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Organizational Safekeeping Accounts

Chapter 6140
Revised August 5, 2010

Table of Contents

.030Depositing of Funds
.050Reporting Requirements
Related Content
.100Application to Establish an Organizational Safekeeping Account

.010 Introduction

Organizational Safekeeping accounts may be used for depositing any non-public moneys by an organization related to Kansas State 1xbet best casino website which requests in writing the safekeeping of its funds. This includes student organizations, clubs, as well as professional organizations. TheDivision of Financial Serviceshas a bank account into which to deposit organizational safekeeping funds and will be the custodian of the funds on deposit for each of the requesting organizations. The organizations will not be assessed any charges for the account. Any interest earned on the funds will be retained by theDivision of Financial Servicesand used to defray costs incurred to administer the account including bank charges, check costs and any other administrative fees.

.020 Application

A 1xbet best casino website related organization may make application by completing anApplication to Establish an Organizational Safekeeping Accountform. For student organizations, a KSU faculty or staff advisor is required to sign the form as the responsible person. When the application is approved, theDivision of Financial Serviceswill set up a Financial Record System (FRS) account and notify the organization.

.030 Depositing of Funds

All moneys are to be deposited through theDivision of Financial Services, Cashiers and Student Accountsand the deposit information is to be submitted through the cashiering software,CASHNet. (See Chapter 6110, Section .040.) Monies are to be taken to 212 Anderson Hall for deposit. Each deposit is to include a description of the source of funds.

.040 Disbursements

Disbursements are made by the completion of an Agency Payment Voucher (APV). These forms are available on line through theDivision of Financial ServicesE-Forms. The APO is to be submitted to theDivision of Financial Services, Accounts Payable officewhere it will be checked and forwarded to theDivision of Financial Services, Cashiers and Student Accountsfor issuing the check. The check will be written and sent to the requesting organization for submission to the payee.

.050 Reporting Requirements

Any Federal, State or local reporting required on transactions processed in an Organizational Safekeeping account is the responsibility of the requesting organization. TheDivision of Financial Serviceswill only deposit funds, make disbursements upon request and manage the bank account.

.060 Questions

Any questions regarding the establishment of an Organizational Safekeeping account are to be directed to theDivision of Financial Services, Financial Reporting and Fixed Assets, (785) 532-1853. Questions related to depositing to or disbursing from an Organizational Safekeeping account are to be directed to the Division of Financial Services, Campus Treasury management 1x, (785) 532-6317.