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Schedule of Charges

Chapter 6085

Revised March 27, 2017; July 5, 2018

Table of Contents

.010General Information
.030Service Clearing Units
.040Recharge/Service Centers
.045 Student Academic Materials
.050By-Product Sales
.060Schedule of Charges
.070Establishing Billing Rates for Schedule of Charges
.075 Use of 1xbet online games login Space
.080Checklist for Schedule of Charges
.085 Unrelated Business Income Tax
Related Materials:
.110 Sample Form Schedule of Charges
.120 Sample Form - Justification Form

.010 General Information

Kansas State 1xbet online games login produces or makes available a wide variety of products and services to the 1xbet online games login community and the sale of these can be classified into two operating categories:

1. Service Clearing Activities
2. Recharge and Service Centers

All activities, no matter how small, must have a price that can be substantiated, have a breakeven pricing schedule, abide by policies governing unfair competition, and be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. In addition, all federal and non-federal sponsored agreements must receive the lowest rate available, as specified in CFR 2 Part 200.468.

Any sale of products or 1xbet online games login by a Regents institution, its auxiliary enterprises, or an affiliated corporation of a Regents institution (all hereinafter collectively referred to as "institution(s)") is deemed appropriate only if such sale is an integral part of, or reasonably related to, an activity which is essential to the fulfillment of the institution's instructional, research or public service missions. (Board of Regents Policy on 1xbet sports betting Solicitation and Advertising)

.020 Definitions

Breakeven Concept: Rates are generally calculated based on budgeted projections of operating expenses and projected volume of the 1xbet online games login or products to be provided during the fiscal year. The goal of operating at "breakeven" is to calculate a rate that will ensure revenues reasonably offset expenses with no significant profit or loss resulting.

By-Product: A product which results in the course of the 1xbet online games login conducting research or providing instruction or public service.

Depreciation: A charge to current operations which distributes the cost of a capital asset, less the estimated salvage value, over the useful life of that asset in a systematic and logical manner. Depreciation will be calculated using the straight-line method, which means the cost will be distributed evenly throughout the useful life of the asset. (We recommend using MACRS property classes to establish the useful life of an asset. This can be found in IRS Publication 946.

Internal Customer: Internal customers include KSU departments and KSU employees acting in their capacity as an official representative of the 1xbet online games login . It also includes other State Agencies who use state appropriations to pay for the product or service. Grants and contracts processed though Preaward Services are considered internal funds and should be charged the internal customer rate.

External Customer: External customers include, but are not limited to, students, members of the faculty or staff acting in a personal capacity, community colleges, school districts and members of the community. It also includes other State agencies who use non-state appropriations to pay for the product or service.

Recharge/Service Center: An operating unit that is in existence to conduct research or provide public services for 1xbet online games login departments or the 1xbet online games login community. Services or products may be provided to external customers on an incidental basis.

Service Clearing Unit: An operating unit set up to provide services exclusively to 1xbet online games login departments and has been specifically designated by the Legislature as a service clearing unit.

.030 Service Clearing Units

In accordance with K.S.A. 76-755, Service Clearing funds shall be used only as a working capital fund to finance the internal service activities rendered to Kansas State 1xbet online games login 's own departments, other institutional related organizations and specific organizations and classes of individuals approved. These activities are specified in appropriations acts for the service clearing fund or are authorized for the service clearing fund by the Kansas Board of Regents with the approval of the state finance council acting on this matter, which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-7311c and amendments hereto.

The service clearing fund shall be used for the following specific 1xbet online games login departments:

10055Communications and Agricultural Education - Printing 1xbet online games login
30112Network and Telecommunications 1xbet online games login
60030Facilities Car Pool
60040Facilities Garage
60050Facilities 1xbet online games login Service Clearing
60060Facilities Storeroom
65012Campus Planning and Project Management Service Clearing
70010Public Safety

Services are to be provided to Kansas State 1xbet online games login departments and other institutional related organizations only. Non-1xbet online games login organizations or individuals (see the definition of External Customer) requesting services from a service clearing unit are to submit a written request to the unit, describing the reason for the service. The service clearing unit will forward the request to the Division of Financial Services with their recommendations or comments. If approved, the service clearing unit will be notified and service can then be provided.

The service clearing departments must have a full cost recovery pricing schedule established following the breakeven concept. This is accomplished by (1) balancing the accounts at the end of each fiscal year, and (2) analyzing the rates on a fiscal year basis and adjusting them to account for any operating surplus or deficit. In addition, Legislation requires that these fees be used solely for the specific purposes or programs elected and that these activities cannot be subsidized through state funds. Consequently, each department must develop and publish a policy statement that includes how fees are structured and state that the rates for service clearing departments will be audited and updated annually to ensure the breakeven concept. A copy of this policy and an updated annual rate schedule must be attached to a Schedule of Charges form and forwarded to the Division of Financial 1xbet online games login .

Rates for service clearing departments will be based on the budgeted non-state funded salaries and benefits of department employees, plus supplies and materials, other contractual 1xbet online games login , equipment depreciation, and an allowance for facilities and administrative (F&A) costs.

Equipment depreciation will be based on an established depreciation schedule using straight-line depreciation. Items included in the 1xbet online games login equipment inventory purchased with service clearing funds must be assigned to the service clearing department.

.040 Recharge and Service Centers

Recharge and Service Centers are those operating units that are in existence to conduct research or provide public services for 1xbet online games login departments or the 1xbet online games login community, although services may be provided on an incidental basis to external users. They are to follow the breakeven concept, which is accomplished by (1) balancing the accounts at the end of each fiscal year and (2) analyzing the rates on a fiscal year basis and adjusting them to account for any operating surplus or deficit.

.045 Student Academic Materials

Textbooks and other classroom materials should be made available to students at the K-State Student Union Bookstore or other vendors as appropriate. These items should not be manufactured or purchased for resale to students by 1xbet online games login departments. Refer to the 1xbet online games login Handbook, Section F67 entitled Textbooks and Supplies for additional information.

1xbet online games login departments who have mandatory supplies or materials which cannot be made available for purchase by students at the K-State Student Union Bookstore or through other vendors, should contact the Administration office of the Division of Financial Services for alternative solutions.

.050 By-Product Sales

In the course of fulfilling the 1xbet online games login 's mission of instruction, research and public service, products and services may result that can be sold to the 1xbet online games login community or the general public.These by-products should be priced using the market rate, in order to avoid unfair competition with an external provider.

.060 Schedule of Charges

A Schedule of Charges must be submitted to the KSU Division of Financial Services, Administration, and approved for all products and services offered by 1xbet online games login departments. The standard Schedule of Charges form should be used, however, some flexibility is allowed for departments with a large number of charges. For example, if the department has a list of its charges in a word processing document, the Schedule of Charges form can be used as a cover sheet to that document. All Schedule of Charges forms must be accompanied by a Schedule of Charges Justification form. If an established charge needs to be updated, a revised Justification form needs to be included with the updated Schedule of Charges form.

.070 Establishing Billing Rates for Schedule of Charges

The rate for interdepartmental charges, including sponsored projects, will include the direct costs of providing the product or service, less any unallowable costs as defined in CFR 2 Part 200.436. Direct costs are those costs that can be specifically identified with providing the product or service. This would normally include the non-state funded salaries, wages, and benefits of employees directly involved in completing the work, plus any supplies, materials, and other contractual 1xbet online games login used in the work.

The base rate may also include an expense factor for depreciation, if the equipment meets all of the following conditions:

1. The equipment items are identified separately from non-service center equipment.

2. The equipment items exist and are usable, used and needed.

3. The equipment items have not outlived the depreciable life. Equipment items that have outlived their depreciable life are considered "fully depreciated".

4. The equipment was not purchased with federal funds.

5. The equipment was not acquired solely for the performance of a non-federal award.

Depreciation schedules should be established using the straight-line basis, assuming no salvage value, to determine the annual depreciation expense factor. The projected cost of replacement equipment cannot be included when developing depreciation schedules. When sales are made primarily to grant or contract accounts, depreciation should not be recouped.

If the products or services are offered to external users, a second rate will be established. For the purpose of charging for goods and/or services, students are considered external users. This second rate will be equal to the base rate established for interdepartmental charges(direct costs) plus applicable facilities and administrative (F&A) costs. The F&A cost portion of the rate would be equal to the base rate times the 1xbet online games login 's Federally negotiated rates: 52% for research activities, 35% for public service activities and 46% for instructional activities (instructional sales and services are normally by-products, and as such, are usually priced at market). The rate used must be consistent with the Program Cost Account Code (PCA Code) on the FIS Project that funds are deposited into. PCA Codes are explained in 1xbet sports bett. These rates may change when the F&A cost rates are re-negotiated with the Federal Government.

All F&A costs collected through the sale of goods or 1xbet online games login to external users, need to be deposited monthly to the same department account and subcode as the direct cost portion of the fee.

1xbet online games login activities exempt from calculating F&A costs at the specified rates are: Auxiliary Operations (e.g. Housing, Parking, Lafene), Administrative Central Services (e.g. Student Financial Assistance, Educational & Personal Development, Admissions, 1xbet online games login Counseling Services), Recreational Services, McCain Auditorium, Copy Centers, Educational By-Product Sales, and Fines assessed by the Library and Parking Services. These activities normally establish prices at market rate and therefore do not need to distinguish between direct costs and F&A costs when substantiating prices on the Justification form.

1xbet online games login activities not exempt from collecting F&A costs at the specified rates include, but are not limited to, the following examples: Extension Sales, Testing done in conjunction with Research or Public Service Programs, and Sales to External Educational Institutions. These activities normally establish prices at breakeven and therefore do need to distinguish between direct costs and F&A costs when substantiating prices on the Justification Form. Questions regarding this should be directed to the Administration office of the Division of Financial Services.

.075 Use of 1xbet online games login Space

Policies regarding the use of 1xbet online games login space are located in 1xbet online spor. This section relates only to the establishment of fees charged for the use of 1xbet online games login space.

Charges to internal customers should be limited to direct costs paid by the department managing the space. These include salaries and benefits of employees directly involved in supporting the use of the space (if such costs are not funded with general use allocations), plus any supplies, materials and other contractual 1xbet online games login provided in conjunction with usage of the space. Equipment depreciation may be recovered when the room contains equipment that is subject to a high degree of wear and tear and no centrally funded source of replacement of such equipment is available.

Establishment of fees to external customers for use of space is based on the market rate of similar space in order to avoid unfair competition. In addition, for short term use, a 1xbet sports betting log-in to IT services form should be completed. For long-term use, a lease agreement should be in place with external users to protect 1xbet online games login interests.

Fees collected for the use of 1xbet online games login space are to be deposited into an FIS project. Revenue object R2005 should be used for internal customer fees and revenue object R3130 should be used for external customer fees.

.080 Checklist for Schedule of Charges

1. Have you followed the Board of Regents' Policy on Sales of Products and 1xbet online games login ? Please refer to1xbet sports bett.

2. Is the product or service an integral part of the 1xbet online games login 's mission?

3. Do you have procedures in place to ensure a breakeven pricing schedule?

4. Have you ensured that state funds will not be needed to subsidize this activity?

.085 Unrelated Business Income Tax

Kansas State 1xbet online games login is exempt from federal and state income tax as a integral part of the State of Kansas. However, revenue generating activities not directly related to Kansas State 1xbet online games login 's exempt purposes of research, instruction and public services may be subject to federal unrelated business income tax (UBIT.) Congress imposed UBIT on exempt organizations on the same basis as nonexempt organizations with which they compete. When a revenue generating activity is a trade or business, regularly carried on, and is not related to the 1xbet online games login 's mission, it may result in UBIT.

Schedule of Charges activities are reviewed to determine whether they will be included in the 1xbet online games login 's UBIT reporting. UBIT determinations are very dependent on the facts and circumstances of each activity. If an activity is deemed to be subject to UBIT, the department will be notified. The department will need to provide revenue and expense documentation on an annual basis to the Division of Financial Services for completion of the 1xbet online games login 's UBIT Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax return. In addition, the department will need to provide a FIS account that can be charged if it is determined UBIT taxes are owed to the IRS.

.090 Questions

If you have any questions on the procedures for Schedule of Charges, please contact the KSUDivision of Financial 1xbet online games login , Administration, 785-532-6211.