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Reimbursable 1xbet online games login Expenses and Forms

Chapter 6410
Revised January 10, 2017; August 8, 2017; September 29, 2017; April 25, 2017; October 1, 2018; May 14, 2024

Table of Contents
.010 Introduction
.020 General Information
.030 Pre-1xbet online games login
.040 1xbet online games login Expenses
.050 Commercial Air and Associated Expenses
.060 1xbet online games login -Owned or Leased Vehicle
.070 Vehicle Rental
.080 Mileage Reimbursement for Use of Personal Vehicle
.090 Registration
.100 Subsistence Expense
.110 Meal and Incidental Expense Reimbursement
.120 Lodging Expense Reimbursement
.130 Subsistence Reimbursement in Special 1xbet online games login
.140 Miscellaneous Expenses
.150 International 1xbet online games login
.160 Student 1xbet online games login
.170 1xbet online games login Cash Advances
.180 Sponsored Research 1xbet online games login (all Project numbers "G")

Related Content

.210 Appendix A - Definitions
.220 Appendix B - 1xbet online games login Expense Types and Receipt Requirements
.230 Appendix C - 1xbet online games login Request and Export Report Submission Timeline
.240 Appendix D - Cancellation and Change Fee Guidelines
.250 Appendix E - University Sponsored Student 1xbet online games login Guidelines

.010 Introduction

University employees may be required to 1xbet online games login to fulfill official duties or other professional or educational activities benefiting the university. This policy creates a uniform 1xbet online games login process for individuals traveling on university business and processing the related business 1xbet online games login expenses. The university may reimburse employees, within prescribed limitations, for all business-related 1xbet online games login expenses incurred during 1xbet online games login on official university business in accordance with the state of Kansas laws and regulations, Kansas Board of Regents regulations, and university policies. The Division of Financial Services reviews 1xbet online games login payments for compliance with these policies. Unit leaders (i.e. department heads, deans, and vice presidents) collectively referred to as “Department Heads” are responsible for ensuring their unit adheres to all applicable 1xbet online games login requirements.

This policy applies to all 1xbet online games login employees traveling on approved 1xbet online games login business and to non-1xbet online games login personnel doing business with or for the 1xbet online games login as stated within the policy.

1xbet online games login expense reimbursement may also be allowed as part of employee relocation (see PPM Chapter 6320 regarding moving and interview expenses).

.020 General Information

The university will pay for and reimburse reasonable, necessary, and approved 1xbet online games login expenses incurred in the performance of university business and under this policy. Individual campuses, colleges, and units may implement more restrictive 1xbet online games login policies. However, the campus, college, or unit will have the sole responsibility of enforcing the more restrictive policies. Internal compliance audits of 1xbet online games login expenses will be based on the policy outlined herein.

All travelers should use their best efforts to choose the most economical means of 1xbet online games login that meet the approved goals of the trip within the parameters of this policy. Travelers should use the most direct route and economical mode of transportation to meet their business needs. This may include airfare, car rental, taxi, shuttles, ride shares, or other public transportation. The traveler’s business purpose, potential time in transit, special needs, cost efficiency, and other business-related circumstances contribute to determining the most economic options.

All individuals doing business with or for the 1xbet online games login , including but not limited to consultants, guests, independent contractors, and speakers, who have contracted with the 1xbet online games login for an event, project, or other services, are expected to comply with all applicable policies and procedures stated within this policy.

This policy is designed to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and policies of the Federal Uniform Guidance, State of Kansas, Kansas Board of Regents, and the 1xbet online games login . Failure to comply with this policy may jeopardize the traveler’s reimbursement or access to 1xbet online games login funds, as determined by the Agency Head or their designee.

Exceptions concerning permissible reimbursements are only granted in extraordinary circumstances, with proper documentation of the exception and approval by the Department Head. Exceptions may include other 1xbet online games login business obligations, weather, traveler health issues, safety concerns, and other emergencies. Exceptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with the Division of Financial Services. The 1xbet online games login makes no guarantee that a post-trip exception will be made.

.030 Pre-1xbet online games login

Prior to making 1xbet online games login arrangements, all University employees, including student employees, traveling on official university business related to their employment must have an approved 1xbet online games login request (See exceptions for in-state/border city 1xbet online games login ). All requests require approval by the traveler’s supervisor and the department head(s) of the unit(s) funding the 1xbet online games login , or their approved delegate. Pre-trip 1xbet online games login requests to a location outside the United States require additional registration and approval. (see .150 International 1xbet online games login ).

Travelers may submit one consecutive business trip per 1xbet online games login request, unless the 1xbet online games login meets the requirement for a monthly blanket 1xbet online games login request (see In-State/Border City 1xbet online games login ).

To ensure timely review and the necessary approvals by supervisor, department head, and special approvals for international 1xbet online games login prior to making 1xbet online games login arrangements, it is advised for travelers to submit their pre-1xbet online games login requests as soon as possible, no less than 30 days in advance of 1xbet online games login departure date.

In-State/Border City 1xbet online games login

Mileage only in-state or border city 1xbet online games login , including parking and tolls, does not require a 1xbet online games login request. A border city is defined as any location within 100 miles of the Kansas border.

An approved pre-trip 1xbet online games login request is required for overnight in-state/border city 1xbet online games login or extended day 1xbet online games login in which the employee is eligible for and is claiming M&IE.

A monthly blanket 1xbet online games login request will be accepted for multiple business trips with the same business purpose for the period month (i.e. January 1st-January 31st). These requests may include business expenses incurred during in-state 1xbet online games login for this purpose. Trips related to a different business purpose must be placed on their own 1xbet online games login request.

Out-of-State 1xbet online games login

An approved pre-trip 1xbet online games login request is required for all out-of-state 1xbet online games login , unless 1xbet online games login meets the mileage-only, border city requirements.

Personal 1xbet online games login While in Business 1xbet online games login Status

Travelers who engage in personal 1xbet online games login , while in 1xbet online games login status, should acknowledge and include information concerning personal 1xbet online games login in their 1xbet online games login request to the extent reasonably necessary to facilitate and comply with this 1xbet online games login policy. However, only university business-related 1xbet online games login expenses should be included in the pre-trip 1xbet online games login request and the 1xbet online games login expense reports. Following the trip, the university will pay for or reimburse the traveler for the portion of the approved expenses that relate to the business purpose of the trip. Travelers are responsible for obtaining and providing necessary cost comparisons to validate the business expense. All personal expenses and related taxes, tips, and fees should be deducted by the travelers from the submitted, detailed receipts.

Flying vs. Driving

The university generally deems air 1xbet online games login as the most economical mode of transportation when traveling to destinations outside of the state of Kansas. When a traveler chooses to drive versus fly to their destination, a cost comparison is required if the destination is more than 400 miles one way from the traveler’s departure location (official station or domicile, whichever is less). A cost comparison must be provided and the lesser of the two modes of transportation will be reimbursed. Use the cost comparison worksheet (pdf).

.040 1xbet online games login Expenses

Expenses Paid Directly by the 1xbet online games login

Airfare booked through the university online booking tool is paid directly by the University without the need for a traveler to obtain a purchasing card or pay out-of-pocket. The airfare must be for the most direct or economical route to meet the traveler’s business needs and not include personal legs of 1xbet online games login unless a cost comparison is provided showing the direct route is the same or lower than the route including personal legs of 1xbet online games login , using the same airline and class codes.

1xbet online games login Purchasing Card / Single Event 1xbet online games login (SET) Card

The university may issue a 1xbet online games login purchasing card or a Single Event 1xbet online games login (SET) card to a traveler, with department head approval by the primary department, to pay all business-related 1xbet online games login expenses, except for those prohibited under the 1xbet online games login purchasing card procedures (including meals while in 1xbet online games login status). All requests for “Official Hospitality” require pre-approval prior to making the purchase. (1xbet sports).

Expenses Paid by Employee

The university encourages payment directly by the University or by a university purchasing card issued directly to the traveler whenever possible. Personal funding sources, including but not limited to cash, credit cards, and debit cards, may be used to pay for 1xbet online games login expenses, and the traveler may request reimbursement for those personally funded 1xbet online games login expenses otherwise allowed under this policy. Reimbursement for advanced deposits/funds for individual employee 1xbet online games login will not be reimbursed until 1xbet online games login is completed.

Reimbursement to Employee

Employees are reimbursed for allowable 1xbet online games login expenses personally incurred while on official university business 1xbet online games login . Any discounts or coupons provided through a rewards program or similar method are not reimbursable to the employee. The university reimburses travelers under an accountable plan. This means all 1xbet online games login expenses must have an official university business connection or purpose, and all expenses for reimbursement must be submitted by the traveler within a reasonable period. Travelers should submit all expenses within 30 days of the end date of 1xbet online games login by completing an expense report in Concur. The employee is responsible for detailing the 1xbet online games login and expenses and providing all receipts and supporting documentation required by this policy. Employees must be prudent to ensure documentation is legible. Employees may only submit one 1xbet online games login expense report per approved 1xbet online games login request.

1xbet online games login documentation, including receipts and itemized statements, associated with the 1xbet online games login expense report must be included in the report. When possible, conference agenda, meeting information, or other documentation relating to the purchase of 1xbet online games login , including meals provided, meeting dates, lodging information, and other related expenses should be included and/or retained on file with the department authorizing payment. Travelers are responsible for accurately reporting meals and other 1xbet online games login expenses provided at no cost to them.

Submissions requiring correction or additional information are generally returned to the employee, which may result in reimbursement to the employee being delayed. Thus, employees and departments should exercise care in preparing, submitting, and approving 1xbet online games login expense reports to avoid delay.

The completed 1xbet online games login request and 1xbet online games login expense report are submitted for review and approval as outlined in .230 Appendix C, 1xbet online games login Request and Report Submission Timelines (see .230).

Reimbursement will be issued to the employee by the State of Kansas once the expense report meets all requirements and is approved. The reimbursement will be issued via direct deposit using the employee’s designated account in HRIS.

Transportation expenses incurred by employees are not reimbursable in the following situations:

  1. Additional transportation expenses incurred as a result of an employee residing in a city or town outside the employee's official station or otherwise incurred because of an employee's choice of residence.
  2. Transportation expenses incurred between an employee's official station and domicile. In the case of multiple employees traveling to the same event, a department head or delegate should assign more than one employee to a vehicle, whenever possible, in authorizing the use of a privately-owned or 1xbet online games login -owned conveyance.

Cancellations/Change Fees

When a business trip or a portion of a trip must be canceled or changed, the traveler should contact vendors to request a refund for any unused portion. In the event a refund cannot be obtained or change fees apply, the expenses are allowable to be paid if the cancellation or change was due to one of the following and is approved by the Department Head:

  1. Conflicting KSU Business Obligation that Takes Precedence
  2. Canceled conference/meeting
  3. Airline canceled flight (replacement fare must be used for future KSU business trip and tracked by department)
  4. Unexpected death of a family member.
  5. Traveler’s own unexpected illness which kept them from taking the business trip or continuing the trip as planned and is not due to the traveler’s own misconduct/negligence.
  6. The department has made the determination that if the 1xbet online games login were to take place, the health and safety of the traveler would be at risk.

Include information in the comments fields of the expense report detailing the reason(s) for the cancellation or change fees (See .240).

Canceled airfare tickets purchased through Concur should be funded by departments and are tracked through the 1xbet online games login unused ticket process. Employees will receive a reminder when their unused ticket credits are reaching the expiration.

.050 Air 1xbet online games login and Associated Expenses

Commercial Air 1xbet online games login

When air 1xbet online games login is the most reasonable means of 1xbet online games login , a traveler is expected to use commercial airlines, unless another method of 1xbet online games login is clearly shown to be more economical, as evidenced by a cost comparison, and meets the mutual, reasonable needs of the University and Traveler. The University will pay for or reimburse the traveler for the 1xbet online games login expenses up to the total cost of the most economical option. Generally, non-refundable, economy class is the most economical option. Basic economy fares and other budget fares are discouraged because of the potential risk and impact to 1xbet online games login . Travelers are responsible for understanding the risk of booking a budget or basic economy fare.

The business purpose and special circumstances associated with some 1xbet online games login may support the approval of other fare classes. For individual flight segments of four hours or more, travelers may book a seat that allows for expanded legroom. If any other class besides economy is purchased, the traveler must provide substantiation for the other class of airfare (i.e. to meet employee accommodations, international flight, etc.) and submit an itemized airfare receipt with their expense report identifying the class of 1xbet online games login purchased.

If economy class is not available, the traveler must submit documentation showing that no economy accommodations were available.

If a traveler prefers to purchase a different class of airfare to meet their personal preferences, the traveler must provide documentation of the economy fare amount and deduct the amount equal to the excess over the cost of this fare for their reimbursement claim.


Reasonable airline charges (typically 1 checked bag) for traveler’s checked bags may be paid for or reimbursed. Charges for baggage exceeding the weight or size limits are reimbursable if such excess baggage is used for official 1xbet online games login business (excess personal baggage expense is not reimbursable). Cost of transporting equipment and supplies is reimbursed if valid business purpose is documented. Tips paid to bellhops or baggage service providers are included in the reimbursable Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE).

Air 1xbet online games login Charter

An agency that needs to lease or rent an aircraft to meet its 1xbet online games login needs must use the State's executive aircraft if available by request through the Kansas Highway Patrol. If the executive aircraft is unavailable, the agency may then lease or rent a commercial aircraft. In such cases, a completed copy of form DA-27, Notice of Unavailability of the Executive Aircraft, must be attached to the expense report.

.060 1xbet online games login Owned or Leased Vehicle

When possible, 1xbet online games login employees should utilize a 1xbet online games login vehicle when traveling on official 1xbet online games login business (see 1xbet sports betting trip is completed. The). In addition, a department head may authorize use of a 1xbet online games login (state) owned or leased vehicle for official 1xbet online games login business by an employee of the 1xbet online games login . Only employees of the 1xbet online games login or a person or persons reasonably engaged in and accompanying a 1xbet online games login employee or other person approved on official 1xbet online games login business shall be allowed to ride in a 1xbet online games login -owned or leased motor vehicle (1xbet sports).

Whenever a 1xbet online games login purchasing card assigned to the vehicle cannot be used, employees may be reimbursed for routine expenses incurred for gasoline, oil, and similar purchases for 1xbet online games login -owned or leased vehicles. Employees may also be reimbursed for properly authorized expenditures for vehicle repair and maintenance. Tolls and parking associated with business use of the vehicle may also be reimbursed. All expenses must be logged in accordance with 1xbet online games login policy (See PPM 6420.070).

.070 Vehicle Rental

Booking Vehicle Rentals

Vehicle rentals should be booked with contracted 1xbet online games login providers when available. Negotiated discounted rates are available through the online booking tool. If a contracted provider is not available or unable to meet traveler’s requirements, the booking may take place with another provider.

Generally, standard, economy, compact, or intermediate class vehicles can meet the business needs of travelers. If any other class is purchased, the traveler must provide substantiation for the other car class (i.e. to meet employee accommodations, multiple 1xbet online games login travelers, etc.) and submit an itemized receipt with their expense report identifying the class of vehicle purchased.

If an approved vehicle class is not available, the traveler must submit documentation showing that a vehicle within those class categories was not available.

If a traveler prefers to purchase a different class of vehicle to meet their personal preferences, the traveler must provide documentation of an approved car class amount and deduct the amount equal to the excess over the cost of this class amount for their reimbursement claim.

Rental vehicles are only allowed to be driven by travelers on 1xbet online games login business.

Vehicle Insurance

Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) are automatically provided for all domestic vehicle rentals made on a university purchases card, except for large trucks, large passenger vans (10 passengers), and luxury vehicles. Travelers are encouraged to use their university 1xbet online games login purchasing card for vehicle rentals.

CDW and LDW insurances may be purchased by the traveler and reimbursed for vehicles not covered under our 1xbet online games login purchasing card program or for vehicles rented on a personal payment method.

Travelers may opt for Personal Effects Insurance (PEI) to be added to their rental if traveling with valuable 1xbet online games login equipment.

All other insurances are not allowable and should be declined before signing any rental car agreements. It is the traveler’s responsibility to review and decline applicable insurance before signing the agreement.


Fuel receipts for rental cars may be submitted by the traveler for reimbursement.

All other rental vehicle add-ons are generally not reimbursable without a substantiated business reason.

.080 Mileage Reimbursement for Use of Personal Conveyance

Employees authorized to 1xbet online games login by privately-owned or operated conveyance may be reimbursed for allowable miles traveled at a rate fixed and established by K.S.A. 75-3203a. Privately-owned or operated conveyances include vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, vans, etc.), airplanes, motorcycles and other similar privately-owned conveyances.


Mileage reimbursement is made at the following rates (effective July 1, 2024) per K.S.A. 75-3203a;

  • Privately-owned Automobile 67 cents per mile
  • Privately-owned Motorcycle 65 cents per mile
  • Privately-owned Airplane .76 cents per mile (based on air miles)

These reimbursements rates are considered to cover all costs associated with the use of the privately-owned conveyance including but not limited to gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, insurance (including uninsured losses and insurance deductibles resulting from damage to the privately owned conveyance), license fees, depreciation costs, and expenses of any type.

Mileage rate reimbursement for individuals incurring transportation costs associated with traveling in KSU Foundation vehicles is 21 cents per mile.

Exceptions to the mileage reimbursement rates. Exceptions to the above mileage reimbursements rates are as follows:

  • A. When a mode of transportation is available and less costly than transportation by a privately-owned conveyance, mileage reimbursement is limited to the cost of the other mode of transportation (i.e. airfare when driving more than 400 miles one-way).
  • B. The department head may pay a specified mileage rate that is lower than the above rates when an employee's 1xbet online games login is not required by the agency and the employee is informed of the specified rate in advance of the 1xbet online games login .

Calculating Mileage

1xbet online games login by privately-owned or operated conveyance (other than privately owned airplane) is expected to be most efficient route, utilizing the expense management tool or google maps.

1xbet online games login by privately owned airplanes should use air mile distances. An acceptable site for verifying the mileage is http://www.indo.com/distance.

If a normal workday for the business departure/arrival day, mileage should be calculated from the traveler’s work location or domicile, whichever is less. If it is not a day normally worked, the calculation may be from the domicile, even if the domicile is greater than the work location.

The department head may authorize reimbursement to the employee for vicinity miles traveled by privately-owned or operated conveyance during official university business within or in the area of the employee's official station or the city, town, or location traveled to. The total vicinity mileage traveled each day for each location should be reported separately in the 1xbet online games login expense report with the purpose for traveling the vicinity miles.

The following expenses incurred as the result of using a privately owned-or operated conveyance are also reimbursable:

  1. Parking fees when on an official trip.
  2. Tolls paid for toll roads and toll bridges.
  3. Airplane landing and tie-down fees.
  4. Vehicle expenses (mileage expenses or taxi fares) associated with traveling to a privately-owned airplane for
    • transportation between the official station or domicile and the airport in the city in which the official station or domicile is located
    • transportation between the airport in the destination city and the place of official business.

.090 Registration

1xbet online games login Related Registration Fees

Registration fees may be paid in advance using a university purchasing card issued to the traveler, a departmental university purchasing card, direct check payment, or on a traveler’s personal card and reimbursed after 1xbet online games login is complete. For any registration or conference fee, travelers must indicate if meals or lodging are included. If meals or lodging are included as indicated on the registration receipt or conference materials, reimbursement cannot be claimed for those items. In addition, the traveler is responsible for reporting any other meals or lodging provided at no cost to the traveler.

Membership Fees Associated with Registration

Membership fees associated with the registration may be reimbursed if it is an institutional membership or the membership fee will provide significant cost savings to the 1xbet online games login as evidenced by documentation attached to the expense report.

Optional Registration Fees

Charitable donations and fees associated with optional non-business related events cannot be paid on a 1xbet online games login purchasing card or reimbursed to the employee.

Virtual Conferences/Webinars

Virtual conference registrations and webinars do not require a 1xbet online games login request and are expensed as Training & Webinar Fees.

.100 Subsistence Expense

Employees may be reimbursed for subsistence expenses incurred when overnight 1xbet online games login is required. The subsistence reimbursement consists of Meals and Incidental (M&IE) allowance and actual lodging expense incurred within prescribed limitations. Subsistence is reimbursed at the rate based on the city in which the lodging expense was incurred. The itinerary submitted on the expense report should reflect the lodging location. In limited circumstances and at the discretion of the Department Head, employees may be reimbursed one meal per day for official university business 1xbet online games login in which overnight 1xbet online games login does not occur. The meal reimbursement is determined by a per-meal allowance rate for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Subsistence expenses incurred by employees are not reimbursable in the following situations:

  1. Subsistence expenses are incurred as a result of an employee residing in a city or town outside the employee's official station or because of an employee's choice of residence.
  2. Subsistence expenses are incurred within the same city as the employee's domicile or within 30 miles of the official station.
  3. Subsistence is furnished at no cost to the employee.
  4. The employee leaves their official station or domicile and returns on the same day without incurring a lodging expense, unless the Department Head or designee approves payment to the employee for one meal in limited 1xbet online games login situations in which lodging expense is not incurred (see .110)

Subsistence rates are based on Federal CONUS, OCONUS, and Department of State rates. The rates are automatically loaded in the expense management tool for expense calculation and may also be directly accessed at the following websites:

Contiguous United States (CONUS)
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for 1xbet online games login locations in the contiguous United States.

Outside Contiguous United States (OCONUS)
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) maintains the M&IE rates and lodging rates for 1xbet online games login locations within Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories/Possessions.

International Locations
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) is the source for M&IE rates only for international 1xbet online games login locations. Payment for actual lodging expenses is allowed for international 1xbet online games login .

Determining Subsistence Rate Location

The subsistence rate location is based on the hotel location for the day(s) claiming subsistence. In the event of single-day 1xbet online games login that qualifies for a meal reimbursement, the location used is the primary meeting location.

Subsistence Allowance When Using Personal Vehicle

When an agency or designee authorizes the use of a privately-owned conveyance for out-of-state 1xbet online games login , subsistence expense is limited to the following:

  1. 1xbet online games login of one employee only. M&IE is paid only for the 1xbet online games login time which would have been necessary had the employee used the fastest public transportation available. Lodging expense reimbursement is limited to the lodging expense incurred at the point of official university business. Lodging expenses incurred en route are not reimbursable.
  2. 1xbet online games login of two or more employees. When two or more employees are traveling together in a privately-owned conveyance, M&IE and lodging expenses are reimbursable for the number of days it would take by car via the usually traveled route to the destination. Reimbursement of Non-Standard M&IE and lodging rates is not allowed when 1xbet online games login to a non-standard area is only an intermediate stopover at which no official university business occurs.

Reduced Subsistence

An employee may receive no subsistence or a reduced amount for M&IE allowance or lodging expense if the employee is not required to undertake the 1xbet online games login and if the employee is informed of the reduced allowance in advance. Subsistence allowances should be reduced for any meals and/or lodging provided at no cost to the employee.

.110 Meal and Incidental Expense Reimbursement

Employees may be reimbursed for meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) while in 1xbet online games login status. M&IE reimbursements are automatically calculated within the 1xbet online games login Allowance section of the Concur expense report. The allowance is based on quarter days with the daily M&IE rate divided equally between quarters. M&IE provisions include the quarters the employee departs and returns. On the date of departure and the day on which the employee returns to the official station or domicile, M&IE allowance is reimbursed as follows:

% of M&IE
Time of DepartureQuarter DayDay of Departure
Day of Return
12:00 AM - 5:59 AMQuarter 1100%25%
6:00 AM - 11:59 AMQuarter 275%50%
12:00 PM - 5:59 PMQuarter 350%75%
6:00 PM - 11:59 PMQuarter 425%100%

Unless a reduction is made for provided meals (see reduction rates below), employees are reimbursed for the full M&IE allowance on days in 1xbet online games login status between the departure and returning days.

When 1xbet online games login begins from the employee’s domicile located in an area other than the city designated as the employee's official station, the employee's actual departure time must be adjusted for excess 1xbet online games login time incurred. For reimbursement purposes, 1xbet online games login time begins from the employee's official station when it is closer to the destination. Likewise, the employee's actual return time must be adjusted for excess 1xbet online games login time incurred for returning to the employee’s domicile instead of to the official station from the last point of official business. M&IE reimbursements in the expense management tool account for these departure and return times

The M&IE rates include charges for meals, taxes and all fees and tips to waiters, hotel porters, bellhops, doormen, maids, and dining room stewards.

Meal Reduction

An agency shall reduce the meal allowance by the amount shown in the meal reimbursement table below for each meal provided to an employee if the cost of meals is included in the cost of a registration fee or other fees or charges paid by the agency or supplied without cost by another party. This includes hot complimentary breakfasts containing protein (i.e. buffet or server-style with meat and/or eggs) which are offered to employees at lodging establishments, but excludes light complimentary continental breakfasts (i.e. pastries, baked goods, fruit, juice, coffee). NOTE: Each agency is responsible for reducing meal allowances for complimentary breakfasts accepted by traveling employees.

Employees with a qualifying physical condition under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which has been documented and results in dietary restrictions, may be reimbursed for provided meals if the provided meals do not meet their dietary restrictions. Such an exemption must be reviewed by the employing agency and should be referenced as “ADA exemption on file at the agency HR office” on the SMART expense report. Please note that employees will not be reimbursed for provided meals that do not comply with their voluntary dietary preferences, only for provided meals that do not align with the employees’ documented dietary restrictions.

Reimbursement of M&IE for Single Day 1xbet online games login

The Department Head may authorize reimbursement to employees for one meal per day in the following circumstances when lodging expense is not incurred:

  1. the employee is required to 1xbet online games login on official university business and the employee’s workday is 12 hours or more;or
  2. the employee is required to attend a conference or a meeting as an official guest or participant and a meal is served during the required attendance time.

A meal cannot be reimbursed if the place at which the official business is conducted is within 30 miles of the employee’s official station or if a meal is provided at no cost to the employee.

Each request for reimbursement shall, at a minimum, identify the date, departure time, arrival time, destination, meal requested, and the purpose of 1xbet online games login . The Concur 1xbet online games login Allowance details should reflect the meal requested for reimbursement (e.g., lunch). Receipts are not required and there is no provision to reimburse an employee if the actual cost of a meal exceeds the per-meal allowance rate. One breakfast, lunch, or dinner may be paid, as determined by the Department Head, at the following percentage of the daily M&IE allowance rates that are set within Concur:

BreakfastLunch Dinner
Reimbursed % of Daily M&IE15%35%50%

.120 Lodging Expense Reimbursement

Employees may be reimbursed for actual lodging expenses incurred. The total amount for lodging may not exceed the established lodging expense limitations by this policy. No allowance for any tips is included within the lodging rate. Taxes associated with lodging are not considered when applying the maximum lodging limit to the traveler's lodging rate.

Thus, the amount reimbursed or paid for lodging expenses may exceed the established limitation by as much as the amount of associated taxes. Lodging expense reimbursement is limited to the lodging establishment's lowest available rate for normal single occupancy on the day (or days) the lodging expense was incurred. The submitted lodging receipt must be itemized and show payment was made in full to be considered for reimbursement.

Employees are not required to share lodging accommodations with other 1xbet online games login employees when traveling. If an employee chooses to share lodging with another employee, related expenses must be cross-referenced on each traveler’s expense report claims and only the traveler incurring the expense may request reimbursement of the expense. Only the single occupancy rate plus taxes and fees, if applicable, are allowable by the 1xbet online games login when a traveler shares a room with a non-1xbet online games login companion(s).

In-State/Out-of-State Lodging

Actual lodging expenses up to 150% of the Federal CONUS rate, plus applicable taxes and fees, as approved by Department Head, may be paid for in-state and out-of-state 1xbet online games login .

International Lodging

In general, international lodging should not exceed OCONUS or Department of State rates. Actual lodging expenses, plus applicable taxes and fees, with Department Head’s approval.

Conference Lodging

The University may pay or reimburse actual lodging expenses when an employee is required or authorized to attend a conference, and the lodging rate exceeds the applicable lodging expense limitation (including the additional 50%) as approved by the Department Head. Documentation must be provided with the 1xbet online games login expense report showing the conference was held at or in connection with a lodging establishment with rates exceeding both the applicable lodging expense limitation and the exception provided above.

This provision may be used for the approved conference and for official 1xbet online games login business related to the conference and is applicable only to the 1xbet online games login employee attending the conference. The term "conference" means any seminar, association meeting, clinic, colloquium, convention, symposium, or similar gathering that is attended by a 1xbet online games login employee in pursuit of a goal, obligation, or function.

Advance Payment of Lodging

Advance payment for lodging is not authorized except one night of lodging may be prepaid with a University 1xbet online games login purchasing card if a deposit is required.

.130 Subsistence Reimbursement in Special 1xbet online games login Situations

Subsistence Expense Reimbursement for Employees who become Incapacitated During 1xbet online games login

If an employee becomes incapacitated due to illness or injury while on official state business away from the official station or domicile, the Department Head or designee may authorize payment of subsistence allowance to the employee for a period not to exceed five (5) days.

Subsistence Reimbursement for 1xbet online games login Exceeding 90 Days

When an employee has been continuously stationed at one location for three months, that place shall be immediately designated as the employee's official station and no further subsistence expense incurred there may be reimbursed. This is also true when an employee travels to a location for three months or more and spends more than one-half of the normal work time there. Agencies may make a maximum of two requests to the State of Kansas Director of Account and Reports to extend the subsistence payments. Each request may be for a period of three months or less. Requests to pay subsistence expenses for the maximum two additional periods should be submitted to the Division of Financial Services on form DA-34, Request for Extension of Subsistence Period.

Attending a Funeral as an Official 1xbet online games login Representative

Costs incurred for 1xbet online games login to attend funerals, including costs for the use of private vehicles and the use of university-owned vehicles, are allowable if the traveler is attending as an official university representative as requested by the Agency Head or their designee.

.140 Miscellaneous Expenses

Employees may be reimbursed for miscellaneous expenses incurred during 1xbet online games login such as local ground transportation, purchase of supplies, foreign currency conversion, and other similar miscellaneous expenses identified below. Receipts evidencing each miscellaneous expenditure should be submitted with the 1xbet online games login expense report, except no receipts are required for: ground transportation, unattended toll booths or unattended parking.

Local Ground Transportation

Employees may be reimbursed for local ground transportation charges incurred during 1xbet online games login to conduct official business such as: city bus, taxi fares, ride share service, shuttle service, and other forms of local ground transportation. Local ground transportation charges for personal use such as 1xbet online games login from a lodging establishment to a restaurant are not reimbursable.

Supplies and Services

Expenses incurred for the purchase of supplies and services are reimbursable when required for official business while in 1xbet online games login status.

Foreign Currency Conversion

When a traveler incurs expenses in a foreign currency, each expense should be converted to United States Dollars (USD.) The following methods are acceptable:

  1. Conversion via the expense management tool;
  2. Credit card statement. If the expenses are charged, the credit card company will convert to USD
  3. Conversion of charges via the internet for the dates of 1xbet online games login .

An acceptable site is: http://www.oanda.com/convert/classic. This site allows for built in exchange fees and specific dates.

.150 International 1xbet online games login

All policies stated through this 1xbet online games login Policy apply to International 1xbet online games login . In addition, travelers should refer to 1xbet onl, International Travel 1xbet best casino website for booking requirements, 1xbet online games login registration, export control guidelines, insurance and other policies and guidelines

.160 Cash Advances

In exceptional circumstances, when expenses cannot be paid directly by the university or with a university purchase card, the Division of Financial Services may authorize a cash advance to an employee from an authorized imprest fund for an amount considered to cover the anticipated 1xbet online games login expenses.

1xbet online games login cash advances must be requested and approved through the Pre-Trip 1xbet online games login Request. Travelers are responsible for returning any unused funds to the University and attaching proof of deposit to the traveler’s expense report. All 1xbet online games login cash advances must be properly expensed and accounted for on the traveler’s expense report.

1xbet online games login advances from an authorized imprest fund are recoverable from the employee by (a) setoff against the accrued pay or other amount due the employee; and (b) other method provided by law. (See K.S.A. 75-3072 for additional information).

.170 Student 1xbet online games login

Student Employees Traveling for the Primary Benefit of the 1xbet online games login

Students traveling on behalf of the 1xbet online games login for 1xbet online games login business as an employee (for the primary benefit of the 1xbet online games login such as research on a 1xbet online games login project they are employed on, representing the 1xbet online games login at a conference as an employee, or professional development for job) should follow all policies and guidelines for 1xbet online games login employees presented in this policy.

Non-Employee Students Traveling on Behalf of the 1xbet online games login as a Consultant

Non-employee students traveling on behalf of the university as a consultant are considered independent contractors. Departments may facilitate 1xbet online games login booking outside of Concur through a University purchasing card issued to a faculty/staff member in the department. All reimbursement of expenditures to the student are made through the direct vendor payment method.

Students Traveling for 1xbet online games login Sponsored Activities

Students traveling for University sponsored activities (funds collected) such education abroad, field trips, team 1xbet online games login , or university sponsored clubs may be facilitated by the department as Faculty Led/Educational Student 1xbet online games login (Funds Collected). Departments may facilitate 1xbet online games login booking outside of Concur through a University purchasing card issued to a faculty/staff member in the department. Airfare for University sponsored student group 1xbet online games login should be booked through Anthony 1xbet online games login . All reimbursement of expenditures to the student are made through the direct vendor payment method.

Students Traveling for Educational Activities Supported by the 1xbet online games login

Students traveling in the capacity of a student for their primary educational benefit are treated as non-employee guests/personnel. Departments may facilitate 1xbet online games login booking outside of Concur through a University purchasing card issued to a faculty/staff member in the department. All reimbursements of substantiated expenditures to the student are made through the direct vendor payment method. Any payment of stipends or non-substantiated expenditures should be made through the scholarship/fellowship process administered by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Students traveling internationally on behalf of the 1xbet online games login must follow 1xbet online games login guidelines outlined in 1xbet onl, International 1xbet online games login and Activities. Non-employee students must provide a W-9 and receive reimbursement through an Agency Payment Voucher for allowable out-of-pocket expenses incurred.

Any 1xbet online games login using fund source 2520 must follow the guidelines outlined in the Student Governing Association funding regulations, Section II, for meal and lodging spending limitations. In general, the amount reimbursable may not exceed the established limitations for university employees. Payments using this fund source are subject to review and approval by an SGA representative. Questions regarding this requirement may be directed to the Center for Student Involvement (785)532-6541.

.180 Sponsored Research Projects (all Projects beginning with "G")

1xbet online games login costs claimed under sponsored projects generally must follow institutional policy as applied to regular (non-sponsored) operations. All policies outlined in this chapter are applicable, unless the sponsor has imposed more restrictive policies.

Situations and rules specific to sponsored projects 1xbet online games login include the following:

  • To be allowable as a direct cost of a sponsored project, the 1xbet online games login must provide a direct benefit to the project being charged and must occur during the project period. Documentation of 1xbet online games login purpose in relation to the grant and the traveler's role in the grant work should be maintained at the department level.
  • Fly America Act
    • All air 1xbet online games login funded by federal dollars must adhere to the Fly America Act in accordance with 41 CFR Part 301-01. U.S. Flag air carriers must be used for ALL air 1xbet online games login (including all parts of a trip) paid with federal funds regardless of cost of the ticket, convenience or personal preference (41 CFR Part 301-10.139). All costs not conforming to the Fly America Act must be charged to a non-federal funding source. An Exceptions Form Checklist can be found in Eforms Sponsored Programs Accounting (SPA) forms.
    • NSF General Grant Condition, Article 10.c. Use of U.S. Flag Air Carriers-- http://www.nsf.gov/awards/managing/general_conditions.jsp
    • NIH Grants Policy Statement, Part II: Terms and Conditions of NIH Grant Awards Subpart A: General 4.1.11 Fly America Act-- http://granst.nih.gov/grants/policy/policy/htm.
    • It is important to apply the Fly America Act to only those projects that are federally-funded, as the potential for more costly 1xbet online games login conflicts with this policy and may not be allowed. To determine whether a specific sponsored project is federally-funded, refer to the instructions on the 1xbet online casino for Identifying Federally-funded accounts, or contact Sponsored Programs Accounting for assistance.
  • Specific sponsors or individual sponsored agreements may require advance approval for certain types of 1xbet online games login or may require special trip reports. Travelers should review their sponsored agreements carefully for any restrictions or requirements before traveling.

.210 Appendix A - Definitions

The following definitions and descriptions of relevant 1xbet online games login terms have been derived from state laws, regulations, and policy statements and are used throughout the policies, procedures, and related information presented here.

Border City 1xbet online games login : 1xbet online games login to any location within 100 miles of the Kansas border.

Department Head: Appointed unit leader for a department, college, or administrative unit with delegated fiscal responsibility by the Agency Head.

Domicile: The place an employee adopts as the employee's place of habitation and has the intention of returning to when absent. When an employee eats at one place and sleeps at another, the place where the employee sleeps is deemed to be the employee's domicile.

Employee/Traveler: A person employed by the university and required to 1xbet online games login on official university business.

Family Member: A child or parent (including biological, adopted, foster, step or legal guardian, or de facto parent), a spouse, registered domestic partner, spouse’s parent, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling.

In-State 1xbet online games login : 1xbet online games login within the borders of the State of Kansas.

International 1xbet online games login : 1xbet online games login outside the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories.

Lodging Establishment: An establishment in the business of providing lodging to the general public.

Motor Vehicle: A passenger motor vehicle or a truck. A passenger motor vehicle is a motor vehicle designed primarily for carrying passengers and having a gross vehicle weight of not more than 12,000 pounds. A truck is a motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and having a gross vehicle weight of not more than 12,000 pounds.

Official 1xbet online games login Business: The pursuit of a goal, obligation, function, or duty imposed upon or performed on behalf of the 1xbet online games login

Official Station - Field Employee: The official station of a field employee is the city or town designated as the employee's official station by the 1xbet online games login .

Official Station - Office Employee: The official station of an employee assigned to an office is the city or town where the office is located.

Out-of-State 1xbet online games login : 1xbet online games login within the contiguous United States (other than Kansas), Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories.

Privately-Owned or Operated Conveyances: Motor vehicles or other privately-owned conveyances including, but not limited to, automobiles (passenger cars, station wagons, trucks vans, etc.), airplanes motorcycles, and other similar privately owned conveyances. This does not include conveyances offered publicly for temporary and occasional hire on a trip basis (e.g. rental cars, etc.).

1xbet online games login -Owned or Leased Vehicles: Motor vehicles owned or directly leased by the state or its agencies (1xbet online games login ) and specifically excluding privately-owned motor vehicles.

1xbet online games login -Owned or Operated Vehicles: All motor vehicles, including privately-owned vehicles, authorized for use on official 1xbet online games login business.

Subsistence Expenses: All charges for meals, incidentals, and lodging, including but not limited to, all fees and tips to waiters, hotel porters, bellhops, doormen, and maids.

.220 Appendix B - 1xbet online games login Related Expense Types

The following is a list of expense types applicable to 1xbet online games login and receipt requirements. All fees associated with 1xbet online games login arrangements should be coded to the same expenditure type as the service being acquired (i.e., any airport fees associated with an airline ticket should be coded to airfare expense).

Receipt TypeConcur Expense TypeReceipt Required*
AirfareAirfareYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
Bank FeesBank FeesYes
Cash Advance ReturnCash Advance ReturnYes (Deposit Receipt)
Non-employee Student 1xbet online games login benefitting University/Consultant 1xbet online games login Consultant 1xbet online games login Yes
Shipping FeesCourier/Shipping/FreightYes
Event Related Food Allowed by Grant or Funds CollectedEvent Related Food Allowed by Grant or Funds CollectedYes
Taxi, Shuttle, Uber, Lyft etc.Ground TransportationNo, but should be available
Hotel (1xbet online games login Allowance)HotelYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
Hotel Deposit/Cancellation FeeYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
Internet/Online Access FeesInternet/Online/Phone FeesYes
Laundry (If business 1xbet online games login exceeds 5 days)LaundryYes
Meal Per Diem & Incidental Expense (1xbet online games login Allowance)Meal Per Diem Incidental ExpenseNo
Limit M&IE to Budgeted AmountMeal Per Diem ReductionNo
Submitted Expense Report, Forgot to Include AirfareMissed Expense AirfareYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
Sumitted Expense Report, Forgot to Include HotelMissed Expense HotelYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
Submitted Expense Report, Forgot to Include OtherMissed Expense OtherYes
Submitted Expense Report, Forgot to Include Rental CarMissed Expense Rental CarYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
Newspaper/Magazine/Book SubscriptionNewspaper/Magazine/Book SubscriptionYes

Expense Paid for Another Employee on 1xbet online games login Card

Other Employee 1xbet online games login Expense Charged in ErrorYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
Meals as Official Hospitality (requires preapproval form, no alcohol)Official HospitalityYes
ParkingParkingYes, unless unattended parking
Passports/Visa/Required 1xbet online games login VaccinesPassports/Visa/Vaccine FeesYes
Personal Car MileagePersonal Car MileageMust use Mileage Calculator
Limit Car Mileage to Lesser AmountPersonal Car Mileage ReductionNo

Reduce OOP expenses for personal expenses on 1xbet online games login card

Personal Expense ReductionNo
Professional Materials/SuppliesProfessional Material and SuppliesYes
Professional Memberships/Dues (Institutional or significant cost savings)Professional Membership/DuesYes
Recruitment ExpensesRecruitment ExpensesYes
Rental CarRental CarYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
Rental Car FuelRental Car FuelYes
RegistrationRegistration - 1xbet online games login Yes
Registration Paid on Other University Card-1xbet online games login Yes
Student/Trainee Fees and SuppliesStudent/Trainee Fees and SuppliesYes
Student 1xbet online games login Expenses for Educational Purpose/Benefit of the StudentStudent/Trainee 1xbet online games login Yes

Tips or Gratuities for tour guides or chartered buses (student group 1xbet online games login

Tips/Gratuities (tour guides/chartered buses)Yes, if amount claimed exceeds
TollsTollsNo, but should if available
TrainTrainYes, must be itemized and show amount paid
1xbet online games login Vehicle/Motorpool (tracking purposes)1xbet online games login Vehicle/MotorpoolNo

.230 Appendix C - 1xbet online games login Request and Expense Report Submission Timelines

Request/Report Category TypeSubmission Timeline
1xbet online games login Request In-State/Border City Mileage OnlyNot Required
1xbet online games login Request In-State/Border City Optional Monthly RequestComplete monthly, for use for 1xbet online games login to multiple in-state/border city business trips for the same business purpose
1xbet online games login Request - All Other 1xbet online games login At least 30 days prior to 1xbet online games login start day, prior to 1xbet online games login arrangements
1xbet online games login Expense Report - Monthly In-State MileageMonthly, within 30 days from the end date of 1xbet online games login
1xbet online games login Expense Report - All Other 1xbet online games login 30 days from the end date of 1xbet online games login

.240 Appendix D - Cancellation and Change Fees Guidelines

Booked in Concur/Anthony 1xbet online games login Booked through Another Vendor

Allowable Cancellation

E-Credit Issued

Used for Future Business 1xbet online games login

  • Cancel trip in concur
  • Submit 1xbet online games login expense report to pay/reimburse expense
  • Department track credit, unused tickets show in concur
  • When credit used, note original 1xbet online games login expense report number in comments on new report
  • Submit 1xbet online games login expense report to pay/reimburse expense
  • Department track credit
  • When credit used, note original 1xbet online games login expense report number in comments on new report

Unallowable Cancellation

E-Credit Issued

Used for Personal 1xbet online games login

  • Cancel trip in concur
  • Submit 1xbet online games login expense report if charged to university card, Non-reimbursable/personal expense as expense type
  • Traveler reimburse the 1xbet online games login for the cost of the ticket and associated fees
  • Attach copy of the deposit receipt to the 1xbet online games login expense report
  • Submit 1xbet online games login expense report if charged to university card, Non-reimbursable/Personal Expense as expense type
  • Traveler reimburse the 1xbet online games login for the cost of the ticket and associated fees
  • Attach copy of the deposit receipt to the 1xbet online games login Expense Report

.250 Appendix E - University Sponsored Student 1xbet online games login Guidelines

Type of StudentPurpose of 1xbet online games login ProcessAuthorized Payment Method (s)Expense Type
Student EmployeeEmployment related business
  • Requires pre-trip 1xbet online games login request for each student employee
  • Expensed through Concur
  • 1xbet online games login card (central airfare card or card issued to traveler)
  • Traveler’s personal card
Employee 1xbet online games login Expense Types (E25xx)
Student Consultant (Non-Employee)On behalf of the 1xbet online games login
  • Follows department pre-trip 1xbet online games login procedures
  • OOP reimbursed through eForms as vendor payment (must submit W-9)
  • 1xbet online games login card issued to faculty/staff in sponsoring department
  • Traveler’s personal card
Consultant 1xbet online games login (E2793)
  • Follows department pre-trip 1xbet online games login procedures
  • OOP reimbursed through eForms as vendor payment (must submit W-9)
  • 1xbet online games login card issued to faculty/staff in sponsoring department
  • Traveler’s personal card
Student/Trainee 1xbet online games login (E5630)
Faculty Led Student GroupEducational
  • Requires pre-trip 1xbet online games login request for faculty leading trip
  • Airfare booked through Anthony 1xbet online games login following student group procedures
  • Expensed through Concur
  • 1xbet online games login card issued to faculty/staff in sponsoring department
Faculty Led/ Educational Student 1xbet online games login (E2799)