ࡱ> -/,M bjbj== " WWl $t $* J 0  .0 0 0   0 0 F0 v ])+ dD0t,0 0 Lessons Plans for the Letter to the Portfolio ReaderDay 1Goals: Introduce paper #5, review Expos skills and strategies, identify real-world application of skills, and begin invention work. ( Introduce paper assignmentObjective of Letter to Portfolio Reader: This assignment asks the student to consider and review the skills acquired in Expository Writing. The student should be able to describe and explain the importance of the previously acquired skills and strategies and cite examples of those skills and strategies from their own writing. Additionally, this assignment asks the student to identify the real-world application of the skills.( As a class, review skills acquired in Expos via each paper assignment. Evaluation Essay-Criteria for a good argument Clear focus on a single topic Clear, explicit claim Clear organization Awareness of audience Appropriate tone Incorporating credible, relevant evidence Acknowledging opposing views Establishing writer credibilityProposal Essay Clear claim and stated reasons Finding audience-based reasonsDeveloping a Justification: claims, evidence, and explanation for why proposed solution is best for stated problem Acknowledgment and rebuttal of opposing viewsDebate Essay Clear claim and stated reasons Developing 2 sides of an argument Finding warrants Rebuttal of Argument Supporting Claim and stated reasons with 3-Ex strategy Tagging and Incorporating Sources in ones own writing Using proper MLA citationPersuasive Research Clear claim and stated reasons Locating credible, relevant sources Appealing to pathos, logos, ethos Acknowledging and rebutting opposing views Audience awareness Evaluating sources for credibility( Group activity In small groups assign each group a pair of skills. Students should be able to describe each skill, explain their importance, and identity where beyond the Expos classroom these skills may apply. Upon completion, each group will present their skills and real-world application findings to the class. EX: Skills: Developing 2 sides of an argument and Establishing writer credibility Instructions: Describe each skill Explain why each skill is important Besides the Expos classroom, where else might one use these skills or strategies? EX: Skills: Evaluating sources and using credible evidence EX: Skills: Audience Awareness and appropriate tone( Invention work Use workbook page 123 for invention questions. Additional questions to ask:( Of the skills weve reviewed, which ones do you find most helpful? Why?( In what ways might you use these skills in the future? In other classes? In a future career?Day 2Goals: Locate examples of learned skills from students individual papers, complete outline, begin drafting letter.( Students should locate relevant examples of skills acquired from their previous essays.( Complete Letter to Portfolio Reader OutlineIntroductionIntroduce yourself as a writerState your claim and 3 reasonsBodyFirst reasonExplain why skill is importantFind examples from essaysProvide explanation of your examplesConcluding statementSecond reasonExplain why skill is importantFind examples from essaysProvide explanation of your examplesConcluding statementThird reasonExplain why skill is importantFind examples from essaysProvide explanation of your examplesConcluding statementConclusionAreas/skills still in need of improvementRestate claim and reasonsExplain how/where these skills can be applied outside the Expos classroom( After completing outline, students should begin to draft letter for the remainder of the class.( Typed draft due next class period.56<  IL-.  efhi 6CJ ] j5\>* jCJ CJ$#56<-DXo;^ / A W  < _   [ r  H- de,Qfgu^ & F & F & F^`/Tijugh & F & F^ & F 1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH >@> Heading 1$@&5OJQJ\^J6@6 Heading 2$@& 5>*\88 Heading 3$@& 56\]<@< Heading 4$@&56>*\]0@0 Heading 5$@&>*<A@< Default Paragraph Font 56<-DXo; /AW<_[r H  -  d e  , Q f g u /Tijugh00006060606060606H060000000000H0600000H0600000000H060000000000000000000000008068060 0 0 0 0 0  0  0  0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0  0  0g  0g  0g  0g 0  0  0  0  0  0 0  0  0j  0j  0j 00000   ;G[y   ij3333Nancy Thurman_C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of New Microsoft Word Document.asdNancy Thurman.A:\Letter to Portfolio Reader Lesson Plans.docKarin WestmandC:\Documents and Settings\Karin Westman\My Documents\Practicum\Web docs\trimm.paper5.lessonplans.doc;m L(808^8`0o(.^`o(.$ $ ^$ `o(.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.;m (ra_@      @LtP@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"h̄̄ Z20d2Q4Lessons Plans for the Letter to the Portfolio ReaderNancy ThurmanKarin WestmanOh+'0 (4 P \ht|5Lessons Plans for the Letter to the Portfolio Reader essNancy ThurmanoancNormalTKarin Westmano2riMicrosoft Word 9.0h@F#@P=)+@P=)+ ՜.+,0 hp|  n 5Lessons Plans for the Letter to the Portfolio Reader Title  !"#%&'()*+.Root Entry Fp])+01TableWordDocument" SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8$CompObjjObjectPoolp])+p])+  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q