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KSU AccountsReceivable Report Form Instructions

Monthly Accounts Receivable Reporting:

  1. Mark the box in front of Monthly Report and enter the ending report period (e.g. March 31, 2016).
  2. Enter the name of the department.
  3. Enter the 5-digit FIS department number (e.g. 05040).
  4. Enter the name, title and phone number of the contact person.
  5. Enter the total departmental accounts receivable outstanding at the end of the report month, classified by Revenue Type (columns) and broken down by Aging Category (rows). The eForms document will calculate the Total Receivable amounts.
  6. Enter an estimate of the dollar amount that could prove to be uncollectible and retain documentation to support the estimate.
  7. The department head or their designee should sign and date the form upon completion.
  8. Retain the monthly report for internal control and audit purposes.

NOTE: If your department is using some other reporting tool or software to document month end receivables, the basic information above should be a part of that report documentation.

Annual Accounts Receivable Reporting:

Departments are only required to submit an Annual Accounts Receivable Report if their department's total accounts receivable outstanding as of June 30 is ,000 or greater.

  1. Mark the box in front of Annual 6/30 Report and enter the fiscal year reporting period.
  2. Enter the name of the department.
  3. Enter the 5-digit FIS department number (e.g. 05040).
  4. Enter the name, title and phone number of the contact person.
  5. Enter the total departmental accounts receivable outstanding as of the end of the fiscal year, classified by Revenue Type (columns) and broken down by Aging Category (rows). Do not include receivables due from other 1xbet best casino website departments. The eForms document will calculate the Total Receivable amounts.
  6. Enter an estimate of the dollar amount that could prove to be uncollectible and retain documentation to support this estimate.
  7. The department head or their designee should sign and date the form upon completion.
  8. Submit the completed Annual Report to the Division of Financial Services, Financial Reporting Section, 102 Anderson Hall. Questions regarding the reporting of annual receivables may be referred to the Financial Reporting Section, mparker@ksu.edu, or jhuff@ksu.edu.

NOTE: The Division of Financial Services will handle the accounts receivable reporting procedures for sponsored projects and receivables being reported to KSIS. Thus, departments should not include such receivables in their reports.