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Reassignment of 1xbet online games login Support Staff

Chapter 4040
Revised May 1, 1997, March 1, 2008, June 19, 2014, December 1, 2014, and August 2018

Table of Contents

.030 Related Policies
.0401xbet online games login Statement

.010 Definition

Reassignment are those non-competitive and non-disciplinary placements directed by the Human Resources, Director of Employee Relations and Engagement (hereinafter "Director") in accordance with Kansas State University 1xbet online games login .

.020 Background

Reassignment of 1xbet online games login support staff (USS) occur for the following reasons:

  1. 1xbet online games login support staff who are promoted and do not successfully complete probation are required to be placed in a position in the job title from which they were promoted, or in another position for which they are qualified at a comparable salary.
  2. An Administrative Review indicates sound reasons for the expeditious transfer from the position currently held by a 1xbet online games login support staff member.
  3. A layoff eliminates the position of a permanent USS employee (refer to layoff 1xbet onl).
  4. An on the job injury renders a USS employee unable (with or without reasonable accommodation) to continue to satisfy the essential functions of their position, and, the employee is, by education and experience, with or without reasonable accommodation, qualified to satisfy the essential functions of a vacant position.
  5. A disabling condition renders an employee unable (with or without reasonable accommodation) to continue accomplishing the essential functions of their position, and the employee is, by education and experience, with or without reasonable accommodation, qualified to satisfy the essential functions of a vacant position.

.030 Related Policies

.040 1xbet online games login Statement

It is the 1xbet online games login of Kansas State 1xbet online games login that the circumstances noted in section .020are appropriately accommodated by reassignment. It is further the 1xbet online games login of Kansas State University that each of these situations is considered to fall within the obligations of Kansas State University as a whole, not a specific department or campus. With this consideration, necessary reassignments shall be to the next vacant or available position at the University which, after review by the Director, in consultation with the affected department, is considered to be a sound match of employee abilities to essential job functions.

It is the intent of this 1xbet online games login that department heads of affected departments and employees are fully involved and cooperative in this process.

Once reassignment has been validated by the Director, if the employee rejects the reassignment, there will be no further obligation on the part of the 1xbet online games login to place the employee in other positions.

Once an employee has been deemed unable, on a permanent basis, to complete the essential functions of their position, the department will maintain the employee in his or her current status and position until such time as the employee has been reassigned or terminated.

.050 Procedures

Where reassignments are necessitated the following procedures will be in effect.

A. 1xbet online games login Support Staff Who are Promoted and Do Not Successfully Complete Probation

The employing department is expected to keep the Director apprised of performance issues and problems occurring during the probationary period. Human Resources' Employee Relations and Engagement is available to provide guidance in establishing performance plans and criteria. Probationary employees should be informally evaluated and counseled at least monthly during the probationary period. Refer to 1xbet best casino website upon or completed du, for more information.

If, after three months of the six month probation period, the employee is not meeting expectations, the employing department should notify the Director. The Director will counsel with the employee and advise the employee and the department on rights, roles and responsibilities. If, by the anniversary date of the fourth month, the employee's performance continues to be less than "meets expectations," the hiring department should, again, advise the Director. (These time tables would be accelerated in the case of a three-month probationary period.)

Supporting K-Sta will then:

  1. identify current vacancies/recruitments at the employee's previous position and salary level;
  2. review the competencies of the affected employee;
  3. consult with the affected department, specifically identifying issues which may affect the success of a placement;
  4. expedite reassignment where there is a competency match to position duties and departmental climate; and,
  5. provide follow-up counseling to the employee and department, as needed.
B. Administrative Review Indicates Sound Reason for Placement

Although not frequent, administrative reviews may necessitate the transfer of persons from one unit to another. In these circumstances, Supporting K-Sta will then:

  1. review the competencies of the affected employee;
  2. identify current vacancies/recruitment at the employee's current position and salary level; and,
  3. expedite reassignment where there is a match to position duties and departmental climate.
C. Layoff, Due to Lack of Work or Reorganization Requires Placement

Refer to the 1xbet online casino HireRehire,4015 Cri.

D. An On-the-Job Injury Renders an Employee Unable, With Reasonable Accommodation, to Continue to Satisfy the Essential Functions of Their Position

These situations fall under the auspices of the Workers' Compensation policies. Critical to this process is the timely filing of an Accident Report. Once the injury has been approved as appropriate for Workers' Compensation payment the following procedure is in effect:

  1. The designated medical provider will perform or coordinate an assessment of the employee injury.
  2. The medical provider will provide the department with a diagnosis and prognosis statement, including the physical limitations of the injured employee.
  3. Human Resources will perform an essential functions review of the position.
  4. Human Resources will perform a skills inventory of the employee.
  5. Human Resources will review (with the department) the essential functions of the current position.
  6. If the employee can perform the essential functions of the position, with or without reasonable accommodation, the employee will continue in that position and is expected to return to work. As the restrictions are adjusted, accommodations will be evaluated until the employee is back to regular duty.
  7. If the employee cannot perform the essential functions of that position, but is suited based on education, training, and experience to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation, the duties of a similarly situated position that is vacant, the employee may be placed in the vacant position.
E. A Disabling Condition Renders an Employee Unable to Continue Accomplishing the Essential Functions of Their Position

In circumstances where a disability permanently prevents an employee from performing the essential functions of their current position, with or without reasonable accommodation, the following will occur:

  1. The Director will review the employee's skills and competencies, along with the employee's current job classification and duties.
  2. The Director works with Talent Acquisition to review vacant positions and identify a position that matches employee skills and competencies to job duties.
  3. The Director will meet with the department with the vacant position to review and confirm the essential functions of the position and discuss the requirements of this 1xbet online games login .
  4. The Director will meet with the employee to review the vacant position and discuss the employee's ability to perform the essential functions of the vacant position. In the event reasonable accommodations are needed in order for the employee to perform the essential functions of the new position, an interactive process, involving the employee, the Director, and the department will be undertaken.
  5. The Director will expedite reassignment in the vacant position or termination.

.060 Questions

Supporting K-Sta (HR) is responsible for this 1xbet online games login . The Vice President or designee must approve any exception to this 1xbet online games login or related procedures. Questions should be directed to Human Resources, Employee Relations and Engagement at 785-532-6277 or hr@ksu.edu.