ࡱ> #%"M  bjbj== "WWl  6$( H "">i 0   06,  Effectively Presenting Your EvidenceENGL 200: Spring 2003Wendy Barnes, Mel Sheffler, Tim BognerGoal: Learn to correctly format quotes, recognize editing errors, and integrate sources using proper MLA format. Make use of attributive tags within the prose.Introduce the validity/authority of the source if necessary.Use proper MLA format for quotations and citations.Use block quotes for quotes longer than four lines.As a general rule, paraphrase sources unless the author/speaker does so in an especially effective way (i.e. one that is especially memorable, poetic, or technical). 6. Check for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Directions: Rewrite the following paragraph using the above guidelines. Violent video games blur the line between fantasy and reality because technology has enabled them to appear much more realistic. Many games include carefully modeled real guns, wounds that look realistic, (and) even the recoiling of a heavy rifle (468). Nowadays, games arent just the low resolution 16-color graphics and simplistic sound effects that accompanied the earlier gaming systems. Newer systems like the Playstation 2 and any PC currently on the market engage the senses of sight, sound, and in some cases even touch, with much more detailed realism than designers could have imagined 20 years ago. The increased realism may cause an unstable teen to carry the attitude of its all just a game out of their bedroom and into the world along with the guns they have acquired. The army has used shooting games in which the target is a man-shaped outline {} made recruits more willing to make killing a reflex action. (John L.)%cg 55\ 5CJ aJ %;bcCwR h^h & F$a$  1h/ =!"#$% i<@< NormalCJPJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font%;bcCwR000000 0 0 0 0 0   MU} Timothy P. BognerKarin WestmankC:\Documents and Settings\Karin Westman\My Documents\Practicum\research.effective.presentation.evidence.doc}-~p@(^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.}-         @tuP@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;SimSun[SO"qhqtfqtff  !r0R3QH$Effectively Presenting Your Evidence Timothy P. BognerKarin WestmanOh+'0 0< X dp|%Effectively Presenting Your Evidenceft ffe Timothy P. BogneriTimTimNormalyKarin Westmangn2riMicrosoft Word 9.0i@@ @ f՜.+,0  hp|   t  %Effectively Presenting Your Evidence Title  !$Root Entry Fڙ &1Table WordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPoolڙ ڙ   FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q