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Internal 1xbet best casino website Services

Chapter 3250
Revised April 24, 2015

Table of Contents

.020Internal 1xbet best casino website Charter
.030Objectives and Scope
.040Responsibility and Authority
.060Budget and Staff
.090Requesting an 1xbet best casino website

.010 Introduction

The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office is an independent appraisal activity within Kansas State University responsible for the review of operations as a service to management. The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office reviews and determines appropriateness, soundness and adequacy of institutional accounting, financial and operational controls. It is a managerial tool which functions by measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of controls.

The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office reports to the President through the Vice President, Chief Operating Officer. However, the Internal 1xbet best casino website Office will report directly to the Kansas Board of Regents 1xbet best casino website Committee any situation wherein the internal auditor perceives a conflict of interest with or on the part of the Chief Executive Officer relative to any aspect of an 1xbet best casino website . The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office does not exercise direct authority over any of the activities at the institution that are reviewed.

.020 Internal 1xbet best casino website charter


The Kansas State University Internal 1xbet best casino website Department provides consulting, independent, objective analysis and recommendations to assist University managers in effectively discharging their administrative responsibilities. The Department assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls with the goal of promoting effective controls at reasonable costs. The Internal 1xbet best casino website Department performs internal audits in accordance with their annual 1xbet best casino website plan and conducts special audits or reviews at the request of University management or the Kansas Board of Regents.


The Internal 1xbet best casino website Department reports to the President through the Vice President, Chief Operating Officer. The Department has no direct responsibility for any day-to-day University activities or operations for the activities they 1xbet best casino website . The Internal 1xbet best casino website Department is authorized to have full and free unrestricted access to all Kansas State University records, property and personnel relevant to an 1xbet best casino website . Their scope of work shall also include the review of university controlled affiliated corporations, including a review of the IRS form 990 for each such corporation, with a focus on potential conflict of interest and transactions between the university and university controlled affiliated corporations. The Internal 1xbet best casino website Department shall report to the Board of Regents 1xbet best casino website Committee any situation wherein the internal auditor perceives a conflict of interest with or on the part of the President relative to any aspect of an 1xbet best casino website .


The Internal 1xbet best casino website Department will report annually to the Board of Regents Committee on Fiscal Affairs and 1xbet best casino website , summarizing the prior year's activities and 1xbet best casino website plans for the coming year. Any completed internal 1xbet best casino website reporting material financial weakness or fraud is to be submitted to the Board President and Chief Executive Officer who shall be responsible for recommending to the Committee on Fiscal Affairs and 1xbet best casino website any specific 1xbet best casino website findings that should be further reviewed by the Committee.

The Internal 1xbet best casino website Department advises University management on the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls. The Department is guided by the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) adopted by the Institute of Internal Auditors. Additional resources, tools and guidance include those obtained through the Association of College and University Auditors and the Committee of Sponsored Organizations. The major principles considered by the Internal 1xbet best casino website Department as it develops 1xbet best casino website guidelines and conducts audits include the following:

  • Assess the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial, and other operating controls;
  • Determine adherence to 1xbet best casino website plans, policies, and procedures;
  • Assess compliance with applicable laws, regulations and generally-accepted accounting principles;
  • Ascertain whether program results are consistent with established objectives;
  • Ascertain the adequacy of controls for safeguarding 1xbet best casino website assets from losses of all kinds; and
  • Assist in the improvement of 1xbet best casino website operations by making appropriate constructive suggestions and recommendations.

.030 Objective and Scope

The overall objective of Internal Auditing is to assist all University officials in the effective discharge of their responsibilities by furnishing them with objective analysis, appraisals, recommendations and pertinent comments concerning activities reviewed. The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office is concerned with any phase of University activity where it can provide service to management. This involves going beyond the accounting and financial records to obtain a full understanding of the operation under review. The attainment of this overall objective involves such activities as:

  1. Reviewing and appraising the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial, and other operating controls and promoting effective controls at reasonable cost.

  2. Ascertaining the extent of compliance with established institutional policies, plans and procedures.

  3. Determining the extent to which 1xbet best casino website assets are accounted for and safeguarded from losses of all kinds.

  4. Ascertaining the reliability of 1xbet best casino website data developed within the organization.

  5. Appraising the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities.

  6. Recommending operating improvements.

.040 Responsibilities and Authority

The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office is responsible for performing internal audits, reviewing programs, assisting external auditors, reviewing system designs and other similar functions. The related authority provides the Internal Auditors full access to all of the University's records, properties and personnel relevant to the subject under review. The Internal Auditors are free to review and assess policies, plans, procedures and records. The Internal Auditors responsibilities are as follows:

  1. Inform and advise management, and discharge this responsibility in a professional manner. The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office will adhere to the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, Code of Ethics and Statement of Responsibilities of Internal Auditing adopted by the Institute of Internal Auditors.

  2. Coordinate activities with others so as to best achieve the 1xbet best casino website objectives and the objectives of the University.

In performing the 1xbet best casino website functions, the Internal Auditors have no direct responsibility for, nor authority over, any of the activities which are reviewed. Therefore, the internal 1xbet best casino website review and appraisal does not in any way relieve other persons in the organization of the responsibilities assigned to them.

.050 Independence

Independence is essential to the effectiveness of 1xbet best casino website auditing. This independence is obtained primarily through organizational status and objectivity.

The organizational status of the internal auditing function and support accordant to it by management are major determinants of its range and value. The Chief 1xbet best casino website Executive is accountable to the Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, whose authority is to assure both a broad range of 1xbet best casino website coverage and adequate consideration of effective action on the 1xbet best casino website findings and recommendations.

Objectivity is essential to the 1xbet best casino website function. Therefore, the Internal Auditors should not develop and install procedures, prepare records, or engage in any other activity which they would normally review or assess and which could reasonably be construed to compromise their independence. The Internal Auditor's objectivity need not be adversely affected by their review and recommendation of the standards of control to be applied in the development of system and procedures under review.

.060 Budget and Staff

The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office has their own budget which is supported by General Use funds. The staff currently consists of three unclassified full-time positions which includes the Chief 1xbet best casino website Executive and two Senior Auditors.

.070 Duties

The 1xbet best casino website Auditor's duties are to perform 1xbet best casino website audits, review programs, assist external auditors, review financial and operational system design and other similar functions. The specific duties are as follows:

  1. Develop and implement auditing procedures and techniques.

  2. Perform audits on a routine basis of the 1xbet best casino website activities.

  3. Upon request perform special audits as requested from 1xbet best casino website Officials through the Vice President, Chief Operating Officer.

  4. Coordinate with and assist all external auditors in conducting their audits.

  5. Assist in the preparation of written responses to State Legislative Post 1xbet best casino website Division and other external auditors outlining steps taken in implementing 1xbet best casino website recommendations.

  6. Maintain the official file of all external 1xbet best casino website reports.

  7. Assist with financial and operational system designs and modifications to 1xbet best casino website and departmental systems, as needed.

.080 Procedures

The Internal Auditor will design 1xbet best casino website programs for the area or function to 1xbet best casino website or review and depending upon the size of the department and its activities, the range or scope of the 1xbet best casino website may vary. During most audits, the following steps will be performed:

  1. Hold an entry interview with the Dean, Director or 1xbet best casino website Head of the area to be reviewed.

  2. Perform the 1xbet best casino website or review of the selected activity.

  3. Prepare a rough draft of the 1xbet best casino website report.

  4. Conduct an exit interview with the Dean, Director or 1xbet best casino website Head of the audited activity.

  5. Issue a draft 1xbet best casino website report and forward it to the area audited for management's response to the 1xbet best casino website .

  6. Upon receiving management"s response, add the response to the 1xbet best casino website report and issue an official report.

  7. The official report is distributed to the President, the head of the area audited, and the appropriate 1xbet best casino website Officials responsible for the area audited.

The Internal 1xbet best casino website Office will also make unscheduled checks or reviews on certain activities within the University periodically. In these instances, a formal entry interview will not be conducted. The Auditor(s) will arrive at the 1xbet best casino website location unannounced. An exit interview will be conducted.

.090 Requesting an 1xbet best casino website

On certain occasions, a Dean, Director or Department Head may wish an 1xbet best casino website of an activity under their jurisdiction. When this occurs, the Dean, Director or Department Head is to direct their request to the Vice President, Chief Operating Officer of the University.

If there is a reasonable basis for believing fraudulent or other wrongful acts have occurred, those situations are to be reported immediately to the Internal 1xbet best casino website Office in accordance with the Policies and Procedures Manual, Chapter 3220, Reporting Fraud or Dishonest Conduct.

.100 Questions

Questions are to be directed to the Internal 1xbet best casino website Office at internalaudit@ksu.edu.