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1xbet online games login Assignment/Reassignment

Chapter 7850
Revised June 24, 2005

Table of Contents

.020New Construction/Major Renovations
.030Reassignment of 1xbet online games login
.0401xbet online games login Requests from Admi
.050Function/Use Changes within Departments or Colleges

.010 Introduction

The goal of Kansas State 1xbet online games login is to provide all academic and administrative units with an adequate amount of appropriate, good quality, permanent, contiguous, code compliant spaces to meet program requirements within the Board of Regents' Guidelines (BRG) or as needed for specialized purposes. Several methods may be used to meet these needs. They include capital projects for the construction of new space or major renovations, the alteration of existing space, and the reassignment of space from other units or functions.

.020 New Construction/Major Renovations

The need for new 1xbet online games login is identified by estimating current program needs, based on BRG, and future program changes. Priorities are developed from information provided by various administrative units and levels and through the evaluation and consideration of:

  1. 1xbet online games login mission and goals
  2. Capital improvement plans
  3. 1xbet online games login deficits
  4. Environmental guidelines
  5. 1xbet online games login utilization analysis
  6. New program needs
  7. Enrollment projections
  8. Condition of existing building(s)
  9. Previous projects
  10. Funding availability
  11. Code compliance
  12. Other considerations and options

Programs for capital projects are prepared by Facilities Planning (see PPM Chapter 7830.010). Requests are submitted to the Board of Regents, according to the established time table and procedure, are subject to state statutes and may require legislative approval.

.030 Reassignment of 1xbet online games login

Vacated 1xbet online games login following the construction of new 1xbet online games login or major reorganization is reassigned according to the following procedures:

Programs for the reassignment of vacated 1xbet online games login may be initiated as a result of long range plans, overall 1xbet online games login needs, and various departmental requests. These reassignments generally involve more than one department and/or building.

  1. Reassignment alternatives are prepared by the Director of Facilities Planning, based on:
    1. Long range capital requests
    2. 1xbet online games login mission and goals
    3. Capital improvement goals
    4. Departmental 1xbet online games login needs
    5. Utilization reports
    6. Amount of 1xbet online games login available
    7. Urgency of need
    8. College/Departmental preferences
    9. Simplicity of moves
    10. Condition/type 1xbet online games login
    11. Relocation and alteration costs
    12. Time constraints
    13. Dislocation or disruption of other units or programs
    14. Input from contiguous departments or others affected
    15. Fire, safety, accessibility, health conditions, and other code requirements
    16. Utilities
    17. Esthetics
    18. Enrollment Projections

    The alternatives will provide positive and negative aspects of each proposal, including input from affected occupants or users and administrative heads.

  2. Alternatives are reviewed by the Director of Facilities Planning and the Associate Vice President for Facilities.

  3. Recommendations are submitted to the Vice President for 1xbet online games login Operations and Chief Operating Office and the Provost and Senior Vice President for review and approval.

  4. Recommendations are submitted to President's Cabinet for review and approval.

  5. Approved and signed reassignment forms are distributed to affected units or unit is notified of request denial.

  6. Inventory and other records are updated as appropriate.

.040 1xbet online games login Requests from Administrative Units

Requests for additional 1xbet online games login may be made in writing to the Director of Facilities Planning by a dean, department head, director or other administrative head.

  1. Non-general classroom 1xbet online games login requests are researched by the Director of Facilities Planning and follow the procedures listed in .020 above, with the exception of #4.

  2. General classroom 1xbet online games login requests follow the procedures as indicated in .020 with an additional step in place of #4.

    1. Information on the proposed use and possible impact on student or other departmental scheduling is included.

    2. Provost places request on agenda for Deans Council review and approval.

  3. Major or multiple moves and changes will be prepared as shown in .020.

.050 Function/Use Changes within Departments or Colleges

Units may make minor changes in the function of their own space for academic, research or service purposes if they are within 1xbet online games login guidelines for fire, safety, energy/utilities, structural or other standards and they do not add, delete, or change the physical features of their space.

  1. If there are no changes to physical features, the unit should:

    1. Notify Facilities Planning Office.

    2. Indicate change on annual building inventory update

  2. If there are proposed changes to dimensions, fixtures, utilities or other major aspects of the 1xbet online games login :

    1. Consult PPM 7810: Facilities Management Procedures, "Repairs, Maintenance, Renovation and Other Changes to 1xbet online games login Buildings and Grounds."

    2. Contact Facilities Planning for assistance. See PPM Chapter 7830, Facilities Planning.

  3. If a major 1xbet online games login use change or reorganization is proposed:

    1. Notify Facilities Planning.

    2. The Director will review the proposal. The scope of the analysis and the level of administrative approval needed will vary with each project.

.060 Questions

All questions concerning policy and procedures should be directed to the Director of Facilities Planning, 532-6377.