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1xbet sports betting

Chapter 3910
Revised June 1, 2006

Table of Contents

.010 Foreword
.020 Board of Regents Policy/1xbet sports betting
Appendix F: 1xbet sports betting Policies and Procedures
.030 Philosophy
.040 General Concepts
.050 Definitions
.060 Geographic Service Areas
.070 Administration
.080 Faculty
.090 Maintenance of Quality
.100 Guidelines for submitting Requests for Approval of a Program as an 1xbet sports betting Specialty
.110 Appendix I: KSU Guidelines for Scheduling Credit and Non-credit 1xbet sports betting Course Offerings
.120 Appendix II: KSU Guidelines for Managing Grants, Contracts and Sponsored Programs Involving 1xbet sports betting
.130 Appendix III: KSU Faculty Handbook, Section H "1xbet sports betting Services, Continuing Education and International Programs"
.140 Appendix IV: BOR Guidelines for Submitting Requests for Approval to Offer Courses Outside an Institution's Geographic Jurisdiction Area
.150 Appendix V: BOR Guidelines Regarding Registration of Credit Offerings in Kansas by Out-of-State Institutions
.160 Questions

.010 Foreword

The purpose of this policy statement is to provide Board of Regents policies and procedures which broadly describe the nature of 1xbet sports betting in the Kansas Regents System of Higher Education, and the roles of the KSU faculty and administration in relation to the University community's many outreach activities. Unless otherwise noted, the contents herein will be considered standard policy by the faculty and administration. Procedures and regulations, along with privileges and responsibilities, are presented for ready reference.

This policy statement supersedes all earlier statements of Board of Regents 1xbet sports betting policy and procedures. Questions of policy and procedures concerning 1xbet sports betting topics not covered herein should be referred to the Dean of Continuing Education or to the Provost.

The reader is referred to Section H, KSU Faculty Handbook (as also presented in Appendix III of this handbook), for University policies and procedures that are subject to and written in concurrence with Board of Regents policies and procedures stated herein.

Approved for:

Kansas State University

Jon Wefald, President

Duane Nellis, Provost

Date: May 18, 2005

.020 Board of Regents Policy Manual:
Section D, 1xbet sports betting Affairs

5. Graduate Credit for Short Courses (3-16-89)

For each unit of graduate credit in intensive courses of short duration (e.g., workshops, skills, didactic or other special courses), there should be at least 15 hours of direct instruction together with the usual amount of out-of-class scholarly work. Direct instruction should extend over a period of at least three days per credit, with no more than one credit earned per week. In rare instances, the graduate dean may authorize exceptions in advance, provided there is documentation that the requirements for direct instruction and outside work are met. Course publicity will indicate the nature of the outside work in sufficient detail as to indicate a reasonable understanding of the amount of work involved for a typical student, as well as a date of completion of the work.

6. 1xbet sports betting (5-18-89)

  1. All 1xbet sports betting policies and procedures shall be considered and approved by the Board prior to implementation and shall be included herewith as Appendix F to the Board Policy and Procedures Manual.

  2. The Vice President for Academic Affairs of the Board shall be responsible for the development, implementation, and coordination of policies and procedures that will serve to achieve an effective and efficient system of credit and noncredit 1xbet sports betting instruction including distance education and off-campus face-to-face courses and programs.

  3. Fees for 1xbet sports betting courses shall be established by the Board. Guidelines for establishing fee recommendations for 1xbet sports betting courses may be developed and recommended through the council system and approved by the Board.

Appendix F: 1xbet sports betting Policies and Procedures

.030 Philosophy

Changing demographics and changing workplace demands are among the environmental shifts that are challenging traditional requirements for productive employment and enlightened citizenship. 1xbet sports betting at Regents universities accepts the on-going responsibility (1) to identify the configurations of knowledge and skills needed by adults to compete and thrive and 2) to provide continuing education and lifelong learning programs that assist individuals and groups in acquiring the postsecondary education they need.

Underlying these efforts is a philosophy which emphasizes students' needs. This philosophy recognizes that 1xbet sports betting students are a diverse population with differences in educational requirements, motivation, constraints, goals, access and opportunities. To accommodate these differences, 1xbet sports betting programs are designed to reach established as well as underserved constituencies.

Using available learning resources, including electronic delivery, 1xbet sports betting programs at Regents universities collectively work toward increasing opportunities for the entry and reentry of individuals and groups into higher education by assisting them to overcome or minimize participatory barriers such as location, employment, finance, and family-social-civic responsibilities. These efforts, which may involve a variety of course and delivery formats, are sustained by a commitment to developing and maintaining convenient, quality and affordable services and instruction.

.040 General Concepts

  1. College or university 1xbet sports betting is the administrative vehicle for extending the institution's instructional and research resources through service to the people of the State. Extension courses and programs may be offered for academic credit or they may be noncredit, and they can be delivered via distance education or through off-campus, face-to-face instruction. Programs covered by the term 1xbet sports betting are separate and distinct from those offered by the Cooperative Extension Service at Kansas State University.

  2. 1xbet sports betting is an integral part of higher education and when it is offered for credit should be publicly and institutionally supported commensurate with the needs of society and at a level that provides for high quality programs in Kansas.

  3. Credit awarded by a Regents institution or Washburn University for 1xbet sports betting courses shall be accepted for transfer by other Regents institutions. Application of transfer credit toward fulfilling degree requirements shall remain the prerogative of the faculty of the receiving institution. (6-24-99)

  4. The Board of Regents supports the exploration and use of electronic and other media to deliver quality distance education courses and programs. The Board also endorses coordinated and cooperative efforts in the planning and delivery of off-campus, face-to-face 1xbet sports betting courses and programs.

  5. Except in early stages of development, mediated programs and/or courses should pay through program revenues for the additional costs associated with mediation. Campuses should assess fees to cover such additional costs.

  6. Decisions to offer 1xbet sports betting courses shall be guided by the following:

    1. Mission of institution;

    2. Need for specialization of programs and diversity of formats, time frames or cost structures;

    3. Availability of adequate instructional and fiscal resources; and

    4. Cooperation between institutions.

.050 Definitions

  1. "Campus" is defined as the buildings and grounds located within the specific boundaries of the respective Regents institutions or Washburn University; provided, however, that the Wichita State University campus, for purposes of 1xbet sports betting program offerings and contractual arrangements with community colleges and technical colleges, is defined as the City of Wichita and industrial sites contiguous to the City. (4-18-96, 6-24-99)

  2. "Credit" refers to a unit of measure of educational experience within a planned curriculum leading to a degree.

  3. "Base credit 1xbet sports betting " refers to courses that receive state funding, that are offered for credit, and where the majority of instruction occurs at sites physically located off the institution's campus.

  4. "Nonbase credit 1xbet sports betting " refers to courses that do not receive state funding and that are offered for credit at sites physically located off the institution's campus.

  5. "Noncredit 1xbet sports betting " refers to educational activities, such as workshops, seminars, conferences and short courses offered for Continuing Education Units or without academic credit for which a fee is charged. These activities receive no direct financial support from the state.

  6. Distance education courses are those in which faculty and students are physically separated in place or time and in which two-thirds or more of the instruction is provided via some form of mediated delivery system (i.e., 10 or more hours of instruction per credit hour are delivered via audio or videotape, live interactive video, CD-ROM, the Internet or World Wide Web, etc.).

  7. A distance education program is a curriculum comprised entirely of distance education courses.

  8. "Regular faculty" is a member of the faculty who holds an appointment (full or part-time) with the rank of instructor or higher.

  9. An “1xbet sports betting specialty program” is a sequence of off-campus, face-to-face courses that may be base or nonbase, credit or noncredit, and that has been approved for delivery at a specific location or locations outside of the institution’s approved geographic service area.

.060 Geographic Service Areas

  1. In-Areas, Responsibilities and Requirements

    1. The state shall be divided into three geographic areas to ensure that needs for off-campus face-to-face courses and programs are met without unnecessary duplication. These areas shall be served dually by the University of Kansas and Pittsburg State University, Wichita State University and Emporia State University, and Kansas State University and Fort Hays State University. Geographic service areas shall be established by the Board. (See "Map of Geographic Jurisdiction Areas" at the end of this section.) In addition, KU, KSU, ESU, and Washburn University will share responsibility for serving Shawnee County. Instances of apparent duplication in Shawnee County among Regents institutions and Washburn University shall be evaluated and resolved by the Board’s Director of 1xbet sports betting Affairs on an individual basis as the occasion and need arise. (6-24-99)

    2. Assignment of particular geographic service areas to specific Regents institutions and Washburn University applies only to off-campus 1xbet sports betting courses and programs that are delivered on a face-to-face basis. Geographic service areas do not apply to distance education courses or programs. (6-24-00)

    3. The institutions that share a geographic service area have primary responsibility for meeting the needs of the area and take precedence over other Regents institutions and Washburn University in offering off-campus, face-to-face 1xbet sports betting courses and programs within the area. (6-24-99)

    4. The institutions that share a geographic service area have the responsibility to request other Regents institutions or Washburn University to serve identified or expressed needs when the primary institutions are unable to do so. (6-24-99)

    5. Institutions shall submit reports on 1xbet sports betting courses and programs to the Board on an annual and periodic basis as required.

    6. Subsequent to institutional identification of specific courses comprising the curriculum, and approval by the Council of Chief Academic Officers and the Director of Academic Affairs, an off-campus, face-to-face program will be designated as an “1xbet sports betting specialty program” and may be offered at approved locations or statewide for a period not to exceed ten years. Requests for approval of 1xbet sports betting specialty programs should follow the format described at the end of this appendix. Renewal of an 1xbet sports betting specialty program designation requires the approval of the Council of Chief Academic Officers and the Director of Academic Affairs. (6-24-99)

    7. Off-campus, face-to-face 1xbet sports betting courses which are not part of an approved 1xbet sports betting specialty program and offered outside an institution’s geographic service area must be reviewed and approved by the other Regents institutions in the service area and by the Director of Academic Affairs prior to any public announcement of the course or program.

    8. The Board encourages institutions to respond to local educational needs within their approved geographic service areas, including certificate, workforce training, and noncredit courses and programs.

    Map of Geographic Jurisdiction Areas

Out-of-State Offerings

  1. Courses to be offered by a Regents institution or by Washburn University outside the State of Kansas must be approved by the Director of 1xbet sports betting Affairs; out-of-state degree programs must be approved by the Board prior to public announcement of the course or program. Courses and programs qualifying as distance education courses as defined in 3.f in Appendix F are exempt from this policy. (6-24-99)

    1. Field study courses are exempt from approval even when the "field" component includes offering of instruction at a location outside an institution's geographic service area.

    2. Noncredit 1xbet sports betting courses and programs offered by a Regents institution outside the State of Kansas are exempt from approval but must be reported annually.

  2. Regents universities or Washburn University offering courses and programs in other states shall comply with those states’ statutes, rules and regulations. If compliance is not feasible, the course or program will not be available in that state and any students enrolled shall be withdrawn. (6-24-99)

  3. Direct costs, including cost of instruction, must be supported by restricted fees with the following exception: credit 1xbet sports betting courses offered to an institution's regularly enrolled students at an out-of-state location or locations, including abroad, which take advantage of unique educational resources critical to the instruction, may be included in the instructional base.

  4. Except for royalties payable under an institution’s intellectual property policy, out-of-state instruction designed to produce a profit for any individual who is an employee of the State of Kansas is prohibited.

.070 Administration

The Director of 1xbet sports betting Affairs of the Board shall:

  1. Approve or disapprove requests for face-to-face 1xbet sports betting courses to be delivered outside assigned geographical service areas in accordance with Board policy;

  2. Coordinate systematic assessment of state need for 1xbet sports betting services;

  3. Be responsible for maintaining appropriate 1xbet sports betting records;

  4. Be responsible for producing state-level reports as assigned; and

  5. Be responsible for monitoring the execution of Board policy systemwide.

.080 Faculty

The selection of qualified faculty for 1xbet sports betting shall follow established campus appointment and operating procedures.

.090 Maintenance of Quality

  1. It is the responsibility of the chief academic officer of each Regents institution and Washburn University to ensure that institutional procedures, including new program approvals and existing program reviews, result in high standards of quality in 1xbet sports betting courses and programs. (6-24-99)

  2. Instructional and student support services for 1xbet sports betting courses and programs, including library and laboratory resources, shall be appropriate to the needs of the course.

.100 Guidelines for Submitting Requests for approval of a Program as an 1xbet sports betting Specialty

  1. Background

    An “1xbet sports betting specialty” is a program unique to a Regents institution or Washburn University that may be offered at approved locations or statewide for a period not to exceed ten years.

    These guidelines were revised to conform with changes made to Appendix F of the Board Policy Manual on September 18, 1997. In matters related to these guidelines, the Board staff shall act as agents for the Board.

  2. Guidelines

    1. A written request for approval of an 1xbet sports betting specialty must be made to the Council of Chief 1xbet sports betting Officers (COCAO) through the Board staff.

    2. The request must present information in the following format:

      1. Name and CIP code of the proposed program

      2. Degrees that may be awarded through the program

      3. Statement of need for the program substantiated with data

      4. Purpose of the program

      5. Students likely to enroll in the program and estimated enrollment

      6. Unique and distinguishing features of the proposed program, such as its faculty, facilities, resources, and history sufficient to support designation as an 1xbet sports betting specialty

      7. Curriculum, including the department, number, name, and a brief description of content for each course within the program

      8. Other information which the institution may wish to provide in support of its request

      9. Name, title, address, and telephone number of the designated representative of the program

      10. Signature of the Chief 1xbet sports betting Officer of the institution authorizing the request

      11. Date of the request

      12. Specific locations where the program will be offered

      13. Requested approval period

    3. By a majority vote, COCAO will recommend approval or denial of the proposed specialty program, including the curriculum, to the Board’s Director of 1xbet sports betting Affairs.

    4. Any changes in the approved curriculum must be approved by COCAO and the Director of 1xbet sports betting Affairs.

    5. Board staff will maintain information about the curriculum and courses of approved 1xbet sports betting specialties for use in reviewing requests to offer courses outside the institution’s geographic jurisdiction area.

    6. In the tenth year after its approval by COCAO, or at the end of the approved period, the university may indicate its desire to continue an 1xbet sports betting specialty by providing updated information outlined in item 2 above to COCAO with a copy to Board staff.

    7. If an institution does not provide this information by January 1 of the year the program approval ends, this designation will be terminated on May 30 of that year.

    8. Board staff will schedule a review of the 1xbet sports betting specialty by COCAO upon receipt of updated information from the institution.

    9. The same process used to designate the 1xbet sports betting specialty initially will be repeated in order to determine if the 1xbet sports betting specialty designation will be continued. (6-24-99)

.110 KSU Guidelines for Scheduling 1xbet sports betting Credit and Non-Credit Course Offerings


These general guidelines apply to all Credit and Non-Credit offerings scheduled by departments for delivery off campus, including courses offered in jurisdiction and out of jurisdiction in the state, out of state, and via Telenet or other mediated instructional formats. They also apply to on-campus workshops, short courses, and conferences.

The guidelines allow K-State Global Campus to provide maximum support services to faculty and departments, to ensure awareness of Board of Regents and KSU policy and procedures regarding 1xbet sports betting , and to assist with the proper management of financial, contractual, and legal requirements related to courses and programs.


  1. At least 60 days in advance, wherever possible, and prior to any announcement of such courses to potential student populations, contact the appropriate K-State Global Campusadministrator for assistance, as follows:

    Credit Programs – Assistant Dean, Continuing Learning, 532-5575
    Non-Credit Programs – Assistant Dean, Continuing Learning, 532-5575
    Externally Funded Programs – Associate Dean, 532-2558
    Program Development – Assistant Dean, Program Development and Marketing, 532-5635

  2. With the assistance of the Continuing Education program administrator(s):

    1. Develop the course or program formats for delivery of planned curriculum or service;

    2. Develop the course or program budget, including all sources of funds for sponsorship;

    3. Secure budget approvals from all involved administrators, including the Department Head, the Dean, the Dean of Continuing Education, and any outside sponsor;

    4. Submit courses through EIS for approvals within the university and from the Board of Regents; and

    5. Develop print materials or other advertisements for announcing the course offering. Continuing Education will release the materials only after Board of Regents approval if the offering is located outside KSU's geographic jurisdiction area.

On-Campus Offerings Requiring Support Services

  1. For credit or non-credit workshops, short courses, or conferences located on campus that require support services from the university, see PPM 3530. As soon as need for Continuing Education services (registration, library and/or other identification cards, food purchases, advertisements, program coordination, accounting services, fees, etc.) is determined, contact K-State Global Campus.

  2. Continuing Education will charge Board of Regents approved fees for these services on behalf of the university.

Offerings Outside the Geographic Jurisdiction Area

  1. Continuing Education program administrators will assist faculty in establishing communications with their counterparts in other Regents institutions, community colleges, or other institutions of higher education near the proposed location of onsite courses or programs outside KSU's assigned geographic jurisdiction area. Such communications will likely result in written statements of support of the offering as required by the Board of Regents, but may also result in proposals for inter-institutional cooperation in the offering, or statements of preference that the nearest institute provide the offering.

  2. Faculty should, through the K-State Global Campus, seek a designation of 1xbet sports betting Specialty (state-wide) or Special 1xbet sports betting Program (specific location(s)) for planned courses or programs that will likely be repeated over an extended period of time. The specific process is described in Appendix V.

Off-Campus Offerings Requiring Mediated Instruction

  1. Continuing Education must administer and report to the Board of Regents all off-campus mediated instruction.

  2. If Telenet 2, the Regents Educational Communications Center, or other mediation services are required, Continuing Education will involve Directors of appropriate media units at the initial stages of program planning.

.120 KSU Guidelines for Managing Grants, Contracts and Sponsored Programs Involving 1xbet sports betting


These guidelines apply to public service grants, contracts and sponsored programs which involve delivery of on-campus and off-campus credit or non-credit courses, workshops, seminars, training programs or other organized educational services offered by KSU. Sponsorship may constitute KSU's cooperation with a wide array of outside entities, such as foundations, professional associations, government agencies, school districts, other institutions of higher education, foreign governments, and private businesses and industry. See statement defining grants in PPM 7000.

The guidelines allow K-State Global Campusto provide maximum support services to faculty and departments, and to insure awareness of Board of Regents and KSU policy and procedures regarding 1xbet sports betting fees, contracts, etc. Actual campus procedures may vary by college and by specific program.


  1. If the proposal includes possible delivery of on- or off-campus credit or non-credit activities, prior to final preparation for submission of proposals or memoranda of agreement with sponsoring agencies, the Principle Investigator (PI) will contact the Associate Dean of Continuing Education, 532-2558.

  2. The PI, with the assistance of the Associate Dean or designated staff, will develop budgets and course approval requests for campus and Board of Regents review and/or approvals, wherever appropriate.

Offerings Inside the KSU Geographic Jurisdiction Area, Off Campus and On Campus

  1. If planned credit or non-credit courses will be offered off campus but inside KSU's assigned geographic jurisdiction area, as a part of a sponsored project, the PI will provide copies of the draft proposal to Continuing Education as early in the development process as possible. Board policies require that these programs be administered and reported through Continuing Education.

  2. If the sponsored project offerings will be located on campus, but will need support services from the university as workshops, short courses or conferences, the PI will provide copies of the draft proposal to Continuing Education early in the development process.

  3. Continuing Education will charge Board approved fees for these services on behalf of the university.

Offerings Outside the KSU Geographic Jurisdiction Area

  1. If planned credit or non-credit courses will be offered outside KSU's assigned geographic jurisdiction area, as a part of the sponsored project, copies of the draft proposal will be provided to the Associate Dean of Continuing Education as early in the development process as possible.

  2. K-State Global Campusprogram administrators will assist faculty in establishing communications with other Regents institutions, or certain other outside entities, near the proposed location(s) of the offering, which will likely result in written support for the project as required by the Board of Regents.

  3. Such communications may occasionally result, however, in proposals for inter-institutional cooperation. Proposals will be reviewed by the Council of Chief 1xbet sports betting Officers (COCAO) prior to approval by the Board of Regents. COCAO and Board approval are not required prior to submission of the proposal for funding, but are required before the courses can be advertised or offered.

.130 Appendix III KSU Faculty Handbook: Section H
1xbet sports betting Services, Continuing Education, and International Programs

KSU Research & 1xbet sports betting Service

H1 Organization and administration. The KSU Research & Extension Service is part of a nationwide system of informal education involving federal, state, and county governments which cooperate in planning, conducting, and financing educational programs for the people of Kansas. The system was established under the Smith-Lever Act of 1914 and the Kansas Extension Law. This system is operated out of Kansas State University, which maintains close cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture and all county extension councils in Kansas. The heart of the extension service is its team of Extension agents located in the counties, subject-matter specialists tied to 1xbet sports betting departments at KSU, and thousands of volunteer teachers and leaders. Its substance is scientific information and principles developed through research.

H2 Scope of programs. County agents and specialists of the KSU Research & 1xbet sports betting Service organize and conduct educational programs in every county. Programs are conducted in agriculture, family & consumer sciences, 4-H work, community development, and energy. The purpose of the system is to give instruction to the people in agriculture, family & consumer sciences, and related subjects, as noted in the federal and state laws that created the system. Under current conditions, the related subjects include subject matter from almost every department of Kansas State University.

H3 Information channels. County extension agents and specialists use numerous delivery methods to reach the citizens of the state. KSU Research & Extension Service relies on the 1xbet sports betting departments at Kansas State University to be primary sources of the subject matter base for the educational activities carried out by county agents and specialists who also adapt information from other universities, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, other state and federal government agencies, and industry.

H4 Research & 1xbet sports betting communications. Scientific information is written and produced in popular version by 1xbet sports betting specialists and is channeled through appropriate means of communications. KKSU, a university-owned noncommercial public radio station, broadcasts information and cultural programs five days each week. Video programs are regularly produced and distributed via videotape and satellite conferences.

Kansas Industrial 1xbet sports betting Service

H10 The Kansas Industrial 1xbet sports betting Service was established in 1964 in the College of Engineering for the purpose of providing service to Kansas industries. This involves developing a program in which the resources of the institutions of higher education can be made available to industry. Activities of KIES include providing technical information and services; sponsoring workshops, seminars, training programs, 1xbet sports betting courses, demonstrations, and field trips to encourage the applications of scientific and engineering information in industry; and assisting with various programs of the state in order to maximize their value for industry as a whole. The KIES is administered by a director who reports to the dean of engineering..

K-State Global Campus

H20 This campus is responsible for developing, marketing, and administering a wide variety of outreach programs for Kansas State University through its major sections. Continuing Learning coordinates all credit programs offered by the university off campus and through distance education. Continuing Learning also coordinates conferences and other programs on the K-State campus, throughout Kansas, and in major cities throughout the U.S. The Program Development and Marketing section works with university departments in the development of courses and programs for delivery at a distance. The marketing component provides both needs assessment for programs and promotion after they are developed. The Administration and Finance section manages services for registration, faculty and unclassified professional travel, personnel, and business procedures.

H21 Credit Courses. Regular university credit courses are administered by the Continuing Learning section of K-State Global Campus, offered at nontraditional locations: off campus, at Fort Riley, in Intersession, over the Kansas Board of Regents TELENET 2, through distance education, or via K-State Online.

H22 Administration. The dean of Continuing Education is responsible to the provost and coordinates continuing education work with the deans and department heads. The initiative in offering a credit course through Continuing Education may rest with the department head, faculty member, or various staff members within the Continuing Learning section. Course requests submitted to any of these offices by potential students in Kansas communities may also instigate a credit course offering. The appropriate 1xbet sports betting departments are responsible for ensuring that duly approved courses are offered and qualified faculty members are used.

H23 Courses. For courses offered through K-State Global Campusto meet degree requirements, the class must be conducted on the same basis as a similar course in residence (with regard to amount of class time, faculty member's teaching load, and library, laboratory, and instructional facilities).

H24 Financing. All classes that meet in off-campus locations or through distance education are registered through K-State Global Campus. For noncredit programs, fees are assessed to cover the cost of instruction, travel, mailing, rent, and other incidental costs connected with the conduct of the course.

H25 Staffing. Continuing Education credit classes are usually taught by full-time faculty members. When temporary off-campus faculty members teach courses, they must meet the standards of preparation and experience expected for on-campus classes, and their appointments must be approved by the appropriate department head and dean. The department head and dean are responsible for the selection of qualified faculty members and for providing proper orientation for new instructors. Approval of the Graduate Council is required for courses bearing graduate credit.

H26 Conferences, short courses, and workshops. Definition of conferencing activities: Conferences include noncredit workshops and seminars, typically involving more than 25 people and conducted in an informal or non-classroom setting. While members of the University community are involved, conference participants are most often drawn from outside. Fees are collected to recover the costs associated with organizing and hosting the conference.

All conferences, short courses, and workshop programs sponsored by Kansas State University for which fees are collected from the participants or for which university facilities are used shall be coordinated through K-State Global Campus. The campus collects all fees and pays all bills associated with the activity. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring department to submit for approval by K-State Global Campusan itemized budget to demonstrate that the program is financially self-supporting. Faculty and department support for conferences should be limited to 1xbet sports betting support and should not duplicate or replace the services available through the conference office. The conference office will be supported by fees based on the actual costs of supplying the professional conference services.

H28 Regents Educational Communications Center. Approved by the Kansas Board of Regents in June 1986, the RECC was established with federal, state, and institutional funds, including a congressional appropriation of .9 million for a capital facility. Capable of serving far beyond the state, the center has an important mission to develop and enrich the human resources within Kansas by providing increased access to educational opportunity at all levels through communications technology. Bob Dole Hall houses the 32,000-square-foot center, which is equipped with studios, an educational development laboratory, editing suites, conference rooms, and a fixed and a mobile uplink. Productions can utilize satellite, fiber optics, interactive video disks, computer-assisted instructional modules, ITFS, and low-power TV, as well as distribution to cable and television stations.

International Programs

H30 Background and purpose. Kansas State University has a long and rich tradition of international involvement, including international and area studies programs on campus, faculty and student international exchange programs, technical assistance abroad, and international services to the people of Kansas and the United States. Recognizing the key role of international programs in a major land-grant university, KSU has identified increasing international emphases as theme five of its five major strategic planning themes in 1989.

H31 Coordination. International activities are coordinated by an assistant provost for International Programs, located in the Office of International Programs (in Fairchild Hall).

An International Activities Council, appointed by the provost, provides further international coordination. In addition to faculty members from several colleges and programs, the IAC includes one student representative. The APIP serves as an ex officio member.

H32 Consortia. Kansas State University is a member of the Association of Big 12 Universities, created in 1990. The International Council of ABEU, working closely with the association executive office, identifies appropriate international projects for member institutions.

The Mid-America International Agricultural Consortium, incorporated in 1977, coordinates the involvement of KSU and four other Big 12 land-grant institutions in international agricultural development projects.

H33 International and Area Studies Programs. Interdisciplinary curricula in several international and area studies subjects provide opportunities for student degree concentrations, faculty research collaboration, and work abroad. Secondary majors are provided in international studies, South Asian studies, and Latin American studies. Other interdisciplinary programs include international trade studies, Canadian studies, and East European studies.

H34 International students. Students from more than 90 countries attend Kansas State University annually. The Foreign Student Office, located adjacent to the International Student Center, assists international students and faculty with immigration matters and other needs.

English Language Program. This is a year-round intensive English language program to assist those whose primary language is not English.

H35 Study Abroad. The Office of Study Abroad provides information and assistance to students wishing to study outside the United States. Kansas State University maintains bilateral exchanges with several foreign universities. Through membership in the International Student Exchange Program, Kansas State University may send students to more than 100 foreign colleges and universities. Each year, K-State students compete successfully for a variety of international scholarships, such as Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall, and Rotary International Scholarships. Other student opportunities overseas include community service in such countries as Costa Rica or the Dominican Republic through the university's community service program.

H36 Faculty Exchange Programs. US government grants under the Fulbright-Hays Act are available for university lecturing and advanced research in many countries. Faculty from abroad may also come to Kansas State Universtiy through the Fulbright Program. In addition, there are numerous programs in specific geographical areas or which are based in individual departments or colleges.

H37 Technical Assistance. The International Agricultural Programs Office maintains contracts with the United States Agency for International Development, foreign governments, United Nations agencies, and other international institutions to provide both technical assistance abroad and training at Kansas State University for foreign specialists.

Other programs in the College of Agriculture that offer significant technical assistance abroad include the Food and Feed Grains Institute; the International Grains Program; and the International Meat and Livestock Program.

The International Trade Institute, in the College of Business Administration promotes international trade opportunities for area businesses and regional users through conferences, marketing research, and other services.

.140 Appendix IV Board of Regents Guidelines for
Submitting Requests for Approval to Offer Courses Outside an Institution's Geographic Jurisdiction Area


These guidelines apply to all non-mediated credit and noncredit offerings proposed for delivery outside an institution's geographic jurisdiction area, including but not limited to all credit and noncredit courses and programs proposed for delivery at established centers, out of state (including abroad), and for college credit for high school students.

The matrix below shows which courses must be submitted for approval (A) or for information (I), and which courses must be submitted in periodic informational reports (IR).

Actions Required for 1xbet sports betting Courses


The following guidelines are authorized by and developed in support of Board policies and procedures. In matters of course approval, the Board staff shall act as agents for the Board.


  1. Prior to submitting a request for approval to the Board Office, the requesting institution must contact affected institutions to describe the purpose of the offering, provide notice that a request for approval may be filed, and solicit a preliminary response to offering the course or program within their geographic jurisdiction area. Usually, this requires contacting all Regents institutions in the affected geographic jurisdiction area, and Washburn University for courses proposed in Shawnee County.

    Exceptions: Courses which are part of the following approved programs or specialties may be submitted directly to the Board Office: 1xbet sports betting Specialties, Special Academic Programs, Grandfathered Programs, Joint or Cooperative Programs, and Externally Funded Grants or Contracts.

  2. If no response is received from the affected institutions within ten working days, the proposing institution may assume the affected institution accepts the course proposal. Copies of objections or qualifications to the proposal must be sent to the Board Office by the affected institution. Copies of all other correspondence must be sent by the proposing institution. The course department, number and dates must appear in or on all correspondence about proposed courses.

  3. The requesting institution must submit a request via e-mail for approval to the Board Office for each course to be offered outside the assigned geographic jurisdiction area on the Board of Regents form "Request for Approval of Courses to be offered Outside Geographic Jurisdiction area" (BOR001-2R).

  4. The requesting institution must include the names of those who approved the course for the affected institutions, as well as the date such approvals were received.

  5. The requesting institution must submit a request so it is received in the Board Office at least three weeks prior to the first day of instruction.

  6. The requesting institution may announce the course only after it has been approved by Board staff.

  7. Board staff will review each request for compliance with Board policies and procedures.

  8. For a request in compliance with Board policies and procedures, Board staff will approve the course unless the request has met with objection from the affected institutions, in which case the burden of proof rests with the requesting institution to provide convincing evidence to support an approval decision.

  9. If there is no attempt by the requesting institution to negotiate an approval or if an objection has not been resolved by the course start date, Board staff will deny the request and return it to the requesting institution.

  10. For a request not in compliance with Board policies and procedures, Board staff will identify the points of non-compliance to the requesting institution so that the offering can be brought into compliance if the institution wishes to amend its request.


  1. Approved requests will be included in the 1xbet sports betting database and reported to institutions.

  2. Modifications to the 1xbet sports betting database must be submitted prior to August 1 each year.

  3. Noncredit out-of-state courses will be reported by August 1 each year in a format specified by Board staff.

.150 Appendix V Board of Regents Guidelines Regarding
Registration of Credit Offerings in Kansas by Out-of-State Institutions

Kansas law pertaining to the registration of credit offerings in Kansas by out-of-state institutions can be found in K.S.A. 74-3249 through 74-3253.

.060 Questions

Please direct questions to K-State Global Campusat 785-532-5644.