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Retention of 1xbet online games login

Chapter 3090
Revised February 16, 2017

Table of Contents

.050Roles and Responsibilities
.060Access to 1xbet online games login
.0701xbet online games login Retention and Disposition Schedule
.0801xbet online games login Procedures and Forms
.090Related Kansas State University Policies
.100Related Content

.010 Introduction

Kansas State University, as an agency of the State of Kansas, is governed by state statutes defining 1xbet online games login retention requirements. State law provides that all government 1xbet online games login are public property and shall not be destroyed or otherwise disposed of except as authorized by law or applicable retention and disposition schedules (see Kansas Statutes Annotated (K.S.A.) 45-403). This chapter provides 1xbet online games login and information management guidance for current and non-current government 1xbet online games login within Kansas State University units and offices. The University Archives is designated as the official repository for the preservation of all Kansas State University non-current government 1xbet online games login with enduring value. The University Archives also has responsibility for advising on the management of current 1xbet online games login , and the University 1xbet online games login Manager, hereinafter referred to as the 1xbet online games login Manager, serves as the Agency 1xbet online games login Officer for Kansas State University in accordance with Kansas Administrative Regulation (K.A.R.) 53-4-1. In this capacity, the 1xbet online games login Manager serves as the liaison between the University Archives and Kansas State University offices to develop and maintain 1xbet online games login retention and disposition schedules as described in this chapter. Unless stated otherwise, the term “office(s)" used in this chapter refers to all administrative, academic, and other offices of Kansas State University. This policy is maintained by the 1xbet online games login and Information Management Committee, which is further described in .050 Roles and Responsibilities.

.020 Objectives

This policy will:

  • Communicate requirements for maintaining and preserving university 1xbet online games login for appropriate lengths of time,
  • Provide information regarding applicable 1xbet online games login retention schedules,
  • Explain key elements of 1xbet online games login retention and disposition,
  • Identify resources that provide guidance related to 1xbet online games login and information management, and
  • Provide definitions for terminology applicable to this policy.

.030 Statutes

Kansas State University 1xbet online games login , regardless of their format, are subject to the 1xbet online games login preservation laws of Kansas. University officials are responsible for managing 1xbet online games login in ways that ensure accessibility under the Kansas Open 1xbet online games login Act (KORA, K.S.A. 45-215–45-223), protect the confidentiality of other 1xbet online games login as stipulated in various state and federal statutes, and preserve and provide long-term access to selected 1xbet online games login through the Government 1xbet online games login Preservation Act (K.S.A. 45-401–45-413) and the Public 1xbet online games login Act (K.S.A. 75-3501–75-3518). There is a list of applicable statutes and regulations with brief summaries in section .100 Related Content.

.040 Definitions

This policy focuses on the management of 1xbet online games login and, as such, the following terms are relevant with their associated definitions.

"'Government 1xbet online games login ' means all volumes, documents, reports, maps, drawings, charts, indexes, plans, memoranda, sound recordings, microfilms, photographic 1xbet online games login and other data, information or documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, storage media or condition of use, made or received by an agency in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of official business or bearing upon the official activities and functions of any governmental agency. Published material acquired and preserved solely for reference purposes, extra copies of documents preserved only for convenience of reference and stocks of publications, blank forms and duplicated documents are not included within the definition of government 1xbet online games login " (see K.S.A. 45-402(d)).

"'Noncurrent government 1xbet online games login ' means all government 1xbet online games login which no longer are necessary for the handling of ordinary official public business by the agency and which are not required by law to be retained in the immediate custody of the agency for a longer period of time" (see K.S.A. 45-402(e)).

"'Government 1xbet online games login with enduring value' means all government 1xbet online games login which merit preservation for historical, legal, fiscal or administrative reasons, or for research purposes" (see K.S.A. 45-402(f)).

"'Retention and disposition schedules' means lists of series of government 1xbet online games login , prepared pursuant to K.S.A. 45-404 and subsections (c) and (d) of K.S.A. 45-406, and amendments thereto, specifying which series of 1xbet online games login have enduring value, authorizing disposition of certain other series of 1xbet online games login , and indicating how long certain series of 1xbet online games login should be retained before disposition of them" (see K.S.A. 45-402(g)).

'1xbet online games login life cycle' means the phases of existence for 1xbet online games login , usually including creation, active (current and regularly used), inactive (current and occasionally referenced), and disposition (non-current).

'1xbet online games login retention' means the length of time 1xbet online games login should be maintained by an organization. This duration can range from immediate disposal to archival preservation.

'1xbet online games login disposition' means the decision, usually designated by retention schedules, to move 1xbet online games login to their final location. Options can include continued maintenance in office of record, destruction, or transfer to the archives.

.050 Roles and Responsibilities

The following groups and individuals are frequently involved in 1xbet online games login and information management at Kansas State University. Their functions and obligations are described as follows.

The 1xbet online games login and Information Management Committee is charged to develop, review, revise, endorse, and interpret university 1xbet online games login and information management and technology policies and procedures for the university community and ensure that those policies are appropriately disseminated to the campus community. All policies related to 1xbet online games login and information management and technology should be approved by this committee. It has authority to review and recommend 1xbet online games login retention schedules for approval by the State 1xbet online games login Board, and will review this policy on an annual basis. In addition, the committee will:

  • Keep retention policies and schedules updated.
  • Provide guidance on matters related to 1xbet online games login and information management and information technology.
  • Ensure best practices are known and followed.
  • Respond to 1xbet online games login questions and issues.
  • Identify and implement training opportunities.
  • Develop implementation and enforcement strategies.
  • Address changes in technology and recordkeeping priorities.

The University Archivist serves as chair of the 1xbet online games login and Information Management Committee.

The duties of the Agency 1xbet online games login Officer, designated as the University 1xbet online games login Manager, are described in K.A.R. 53-4-1. Further, this person is a resource to university personnel for 1xbet online games login and information management questions.

The University Archives is the official repository for the preservation of all Kansas State University non-current government 1xbet online games login with enduring value. The Freedom of Information Officer's duties are delineated in 1xbet best casino we and KORA.

Administrative, academic, and other offices and units have responsibility for the management of 1xbet online games login during their active and inactive phases of the 1xbet online games login life cycle. They also coordinate with the Archivist for transfers of archival 1xbet online games login .

The State 1xbet online games login Board of Kansas functions as outlined on the Kansas Historical Society's website, "About the State 1xbet online games login Board."

.060 Access to 1xbet online games login

Kansas State University recognizes its responsibility to the academic community and public for the timely access, retention, and disposition of university 1xbet online games login , as defined by this policy and the applicable 1xbet online games login retention schedules, and in compliance with KORA and other university, state, or federal statutes and regulations that may apply.

As a state institution, many of Kansas State University's 1xbet online games login are generally subject to inspection and copying by members of the public, unless there is an applicable exemption to disclosure, such as those described in KORA.

For access to active and inactive 1xbet online games login , please contact the university's designated 1xbet online games login custodians as identified in 1xbet best c. For access to 1xbet online games login transferred to the University Archives, refer to the department website for open hours and any procedural guidelines. Some archival university 1xbet online games login may be exempt from disclosure.

The Office of General Counsel should be consulted whenever there is any question about the applicability of policy to specific 1xbet online games login or about the confidentiality of certain 1xbet online games login .

Additionally, the Office of General Counsel may issue litigation hold letters directing that 1xbet online games login be retained and available for access due to a matter pending litigation. Communication from the Office of General Counsel will direct preservation of certain documents, which would override any applicable retention schedule until resolution of the litigation.

.070 1xbet online games login Retention and Disposition Schedule

1xbet online games login at Kansas State University will be maintained in accordance with applicable retention and disposition schedules. The State of Kansas General Schedules, Kansas Board of Regents agency schedule, and Kansas State University agency schedule provide retention and disposition guidance. For questions about 1xbet online games login not described in these schedules, please contact the 1xbet online games login Manager. When the schedules defined above give the disposition as “Archives," it means the University Archives.

.080 1xbet online games login Procedures and Forms

Throughout the 1xbet online games login life cycle, personnel in administrative, academic, and other offices and units will be required to store, transfer (to the University Archives), or destroy 1xbet online games login . The following procedures and forms assist in these activities:

A. Using and navigating retention and disposition schedules:

a. 1xbet online games login retention schedules may be accessed by browsing the schedules using the links provided herein, or by searching all of the state retention schedules on the Kansas Historical Society website. Refer any questions to the 1xbet online games login Manager.

b. The relevant retention schedules for Kansas State University 1xbet online games login are found in the State of Kansas General Schedules, Kansas Board of Regents agency schedule, and Kansas State University agency schedule. Questions about 1xbet online games login not described in these places should be referred to the 1xbet online games login Manager.

B. Storing paper and analog 1xbet online games login :

a. Offices and units should store inactive 1xbet online games login in standard 1xbet online games login cartons (15" long x 12" wide x 10" high).

b. Boxes should be labeled clearly, even if the contents are scheduled for destruction, so the office holding the 1xbet online games login and the Archives staff can readily identify the 1xbet online games login , retention length, disposition action, and date. The label should include the office or unit name, the name of the 1xbet online games login as listed in the 1xbet online games login Retention and Disposition Schedule (see .070; if not in the schedules, provide the appropriate name of the 1xbet online games login ), beginning and ending dates of contents, and the sequential box number (e.g., 1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc.).

c. Boxes stored in an office area should be placed so that all box labels are visible and the boxes are accessible. Inactive 1xbet online games login having archival value ultimately will be transferred to the Archives. In the event that Archives space limitations should postpone transfer of some historical 1xbet online games login , the office or unit will have full responsibility for maintaining the 1xbet online games login until they can be placed in the Archives. Any storage site should be clean, dry, secure, and maintained at a moderate temperature.

C. Storing electronic 1xbet online games login :

a. Offices and units should store active 1xbet online games login in locations that allow rapid retrieval from information systems.

b. Offices and units should store inactive 1xbet online games login in locations that balance cost and retrieval needs.

c. Directory folders and files should be named consistently to assist retrieval of appropriate information.

d. Active and inactive 1xbet online games login require storage that meets any information security needs and digital preservation requirements.

D. Transferring 1xbet online games login to the Archives:

a. Identify 1xbet online games login in the 1xbet online games login Retention and Disposition Schedule (see .070; if not in the schedules, contact the 1xbet online games login Manager) that have disposition as "Archives." Transfer of 1xbet online games login to the Archives takes place at the end of the retention period described in the schedules.

b. Contact the Archivist if any questions exist about 1xbet online games login to destroy or transfer to the Archives.

c. Fill out the 1xbet online games login t for materials designated for transfer to the Archives. For donation of collections and materials that are not university 1xbet online games login , please visit the Morse Department of Special Collections website.

d. Contact the Archivist to coordinate transfer of 1xbet online games login to the Archives.

E. Destroying 1xbet online games login :

a. Identify 1xbet online games login in the 1xbet online games login Retention and Disposition Schedule (see .070; if not in the schedules, contact the 1xbet online games login Manager) that have disposition as "Destroy." Ensure other federal or state statutes or regulations do not prohibit destruction of specified 1xbet online games login . Destruction of 1xbet online games login takes place at the end of the retention period described in the schedules.

b. Contact the 1xbet online games login Manager if any questions exist about 1xbet online games login to destroy or transfer to the Archives.

c. Fill out any applicable 1xbet online games login destruction forms and contact the 1xbet online games login Manager for any necessary approvals for 1xbet online games login destruction.

d. For paper 1xbet online games login , use university-approved destruction method (recycle, shred, vendor shredding, Shred Day, etc.) that is appropriate for the confidentiality of the 1xbet online games login being disposed.

e. For destruction of digital data and 1xbet online games login , follow guidelines in the Media Sanitization and Disposal Policy, 1xbet online sports, and ensure methods are appropriate for the confidentiality of the 1xbet online games login being disposed.

F. Revising 1xbet online games login retention schedules:

a. To revise existing retention schedules, please contact the 1xbet online games login Manager to initiate the process. The 1xbet online games login Manager will submit draft revisions to the 1xbet online games login and Information Management Committee for review and recommendation to the State 1xbet online games login Board for final approval.

b. To create a new retention schedule, please contact the 1xbet online games login Manager to initiate the process. The 1xbet online games login Manager will submit draft schedules to the 1xbet online games login and Information Management Committee for review and recommendation to the State 1xbet online games login Board for final approval.

G. Revising the retention of 1xbet online games login policy:

a. The 1xbet online games login and Information Management Committee will review this policy at least annually.

b. For questions about this policy, please contact the 1xbet online games login Manager.

.090 Related Kansas State University Policies

The following Kansas State University policies may be relevant to further clarification for 1xbet online games login and information management:

.100 Related Content

State and Federal Statutes and Regulations

State and federal statutes and regulations related to 1xbet online games login management and 1xbet online games login retention include the following sections: state 1xbet online games login , education 1xbet online games login , financial 1xbet online games login , health information 1xbet online games login , human resources 1xbet online games login , and research and sponsored programs 1xbet online games login .

A. State 1xbet online games login :

a. Government 1xbet online games login Preservation Act, K.S.A. 45-401 et seq., defines government 1xbet online games login , declares 1xbet online games login to be state property, prohibits their unauthorized destruction, describes the State 1xbet online games login Board, requires state and local agencies to cooperate with the State 1xbet online games login Board and the State Archivist in regards to 1xbet online games login , and stipulates the conditions for the destruction of 1xbet online games login after imaging.

b. Public 1xbet online games login Act, K.S.A. 75-3501 et seq., also defines 1xbet online games login , creates and outlines responsibilities of the State 1xbet online games login Board, authorizes admissibility in court of micrographic and optical disc 1xbet online games login , requires agency compliance with standards for micrographic and optical disc 1xbet online games login , requires state agencies to maintain titles, deeds, or other 1xbet online games login related to any real estate transactions conducted by the agency, provides guidelines for the use of acid-free and permanent paper, prohibits disclosure of individuals' social security numbers, but not access to full 1xbet online games login containing that information.

c. State 1xbet online games login Board, K.A.R. 53-4-1, implements the Kansas Public 1xbet online games login Act and describes the duties of 1xbet online games login officers.

d. Kansas Open 1xbet online games login Act (KORA), K.S.A. 45-215 to 45-223, declares 1xbet online games login open for inspection unless otherwise provided by this act, requires the development of policies to provide prompt and convenient public access to government 1xbet online games login for a reasonable fee, describes specific categories of 1xbet online games login that are exempt from disclosure, state agencies have discretion to release some 1xbet online games login exempted from disclosure by the KORA, provides that 1xbet online games login exempted by KORA and still in existence will be open to the public after 70 years unless closed by another specific statute or regulation, provides description of enforcement actions and penalties for violations, requires the designation of a local freedom of information officer per office, requires a citizens' right to access brochure be available to the general public, provides forlegislative review of exceptions, prohibits unlawful use of names derived from public 1xbet online games login , and requires not-for-profit entities receiving public monies over a certain amount to retain and make publicly available 1xbet online games login regarding the expenditure of those funds.

e. Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA), K.S.A. 75-4317 et seq., defines meetings, declares meetings that conduct governmental affairs or governmental business transactions be open to the public, provides for public notices to be given regarding meetings, provides for exceptions when meetings may be closed, and describes penalties and enforcement actions.

f. Kansas Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, K.S.A. 16-1601 et seq., allows for the use of electronic signatures and electronic recordkeeping.

g. Tampering with a public record, K.S.A. 21-5920, defines such as a class A nonperson misdemeanor.

B. Education 1xbet online games login :

a. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 C.F.R. Part 99: FERPA is a federal law protecting the privacy of student education 1xbet online games login . It applies to all schools that receive funds under specified programs of the U.S. Department of Education. Further information is available on the Department of Education and Kansas State University Office of the Registrar websites.

C. Financial 1xbet online games login :

a. Federal grant information, 2 C.F.R. Part 200.333–200.337, that pertains to record retention and access to Post Federal Award Requirements. Please see the Division of Financial Service's 1xbet online casino website for additional information.

D. Health Information 1xbet online games login :

a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 110 Stat. 1936: HIPAA is a federal law related to continuity of health insurance that also includes rules protecting privacy of health information. One of these rules, known as the Privacy Rule, applies to health care providers who transmit health information in electronic form. Further information is available on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website.

E. Human Resources 1xbet online games login :

a. 1xbet online games login , Reports, Research and Evaluation of Personnel System: K.A.R. 1-13-1a defines the contents of an employee's official personnel file, and K.A.R. 1-13-1b relates to disclosure of employee information.

b. Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirements: Requirements for maintaining, posting and providing 1xbet online games login of serious work-related injuries and illnesses.

c. Federal Department of Labor Family and Medical Leave guidance (see Recordkeeping section).

F. Research and Sponsored Programs:

a. Institutional Review Board 1xbet online games login in 45 C.F.R. §46.115: The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for the Research with Human Subjects program, and at Kansas State University the Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects serves as the IRB. In addition to requirements found within the CFR, please view the university's IRB website.

b. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), 7 U.S.C. §54: Kansas State University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) administers an animal care and use program following requirements in the AWA. Additional recordkeeping guidance can be found on the university's IACUC website.

c. NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant and Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules: These guidelines provide recordkeeping rules for the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), which is responsible for the Kansas State University biosafety program.

d. United States Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC): This policy provides DURC recordkeeping guidance for the IBC.

e. Select Agents guidance, 7 C.F.R. Part 331, 9 C.F.R. Part 121, 42 C.F.R. Part 73: The Office of 1xbet best casino website In uses these federal rules to manage 1xbet online games login related to certain biological organisms and toxins, called the select agent program.

f. Federal Acquisition Regulation, Contractor 1xbet online games login Retention (F.A.R. Subpart 4.7): This subpart provides recordkeeping rules for contractors to meet the 1xbet online games login review requirements of the federal government. In this subpart, the terms “contracts" and “contractors" include “subcontracts" and "subcontractors."

.110 Questions

Questions about this policy and its associated content, including the 1xbet online games login and Information Management Committee, can be directed to the 1xbet online games login Manager or the University Archivist at (785) 532-7456 or libsc@ksu.edu.