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however, no one seems willing to offer them guidance.11) D Interprets data and introduces authorТs assumptions S College women have lost rather than gained from sexual equality because they no longer control men by withholding sex until after marriage.12) D Further interprets data S Women no longer can count on old rules where sexual involvement leads to commitment.13) D Provides further interpretation S Now that men donТt do the asking for dates, women donТt know how theyТre supposed to behave.14) D Provides background information S The survey was limited to representative women at a limited number of colleges.15) D Defends position S The author agrees with the surveyТs findings that co-ed dorms play a significant role in the new sexual politics.16) D Quotes expert testimony S The surveyТs creator is surprised at the influence of co-ed college housing on the new sexual climate.17) D Quotes research S Co-ed dorms affect male female relationships by providing easy access for both casual sex and for couples who are overly dependant on one another.18) D Summarizes another point from research S Alcohol plays a significant role in casual college sex.19) D Sets up final point S While offering more freedom, the Уno rulesФ sexual climate may have unintended consequences.20) D Concludes argument S The adult establishment has relinquished its responsibilities to young people.БЕЖ√√OJQJLMdШп┌]v┤╙ :|Яу Jeб╛%_Ё h ЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄсЄЄЄЄДДД°°dЇ]Д^Д`Д°° ДДdЇ]Д^ДБЕ■■h О Ё  k В ∙  Г Щ 1 ^ Щ │ √ /БВГДЕЖЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЄЁЁююЄ ДДdЇ]Д^Д. 00P░╨/ ░р=!░8"░8#Р$Р%░░░ il@ё l Normal2╞ 8ИДhДhd@1$7$8$H$]Дh^ДhOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@Є б< Default Paragraph Font&@Є& Header$a$Ж     ОЁkВ∙ГЩ1^Щ│√ / Б В Г З ЬААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААЪ@0ААШ@0АА Жh Ж Е РЦБ Д З OWЎ¤Pn7A¤ Б Д З 33333СФА З   Karin Westman_C:\Documents and Settings\Karin Westman\My Documents\Practicum\Web docs\raspberry.says.does.doc @АФФh]ъФВЖ @@  Unknown            GРЗz А Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р Зz А ArialSР PalatinoBook AntiquaA"РGenevaArial"┴ИЁ└{huГyF└╗yF_ГyF_╓!Ё8xxГА2Я 2ГЁ▀  4 Says and  Does for  What s Love Got to Do With ItDeborah MurrayKarin Westman■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0╝Шарь, DP l x ДРЬдм┤ф5УSaysФ and УDoesФ for УWhatТs Love Got to Do With ItoSayDeborah MurrayseboeboNormal Karin Westmans3riMicrosoft Word 9.0o@F├#@К3нА|├@О√┐Г|├@ √DВ├_╓■ ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0$ hpДМФЬ дм┤╝─ ф KSU EnglishЯ э 5УSaysФ and УDoesФ for УWhatТs Love Got to Do With It Title ■   ■   ■    !"#$■   ¤   '■   ■   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Root Entry         └Fp6WNВ├)А1Table            WordDocument        0SummaryInformation(    DocumentSummaryInformation8            CompObj    jObjectPool            p6WNВ├p6WNВ├            ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q