ENGL 805

Practicum for University Writing Experience


Phillip Marzluf DE 101 532-2156 marzluf@ksu.edu
Robin Mosher DE 206 532-2178 robinam@ksu.edu
Deborah Murray DE 108 532-2179 debom@ksu.edu
Dave Smit DE 103 532-2170 dws@ksu.edu
Karin Westman DE 108 532-2171 westmank@ksu.edu

Policy Statement and Schedule of Classes for 1st Year GTAs

Policy Statement and Schedule of Classes for 2nd Year GTAs

Policy and Evaluation Resources for Expos 1 and Expos 2

Teaching Resources

Expos 1 | Expos 2 | Online Research | Research

Grammar, Punctuation, Style

Teaching Resources for Expos 1

Teaching Resources for Expos 2

Teaching Resources for Online Research

  • Citation format for online sources, available from Bedford/St. Martin's web site for Online!.
  • PowerPoint presentation on Online Resources (15 Sept 2003).

Teaching Resources for Research Papers

The following learning tools were developed during Practicum on 31 March and 8 April 2003 to address five challenges students typically face in the Expos 1 and Expos 2 classroom as they write a paper with research. The Word files below represent revised drafts of each group's efforts; subsequent updated versions or variations should be sent as Word attachments to westmank@ksu.edu.

Teaching Resources for Grammar, Punctuation, and Style

1xbet | Previous Courses | Women's Studies Links | Literary Links
Department of English | Kansas State University
Email: westmank@ksu.edu
Last updated 25 April 2004