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Compensation for 1xbet online sports betting Support Staff

Chapter 4450
Revised September 6, 2002, July 15, 2004, March 8, 2008, September 24, 2012 and June 17, 2014

Table of Contents

.020 Related Policies
.030Beginning 1xbet online sports betting
.040 Guidelines for Hiring Above Minimum 1xbet online sports betting
.050Longevity Bonus 1xbet online sports betting
.060 1xbet online sports betting Increases
.0701xbet online sports betting
.080Other 1xbet online sports betting
.0901xbet online sports betting Awards
.200 University Support Staff 1xbet online

.010 Introduction

The Kansas State University University Support Staff (USS) 1xbet online sports betting plan includes 27 1xbet online sports betting grades plus longevity 1xbet online sports betting . Each 1xbet online sports betting grade has a minimum rate and a maximum rate. USS employees are only eligible to receive compensation specifically provided for in this chapter. For current minimum and maximum hourly and biweekly 1xbet online sports betting rates, refer to the University Support Staff 1xbet online provided as an attachment to this chapter. Employees in positions identified as non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act are paid an hourly 1xbet online sports betting ; employees in positions identified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act are paid a biweekly 1xbet online sports betting .

.020 Related Policies

The following is related 1xbet online sports betting relevant to this chapter:

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.030 Beginning 1xbet online sports betting

The following indicates the authorized beginning 1xbet online sports betting for the different types of recruitment or movement of USS employees. Special exceptions to the following policies are detailed in section .040 Guidelines for Hiring above Minimum 1xbet online sports betting .

New Hires—Each new hire and rehire must be paid at the minimum rate of the 1xbet online sports betting grade for the job title.

Temporary 1xbet online sports betting —The 1xbet online sports betting of each temporary employee is the minimum 1xbet online sports betting of the appropriate 1xbet online sports betting grade.

1xbet online sports betting Rehired by Reinstatement—A person rehired within one year of leaving Kansas State University employment may be paid at the same 1xbet online sports betting rate at which the employee was previously paid.

Employees Promoted or Reclassified to a Higher 1xbet online sports betting Grade—When a USS employee is promoted into another position or the employee's position is reclassified to a higher 1xbet online sports betting grade, the employee may be paid up to 5% per 1xbet online sports betting grade advancement but no less than the minimum 1xbet online sports betting for the new 1xbet online sports betting grade and no less than a total 5% 1xbet online sports betting increase.

Employees Transferred within the Same 1xbet online sports betting Grade—1xbet online sports betting for an employee who is transferred does not change. An employee may accept lower 1xbet online sports betting but no less than the minimum 1xbet online sports betting for the 1xbet online sports betting grade, if agreed upon by the employee and the Vice President for Human Capital.

Employees with Voluntary Job Change to a Lower 1xbet online sports betting Grade—An employee who voluntarily takes a job change to a lower 1xbet online sports betting grade may be paid anywhere from their current rate down to 5% less for each lower 1xbet online sports betting grade but no greater than the maximum of the new 1xbet online sports betting grade.

Employees Involuntarily Demoted to a Lower 1xbet online sports betting Grade—An employee who is demoted involuntarily for disciplinary reasons, must be receive a 1xbet online sports betting decrease of at least 5% to a maximum of 5% less for each lower 1xbet online sports betting grade but no greater than the maximum of the new 1xbet online sports betting grade. A promotional employee who is demoted because of unsatisfactory performance during the promotional probationary period, is paid no lower than the same rate the employee received immediately prior to the promotion.

Employees in Positions Reclassified to a Lower 1xbet online sports betting Grade—An employee whose position is reclassified to a job title with a lower 1xbet online sports betting grade may continue to be paid anywhere from their current 1xbet online sports betting rate down to 5% less for each lower 1xbet online sports betting grade but no greater than the maximum of the new 1xbet online sports betting grade.

.040 Guidelines for Hiring Above Minimum 1xbet online sports betting

Departments are pre-approved to offer up to 10% higher than the minimum 1xbet online sports betting rate of the range only for designated job titles based on the difficulty of recruitment, retention or other special needs of the unit. See the Job Codes listing for the designated job titles. The following guidelines may be used to determine the appropriate starting 1xbet online sports betting rate for new hires or current employee job changes due to competitive transfer or promotion for these designated job titles.

In the case of a transfer, the employee is eligible for the same rate of 1xbet online sports betting up to 10% higher only when transferring from a non-designated job title to a designated job title. In the case of promotion, the employee is eligible for up to a 10% higher 1xbet online sports betting rate than that described above for promotion.

Consider all of the following criteria in determining the starting rate of 1xbet online sports betting :

  • Recruitment/retention difficulty
  • Candidate has exceptional competencies specific to the position
  • Internal equity within the unit
  • Budget constraints
  • Critical nature of the position to the operation of the department and 1xbet online sports betting

1xbet online sports betting support staff job titles not designated as pre-approved must be filled at the minimum rate for the grade or receive prior approval from Human Resources before extending an offer of employment at a higher rate. Submit a Request to Hire above Minimum for USS, Form PER-3 to HR to request this exception. Contact KSU Talent Acquisition, Human Resources, for additional information.

.050 Longevity Bonus 1xbet online sports betting

Upon completion of 10 years of service, each USS employee, excluding temporary employees, is eligible for longevity bonus 1xbet online sports betting . Length of service is defined below. Longevity bonus 1xbet online sports betting is not dependent on a current performance review. The longevity bonus payment is computed by multiplying by the number of full years of state service, not to exceed 25 years (,250).

Longevity bonus 1xbet online sports betting increases the regular rate applying to overtime 1xbet online sports betting for hours worked during the 12 months preceding the date the longevity bonus is paid to the employee, and is considered in calculating the payment of compensatory time to an employee upon termination. SeeSection .070 1xbet online sports betting for further information.

Length of 1xbet online sports betting —Length of service is used in determining eligibility for the longevity bonus. Length of service means total time worked in the classified, USS or unclassified service, excluding time worked as a temporary or student 1xbet online sports betting . The appointment Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) or the number of hours worked is irrelevant; a part-time 1xbet online sports betting receives the same service credit as an 1xbet online sports betting working full-time.

Time spent on military leave, or time off while receiving worker's compensation wage benefits is considered to be time worked. Time spent on involuntary leave without 1xbet online sports betting by "school employees" (i.e., summer leave without 1xbet online sports betting with benefits) is considered time worked for Regents institutions only, and is not transferable to other state agencies as time worked. Authorized voluntary leave without 1xbet online sports betting over 30 days does not count toward length of service; authorized voluntary leave without 1xbet online sports betting for 30 days or less is not considered a break in service and the length of service is unaffected.

Regular employees, who work seasonally or intermittently, should be placed on leave without 1xbet online sports betting during periods when their services are not required for over 30 days, to prevent them from receiving service credit when they are not actively working.

.060 1xbet online sports betting Increases

The University administration determines the method of 1xbet online sports betting increases and regular increases are not guaranteed. Funds for all 1xbet online sports betting increases are allocated by the University. When funds are available, the University allocates a salary increase pool to university departments based on a percentage of the salaries allotted to filled positions. The increase may be across-the-board and/or an average percent increase may be allocated for awarding salary increases based on job performance. An employee whose latest performance review was "meets expectations" or higher will be deemed to have performed at a level sufficient to receive a performance-based salary increase in any year when such are awarded.

.070 1xbet online sports betting

Employees in positions identified as non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act are eligible to receive 1xbet online sports betting compensation. For further information concerning eligibility to receive 1xbet online sports betting compensation, see1xbet best casino website is still considered to.

Overtime 1xbet online sports betting —The overtime 1xbet online sports betting rate is automatically calculated each week in the Human Resource Information System, using the following calculation:

Total 1xbet online sports betting Worked In Work Week
= FLSA 1xbet online sports betting

(Overtime Hours x Hourly 1xbet online sports betting ) + (Overtime Hours x FLSA 1xbet online sports betting x .5)= 1xbet online sports betting Earnings

Premium 1xbet online sports betting includes shift differential and stand-by paid during the week the overtime was worked. It does not include 1xbet online sports betting for holidays worked or any call-in and call-back compensation paid for hours not actually worked.

All employees eligible for 1xbet online sports betting compensation, and who were paid for 1xbet online sports betting during the 12 months preceding the receipt of a longevity bonus payment, will receive an additional 1xbet online sports betting payment to be calculated as follows:

X .50 = Overtime Differential 1xbet online sports betting (ODP)

This additional overtime 1xbet online sports betting is automatically calculated in HRIS and paid at the same time as the longevity bonus is paid. No additional overtime 1xbet online sports betting is due for any overtime hours worked during the preceding 12 months for which compensatory time was given instead of overtime 1xbet online sports betting .

Compensatory 1xbet online sports betting —In lieu of paying an eligible 1xbet online sports betting at the time and a half rate for overtime worked, the 1xbet online sports betting may agree to accept compensatory time off at the rate of one and a half hours off for each hour of overtime worked, at some time after the workweek in which the overtime was worked.

An eligible employee shall not accrue more than 120 hours of compensatory time for overtime hours worked. Any eligible employee who has accrued 120 hours of compensatory time off must, for any additional overtime hours of work, be compensated with overtime 1xbet online sports betting .

If an eligible 1xbet online sports betting is paid for accrued compensatory time off, payment must be made at the regular rate earned by the 1xbet online sports betting at the time the 1xbet online sports betting receives the payment. Each eligible 1xbet online sports betting who has accrued compensatory time off, upon termination of employment, retirement, promotion, demotion, or transfer to another state agency, or to an exempt position, must be paid for the unused compensatory time at a rate of compensation not less than

  1. the average regular rate received by the 1xbet online sports betting during the last three years of the 1xbet online sports betting 's employment; or
  2. the final regular rate received by such eligible 1xbet online sports betting , whichever is higher.

Any longevity bonus payment received during the last three years of employment is included in determining the average regular 1xbet online sports betting and the final regular 1xbet online sports betting in these two options.

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.080 Other 1xbet online sports betting

Call-In and Call-Back 1xbet online sports betting —Employees may be called in to work on a regular day off or may be called back to work after a regular work schedule. In these instances, non-exempt employees will be paid at the appropriate rate of 1xbet online sports betting for the number of hours worked. Such employees will be paid for a minimum of two hours except in the following circumstances:

  1. The 1xbet online sports betting was on stand-by status when called in or called back; or

  2. 1xbet online sports betting was called in or called back during the two hour period immediately prior to the beginning of the 1xbet online sports betting 's next regularly scheduled work shift. Only hours actually worked will be credited in determining eligibility for overtime compensation.

Stand-by 1xbet online sports betting —An employee who is required to remain on call on the employer's premises, or so close thereto that the employee cannot use the time effectively for personal pursuits, is considered to be working while "on-call." In this instance, an employee must be paid for this time at the regular rate of 1xbet online sports betting instead of receiving stand-by compensation. An employee who is not required to remain on the employer's premises but is merely required to leave word with the employer where he or she can be reached, is not working while on-call. "Stand-by Compensation" is used for this purpose.

If an employee is required to remain available to an employer within a specified response time, but is otherwise free to engage in personal pursuits, then the employee will receive stand-by compensation. When an employer is able to contact an employee during on-call time, then the unit's policy will determine whether such an employee is eligible for stand-by compensation. The unit's policy should clearly define the expectations for those employees. The stand-by rate of compensation is set at .00 per hour for each hour the employee serves on stand-by status. If an employee is called in to work, the employee will be compensated for the actual hours worked, but not also be paid stand-by compensation for those hours. Hours on stand-by 1xbet online sports betting are not considered when determining hours worked for overtime purposes.

1xbet online sports betting —Kansas State University has established two day shifts: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Each department must specify only one of these 12-hour periods from which normal day shifts may be designated. Normal day shifts must fall entirely within those specified hours. A shift differential will be paid to non-exempt employees whose regularly established work shifts begin before or end after the designated 12-hour period. For example, an 1xbet online sports betting who is regularly scheduled for and works from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. will be paid shift differential for their entire work shift. The default day shift established by the University is the 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. time period. A department wishing to change its specified day shift must first get approval from the Human Resources. The department must give its employees at least seven days notice prior to implementing the change.

The amount of shift differential $.40 per hour, except for employees covered by a bargaining unit with a current memorandum of agreement set at a different rate. Shift differential will not be paid to an 1xbet online sports betting for any time the 1xbet online sports betting is on any type of leave or holiday or when an 1xbet online sports betting works unscheduled hours before or after a normal day shift.

.090 1xbet online sports betting Awards

Award and Recognition Program—1xbet online sports betting support staff are eligible for various award programs. USS 1xbet online sports betting are not eligible for any other monetary awards.

.100 Questions

Supporting K-Sta (HR) is responsible for this 1xbet online sports betting . The Vice President or designee must approve any exception to this 1xbet online sports betting or related procedures. Questions should be directed to Human Resources, Talent Acquisition at 785-532-6277 or hrcomp@ksu.edu.