ࡱ> *,)M bjbj== ) WW l v &&&&&&&&7ll$  &&&&&&&&0&&&&&&&&&&& ͨj&F0v" &" &ENGL 200 B WestmanAssignment for Proposal Essay (Paper #2)Draft #1 Due: Thursday, March 7th (2 copies)Draft #2 Due: Tuesday, March 12th (3 copies)Final Draft Due: Friday, March 15th by 4pm to DE108For your second paper (4-5 pages), you will write an practical proposal addressing a local problem, following the assignment guidelines for Option #1 on p.320 of Ramage and Bean=s Writing Arguments. Suggested steps:1. Read again the assignment for Option #1 on p.320 and review the exercise on p.319 of Writing Arguments to consider the scope of the local problem you wish to choose. Decide on three possible topics, and write them in order of preference on a piece of paper to turn in. (Homework for Tuesday, February 26th.)2. Once your topic has been approved (during class on Tuesday), write out answers to AAudienceBased Reasons@ on pp.1367 and write out answers to AStock Issues@on pp.317-8 of Writing Arguments. (Homework for Thursday, February 28th.)3. Create an outline for your proposal argument, using the organization suggested under Option #1 on p.322 of Writing Arguments. 4. Draft your proposal following the outline. (You do not need to provide an abstract or a letter of transmittal, which are optional inclusions for the assignment on p.320.)5. Bring two copies of your draft to class on Thursday, March 7th: one to hand into me and one to use in class.6. Revise your first draft, based on our discussion in class. Bring three copies of your second draft to class on Tuesday, March 12th: one to hand into me and two to share with fellow readers.7. Revise your draft once again for Friday, March 15th. Place the final draft, your two previous drafts, all readers= comments, and all your notes for the paper in a file folder, with your name on the label. Turn in the folder by 4pm on Friday to DE 108. NOTE: You will lose your right to revise this paper for a higher grade if you miss the peer review sessions (Thursday and Tuesday during class) or if you come to class without drafts or without the required number of drafts. Make copies of your draft before class. You will not be allowed to use class time to make copies.If you have questions at any point in the writing process, feel free to set up an appointment to discuss your progress on the paper. My office hours are T, R 8-9 a.m. and by appointment; we can also discuss some issues over email (westmank@ksu.edu).  >]_~:;QRxyAR6 G I c s u D J >*CJ5CJH*\ 5CJ\ CJOJQJCJ2<=>kUV  x y = > B C D ````D ' ( `'0P/ =!"#$% i@@@ Normal1$7$8$H$_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font4&@4 Footnote Reference   D Karin WestmanNC:\Documents and Settings\Karin Westman\Desktop\web\fall_02\westman.paper2.doc@Okipage 6w Hi-per WLPT1:winspoolOkipage 6w Hi-per WOkipage 6w Hi-per W odXo Okipage 6w Hi-per W&Okipage 6w Hi-per W odXo Okipage 6w Hi-per W& P@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialSWP TypographicSymbols" hqq`! xx 2 ENGL 200 B WestmanKarin WestmanKarin WestmanOh+'0 $ @ LXdlt|ENGL 200 B WestmanNGLKarin WestmantmariariNormaleKarin Westmantm2riMicrosoft Word 9.0@@0j@0j`՜.+,0$ hp  )Kansas State University Dept. of EnglishWes  ENGL 200 B Westman Title  "#$%&'(+Root Entry Fjj-1TableWordDocument) SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8!CompObjjObjectPooljjjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q