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Out-Of Office Availability Requirement

Chapter 4660
Revised June 20, 2014, July 23, 2014 and October 12, 2016

Table of Contents

.010 Introduction
.020 1xbet best casino website
.030 Additional Considerations
.040 Questions

.010 Introduction

This 1xbet best casino website provides guidance to the University community regarding situations when the university must be in frequent, regular contact with an individual when they are not in their office; and, when such availability cannot be reasonably managed with devices that are owned by the university. The 1xbet best casino website and guidelines have been developed to ensure compliance with State of Kansas policies and IRS policies.

.020 1xbet best casino website

In the event that an unclassified,overtime exempt employee must be available for 1xbet best casino website business when outside of his or her 1xbet best casino website office, the following procedure is available:

Where the 1xbet best casino website (appropriate dean or vice president) determines that an unclassified, exempt employee (typically director level or above) is required to be regularly available after typical business hours and/or when not in his or her office, and such availability cannot be reasonably managed through the use of 1xbet best casino website owned devices, a maximum amount of 0 may be added to the employee's monthly pay and by adding the following clause to the employee's contract:

“Your annual base salary includes an amount sufficient to compensate you to be available by telephone or email after typical business hours and when away from office or 1xbet best casino website business. The receipt of this amount in your base salary precludes you from receiving a mobile phone and/or data coverage plan paid for from 1xbet best casino website funds.”

With the additional pay, employees must take steps to be available by telephone or email after typical business hours. Failure to be available may result in the discontinuation of this pay supplement.

The appropriate dean or vice-president may discontinue an employee's pay supplement at any time.

.030 Additional Considerations

An employee who possesses a 1xbet best casino website funded cellular device for business purposes is not eligible for this pay supplement.

This pay supplement shall not be available to 1xbet best casino website support staff or employees that are non-exempt (eligible for overtime.)

.040 Questions

Supporting K-Stat(HR) is responsible for this 1xbet best casino website . The Vice President or designee must approve any exception to this 1xbet best casino website or related procedures. Questions should be directed to Human Resources at 785-532-6277 or hr@ksu.edu.