing

The processing of Purchase Requisitions (P.R.s) and Agency Purchase Orders (A.P.O.s) is handled in the usual manner as outlined in 1xbet online game, Purchasing Procedures. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact Make a PurchaseView all options, at (785) 532-6214.

.180 Payroll


The Payroll 1xbet sports betting uses a batch feed to FIS which is run three to five times per month: first for supplementals paid between the 1st and 15th, second for adjustments, and third through fifth (as needed) for payrolls dated the first of the new month.

For employees who are paid from multiple projects accounts, the fringe benefits are computed then allocated among the accounts in the same ratio as salary expense per account is to the gross total.

Some academic appointments are expensed in nine months but the employee is paid over 12 months. The difference between the amount expensed and the amount paid is recorded to a 9/12 accrued salary 1xbet sports betting and paid out to the employees in the months of June, July and August. The amount accrued each month is the annual salary divided by 12 x .33333. Associated fringe benefit charges are computed at .33333 x current month fringes except FICA which is computed based on the current FICA rates, wage limits and employee salary. Both the amounts paid and the amounts expensed are detailed on the Payroll Payments by 1xbet sports betting reports and are summarized as separate transactions (one for paid amounts and one for accrued amounts) in FIS.

June payrolls dated July 1 through July 10 are charged to current year business (as opposed to new fiscal year) and are reflected on the June monthly reports and current fiscal year reports.


When a 1xbet sports betting year ends and a new 1xbet sports betting year begins and a new 1xbet sports betting number is assigned, a source of salary change (PER-39 or GST) must be prepared and submitted for each classified and unclassified employee currently paid on the grant. The funding does not automatically "roll over" into the new 1xbet sports betting . Funding sources for hourly students must be made on the time sheets.


Assessment of CWSP Administrative Expense to departments is accomplished via automatic (system-generated) journal entries. Department share (currently 25%, plus the Federal share (currently 75%) are used for the calculation. Subcode E2990 is used for the charges. CWSP Administrative Expense charges relating to federally sponsored projects are reflected in the departmental SRO projects. If no SRO projects exist, the charges are posted to General Fees projects, certain appropriated projects, or in special situations to another Restricted Fee 1xbet sports betting .

The Federal share of CWSP salaries is charged to special projects.. While departments receive statements and Payroll Payments by 1xbet sports betting Reports for these accounts, the funds do not come out of departmental budgets. The statements and reports are for information only.

PAYROLL PAYMENTS BY 1xbet sports betting REPORTS

Payroll Payments by Account 1xbet sports betting are detailed listings of individual employees and the associated charges for the month for each KSU 1xbet sports betting number. These reports are generated from the payroll system and support the payroll data summarized in the reports generated from the Financial Information System.

These reports are generated for any 1xbet sports betting to which payroll data are posted; however, if no payroll is charged for the month, no report will be generated.

.190 Data Retrieval

Reporting of 1xbet sports betting Information System Data or Data Retrieval deals with providing information for management decision. Data retrieval is represented as information displayed on a CRT (computer terminal screen) or as printed reports produced by the 1xbet sports betting Information System. This section of the manual is meant to acquaint the reader with accounting information available through accessing the Inquiry Screens that contain the latest information processed by the system and to provide a brief explanation of the daily, monthly and year-end reports printed out as a part of a closing process.

System screens are available for online inquiry and viewing. These screens show the 1xbet sports betting status, activity and reflect the most current status from all processes transacted against the projects. The system does not allow the user to change any of the inquiry data.

The inquiry screens and a brief description of content are as follows.

As the 1xbet sports betting Information System is updated on a daily basis and current day's transactions are merged into month-to-date and year-to-date history files, various reports can be run at virtually anytime through Discover reports. The information contained on the various reports, however, will be only as current and accurate as the input into the system. In other words, if a transaction has not been entered or has been entered incorrectly, the accuracy of reports that are generated will be reflected accordingly. The FIS System has the ability to provide a number of management reports on request. General use reports are generated monthly and distributed to users.

Local encumbrances which are outstanding at the end of the year will be converted to a state encumbrance and will be assigned an FIS order and line number.

Encumbrances carry forward to the new year. Encumbrances consist of certain construction contracts and Sponsored Research 1xbet sports betting Contracts when funds are not provided until after the expense is incurred. There can also be KSU. local contingent encumbrances for items which will not be included on a DA-118 and converted to a state encumbrance at the end of the year.

.200 Monthly Reports

Reports described in this section are run monthly on the 1xbet sports betting and distributed electronically by department number to authorized user ids.The following indicates the monthly cycle report programs with a brief explanation of each report:



MO-END Acct Sum Month-End

Month End 1xbet sports betting Summary

MO-END 1xbet sports betting Grant Month-End

Month End 1xbet sports betting - Grant

MO-END 1xbet sports betting Non Grants Month-End

Month End 1xbet sports betting Non Grants

MO-END Enc Month-End


MO-END Tran Month-End

Month End Transaction Detail – Non Grant

MO-END Tran Expense- Grant Month-End

Month End Transaction Expense - Grant

.210 Questions

Questions should be directed to one of the following Offices.

Division of 1xbet sports betting Services, General Accounting(785) 532-6202
Division of 1xbet sports betting Services, Fund Balancing(785) 532-7089
Division of 1xbet sports betting Services, Cashiers and Student Accounts(785) 532-6317
Division of 1xbet sports betting Services, Sponsored Programs Accounting(785) 532-6207
Division of 1xbet sports betting Services, Purchasing and Contract Services(785) 532-6214
1xbet sports betting Office(785) 532-6767
Division of Human Resources, Payroll(785) 532-6277

.420 New 1xbet sports betting Request Form

Take me to theNew 1xbet sports betting R(pdf)

The New 1xbet sports betting Request Form is to be submitted to the Division of Financial Services. Once a 1xbet sports betting number has been assigned, the bottom portion of the form will be completed and a copy returned to the department. Questions regarding the completion of this form should be directed to the 1xbet online sports betting Rep and Asset Management section at (785) 532-1855. The form is to be prepared as follows: The referenced numbers also appear at the appropriate place on the sample form.

1.1xbet sports betting Start Date:Insert the date the 1xbet sports betting should become active.
2.FIS 1xbet sports betting Number:Insert the FIS 1xbet sports betting number; the 1stdigit will be an "N", the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th characters must be the department alpha. The last 6 digits can be any variety of alphas and/or numeric characters. (Any Grant 1xbet sports betting must be setup through the 1xbet online casino section.)
3.Organization Name:Insert the name of the department.
4.1xbet sports betting Name:Insert the name of the 1xbet sports betting . (This is a 30 position attribute; the first 3 positions must be the Alpha Department Name)
5.1xbet sports betting Description:Insert an explanation of what this 1xbet sports betting is going to be used for (e.g. To keep track of receipts and expenses related to the use of the magnetic and transmission electron microscope equipment.)
6.Fund Source Number:Insert the fund source number.
7.Program Cost Account:Choose the option that describes the main activity for which the funds in this 1xbet sports betting will be expended.
8.Source of 1xbet sports betting or Revenue:Insert an explanation of where the funds for this 1xbet sports betting are coming from (e.g. An hourly fee for usage between and depending on the equipment used.)
9.Estimated Revenues:Insert an estimate of annual funds to be deposited to this 1xbet sports betting .
10Estimated Expenditures:Insert an estimate of annual payments to be made from this 1xbet sports betting .
11.Department Head:Signature of the Department Head.
12.V.P. or Dean or Director:Signature of Provost, Vice Provost, Vice President, Dean or Director.

.430 1xbet sports betting Forms

Allocated 1xbet sports betting Transfers andNon-allocated Funds Transfers are used to correct or adjust previous 1xbet sports betting entries. A list of the Allocated and Non-Allocated Funds is available on the 1xbet sports betting Of.

Allocated 1xbet sports betting Transfer

The Allocated 1xbet sports betting Transfers are completed using E-Forms which assigns a document number. When a 1xbet sports betting transfer is completed, in addition to the 1xbet sports betting transfer entry, two other entries will also take place to reflect the cash movement:

1. B0100 1xbet sports betting revenue entries follow the 1xbet sports betting transfer entry for the increase and decrease of 1xbet sports betting entries.

2. The following revenue entries will occur each time a 1xbet sports betting transfer is completed:

A. R6641 is a revenue increase entry

B. R6642 is a revenue decrease entry

Non-Allocated Funds Transfer

The non-allocated funds transfer form looks nearly identical to the allocated 1xbet sports betting transfer form.

1. The non-allocated form is used to transfer cash for non-allocated funds. The 1xbet online casino has a list of non-allocated funds.

2. The following revenue entries will occur when a non-allocated funds transfer is completed:

A. R6651 is a revenue increase entry

B. R6652 is a revenue decrease entry