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Suggested steps:1. Read again the assignment on pp.31-32 of Kanning. Look carefully at the help sheets on pp.33-37. Notice that there is a lot of guidance on how to write this essay, especially how to organize it.2. Given our discussions in class, decide for yourself if AMarijuana for Medical Purposes@ is a good argument. Does it meet all the criteria, some of the criteria, or none of the criteria for a good argumentative essay?3. List examples of how it meets each criterion. Where do you have the best examples? Which is most important?4. Fill out the outline on pp.35-37 (part of your homework for Tuesday, February 5th.)5. Draft your essay following the outline.6. Bring two copies of your draft to class on Thursday, February 7th: one to hand into me and one to use in class.7. Revise your first draft, based on the comments you received from fellow readers. Bring three copies of your second draft to class on Tuesday, February 12th : one to hand into me and two to share with fellow readers.8. Revise your draft once again for Wednesday, February 13th. Place the final draft, your two previous drafts, all readers= comments, and all your notes for the paper in a file folder, with your name on the label. Turn in the folder by 4pm on Wednesday to DE 108.NOTE: You will lose your right to revise this paper for a higher grade if you miss the peer review sessions (Thursday and Tuesday during class) or if you come to class without drafts or without the required number of drafts. Make copies of your draft before class. You will not be allowed to use class time to make copies.I will read, but not mark, your drafts. If you have questions at any point in the writing process, feel free to set up an appointment to discuss your progress on the paper. My office hours are T, U 8-9 am and by appointment; we can also discuss some issues over email (westmank@ksu.edu).  @bdТФ╟╔┘FGIJijежи╛├╙┘┌°∙CEz╣╗? Й Л ╬   F G ╫ ▌ E¤Ў¤ЁщЁщЁщЁ¤Ў¤Ў¤Ў¤Ў¤х¤Ё¤Ў¤Ў¤с¤Ёщ¤Ёщ¤Ёщ¤Ў¤Ё¤CJH*>*CJ5БCJH*\Б 5БCJ\Б CJOJQJCJ*>?@pа┌█┬├╘ЭЮ|}яЁHIuvъы╔ ╩ ╒ ╓ ¤¤ў¤¤¤¤¤ё¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ы¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Да`ДаД╨`Д╨Д@ `Д@ E■╓ ╫ ╜ ╛ ! " E¤¤¤¤¤¤'0P░╨/ ░р=!░а"░Ё#Р$Р╨%░░ i@@ё @ Normal1$7$8$H$_HaJmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph Font4&@Є ё4 Footnote ReferenceE      E ╓ EE  Karin WestmanQC:\Documents and Settings\Karin Westman\My Documents\Practicum\westman.paper1.doc @HP LaserJet 1200 Series PSNe00:HP LaserJet 1200 Series PSHP LaserJet 1200 Series PSHP LaserJet 1200 Series PSЬ─Sяъ odXXLetterPRIVт0''''─\KhCд╟ЕЕ   HP LaserJet 1200 Series PSЬ─Sяъ odXXLetterPRIVт0''''─\KhCд╟ЕЕ   Аь7в-№$E └@  Unknown            GРЗz А Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р Зz А ArialSРWP TypographicSymbols"И Є╨hC lC lWд! 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