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Unmanned Aircraft Systems policy

Chapter 7860

Revised January 2022

Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly referred to as "drones," offer opportunities for teaching and research and provide the 1xbet online games login community with valuable experiences in a wide range of academic disciplines. Operation of UAS is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and by federal, state, and local laws. Anyone who seeks to operate UAS on Kansas State 1xbet online games login property or at any 1xbet online games login -sponsored event must receive approval in advance in accordance with this policy.

Table of Contents

.010 Definitions
.020 Policy Requirements
.030 Procedures for Obtaining UAS Flight Approval
.040 Resources
.050 Contacts

.010 Definitions

"44807 exemption"
An FAA exemption under Section 44807 or the Special Authority for Certain Unmanned Systems, allows for operations of an unmanned aircraft that weighs 55 pounds or more and other regulations that cannot be waived under 14 CFR Part 107.

"Certificate of Authorization (COA)"
A certificate granted to an individual or entity by the FAA which outlines specific conditions for flight. The FAA may insert provisions during the approval process to ensure the UAS can be operated safely. A COA will be issued under a Section 44807 Exemption or a granted public UAS operation. A Public Use COA is granted to a public agency or organization to operate a specific aircraft for a specific purpose in a specific location. A Public Use COA is only issued after the process of determining public status, government use, and an operational and technical review.

An urgent situation where action is taken to promote the safety and security of persons and/or property.

Individuals or entities who visit Kansas State 1xbet online games login property, by invitation of a faculty member, staff member, or registered student organization for some purpose that benefits the 1xbet online games login .

Individuals or entities who visit Kansas State 1xbet online games login property for their own benefit or pleasure and are not invited by a faculty member or staff member.

"Part 107"
An FAA regulation regarding the operation of small UAS. Operations under Part 107 are subject to operational limitations and an operator must be certified as a remote pilot airman through FAA-approved testing.

"Reasonable expectation of privacy"
Locations where there is an objective expectation of privacy. Examples include but are not limited to restrooms, locker rooms, residence halls, private offices, and health treatment and medical facilities.

"Recreational Aircraft"
An unmanned aircraft system that is flown purely for personal enjoyment is considered hobby or recreational per the Exemption for Limited Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (USC 44809).

"1xbet online games login property"
Any land, grounds, buildings, or facilities owned, leased, or used by Kansas State 1xbet online games login per formal contractual or legal agreements. Also included are 1xbet online games login -owned streets, sidewalks, and bike paths.

"1xbet online games login -sponsored event"
Any Kansas State 1xbet online games login sanctioned, hosted, or controlled event, including but not limited to student academic meetings, athletic events, and 1xbet online games login promotional gatherings. Activities or events sponsored by Independent Student Organizations do not fall within this definition.

"Unmanned aircraft system (UAS)"
Any remotely operated or controlled aircraft intended to fly within the National Airspace System or inside of 1xbet online games login owned or controlled buildings. This includes devices commonly referred to as "drones" and may also include communications, support, and navigational equipment. FAA regulations apply to all types of UAS regardless of weight or size. Model aircraft, a subset of UAS, have additional procedures detailed in this policy.

.020 Policy Requirements

  1. The designated approval authority (DAA) will process requests for UAS activities consistent with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and policy requirements for all purposes except for UAS activities relating to the Kansas State 1xbet online games login Salina campus. The DAA will provide policy interpretation and respond to general inquiries regarding UAS activities.

    1. The Director of Facilities Customer Service (DFCS) will be the DAA for the entire 1xbet online games login with the exception of operations conducted by faculty, staff and students associated with Kansas State 1xbet online games login Salina campus.

    2. For the Kansas State 1xbet online games login Salina campus, the DAA is the UAS Flight Operations Manager.

  2. FAA regulations; federal, state, and local laws; and applicable 1xbet online games login policies must be followed in conjunction with any UAS activities.

    1. This includes but is not limited to FAA airmen certificate requirements, conditions of any airworthiness certificates, state law governing the safe operation of aircraft, and 1xbet online games login policies regarding access to campus.

    2. UAS operated in violation of any federal, state, or local laws, contract provisions, or this policy will be subject to grounding.

  3. UAS owned by Kansas State 1xbet online games login will be operated under the authorization of the FAA. When conducting operations for Kansas State 1xbet online games login purposes, 1xbet online games login employees should only operate 1xbet online games login owned or leased UAS. Employees operating non-1xbet online games login owned or leased UAS are presumed to be acting outside the course and scope of their employment, unless granted flight approval (with appropriate insurance requirements) under this policy.

    1. FAA authorization could be obtained under 14 CFR Part 107, a 44807 exemption, or a COA, and will be limited to a specific location and outline the conditions, parameters, and limitations of flight operations.

      1. Faculty, staff, and students may conduct UAS operations under the FAA recreational rules (49 USC 44809) when the flight is for the sole purpose of education, research, or recreation and adhering to requirements in section .030 V. Operations that are not for the sole purpose of education, research, or recreation, must comply with A of this section.

    2. Those operating UAS under a 44807 exemption must also review and be aware of all FAA specifications, and file for any necessary amendments in advance.

  4. Operation of any UAS on any 1xbet online games login property or at any 1xbet online games login -sponsored event is prohibited unless first approved by the DAA.

    1. The UAS Advisory Committee provides guidance to the DAA for UAS activities on 1xbet online games login property or at any 1xbet online games login -sponsored events.

    2. Any individual who seeks to operate a UAS must obtain DAA approval in advance.

  5. A UAS or recreational aircraft may not be used to monitor or record activities where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.

    1. Using a UAS to record or observe areas such as camps or campus settings where minors are cared for or taught is prohibited unless approved by the DAA in advance.

    2. UAS must not be used for unapproved recordings of any campus events or performances, or for any unlawful purpose.

  6. Any individual or organization found to be operating a UAS on 1xbet online games login property or at a 1xbet online games login -sponsored event in violation of their FAA-approved status, or any federal, state, and local laws or regulations, or in violation of applicable 1xbet online games login policies, may be directed by authorized 1xbet online games login representatives to cease operation of the UAS immediately unless or until approval is obtained. Violations will be referred to the appropriate 1xbet online games login disciplinary process and will be considered regarding future UAS requests.

  7. Under FAA guidelines, Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) may be implemented on 1xbet online games login property or at any 1xbet online games login sponsored event, which prohibit any type of UAS operations from taking place (e.g., 1xbet online games login sporting events). As needed, the 1xbet online games login may issue additional No Drone Zones on 1xbet online games login property or at any 1xbet online games login -sponsored event, which prohibit any type of UAS operations from taking place.

  8. The operation of UAS by the KSU Police Department and/or other 1xbet online games login safety response personnel may be exempt from this policy based on the determination of emergency needs. During such operations the KSU Police Department will follow internal department protocols.

.030 Procedures for Obtaining UAS Flight Approval

  1. Obtaining approval for and operating a UAS (faculty, staff, student employees, students, volunteers, vendors, and invitees) for 1xbet online games login purposes, including education and research. If recreational aircraft are used for these purposes, then the operator must also comply with the requirements in Section V, below.

    1. Individuals or organizations seeking to operate a UAS on 1xbet online games login property or at a 1xbet online games login -sponsored event must submit a completed 1xbet best casino. The DAA recommends submitting the UAS Request Form at least two weeks in advance. Depending on the operation, long term approvals may be granted. The UAS Request Form response should include:

      1. A copy of the appropriate FAA Remote Pilot certificate or FAA TRUST certificate and the location of where the UAS flight will be conducted.

      2. If applicable, a COA, statement of reliance on and justification of operations under a 44807 exemption with an accompanying COA, and/or other relevant documentation must also be included with the UAS Request Form.

      3. Faculty, staff, student employees, students, and volunteers must obtain at least 0,000 of insurance liability coverage for all UAS flight activities.

      4. Individuals or organizations seeking to conduct Public UAS operations that require a COA waiver must contact the Applied Aviation Research Center (AARC). The FAA suggests a minimum of 120 days to process a COA. Individuals should plan on at least two additional weeks for a COA, to develop the authorization request.

      5. Vendors and invitees not operating UAS owned by the 1xbet online games login must sign a written agreement holding the 1xbet online games login harmless for any resulting claims, loss, or damage from flight operations, and attest to million of insurance covering UAS operations. A hold harmless template can be found within the links of .040 Resources. Vendors must list K-State as an additional insured on their insurance policy. The language for this agreement must be submitted to the DAA along with the UAS Request Form.

      6. Some UAS are export controlled under U.S. Export Regulations, and foreign nationals from sanctioned and embargoed nations may need to be restricted from accessing certain UAS. Individuals or organizations seeking to design, build, research, use in research, modify, dismantle, operate, and/or export a UAS must do so in accordance with such federal export control regulations and 1xbet online games login export control policies. Before submitting a 1xbet best casino, individuals and organizations must first discuss such activities with the Export Controls Compliance Officer (exportcontrols@k-state.edu) and obtain written approval.

    2. The DAA will process the request and conduct an initial suitability assessment. If the DAA determines that the UAS activity is permissible without issues, then the DAA will approve the activity. If the DAA determines that the UAS activity is impermissible, then the DAA will deny the activity. If the DAA is unsure about whether to approve or disapprove the UAS activity, then the DAA will seek guidance from the UASAC.

    3. If approved, a copy of the approved UAS Request Form must be in possession of the operator at all times during flight activity and must be presented to any 1xbet online games login official or representative with control or jurisdiction over the activity, upon request.

    4. UAS operators must only conduct approved flights under favorable conditions. If unforeseen circumstances develop (e.g., adverse weather) under which operations cannot be conducted in a safe manner, the operator must postpone the flight and request an extension from the DAA within 3 business days of the original date. If the extension is not requested within 3 business days, a new UAS Request Form must then be completed and submitted.

  2. Obtaining approval and operating a UAS for non-1xbet online games login purposes (licensees)

    1. Licensees seeking to operate a UAS on 1xbet online games login property or at a 1xbet online games login -sponsored event must submit a completed 1xbet best casino at least three weeks in advance.

      1. Any requests by licensees must include an FAA flight approval (in the form of a Part 107 certificate, 44807 exemption with an accompanying COA, or a Public COA) granted to the requestor, detailed maps of requested and FAA approved flight areas, a description of the rationale or purpose for the flight, and a detailed list of the individual(s) who will operate the UAS and their qualifications. The DAA will provide direction to the requestor regarding any additional documentation required.

      2. Licensees must sign a written agreement holding the 1xbet online games login harmless for any resulting claims, loss, or damage from flight operations, and evidence of at least million of insurance covering the UAS operations. A hold harmless template can be found in the links at the bottom of the policy. Vendors must list K-State as an additional insured on their insurance policy. The language for this agreement must be submitted to the DAA along with the UAS Request Form.

    2. The DAA will process the request and conduct an initial suitability assessment. If the DAA determines that the UAS activity is permissible without issues, then the DAA will approve the activity. If the DAA determines that the UAS activity is impermissible, then the DAA will deny the activity. If the DAA is unsure about whether to approve or disapprove the UAS activity, then the DAA will seek guidance from the UASAC. The DAA’s decision is final.

    3. If approved, a copy of the approved UAS Request Form must be in possession of the operator at all times during flight activity and must be presented to any 1xbet online games login official or representative with control or jurisdiction over the activity, upon request.

    4. UAS operators must only conduct approved flights under favorable conditions. If unforeseen circumstances develop (e.g., adverse weather) under which operations cannot be conducted in a safe manner, the operator must postpone the flight and request an extension from the DAA within 3 business days of the original date. If the extension is not requested within 3 business days, a new UAS Request Form must then be completed and submitted.

  3. UAS Advisory Committee (UASAC)

    1. The following 1xbet online games login units will be represented on UASAC: Environmental Health and Safety, Research Compliance, Office of Student Life, KSU Police Department, Facilities, SGA, AARC, Athletics, and Faculty Senate. The Office of General Counsel with provide legal advice to the UASAC.

    2. The UASAC will provide guidance to the DAA regarding complex or unclear requests to conduct UAS activity.

    3. The UASAC is responsible for placing any FAA Temporary Flight Restrictions or 1xbet online games login -issued No Drone Zones. The UASAC may also designate specific areas where UAS may be operated with the approval of the unit(s) responsible for that 1xbet online games login property.

  4. Accountability

    1. Individuals violating this policy will be held accountable for their actions, which may include but is not limited to:

      1. Volunteers are subject to reprimand or loss of volunteer status.

      2. Students are subject to the Code of Student Conduct.

      3. Licensees may be prohibited from entering upon 1xbet online games login property in the future.

      4. Faculty, staff and student employees are subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.

    2. The 1xbet online games login is not responsible for any damage resulting to a UAS. The operator will be responsible for any property damage or losses resulting from the operation of UAS.

  5. Recreational Aircraft

    1. Model aircraft may be operated on 1xbet online games login property or at a 1xbet online games login -sponsored event, but any request for such flights must first be reviewed and approved by the DAA using the same process outlined above. Additionally, recreational flyers must follow the requirements below.

      1. All recreational flyers must submit a current FAA TRUST certificate within the UAS request form and comply with all current provisions of 49 USC 44809: (Exception for limited recreational operations of unmanned aircraft) during flight.

      2. Any recreational flyer found to be operating in an unsafe manner may be prohibited from additional flights on Kansas State 1xbet online games login property, and may be subject to additional sanctions from Kansas State 1xbet online games login and/or its instrumentalities.

      3. The model aircraft must not be used for the unapproved recording of individuals, performances, or campus events, or for any unlawful purpose.

      4. The operator must have sufficient insurance coverage and demonstrate that coverage is in force. There are three recommended ways to acquire and demonstrate insurance.

        1. Obtain minimum coverage through a homeowners or commercial general liability policy in the amount of 0,000 for Owned Aircraft Liability, or if the operator does not own the UAS, then 0,000 for Non-Owned Aircraft Liability.

        2. Obtain minimum coverage of 0,000 through the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) or other similar organization.

        3. Obtain minimum coverage of 0,000 through Verifly or a similar app.

.040 Resources

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Hold Harmless Agreement Template (pdf)

FAA UAS Website

FAA UAS Registration Website

FAA Recreational Flyers & Modeler Information

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.050 Contacts

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to:

Director of Facilities Customer Service (Manhattan)

Applied Aviation Research Center (Salina)