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  5. »PPM Chapter 3720: General 1xbet online games login Policies

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General 1xbet online games login Policies

Chapter 3720
Revised March 16, 2009; June 1, 2018; September 2020

Table of Contents

.010 Occupational 1xbet online games login and Health at KSU
.020 Asbestos Handling Policy
.030 Food Dispensing Policy
.040 Hearing Conservation 1xbet online games login
.050 Respirator Use 1xbet online games login
.060 Tornado Refuge
.070 Workplace Precautions for Bloodborne Pathogens
.080 Smoking Policy
.090 Hazard Communication 1xbet online games login
.100 Shipping Hazardous Materials
.110 Industrial and Utility Mobile 1xbet online games login Policy
.120 Questions

.010 Occupational 1xbet online games login and Health at KSU

Occupational 1xbet online games login and health is the responsibility of each employee at the university. In addition, each person of authority at the university is responsible for those employees under his or her supervision. This responsibility begins with the President and flows down to each person within the structure of the university. The personal and collective 1xbet online games login and health of students and employees are of primary importance. Cooperation among the administration, faculty members, staff members, and student body is necessary for the development and preservation of an enviable 1xbet online games login record. Effective standards, as well as proper attitudes, are required for the maintenance of workplace 1xbet online games login .

The Kansas Department of Human Resources (KDHR), Industrial 1xbet online games login & Health Section regulates the University with regard to occupational 1xbet online games login and health. Under K.S.A. 44-636, KDHR, by reference, applies the Occupational 1xbet online games login and Health Administration (OSHA) standards as found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

The Division of Public 1xbet online games login in cooperation with the Campus Environmental Health and 1xbet online games login Committee develops guidelines to help departments comply with the occupational 1xbet online games login and health standards. This help is meant to provide to all employees at Kansas State University the proper guidelines to prevent workplace accidents. Under all circumstances, employees must be properly trained to perform their required tasks. These guidelines are to be used as building blocks for individual units to properly provide adequate 1xbet online games login and health protection for their workers. Their purpose is to create an overall awareness of the hazards of the job as well as to offer guidelines for safe work practices. Employees should review, be familiar with, and understand the information set forth in the guidelines.

The following responsibilities are assigned to various 1xbet online games login administrators, faculty and staff:

The Campus Environmental Health & 1xbet online games login Committee recommends university policy concerning environmental and 1xbet online games login issues.

The Division of Public 1xbet online games login enforces compliance with federal, state, local and university policies concerning occupational 1xbet online games login and health. The Division of Public 1xbet online games login is responsible for investigating occupational 1xbet online games login and health concerns and providing consultation to departments for compliance with standards and policies. The Division of Public 1xbet online games login reports environmental and 1xbet online games login concerns to the Vice President for University Operations and Chief Operating Officer, and the Campus Environmental Health & 1xbet online games login Committee, as well as, Federal, State and local public agencies, as required by law.

The Department Head or Director of each individual department is responsible for the implementation of safe work practices and adherence to occupational 1xbet online games login and health regulations and policies. The Department Head or Director should communicate with the Division of Public 1xbet online games login and report any occupational 1xbet online games login and health problems. Any work related accidents should be reported to Human Resource Services, who in turn, reports them to the Division of Public 1xbet online games login . Near-accidents or near-misses should be reported directly to the Division of Public 1xbet online games login .

Each employee is responsible to know, understand and follow the guidelines and should be continually on guard to prevent unsafe work practices. The employee should report to the Department Head or Director any work related accidents, near-accidents or occupational 1xbet online games login and health problems that need to be addressed.

Overall, the 1xbet online games login has a responsibility to provide a safe workplace for its employees. Workers also have a responsibility to follow safe practices to protect themselves and others working around them. In all types of labor, there is a certain amount of common sense that must be brought to the job by the worker.

The Division of Public 1xbet online games login tries to develop rules or guidelines specific for Kansas State University. In other cases, when no additional written rules or guidelines exist, the Division of Public 1xbet online games login will rely on OSHA Standards as found in 29 CFR 1910, 1926, 1928. In addition, the Division of Public 1xbet online games login will use national standards such as those found in the National Institute of Occupational 1xbet online games login and Health (NIOSH), the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the American Industrial Hygiene Association, the National Fire Protection Association, and other organizations.

The following Kansas State University rules or guidelines exist: Chemical Hygiene Program; Hazard Communication Program; Hazardous Waste Minimization Program; Hearing Conservation Program; Good Laboratory 1xbet online games login Practices; Procedure for Handling Asbestos; Radiation 1xbet online games login Manual; Respirator Program; 1xbet online games login with Chemical Carcinogens in Research and Teaching; and Workplace Precautions for Bloodborne Pathogens.

The 1xbet online games login measures and procedures provided by the various rules and guidelines are designed to aid in maintaining a safe and healthful work and study environment on the Kansas State University campus. The Division of Public 1xbet online games login can provide assistance in the pursuit of that goal.

.020 Asbestos Handling Policy

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) have issued rules and regulations concerning the handling of, or working with, asbestos. Those rules and regulations are summarized below and Kansas State 1xbet online games login personnel will comply with the rules. Only employees certified by KDHE as asbestos workers may perform maintenance related work. Work with friable and non-friable asbestos materials are regulated by this policy. Nonfriable asbestos falls outside the state and federal asbestos rules and includes vinyl asbestos floor tile, mastic, transit and any other asbestos material that does not crumble with hand pressure. However, the workers and the public must be adequately protected during all removal procedures.

Any building owned by Kansas State University must be properly inspected for the presence of friable and nonfriable asbestos prior to demolition or renovation of the building. Building includes any institutional, commercial, public, industrial, residential or farm structure. Contact Facilities Planning or the Division of Public 1xbet online games login for assistance.

Specific requirements for major projects (greater than 3 linear or square feet) or maintenance projects (3 or less linear or square feet) including guidelines for worker protection are published by the Division of Public 1xbet online games login is available in hard copy from the Division.

The guidelines for worker protection include the requirements for an annual physical 1xbet online games login exam, proper use and maintenance of respirators, appropriate clothing, use of HEPA vacuum, glovebags, proper signage and proper disposal methods.

Safe work practices must be followed in any job requiring the handling of nonfriable asbestos. To protect the public, limit access to only essential personnel. Each nonfriable asbestos job must be handled as a case-by-case situation and must therefore have approval of the Division of Public 1xbet online games login prior to the start of the job. More stringent worker practices in the situation of "about to become friable" material or more restricted access to the public may be required. As a minimum, all workers on the project must attend a 90 minute training session on asbestos 1xbet online games login .

After the completion of most larger than maintenance jobs, the work area will be considered clean only if the clearance air sample has a fiber concentration of less than 0.009 fibers/cm3 or none detected (ND). If the clearance sample is greater than 0.00 9 fibers/cm3, the work area must be re-cleaned or additional air samples taken, whichever the Division of Public 1xbet online games login deems necessary.

.030 Food Dispensing Policy

The Campus Sanitation Committee is charged with the responsibility of inspecting and controlling environmental situations that may be deleterious to the 1xbet online games login of individuals during their stay on the campus. One of the situations involved is food service and the prevention and minimization of food-borne illnesses. A recommended method of keeping food-borne illness at a minimum is to have trained food handlers well-versed in the proper techniques of food storage and food service. Therefore, it is the policy of this Committee to discourage food preparation and service by untrained and non-approved food handlers. Furthermore, the committee discourages the dispensing of food prepared in kitchens not approved by this Committee via the Campus Sanitarian or the Riley County Board of 1xbet online games login .

A written permit is required of any K.S.U. sanctioned person or group engaged in dispensing any food item. The permit application may be obtained from the Division of Facilities, Dykstra Hall, and must be approved by the Department of Campus 1xbet online games login before the activity begins. Those departments not required to schedule facilities through the Division of Facilities and who do not have an approved food service must submit requests directly to the Campus Sanitation Committee for approval to dispense food. Requests must be sent to the Campus Sanitarian 10 to 14 days prior to the projected food service date.

All food items 1xbet online games login approved. Hazard list below will help in selecting the food to serve:

More Hazardous: Pastries filled with cream or synthetic cream, hamburgers, custards or similar products, salads or sandwiches containing meat, eggs, poultry or fish, gravy.

Less Hazardous: Ice, coffee, tea, punch, cookies, commercially prepackaged food, fresh fruit and vegetables, hot dogs.

Drinks which are dispensed on campus should be dispensed from a dispenser with single service paper cups or in commercially available cans.

Food items to be served 1xbet online games login prepared in a kitchen approved by the Sanitation Committee or the Riley County Board of Health.

a. Items prepared and packaged in a kitchen approved as above may be dispensed in the unbroken package by personnel who have not had food handler's training.

b. Food handlers include 1xbet online games login employees who may have a chance to come in contact with the food during its receiving, preparation, packaging, delivery, or serving.

Food service may be performed only in buildings or locations approved by 1xbet online games login Facilities and the Campus Sanitation Committee.

.040 Hearing Conservation 1xbet online games login

Long-term exposure to excessive noise leads to permanent, irreparable hearing loss. Many individuals who live and work in noise are reluctant to recognize it as a serious threat or to accept and use personal hearing protection. Noise-induced hearing loss occurs slowly over months or years making it difficult to convince those at risk to guard their sense of hearing. The purpose of the Hearing Conservation Program is to prevent job-related, noise induced, hearing loss in 1xbet online games login employees. Work areas of the 1xbet online games login which test to be noise hazard areas (exceed the maximum permissible noise exposure for employees) shall enter into the Hearing Protection Program. The three-part program includes testing, training, and hearing protection.

Noise testing and hearing tests. Sound surveys will be conducted once every two years or more frequently as considered appropriate in departments considered noise hazard areas by the Industrial Hygienist. Employees who are exposed to an eight hour time-weighted-average (TWA) of 85 dBA or greater will have their hearing tested annually. Employees exposed to a TWA of 90 dBA or greater noise exposure for eight hours must wear hearing protection. All hearing testing will be conducted in a sound treated audiological test booth in the Kansas State University Speech and Hearing Center under the supervision of a Certified Audiologist. New employees will be tested within six months of employment. Inservice training for employees shall be performed annually. These training sessions will cover the areas of basic audition, anatomy of the ear, noise and noise-induced hearing loss, and the benefits of hearing protection. Scheduling will be coordinated with the involved department, the Division of Public 1xbet online games login and the Speech and Hearing Center.

Hearing protection. Engineering controls should be instituted to reduce noise levels to reasonable limits where practical. In all areas where noise hazards exist, warning signs should be posted at entrances or on the periphery of those areas. Hearing protection 1xbet online games login worn when the noise level exposure equals or exceeds a TWA 90 dBA. In addition, hearing protective equipment 1xbet online games login available to those exposed to noise levels between 85 and 90 dBA.

The costs for this program including testing, training and hearing protection will be provided by the affected department. The guidelines for hearing conservation can be found in the complete guidelines published by the Division of Public 1xbet online games login is available from the Division in hard copy.

.050 Respirator Use 1xbet online games login

Properly-functioning and properly-used respiratory protection is one of the most important components of a 1xbet online games login and health program for workers who must be protected from inhalation of hazardous atmospheres. Hazardous atmosphere includes but is not limited to dusts, mists, vapors, and gases due to asbestos, paint, grain, solvents, grinding operations, and laboratory situations. This written, standard operating procedure will be used to protect any worker who must wear a respirator during work assignments.

The guidelines for worker protection can be found in the complete guidelines published by the Division of Public 1xbet online games login is available from the Division in hard copy. The guidelines include employee responsibilities and medical examinations, selection, use and limitations of respirators, cleaning, maintenance and storage procedures, proper respirator fit testing, and annual training. The published guidelines include several forms that are required for medical examinations.

Prior to assigning a respirator to a worker, a medical determination 1xbet online games login made to assure that the individual is healthy and physically able to perform the work and wear the equipment. The examination will be administered annually by Lafene Health Center physicians and includes a comprehensive history, a chest X-ray (possibly) and a pulmonary function test.

Each department head is responsible for a program to cover respirator uses specific to the department and has financial responsibility for the program. The Division of Public 1xbet online games login has overall University responsibility for the program and has authority to make the technical and administrative decisions necessary for the continued success of the program. All respirators used must be approved by the National Institute for Occupational 1xbet online games login and Health (NIOSH).

The selection of respirators depends upon the airborne concentration of the respirable contaminant. Protection provided by the respirator is based on the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV) calculated as an 8-hour Time Weighted Average (TWA) for hazardous materials. The minimum levels of respiratory protection are given in the published guidelines. Air-purifying respirators are to be used only in atmospheres that are not oxygen-deficient, atmospheres that are not Immediately Dangerous to Life or 1xbet online games login (IDLH), or atmospheres that do not exceed the published protection factors. Cartridge respirators may only be used when the hazard has a physical warning such as odor or if the cartridge has a color indicator which demonstrates saturation.

Respirator fit testing. Qualitative fit testing is conducted by the user's 1xbet online games login for air-purifying respirators. The procedure is done prior to issuing a worker with a respirator and every six months thereafter. Qualitative fit test results should be maintained in the employee's records.

.060 Tornado Refuge

All building occupants should know where to go in case of a tornado or severe weather. The 1xbet online games login head should review the following steps with all employees:

Get and stay indoors during the storm.
Go to the interior hallways on the lowest level of the building.
Stay away from windows, doors, and outside walls and protect your head.
Leave mobile homes, trailers, and vehicles and go to a substantial structure.

If there is no shelter nearby, lie flat in the nearest ditch, ravine, or culvert. The vast majority of 1xbet online games login injuries and fatalities resulting from severe weather occur to persons in mobile homes and motor vehicles. Serious injuries to persons in interior areas of brick or stone builidings are rare. Notification of improved weather conditions can be obtained from a local radio station or television set.

The Division of Public 1xbet online games login makes available tornado refuge signs for the main buildings your department occupies. By order of the State Fire Marshal (K.A.R. 22-18-2), these signs must be posted in each building. Please ensure that one sign is posted on your department bulletin board and one is posted near a main entrance to the building.

.070 Workplace Precautions for Bloodborne Pathogens

Kansas State University voluntarily complies with the Occupational 1xbet online games login and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030. In addition, medical services waste is regulated by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) under K.A.R. 28-29-27. The university administration, to insure a safe work environment for all employees, adopts this Kansas State University policy on Work Place Precautions for Bloodborne Pathogens. This policy will minimize work place exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and other bloodborne pathogens. Wherever the term "blood" is found in this policy, it implies blood or other potentially infectious material capable of acting as a vehicle for HIV, HBV, or other bloodborne pathogens.

Each department having an employee or employees with occupational exposure to human blood must establish a written Exposure Control Plan designed to eliminate or minimize employee exposure. Employees considered to have occupational exposure to human blood include: health professionals and paraprofessionals in Lafene Health Center, the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, and Recreational Services; police in the Division of Public 1xbet online games login ; laboratory personnel working with human blood or other human pathogens in the Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Department of Veterinary Diagnosis, Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Biology, Department of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry, Department of Foods and Nutrition and Department of Kinesiology; emergency first-aid responders in any department; and custodians in the Division of Facilities who may be required to clean up spilled human blood.

Methods of compliance including handling, storing and disposing of human blood and medical services waste are published by the Division of Public 1xbet online games login is available in hard copy from the Division. Additional information concerning HIV research, HBV vaccinations, HIV and HBV exposure incident reporting, hazard communication, training and recordkeeping may be found in the published guideline.

Used sharps such as hypodermic needles and syringes, scalpel blades, suture needles, razor blades, pasteur pipettes, or other sharp objects must be stored in a closed, rigid, puncture proof container. The Division of Public 1xbet online games login operates the "SHARPS PROGRAM" for the university by distributing properly labeled one gallon plastic containers to departments that request them. On request, the Division of Public 1xbet online games login will pick up the container and properly dispose of the sharp objects. At no time may sharps be discarded in the trash.

Other medical services wastes will be handled by the Division of Public 1xbet online games login for pick up and disposal. Materials will be transported in "International Orange" (red) containers to the Hazardous Waste Storage Facility to await disposal.

.080 Smoking Policy

Smoking is a public health and fire hazard. Locations where smoking is allowed shall be restricted in order to prevent infringements upon others; and create and maintain an environment and culture that is in the best interests of the 1xbet online games login , health and well-being of all users of university property.

The smoking of cigarettes, cigars, pipes or burning tobacco in any other form or device, as well as the use of electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, hookah or other water pipe devices and all other related devices, is prohibited in university owned vehicles and on university property, except inside personal vehicles. University property includes, on the Manhattan and Salina campuses: inside buildings and structures, outdoors, and within state-owned vehicles. Research investigating smoking is allowed in laboratories designated for that purpose with authorization granted by the Department of Environmental Health and 1xbet online games login .

Violations of the smoking policy should be reported to the proper entity. Staff and faculty violations 1xbet online games login follow the progressive discipline policies and students 1xbet online games login be subject to the Student Code of Conduct.

This policy is effective June 1, 2018, and is in accordance with K.S.A 21-6109, et seq, and City of Manhattan Ordinance No. 6737. Violations of Kansas Statute and City Ordinances are punishable under applicable 1xbet online games login and local laws.

.090 Hazard Communication 1xbet online games login

The purpose of the Hazard Communication Program is to provide Kansas State University employees with the necessary information to protect their health and well being from chemical hazards. This written hazard communication program includes chemical inventory, employee training, material 1xbet online games login data sheet (MSDS) use, container labeling, spill control, personal protective equipment use, and notification of work-on-site contractors. The guidelines for hazard communication is available from the Division in hard copy. The guidelines include the requirements for chemical control, labeling, material 1xbet online games login data sheets (MSDS) and training. The guidelines hard copy also includes the EPA extremely hazardous substances list (40 CFR 355), a training syllabus and log, a glossary of terms, examples of MSDSs and a letter to request MSDSs.

The program applies to 1xbet online games login chemicals or chemical products that are known to be present in the workplace and which employees may be exposed under normal use conditions or in a foreseeable emergency. The chemicals covered by this program include laboratory chemicals, cleaning agents, floor strippers and waxes, maintenance solvents and oils, bottled gas, printing inks and solvents, photocopy inks and toners, and other chemical products. There are some specific instances in which this standard does not apply, please refer to the published guidelines.

The Division of Public 1xbet online games login has overall responsibility to manage the Hazard Communication Program. Each department shall have a Department 1xbet online games login Coordinator who will have the responsibility to operate the Hazard Communication Program for the department. Department, for the purposes of this document, is defined as any Division, Department, Section, Unit, or Office. The President, Provost, Vice Presidents, or Deans may ask their respective Department Heads or Directors to appoint Department 1xbet online games login Coordinators. Departments of ten or less employees may be grouped together under one Department 1xbet online games login Coordinator. Departments in more than one building should have a Department 1xbet online games login Coordinator for each building. The Department 1xbet online games login Coordinator will coordinate all efforts with the Division of Public 1xbet online games login .

Each Department 1xbet online games login Coordinator will compile an annual inventory (prior to January 30th) of all hazardous chemicals and report this information to the Division of Public 1xbet online games login . Included in this report will be the storage location of the chemicals. Hazardous chemicals are defined as those chemicals listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's Extremely Hazardous Substances List (40 CFR 355, Appendix A) and subsequent changes.

.100 Shipping Hazardous Material

The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulates the movement of chemicals by land, air and sea. The Federal DOT regulation, HM-181, concerns the shipping of hazardous materials. Improper labeling and manifests can result in large fines to the shipper as well as the transportation company. Universities and State agencies are not exempt from such fines. A second Federal DOT regulation, HM-126, requires any employee, who is responsible for the shipping of chemicals or other hazardous materials, to be trained in hazardous materials shipping. Employees who are responsible for departmental shipping 1xbet online games login attend one Hazardous Materials Shipment Training session and a refresher course every three years thereafter.

The shipping manifest (Bill of Lading) requires a 24-hour phone number on all hazardous materials manifests. Any shipment from Kansas State University must include the K-State Police Department emergency phone number, (785) 532-6412. A material 1xbet online games login data sheet (MSDS) should be included with hazardous materials shipments, if available. A copy of the shipping manifest and MSDS must be faxed to the K-State Police, 532-7408, at the time of shipment.

.110 Industrial and Utility Mobile 1xbet online games login Policy

The procedures in this policy will enable operators of Kansas State University industrial and utility vehicles and equipment to avoid situations that may compromise the 1xbet online games login of operators, pedestrians, or others in the vicinity, and protect personal and university property.

This policy applies to all vehicles and equipment owned or operated on Kansas State 1xbet online games login premises by 1xbet online games login employees, students or others authorized by the institution. Utility vehicles (here after referred to as vehicles) covered include powered vehicles and mobile 1xbet online games login in which the operator is on the vehicle or 1xbet online games login during operation (e.g., sits on, stands on, or rides attached to), regardless of size or energy source. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Specialized industrial trucks
  • Farm 1xbet online games login and tractors
  • Golf carts
  • Utility task vehicle (UTV) or “Gators”
  • 1xbet online games login -terrain vehicles (ATV)
  • Micro utility trucks
  • Electric or propane powered vehicles
  • Riding mowers
  • Lift trucks
  • Worksite utility vehicles
  • Heavy 1xbet online games login (e.g., earthmovers)
  • Mobile husbandry 1xbet online games login

This policy does not apply to 1xbet online games login fleet or motor pool vehicles, or otherwise licensed vehicles operated on public roadways, which are covered by local or state laws and codes. Refer to State Owned Vehicles PPM Chapter 6420 for 1xbet online games login requirements for fleet and motor pool vehicles.


All vehicle operators must receive training prior to operating vehicles and equipment covered by this policy. Documentation of training 1xbet online games login maintained and available for review. Training 1xbet online games login specific to the vehicle and operations performed, and must include information about related equipment attachments. Training will include at minimum:

a) Explanation of 1xbet online games login vehicle controls and operation,
b) Conducting vehicle 1xbet online games login inspections,
c) Hazards of 1xbet online games login , attachments, possible conditions and how to avoid injury/incidents,
d) Applicable rules of proper operation (that are not addressed as part of 1xbet online games login licensure),
e) Requirements listed within 1xbet online games login current policy,
f) 1xbet online games login control (e.g., guards, interlocks, personal protective equipment [PPE]) requirements and use.

Operation competency 1xbet online games login demonstrated by the new operator under the supervision of a competent, trained operator or contracted trainer/certifier before they may operate the vehicle unsupervised. Vehicles requiring specific licensure or certification may require additional training and competency testing.

Requirement of Authorized Vehicle Operators

The following are requirements for any personnel who 1xbet online games login operate vehicles governed by this policy.

a) Must be a Kansas State 1xbet online games login employee (faculty, staff, employed student, or authorized volunteer).
b) Must be 18 years of age (unless waiver is authorized by K-State Environmental Health and 1xbet online games login ).
c) Must possess a valid driver’s license (unless waiver is authorized by K-State Environmental Health and 1xbet online games login ).
d) 1xbet online games login knowledgeable regarding the requirements and guidelines set by this procedure.
e) 1xbet online games login trained in accordance with section .110 Training ofthis policy.


College and department heads are responsible for ensuring that staff are adhering to the requirements of this PPM as well as additional 1xbet online games login requirements as necessary, which are specific to the nature of the hazards present and/or presented by the operation of vehicles covered herein.

a) 1xbet online games login Head Responsibilities

  1. Ensure that vehicles and equipment are properly maintained and that appropriate 1xbet online games login controls are in place.
  2. Ensure that training is made available to operators that is appropriate to the nature of the vehicle and vehicle operations.
  3. Ensure that supervisors (including faculty, researchers, and staff) verify that the appropriate licenses and training are in place prior to allowing operators to use vehicles.
  4. Obtain prior approval for use of vehicles managed by 1xbet online games login departments.
  5. Adhere to K-1xbet online games login Traffic and Parking Regulations, Section V regarding 1xbet online games login and 1xbet online games login affiliated ATV, UTV, or golf cart type vehicles on theManhattan campus:
    • No personal use vehicles on campus.
    • Vehicles 1xbet online games login clearly marked with the department or company name, vehicle number and contact phone number.
    • Companies operating vehicles on campus 1xbet online games login affiliated with a campus department. Departments are responsible for informing affiliated companies and users of vehicle operation policies on campus.

b) Operator Responsibilities

  1. Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, policy requirements, and 1xbet online games login protocols on or off roadways.
  2. Operate vehicles in a manner that does not interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow on roadways, sidewalks, and ramps.
  3. Be responsible for the security of the vehicle for the period that the vehicle is assigned to them.
  4. Immediately notify their supervisor if and when their driver’s license is suspended or revoked, and discontinue operating a vehicle for 1xbet online games login business at that time.
  5. Provide timely notification of 1xbet online games login and maintenance concerns to their department supervisor.
  6. Wear any personal protective 1xbet online games login as required for the nature of the work and 1xbet online games login (e.g., helmets, gloves, hearing protection, etc.).

Daily Inspection

Inspections 1xbet online games login conducted prior to operating the vehicle, at least once per shift when vehicles are being used. Inspections should be tailored based on the nature of the equipment and manufacturer recommendations. At minimum, inspections should review the following as applicable to the equipment:

a) Tires are inflated to the proper pressure.
b) Vehicle fluids are at proper levels.
c) Flashing beacon/caution lights are operational, if present or required.
d) Look for any loose or missing parts.
e) Audible alarms are functional (e.g., reverse alert), if present or required.
f) Side and rear view mirrors are in good condition (e.g., not cracked, fogged, loose, or dirty).
g) Seat belts are accessible for use and in good condition, if present and required.
h) Headlights, taillights, turn signals and 1xbet online games login signals are operational, if present or required.
i) Look for any visibly defective items or damage.
j) All 1xbet online games login controls are in place and functional (roll bars, guards, shields, interlocks, etc.).
k) Inspect personal protective 1xbet online games login (PPE) required to operate the vehicle.

General Operation

Operate vehicles in accordance with all applicable regulations, K-State policies and the 1xbet online games login guidelines of the vehicle/equipment manufacturer. The following are minimum expectations:

a) Seat belts 1xbet online games login worn when provided.
b) No utility vehicle shall be operated between ½ hour after sunset and ½ hour before sunrise without properly working headlights and taillights.
c) If a utility vehicle is equipped with a horn, audible alarms or warning lighting (e.g., beacons), these 1xbet online games login functional.
d) Utility vehicles shall not be modified in any manner that affects the recommended mode of operation, speed, or 1xbet online games login of the vehicle.
e) Operators of vehicles that are not equipped with turn indicators shall use appropriate hand signals.
f) If vehicle is not equipped with an audible reverse alarm or rear camera, use a spotter when operating in reverse in areas where workers or pedestrians could be hit by the vehicle or attachments.
g) When traveling in heavy pedestrian traffic, reduce vehicle speed to match pedestrian speed. Only exceed pedestrian speed if safe to do so. Otherwise, stop operations until pedestrian paths are clear. Pedestrians have the right of way. When it is critical that pedestrians yield, provide audible notice only as appropriate. Do not use horn to intimidate or force pedestrians off walkways.
h) Vehicles shall be operated with the utmost courtesy, care, and consideration for the 1xbet online games login and convenience of pedestrians and other vehicle traffic.
i) Do not use mobile phone or radios during active vehicle operation unless equipped with a hands free device (that is appropriate for the nature of the ambient noise level).
j) Check surroundings before starting vehicle operations.
k) Do not drive on grass unless necessary to complete a job task.
l) Smoking is not permitted in vehicles.
m) If 1xbet online games login equipment such as personal protective equipment (PPE) is required to operate the vehicle, this should available prior to operation.
n) Golf carts and utility task vehicles operated on the Manhattan campus 1xbet online games login equipped with functional headlights, taillights and signals.
o) Golf carts are not allowed on Manhattan city streets per Ordinance No. 7312 section 15.
p) Cargo

  1. Utility vehicles equipped with a cargo bed or ladder rack shall not be overloaded. Overloading decreases maneuverability and safe operation.
  2. Materials and equipment shall be loaded and secured so they 1xbet online games login not cause a hazard by shifting or falling off.
  3. Top heavy 1xbet online games login is especially dangerous and should be properly secured and balanced when tipping is possible. Use extreme caution during turning maneuvers.
  4. Loads 1xbet online games login not extend more than one foot from either the side or the front of a utility vehicle.
  5. Loads that extend more than three feet from the rear of the vehicle 1xbet online games login flagged with a brightly colored material, usually red or orange.

q) Passengers

  1. If the vehicle is equipped with seatbelts, passengers 1xbet online games login buckled in while the vehicle is moving.
  2. There is to be only one passenger per seat (i.e., if equipped with two manufacturer provided seats, vehicle occupancy = 2).
  3. No passengers are permitted inside the cargo area, only manufacturer provided seating 1xbet online games login occupied.
  4. All passengers 1xbet online games login remain bodily inside the confines of the vehicle while moving (head, arms, legs and feet 1xbet online games login remain inside).

r) Hazardous Conditions
Operators 1xbet online games login account for conditions that may require driving at slower speeds or other precautions. Such conditions include, but are not limited to:

  1. Slippery sidewalks, roadways, or 1xbet online games login surfaces due to rain, ice, mud, sand, or oil.
  2. Heavy pedestrian traffic, physical impairment or distracted pedestrians (e.g., using cell phones or headphones).
  3. Reduced visibility due to weather or dust conditions.
  4. Intersections or blind spots.
  5. Uneven surfaces, hills or 1xbet online games login terrain that increase the likelihood of roll over.
  6. Work around excavations and trenches.
  7. Work around overhead or underground hazards (e.g., power lines, gas lines).
  8. Changing site conditions during construction.

s) Traffic Intersections and Crosswalks

  1. Operators 1xbet online games login come to a complete stop before crossing a roadway or proceeding through intersecting sidewalks or other areas that have blind spots.
  2. Stop the vehicle at 1xbet online games login blind intersections and sound horn (as applicable) before proceeding.
  3. Operators may cross roadways only at pedestrian crosswalks by slowly driving alongside the pedestrian crosswalk (do not drive within the marked pedestrian crosswalk).
  4. Obey all traffic signals. Operators 1xbet online games login look in all directions prior to entering the intersections and crossing.
  5. Whenever an operator feels he/she cannot predict the actions of a pedestrian or other vehicle operator, he/she 1xbet online games login come to a complete stop before proceeding.

t) Parking

  1. Vehicles 1xbet online games login follow applicable K-State parking rules as defined in K-1xbet online games login Traffic and Parking Regulations.
  2. Vehicles shall not be parked within 25 feet of the main entrance or exit of any building, which would block entries or egress.
  3. Vehicles shall not be parked in a way that blocks stairs, sidewalks, fire hydrants, fire lanes, or handicap ramps.
  4. Vehicles shall not be parked in any manner likely to obstruct or interfere with the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  5. Vehicles shall not be driven or parked in the breezeway of any building.
  6. Vehicles shall not be parked or driven in covered entrances of buildings.
  7. Vehicles shall not be driven in buildings.
  8. Avoid parking on grass when feasible.

.120 Questions

Questions are to be directed to the Department of Environmental Health and 1xbet online games login , telephone number (785)532-5856.