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Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions  When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions  Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions  Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions  New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?  TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / ` ̙33` ` ff3333f` 333MMM` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>>  ( "%"f"e   6 P X Click to edit Master title style!!   0蛺  RClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth level!  S   0| `` R*    0d `  T*    0 `  T*  B  s *޽h ? ff33333f Default Design0 p(     01 P   T*    05    V*  d  c $ ?    07  @ RClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth level!  S   6p< `P  T*    6<= `  V*  H  0޽h ? ̙33( (    0 P   R*     0    T*     6 `P  R*     6 `  T*   H  0޽h ? ̙33 0( "  l  C qp  l  C ϣP 0  H  0޽h ? ̙33 $(  r  S (P  r  S Н  H  0޽h ? ff33333f $(  r  S P  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff33333f $(  r  S P  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff333333 $(  r  S   r  S ̱`  H  0޽h ? ff33333f (( / (l ( C P  l ( C d  H ( 0޽h ? ̙33 lN(  ll l C ,P  l l C    . l 3 0e0eARC:\Program Files\Eudora\Attach\logos.gif"p   " H l 0޽h ? ff33333fd  p( wY pl p C P  B p S    any other online resource, such as electronic full-text or abstract databases available through the library or a catalog of library print materials.  4 p C 0e0eARC:\Program Files\Eudora\Attach\lexis.gif o  " r p S    H p 0޽h ? 3ff33333f 0(  l  C $   l  C P  H  0޽h ? ̙33 @$(  r  S p  r  S T P  H  0޽h ? ff33333f (  l  C <P  l  C 0  H  0޽h ? ff33333f `$(  r  S  `  r  S Ԅp  H  0޽h ? ff33333f t( ?< tl t C    l t C T `   H t 0޽h ? ̙33 P:(  r  S P    S  "p`PpH  0޽h ? ff33333f `:(  r  S P    S , "p`PpH  0޽h ? ff33333f p:(  r  S |P    S X "p`PpH  0޽h ? ff33333f :(  r  S "P    S p( "p`PpH  0޽h ? ff33333f :(  r  S -P    S <7 "p`PpH  0޽h ? ff33333f $(  r  S >p  r  S ? 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C%^+u4}y:`/nEqdfwhcjAw)+-/13 KpkWCS0/]{<UO( `   On-screen Showideal catalyst   #Times WingdingsDefault DesignEnglish 805 Online ResourcesGoals for TodayBut before we begin>Why Im interested in helping students with online resources:PowerPoint Presentation)Technologies KSU students typically useOf the 686 students surveyed,BeforeInformation Literacy^To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to read a web page.!What about students in Expos I?)Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)sWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. Developing Information Literacy+Online resources available to KSU students+Online resources available to KSU students+Online resources available to KSU students+Online resources available to KSU studentsEducating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.9Classroom Strategies for Developing Information LiteracyTTextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) Sample Lesson PlansPowerPoint PresentationPowerPoint PresentationSample Lesson PlansSample Lesson PlansSample Lesson Plans Other Resources and Suggestions Other Resources and Suggestions Other Resources and Suggestions Other Resources and Suggestions Questions?  Fonts UsedDesign TemplateSlide Titles  8@ _PID_HLINKSA`mailto:rrat@ksu.eduus.org/bbc_news_7-1%_Karin WestmanKarin Westmanmailto:rrat@ksu.edu%_Karin WestmanKarin Westman( % r *her source ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0z___PPT9\/ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =DEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her source Found information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source.:cc$   I 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~    L !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~Root EntrydO)pޤ{HPicturesRCurrent UserAGSummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document( DocumentSummaryInformation8L% r *her source ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0z___PPT9\/ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =yDEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her source Found information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source.:cc$   I 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions  When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions  Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions  Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions  New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?  TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / $(  r  S T|P  r  S }Pp  H  0޽h ? ff33333frۥL=UGP  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@BOh+'0 `h  ( 4@LT_Preservice Teachers, Technology, and Information Literacy in the English Literature Classroom  dean hall TKarin Westmanch234Microsoft PowerPointTec@`aۑ@쏋@Ҥ{LG&g   !& &&#TNPP2OMin & TNPP &&TNPP   --- !-----iyXH--r}w@ .Sw\w0- @Timesw@ Sw\w0- ff3.2 S English 805$. ff3.2 <Online Resources+'.--Y)-- ff3@Wingdings Sw\w0- . 2 %.@Timesw@ Sw\w0- .2 tKarin   . .2 Westman . .!2 >\15 September 2003  .--"System 0-&TNPP & a՜.+,D՜.+,length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions  Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions  New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?  TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / $(  r  S XP  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff33333f  $(  r  S ؇P  r  S @`  H  0޽h ? ff33333f 0$(  r  S P  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff33333frM0GH3JL@ NUP( % r *her source ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0z___PPT9\/ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =EEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her source Found information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source.:cc$   I 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?  TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / @$(  r  S ЛP  r  S P0  H  0޽h ? ff33333f P$(  r  S ԠP  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff33333frONP ڞƠB+NUP( % r *her source ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0z___PPT9\/ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =5EEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her source Found information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source.:cc$   I 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         /  $(  r  S yp @@  r  S p`   H  0޽h ? ff33333frTA΢UP( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =eEEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source:cc$  ^ 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / $(  r  S P  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff333333r>ZF/FHUP( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =eEEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source:cc$  ^ 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         /rH^HUQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =_FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageDads and Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org>BBC News dated 21 February 2001Found information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her sourcejcRXFcRXF  >  9  m 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / $(  r  S P  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff333333rE>/!UcQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =AFEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her sourceDads and Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / $(  r  S P  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff333333r>a>/M@UcQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =AFEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / $(  r  S P  r  S   H  0޽h ? ff333333r@>/e@UcQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =AFEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 Results of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technology18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? x9{( k9 {( j     g  (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         /r/UQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 ZResults of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technologyParticipants: English Majors and Minors, Education Majors, and others.18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? 9ZZ(Z ZkZ9 ( j       (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / $(  r  S   r  S ̱`  H  0޽h ? ff33333fr?709UQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 ZResults of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technologyParticipants: English Majors and Minors, Education Majors, and others.18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? 9ZZ(Z ZkZ9 ( j       (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they a     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|}~re considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         /r909UQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 ZResults of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technologyParticipants: English Majors and Minors, Education Majors, and others.18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? 9ZZ(Z ZkZ9 ( j       (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has included data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         /r0 UQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 ZResults of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technologyParticipants: English Majors and Minors, Education Majors, and others.18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? 9ZZ(Z ZkZ9 ( j       (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has gathered data from this group and its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / (  l  C <P  l  C 0  H  0޽h ? ff33333frT4W0&072UQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 ZResults of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technologyParticipants: English Majors and Minors, Education Majors, and others.18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? 9ZZ(Z ZkZ9 ( j       (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has gathered data from this group about its information literacy  UE5Results from Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002)66 6 Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / (  l  C <P  l  C 0  H  0޽h ? ff33333frs24x&O2XUQ( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 ZResults of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technologyParticipants: English Majors and Minors, Education Majors, and others.18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? 9ZZ(Z ZkZ9 ( j       (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has gathered data from this group about its information literacy  UE(Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002))) ) Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / `$(  r  S  `  r  S Ԅp  H  0޽h ? ff33333frUEpxUR( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 ZResults of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technologyParticipants: English Majors and Minors, Education Majors, and others.18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? 9ZZ(Z ZkZ9 ( j       (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has gathered data from this group about its information literacy  UE(Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002))) ) Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1Results  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         / `$(  r  S  `  r  S Ԅp  H  0޽h ? ff33333frU,E.UR( % @  ,rrat@ksu.edub/ 0DTimesngsPb,_|d0|Wo0DWingdingsPb,_|d0|Wo0h ` .   @n?" dd@  @@`` \T|$ &     !"#$%)&o$2$ۣI>jWj3~5b$ڢAdChMa-!5$b$KƎᛵQ02k6Wb$}=)5m/ *(xc $ 3@Tg4PdPd0pppp@  g49d9d0p0p@ pp<4BdBd0,` <4!d!d0,`uʚ;2Nʚ;<4ddddЁ0bZ___PPT9</ 0z2 45 7 < ? %O =FEnglish 805 Online Resources  BKarin Westman15 September 2003 "!&   <-Goals for Today  Reminders about range of online resources available to students.Strategies for helping students develop their  information literacy, so they can use online resources effectively for their research.  =.(But before we begin&   VWhat fears or concerns do you have about students using online resouces for research?DV,0090&@   >/zWhy I m interested in helping students with online resources:>> > Students have difficulty  reading online resources for credibility and bibliographic information.A student from one of my Expos 2 classes and her web source on women s body imageFound information she wanted to use, but had no idea about her source Dads & Daughters at <http://www.dadsanddaughters.org> BBC News dated 21 February 2001JcZcY>    ( 0?0 ZResults of a survey Naomi Wood and I conducted Fall 2001Purpose: to evaluate how students enrolled in English courses (300-700 level) use and view technologyParticipants: English Majors and Minors, Education Majors, and others.18 General Questions How often do you access the Internet? 7 Discipline-Specific Questions When you need information for an English course, which research method are you most likely to use first? 9ZZ(Z ZkZ9 ( j       (Technologies KSU students typically use)) ) 60% access the web daily; 30% several times a week80% use the internet primarily in order to access their e-mail74% have accessed a course web page during a previous semester(Fall 2001)*    :+Of the 686 students surveyed,  b 62% use an internet search engine such as Yahoo, Excite, Google, or Lycos to conduct researchcc&=    ;,Before  ' But does use = information literacy?Z%$$$$ ( +%Information Literacy   The ability to conduct searches, evaluate, and create new ideas (Cynthia Bowman, 2000)dd d A3To be literate for the online information age, students need to be able to  read a web page.^^ ^  4& What about students in Expos I?!! ! 4000+ in Expository Writing each academic yearNext stage of our research has gathered data from this group about its information literacy  UE(Information Literacy Surveys (Fall 2002))) ) Students previous experience with online resources before Expos IImportance of developing their information literacy in Expos 1Results  rWe need to make sure our students know how to evaluate online documents, since they are already seeking them out. 0s.= s  B2Developing Information Literacy   Making students aware of the range of online resources available when they sit down at the computer to begin their research.Teaching students to develop their critical reading skills for this online environment.,"   C4*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 4Listings of print sources available from the KSU library stacks and Inter-Library Loan Located through the library s online catalog and its online subscription databases.Include book-length studies, academic journals, government documents, print copies of newspapers or magazines.,X" X  D5*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Print sources which are now also available in a digital format through a subscription database.Located through one of the library s online subscription databases.Include print magazines, newspapers, and academic journals.>`" @  E6*Online resources available to KSU students++ + 3. Print sources which are now also available in a digital format from a company s or organization s web site.Located through an internet search engine.Include print magazines, newspapers, and government documents.:pj Lj  F7*Online resources available to KSU students++ + Sources available from free-access web sites or web pages which are only available in a digital form.Located through internet search engine.Sites/Pages might be corporate, advocacy, news, or personal.>f" eDe  G8Educating students to this range of online resources is the first step in helping them determine the credibility and usefulness of an online source for a particular research project.0   H98Classroom Strategies for Developing Information Literacy99 9 FTextbook resourcesSample lesson plansOther resources and suggestionsGG G I:STextbook Resources for Expos I The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing (3rd edition) `T($ &#  , Chapter 22  Finding and Evaluating Sources : Skills 2, 3, 4, and 5.Excellent  Rhetorical Overview of Print Sources and  Rhetorical Overview of Web Sites. Flow-chart graphic  Licensed Database Versus Free-Access Portions of Internet (593)Assistance for students in  Determining Where You Are on the Web (598) The now-standard  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites (612) .DZ4ZD 4 x SCSample Lesson Plans  =High Tech (computer classroom)Low Tech (overhead projector) > !"K<Sample Lesson Plans  Modeling types of online searches for studentsSelect a key word or phrase and search the library s online catalog one of its online subscription databases (Academic ASAP, Lexis-Nexis)the free-access portion of the web using Google or your favorite search engineHave students discuss and compare the results of these three searches.p/" Z(ZZGZ/(HQG@  +  g L=Sample Lesson Plans  2. Modeling evaluation of an online source from the free-access portion of the web Use a key word search to select a potential source for a selected topicAs a class, apply the  Criteria for Evaluating Web Sites to determine the credibility of the web pageDiscuss under what circumstances the web page would be an appropriate source,UZZU Q M>Sample Lesson Plans  3. Have students evaluate an online source from the free-access portion of the web that they are considering for their own research projectRespond to their questions individually as they apply the criteria for evaluation (at home or in lab classroom)Lead a general discussion at the end of class to consider the results of the class s experience,ZZ ] N?Other Resources and Suggestions   When assigning your research paper:Decide in advance if you have any preferences or restrictions about students using online resourcesClearly indicate these preferences or restrictions in your assignment.&$$  O@Other Resources and Suggestions   Assign relevant chapter in textbook and then set aside some class time to discuss online sources.Remind students to print out a hard copy of a free-access web page as soon as possible. Alert students about using Remote Access to enter KSU s subscription databases.&   PAOther Resources and Suggestions   Reserve a room in Hale Library to model research strategies with your classHale 408Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 16 computers.Hale 407Room for 25 students; instructor s computer; 7 computers.Hale 113Room for 30 students; only an instructor s computer.Contact Ron Ratliff rrat@ksu.edu asap to reserve a room, if interested.LZ Z;Z Z:Z Z5ZIZL ; : 5  I t%        $ 0%1QBOther Resources and Suggestions   New Online Patron Modules developed by KSU Library available through K-State Online Guide students through library s resources and research toolsAll students have access to modules with a free K-State Online account.Have your students participate in a pre- and post-assessment survey about their use of technology for researchIf interested, please let me know as soon as possible.\UZZoZ7ZUo7  TD Questions?   TKarin Westmanwestmank@ksu.edu532-2171*+  Z         /r.9.U