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Chosen 1xbet online games login Policy

Chapter 3077

Created November 5, 2020, Updated September 28, 2022

Table of Contents

.010 Chosen 1xbet online games login Policy

.020 Definitions

.030 Procedures

.040 Sanctions
.050 Questions

.010 Chosen 1xbet online games login Policy

Kansas State University recognizes that students and employees may use first names other than their legal names to identify themselves. Many members of the university community use a 1xbet online games login that differs from their legal 1xbet online games login . These may include individuals who choose to use a:

  • Shortened derivative of a first 1xbet online games login .
  • Middle 1xbet online games login instead of a first 1xbet online games login .
  • 1xbet online games login that better represents the individual’s identity (e.g., gender identity or gender expression, racial, religious, cultural).
  • 1xbet online games login adapted to English usage in place of a non-English personal 1xbet online games login .
  • 1xbet online games login to which the individual is in the process of legally changing.
  • Stage or performance 1xbet online games login .

Employees shall make reasonable efforts to reference students and employees by their chosen 1xbet online games login when calling that person by 1xbet online games login in the course of university business and education, when the speaker (or person otherwise referencing the student or employee) knows the chosen 1xbet online games login or reasonably should know the chosen 1xbet online games login .

Except when the use of an individual’s legal 1xbet online games login is required by law or policy, the university’s systems and procedures shall identify students and employees by the chosen 1xbet online games login they have designated in accordance with this policy. The university will employ a phased implementation process to accomplish this goal.

.020 Definitions

Chosen 1xbet online games login – An alternative to the individual’s legal 1xbet online games login as designated by the individual in university systems. A chosen 1xbet online games login must be a 1xbet online games login the individual uses on a daily basis. A chosen 1xbet online games login may be reflected as a “Preferred 1xbet online games login ” in some systems that at present may not be able to be modified.

Legal 1xbet online games login – The 1xbet online games login an individual uses for official governmental documents, such as licenses, passports, and tax forms. For employment purposes legal 1xbet online games login is identified on their social security card. A legal 1xbet online games login is referred to as “primary 1xbet online games login ” in existing university data systems. There are some university-related instances where a legal 1xbet online games login may be required (e.g., sponsored research).

.030 Procedures

An individual who adopts a chosen 1xbet online games login that is different from that individual’s legal 1xbet online games login acknowledges that the chosen 1xbet online games login is or will be actually used to identify that individual. Students submit their chosen 1xbet online games login through KSIS. Employees submit their chosen 1xbet online games login through a Human Capital Services form.

The university may revoke or deny a chosen 1xbet online games login if a person’s selection or use of a chosen 1xbet online games login is for the purpose of, or results in, misrepresentation, misidentification, fraud, avoiding a legal obligation, libel, discrimination including harassment, threats, inciting violence, lewdness, obscenity, profanity, or promotion of commercial purposes. A chosen 1xbet online games login in most cases shall not be a message, or company or group’s 1xbet online games login . A chosen 1xbet online games login shall only consist of letters and shall not be unduly lengthy. The Office of the Registrar or Human Capital Services will determine if a chosen 1xbet online games login is appropriate under these criteria for students and employees respectively.

The university recognizes an individual may choose a 1xbet online games login other than their legal 1xbet online games login more than once during their time at the university as they navigate decisions around their identity. Employees and students may change their chosen 1xbet online games login one time per year absent necessary or extenuating circumstances, such as to reflect gender identity.

1xbet online games login Issued Identification Cards

An individual’s chosen 1xbet online games login will be printed on that individual’s Kansas State University identification card. University ID cards are issued for the purpose of university business, and cards issued with chosen names shall not be used for voting identification, to obtain a state identification card, or for any other purpose for which a legal 1xbet online games login is required.

Employees or students who update their chosen 1xbet online games login after being issued an identification card can request a replacement card, subject to applicable charges.

Systems and Processes

Kansas State University utilizes multiple systems to manage its operations and processes. Wherever possible, the university will modify systems to display only the chosen 1xbet online games login . Instances in which a legal 1xbet online games login is required include, but are not limited to, financial aid forms, tax forms, university transcripts, and health records.

Since employees and students will be able to update their chosen names at any time throughout the year in the main enterprise systems, other 1xbet online games login systems that are dependent on data that is primarily stored in the enterprise systems must be refreshed on a regular, scheduled basis as much as practical.

1xbet online games login employees with oversight responsibility of 1xbet online games login information technology systems, who are unable to bring the applicable system in compliance with this Policy as related to employee and/or student chosen names, must develop a plan of action to articulate what is needed to bring that system into compliance. Those employees shall submit the plan to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and collaborate with the CIO or designee to reasonably resolve the matter to allow for the use of chosen names where legally permitted.

.040 Sanctions

In addition to other remedial actions available for a Policy violation, the university may also deny or revoke the use of a chosen 1xbet online games login based on violations of this Policy.

.050 Questions

For student record questions:

Office of the Registrar,785-532-6254,registrar@k-state.edu

Student Support & Accountability and the LGBT Resource Center are also supportive resources for students with questions regarding the chosen 1xbet online games login Policy.

For employee record questions:

Human Capital Services Resource Center,785-532-6277,hr@ksu.edu

For Campus ID card questions:

K-State ID Center,785-532-6399,wildcatcard@k-state.edu

For Data System questions:

Office of the Chief Information Officer