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State Owned 1xbet sports betting Usage

Chapter 6420
Revised July 27, 2020

Table of Contents

.010 Introduction
.020 Use of State Owned or Leased 1xbet sports betting
.030 Responsibility for Operation
.040 1xbet sports betting Motor Pool Vehicles
.050 Departmental Vehicles
.060 Permanent Assignments of State-Owned or leased Motor Vehicles
.070 1xbet sports betting Travel Records and Expenses
.080 Expenses of Operation of State-Owned or Operated 1xbet sports betting
.090 Parking for and Return of State-Owned or Leased Motor Vehicles
.100 Insurance and Accident Reporting
.110 Questions
Related Content
.160 1xbet sports betting Use L
.170 Record of 1xbet sports betting Expense Log (Sample)

.010 Introduction

This chapter outlines the policies, responsibilities and procedures for the use of all State motor vehicles owned, leased or operated by an agency, officer, or employee of the State when on official state business. The State regulations are defined in State Statutes 75-4601 through 75-4618 and Kansas Administrative Regulations 1-17-1 through 1-17-19

.020 Use of State Owned or Leased 1xbet sports betting

State-owned or leased motor vehicles are only to be used for official state business and only operated by a person who has a valid driver's license and who is an officer or employee of Kansas State University. Only employees of the State or a person reasonably engaged in official state business shall be allowed to ride in a state-owned or leased motor 1xbet sports betting . The use of a 15-passenger van will sometimes be the most effective means of transportation for certain activities and events involving University employees and/or students. The operation and procedures relating to the 15-passenger vans are explained in PPM Chapter 6450, Van Policy on Usage of 15-Passenger Vans.

A State-owned or leased motor 1xbet sports betting is not to be used to commute between the employee's residence and the employee's official work station, except

  1. when the 1xbet sports betting is marked as a law enforcement 1xbet sports betting and is used by an employee certified as a law enforcement officer under the provisions of K. S. A. 74-59601 et seq.

  2. when the 1xbet sports betting is used to commute an employee who is determined by the Secretary of Administration's designee to be required to respond to reoccurring public safety emergencies under specified circumstances that make commuting in a state 1xbet sports betting cost effective.

  3. when the 1xbet sports betting is assigned to the employee on a trip basis only and driving the 1xbet sports betting to the employee's residence will not increase the total one-way trip mileage between the official workstation and the destination by more than 10 miles.

When the state-owned or leased motor 1xbet sports betting is authorized to be used for travel to an employee's place of residence under paragraph 1 and 2 above, the reasonable distance one-way between the employee's official work station and residence shall not exceed 10 miles. For trip vehicles assigned to a traveler under paragraph 3 above, reasonable distance shall be based on determination that driving the 1xbet sports betting home will not increase the total one-way trip mileage between the official work station and the destination by more than 10 miles.

This regulation shall not apply to an employee whose residence has been designated as the official work station because over 50 % of the employee's work time involves direct travel from his or her residence; or state owned or leased motor vehicles acquired or assigned for use in the state vanpool program.

.030 Responsibility for Operation

The operator of a state-owned or operated motor 1xbet sports betting shall be responsible for operating the 1xbet sports betting in a safe and prudent manner and in accordance with all applicable county, township, city ordinances and state laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles. Any fines or penalties arising from the operation of a state-owned or operated motor 1xbet sports betting in an unlawful manner are the responsibility and obligation of the operator.

Compliance with the provisions of these rules and regulations shall be a condition precedent to the right to operate or continue to operate a state-owned or operated motor 1xbet sports betting on official state business or to be reimbursed for any expense that may, by law, or hereinafter in these rules and regulations be allowed.

.040 1xbet sports betting Motor Pool Vehicles

Kansas State University Division of Facilities operates the University Motor Pool which provides vehicles for lease by University departments for transportation of employees and students. There are over 75 vehicles in the University Motor Pool, consisting of sedans, station wagons, pickups and vans. The shuttle van for services for physically limited is also a part of the University Motor Pool. The Procedure for leasing a University Motor Pool 1xbet sports betting is explained in PPM Chapter 6430, University Motor Pool, /policies/ppm/6430.html.

.050 Departmental Vehicles

Any department which has a need for a permanently assigned 1xbet sports betting is to follow appropriate university purchasing procedures in acquiring the 1xbet sports betting which include: 1) purchase from established contracts, 2) Follow the appropriate bidding process. See 1xbet online games login to submit the cl.

K-State has been authorized to place its standard logo on each front door of all of its state-owned cars and trucks. 1xbet sports betting Facilities Garage will provide and install the standard K-State logo decals free. The uniform color and logo are designed to enhance the presence of Kansas State 1xbet sports betting in the local area and throughout the State.

The university is authorized by the State of Kansas to carry public liability, property damage and medical payment insurance on state-owned vehicles (not comprehensive or collision coverage). Vehicles acquired throughout the year are automatically covered under this fleet policy. Cost of this insurance coverage is charged to departments that have state-owned vehicles assigned to them. Coverage is effective only when the 1xbet sports betting is used for official business and the driver has been authorized to operate the 1xbet sports betting . Any damages to university-owned vehicles are the responsibility of the possessing department.

.060 Permanent Assignments of State-Owned or leased Motor Vehicles

A state-owned or leased motor 1xbet sports betting may be assigned to an employee on a permanent basis if the employee's duties require travel a majority of the time or the employee's duties necessitate a motor 1xbet sports betting with special equipment, marking, or licensing. The necessity for such special equipment, marking, or licensing shall be approved by the department and the attachment of any special equipment, marking, or licensing will be done at the expense of the using department. Upon retirement of such motor vehicles, the department shall have the equipment removed and all damage repaired and the motor 1xbet sports betting returned to a clean, sellable condition.

.070 1xbet sports betting Travel Records and Expenses

Each operator of a state owned 1xbet sports betting is to record on a 1xbet sports betti the destination and the purpose of trips taken that extend beyond the vicinity of the campus and/or work location of the 1xbet sports betting . The entry should include the beginning and the ending mileage of the trip. The 1xbet sports betti is to be retained in the 1xbet sports betting and upon completion of each log sheet; the form is to be kept on file in the department. Vicinity use miles do not need to be recorded on the 1xbet sports betting use log. Departments may alter the 1xbet sports betting Use Log and Record of 1xbet sports betting Expense Log to meet their needs, as long as the log contains the basic elements in the samples provided.

Each state 1xbet sports betting is to have routine service and maintenance. Repairs are to be made when needed to ensure the 1xbet sports betting is safe to be operated and to extend its useful life. Service, maintenance, repairs, fuel and oil for each 1xbet sports betting is to be recorded on a Record of 1xbet sports betting sheet. Appropriate departmental personnel need to periodically review the log sheet of each 1xbet sports betting to ensure it is being maintained accurately and the expenses are appropriate for the 1xbet sports betting .

.080 Expenses of Operation of State-Owned or Operated 1xbet sports betting

Expenses for supplies, service, maintenance, repair, and storage of state-owned or leased motor vehicles shall be performed or arranged for under the supervision of the department head. The cost of such supplies, services, maintenance, repair, storage and the facilities therefore for state-owned or leased motor vehicles in a motor pool shall be included as part of the mileage charge made to the user departments. For state-owned or leased motor vehicles not assigned to the 1xbet sports betting motor pool, the actual cost of such supplies, services, maintenance, repairs, and storage shall be borne by the department incurring the same.

Expenses may be incurred in the operation of state-owned or leased motor vehicles while on official state business. The traveler may make purchases of operation or maintenance items for a state-owned or leased motor 1xbet sports betting such as gasoline, oil, tire, repairs, and lubrication. Wherever open-end contracts for the discount purchase of gasoline, oil or services are available, the special credit cards issued for such contracts shall be used. Expenses such as charges for ferry, bridges, or toll roads will be allowed. Receipts covering all items of expenditures shall be submitted as permitted and in the manner required by the rules and regulations governing travel expenses.

Emergency repairs or purchases incurred for state-owned or leased motor vehicles shall not be made without authorization from the department head. Purchases that exceed ,000 require Purchasing and Contract Services approval.

Towing charges resulting from failure of University Motor Pool vehicles shall be paid by the University Motor Pool. Towing charges for other state-owned or leased vehicles shall be the responsibility of the department. Towing and service charges incurred through improper parking of the motor 1xbet sports betting by the operator shall be charged to the operator.

While the University Motor Pool is authorized to charge the department for any damages while the 1xbet sports betting is rented or permanently assigned, traditionally the University Motor Pool has absorbed damages resulting from vandalism, hail, or damage as a result of mechanical failure. The University Motor Pool does, however, charge the department for damages resulting from their driver's error, thus holding the department responsible for their driver's actions.

.090 Parking for and Return of State-Owned or Leased Motor 1xbet sports betting

A state-owned or leased motor 1xbet sports betting assigned on a trip or daily basis shall be returned to the proper motor pool as soon as the state business for which the 1xbet sports betting was used is completed. Any state car parked at a driver's domicile shall be kept in a garage or driveway, if available. No expense for parking a state-owned or leased motor 1xbet sports betting at an employee's domicile shall be allowed or paid. Expenses for parking a motor 1xbet sports betting at the employee's official station or at a duty post shall be reimbursed to the employee by the agency in accordance with established procedures governing, reporting, and claiming reimbursement for such travel expenses. On official travel, a state 1xbet sports betting shall be kept in a hotel or motel parking lot if available, however, parking on the streets will be permitted when not in violation of a local ordinance. Valet parking is not an allowable travel expense.

.100 Insurance and Accident Reporting

The insurance and accident reporting for state-owned motor vehicles is explained in 1xbet online sports betting Risk Management Services,.

.110 Questions

Questions relating to vehicles policies and procedures are to be referred to Purchasing and Contract Services at 785-532-6214 or kspurch@k-state.edu.