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Signs and 1xbet online games login Buildings and Facilities

Chapter 7835

Revised: September 14, 2018; August 19, 2020

Table of Contents

.010 Signage

.020 1xbet online games login a Building, Portion of a Building or an Outdoor Area

.030 Questions

.010 Signage

The Kansas State sign system is designed to comply with all applicable local, state and federal codes and regulations. All new signage shall comply with the guidelines set forth in this chapter. To accomplish consistency, all signage that does not currently conform to the signage guidelines shall, as new construction, space renovations, and open space improvements occur, be progressively replaced with new compliance signage or modified to be compliant.

The KSU signage guidelines will be administered by the Facilities Campus Planning and Project Management department. All signage requests shall be submitted through the Facilities customer service desk via a work order request.

Reference the KSU Campus Planning & Project Management Signage and Wayfinding Guidelines on the Planning, Project and Space Management website.

.020 1xbet online games login a Building, Portion of a Building or an Outdoor Area

Naming of 1xbet online games login buildings or facilities must comply with Kansas Board of Regents Policy Chapter II, Section E.12 1xbet online games login of Buildings. The KBOR policy governs the 1xbet online games login , renaming or removal of a name of a building.


Guidelines for submitting all forms of 1xbet online games login proposals are as follows:

1xbet online games login Criteria

  1. Generally, a building is named for distinguished individuals who have made extraordinary contributions of a scholarly, professional, or public service nature related to the 1xbet online games login 's mission. Any legally identifiable distinguished unit, company or organization that supports the 1xbet online games login 's mission is an appropriate consideration for the naming of a building or facility.
  2. Private Contributions/Donations: Reference the KSU Foundation 1xbet online games login Policy (pdf).
  3. Non-Monetary Contributions: Other individuals, meeting the criteria, who were involved in the legacy of Kansas State 1xbet online games login may also be considered.


  1. Proposals should include a letter that states the proposed name, justification for the naming that shows the individual has made extraordinary contributions of a scholarly, professional, or public service nature related to the 1xbet online games login 's mission and an explanation of the monetary contribution, if applicable.
  2. 1xbet online games login proposals must be submitted to President's Cabinet for consideration by the Foundation President/CEO or appropriate cabinet member. 1xbet online games login proposals from colleges should receive endorsement from the Dean and the Provost Executive Vice President who submits to President's Cabinet.
  3. The cabinet member will ensure due diligence is completed to avoid commercial influence or conflict of interest and present the proposal request to President's Cabinet for review and recommendation to the President.
  4. The President makes the final determination of the 1xbet online games login of a building, portion of a building or outside area. All building name requests will be forwarded to the Kansas Board of Regents for approval.
  5. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer will submit the 1xbet online games login of a building request for the Board of Regents approval and notify the requestor of the Board's decision.

Duration and Modification of 1xbet online games login or Recognition: Reference the KSU Foundation 1xbet online games login Policy (pdf).

Name Recognition Signage Guidelines

  1. Signage related to private donations or donor recognition will be developed in coordination with the KSU Foundation and with the Division of Facilities Campus Planning and Project Management Department. Final approval of the donor signage including name, design specifications and location must be approved by the KSU Foundation CEO. - KSU Foundation 1xbet online games login Policy (pdf)
  2. Guidelines for design and placement of name recognition are as follows:

a. Building Identification Sign
In accordance with the Master Plan Signage and Wayfinding guidelines the building identification sign will be constructed of a smooth cut limestone slab with a slab style base. Signs should be placed a minimum of 3'-0” clear from pathways and be placed at all primary entrances to buildings.

b. Room or Interior Space Sign
Interior name recognition signage shall be integrated with the interior room sign system of the building when applicable. All interior name recognition signs should be coordinated with Facilities Department of Campus Planning & Project Management.

c. Outdoor Area Sign
1xbet online games login recognition signage related to an exterior element or space should blend into the overall physical environment. A building named by a philanthropic gift may be displayed on the building exterior. Non philanthropic 1xbet online games login will not be exhibited on the external building walls. The name will be located as close as possible to the funded feature, object, or space.

For additional information regarding signage guidelines reference the Campus Planning and Project Management Signage and Wayfinding Guidelines on the 1xbet online casino room capacity data, and.

.030 Questions

Questions regarding this chapter may be referred to the Facilities Service Desk at 532-6389.