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New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2003. [ ABGW ]Supplies: 1. Three highlighters: one yellow, one blue, and one pink. 2. Large paper clips (provided in class). 3. Five manila folders (provided in class). 4. Materials for taking notes and organizing work.Manuscript Format and Submission Requirements: 1. MLA (Modern Language Association) style should be used on all papers. 2. The heading on each paper should include the students name, the instructors name, the name of the course, the date, and the assignment. The heading should be double-spaced and typed on the top left of the first page. 3. The title of the paper should be centered on the first page, beneath the heading. Separate title pages should not be used. Titles should not be boldfaced, enlarged, italicized, put into quotation marks, or typed in all capital letters. 4. Papers should be typed and double-spaced on 8 x 11 white bond paper. The paper should have one-inch margins on all sides of the page. The font should be 12-point and black, and it should be Times New Roman or a similar style. High print quality is expected. 5. Each page, beginning with the first, should be numbered on the top right corner of the page with the authors last name, a space, and the page number. 6. Papers should be held together with large paper clips. 7. Papers should be submitted in a manila folder, along with the assignment sheet, notes, drafts, and responses. The students name, last name first, should be written on the folders tab. Other types of folders, such as report covers and colored folders with pockets, should not be used.Late Papers: Papers are due at the beginning of class on the due date. If papers are not turned in at this time, they will automatically earn a failing grade. Students should plan ahead, particularly since computer problems and other issues do arise. To help accommodate students with unavoidable situations, students may turn in one late paper. Late papers will lose one letter-grade for every class day they are late. Papers more than one week late will not be accepted.Workshop Policy: Workshops in which students will read and comment on each others work are an integral part of this course. There will be at least one workshop for each paper. Since getting responses to writing is very important, students must come to every workshop with a complete, typed draft. Also, students must work diligently to provide helpful comments on the papers they workshop. If a student misses a workshop or fails to effectively participate in a workshop, the grade for that paper will be lowered one letter grade, and the student will not be allowed to revise that paper. Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. Our classroom setting is host to important work, and it would be difficult to recreate the classroom situation outside of class. This is not a lecture class; it is a hands-on course. Also, according to the attendance policy of the Expository Writing Program, if a student is absent for more than nine class periods, he or she may automatically fail the class. When students are absent, it is their responsibility to find out what they missed. tc ""tc ""tc ""Expository Writing I -- Page Twotc "Expository Writing I -- Page Two"Revision Policy: There is a great deal of evidence that revision helps people learn to write; therefore, students are encouraged to revise their papers. All revisions are due on the date specified in class. Although revisions may help students to improve their skills, revisions do not automatically warrant higher grades. Revisions that demonstrate substantial improvement over previous drafts may earn a higher grade. Substantial improvement means that revisions do not simply correct editing errors and answer the instructors questions in the margins. Rather, the instructors comments should be used as a starting point for rethinking how the assignment was done, and the revision should show that the writer has learned something that can be applied in new ways in new contexts. All revisions should be accompanied by previous drafts and responses, and they should follow these guidelines: 1. Any additions or changes on the revision should be highlighted. 2. Any deletions on the previous draft should be highlighted and explained. 3. Students should write a summary explaining how and why they revised the major elements of the previous draft--such as focus, organization, or development. Sentence-level changes do not require explanation. 4. Students will be allowed to revise each of their major papers only once.The Portfolio Examination: During the last week of class, students will turn in a final portfolio that will contain three of the five papers they wrote for this class. A different instructor will read the portfolio to determine if it passes. Portfolio readers to not determine the final grade; they just determine if the portfolio passes or fails the course. If the portfolio passes, the student will receive the letter grade he or she earned in the course. It is possible to pass the portfolio and still fail the course because of not fulfilling other course requirements. If the portfolio fails, then the student may fail the course, regardless of the letter grade he or she has for the course. In order to practice for the portfolio examination, students will have a midterm portfolio exam. For more information about the portfolio examination, students should refer to the Instructions for the Portfolio Examination in Expository Writing I and II at Kansas State University in the course supplement, WB.Grades: Each of the five major papers will be graded with a rubric that is aligned with final portfolio grading criteria, and each paper will receive a grade of A (95%), B (85%), C (75%), or U (Unacceptable). The grades on these papers may be lowered for poor work on assignments for that unit, lack of participation or attendance, missed workshops, and so forth. Unacceptable papers must be revised extensively for them to receive at least a C. Unacceptable papers that are not revised successfully will be counted as an F (0%) in determining final grades. Students must pass the final portfolio exam in order to receive a passing grade for the course. For students who do pass the portfolio exam, final grades will be determined by averaging the grades for the five papers. The Honor Code: Kansas State University has an Honor Code, which stipulates that a student must individually do his or her own academic work at the university. Students should not collaborate on any academic work unless specifically approved by the instructor. On all assignments, exams, and other course work, the following pledge is implied, whether or not it is explicitly stated: On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work. Obviously, plagiarism is covered by the Honor Code. For the universitys definition of plagiarism, students should refer to page nine of the course supplement (WB). Complete copies of the academic dishonesty policy are available in the Office of Student Activities and Services and on the Honor System web page at www.ksu.edu/honor/.Students With Disabilities: Students who need special accommodations for a verified learning or physical disability should contact Disabled Student Services in Holton Hall, Room 202 (532-6441), so that arrangements can be made.Writing Center: The English Department Writing Center, located in Denison 118, is available to provide help to students. Each Friday afternoon, a sign-up sheet is posted in Denison 118 for available time slots for the following week. Although walk-in help may be available, students should plan ahead for the valuable services of the Writing Center.Classroom Atmosphere: Respect will be demanded at all times. In this course, students and the instructor will share their diverse ideas, backgrounds, opinions, and writings with each other. While such a setting is often ideal for thoughtful learning to occur, it is imperative that all participants display respect and sensitivity at all times: not speaking while another person is speaking, turning off cellular phones unless under emergency conditions, using appropriate language, avoiding potentially offensive jokes, and so forth. Failure to do so will result in a conference with the instructor and possible removal from the class.Tentative Class Schedule: Attached is a tentative class schedule. Depending on the needs of the class, changes may be made to the syllabus. It is the students responsibility to attend class and be aware of announced changes. Fri., 1-17Get acquainted with course expectations, classmates, and instructor.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Review course expectations;3. Enjoy "Friday Fun";4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 1-20No class. KSU Holiday.Wed., 1-22Get acquainted with Unit #1: Two Descriptions and An Analysis, and identify invention strategies.Read ABGW, Ch. 5 (pp.87-107) and WB, pp.40-42.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Review readings and assignment;3. Practice invention strategies;4. Turn in diagnostic essay;5. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 1-24 Formulate ideas about writing and perspective.Bring in something that represents your strong skill.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Enjoy "Friday Fun";3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 1-27Define and identify rhetorical strategies.Complete handouts.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Practice identifying rhetorical strategies;3. Review handouts;4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 1-29Identify qualities of a good paragraph.Read WB, page 50.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Practice "Three Ex" technique;3. Evaluate sample writings;4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 1-31 Make a plan for Paper #1.Begin (or continue) writing Paper #1.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Enjoy "Friday Fun"';3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 2-3Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Complete rough draft for Paper #1, and make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 2-5Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Consider feedback, and revise paper. Make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 2-7 Get acquainted with Paper #2: Summary and Strong Response.Revise paper to turn in for a grade.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in Paper #1;3. Enjoy "Friday Fun"';4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?" Mon., 2-10Identify requirements of Paper #2.Read ABGW, Ch. 4 (pp.60-82) and pages 108-133.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Review readings and assignment;3. Practice reading strategies;4. Answer: How will todays work help me?Wed., 2-12Read with and against the grain.Complete handouts.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Practice reading with and against the grain;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 2-14 Identify the components of a good summary.Complete handouts.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Read for gists, "says," and "does";3. Enjoy "Friday Fun";4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 2-17Identify "parts" and "divisions."Complete handouts.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Practice identifying parts and divisions;3. Review handouts;4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 2-19Evaluate sample papers.Read sample papers.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Evaluate sample papers;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 2-21 Make a plan for Paper #2.If applicable, finish revision of Paper #1 (Two Descriptions and An Analysis)..1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in revision of Paper #1 (Two Desc.);3. Enjoy "Friday Fun"';4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 2-24Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Complete rough draft for Paper #2, and make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 2-26Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Consider feedback, and revise paper. Make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 2-28 Get acquainted with Paper #3: Informative (and Surprising) Essay.Revise paper to turn in for a grade.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in Paper #2;3. Enjoy "Friday Fun"';4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?" Mon., 3-3Identify requirements of Paper #3, and engage in invention strategies.Read ABGW, pages 197-201 and 212-217.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Review readings and assignment;3. Engage in invention strategies;4. Answer: How will todays work help me?Wed., 3-5Evaluate and choose topics.Complete handouts.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Do topic activities;3. Review handouts;4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 3-7 Evaluate research needs and identify library resources.Write crash-through of paper.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Workshop crash-through papers;3. Discuss library resources;4. Enjoy "Friday Fun";5. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 3-10Evaluate and annotate sources.Bring three sources of information.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Evaluate and annotate sources;3. Review samples;4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 3-12Practice using sources, and identify examples of plagiarism.Complete handouts.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Practice using sources;3. Identify plagiarism;4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 3-14 Make a plan for Paper #3 (Informative and Surprising Essay)..If applicable, finish revision of Paper #2 (Summary and Strong Response)..1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in revision of Paper #2 (Summary);3. Enjoy "Friday Fun"';4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"3/17--3/21No class. Holiday.Mon., 3-24Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Complete rough draft for Paper #3, and make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Sign up for conferences;3. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 3-26No class. Attend a conference with the instructor.Fri., 3-28 No class. Attend a conference with the instructor.Mon., 3-31Identify requirements of Paper #4, and engage in invention strategies.Read ABGW, pages 40-47, 72-73, 119-120, 498-501, 514-543, 675-678.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Review readings and assignment;3. Engage in invention strategies;4. Answer: How will todays work help me?Wed., 4-2Understand idea of "field research," and practice interview techniques.Write twenty interview questions.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Practice interview techniques;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 4-4 Identify special writing considerations of this assignment.Set up interview. Complete handouts.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Review handouts (thesis statements, audience, closed form introductions, and transitions);3. Enjoy "Friday Fun";4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 4-7Review "says" and "does," and practice tagging dialogue.Complete handouts.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Review handouts;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 4-9Evaluate sample papers.Read sample papers.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Evaluate sample papers;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 4-11 Make a plan for Paper #4.If applicable, finish revision of Paper #3 (Informative and Surprising Essay).1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in revision of Paper #3 (Informative);3. Enjoy "Friday Fun"';4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 4-14Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Complete rough draft for Paper #4, and make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 4-16Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Consider feedback, and revise paper. Make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 4-18 Get acquainted with Paper #5, and engage in invention strategies.Revise paper to turn in for a grade.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in Paper #4;3. Discuss Paper #5, and engage in invention strategies;4. Enjoy "Friday Fun"';5. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 4-21Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Complete rough draft for Paper #5, and make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;3. Answer: How will todays work help me?Wed., 4-23Give and receive constructive feedback on papers.Complete rough draft for Paper #5, and make two copies for class.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in one copy, and workshop one copy;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 4-25 Discuss final portfolios.Revise paper to turn in for a grade.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in Paper #5;3. Enjoy "Friday Fun";4. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 4-28Discuss final portfolios.If applicable, finish revision of Paper #4 (How-To).1. Correct sentence errors;2. Turn in revision of Paper #4 (How-To);3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Wed., 4-30Discuss final portfolios.Work on final portfolios.1. Correct sentence errors;2. Work on portfolios;3. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Fri., 5-2 Discuss final portfolios.If applicable, finish revision of Paper #5 (Letter to the Portfolio Reader).1. Correct sentence errors;2. Sign up for conferences;3. Turn in revision of Paper #5;4. Enjoy "Friday Fun"';5. Answer: "How will today's work help me?"Mon., 5-5No class.Attend conference in my office to turn in your final portfolio.Wed., 5-7No class.Attend conference in my office to turn in your final portfolio.Fri., 5-9 No class.Attend conference in my office to turn in your final portfolio.Wed., 5-14Final portfolios may be picked up in my office,Denison 114.DateObjectivesPreparation for ClassIn-Class ActivitiesDateObjectivesPreparation for ClassIn-Class Activities$7gr&KNPh*< "#()*+01STyz{ U#W## 5>*\aJ5\aJj5U\aJ 5\aJaJjUaJCJaJH*>*5\ aJmH sH jUaJmH sH FEex$%fgrsb)hp@ P & p@ P $& p@ P a$PIQ12gh )hp@ P )hp@ P h^h& p@ P  )*!"*23{|$& p@ P a$$a$$$$a$& p@ P )hp@ P |HImn $$& p@ P # 8p@ P 8^8`# 8p@ P 8^8& p@ P `#$$ $$$M&b&(()1+5+M+O+--22N2R299P:T:RAVAAA2J8JPPPPQQGQJQCJaJ >*CJaJCJaJ5\>*&$$$L&M&(()))))))))))))0f$If $If>$If& p@ P )**2*R*j***Ll$$IfQ4\j0*   ~  2     4 QaQ 0fp@ $If 0fp@ >$If0fp>$If*******,+[+N0j$$IfQ4\j0*  ~ 2   4 QaQ 0fp@ W&$If0fpW&$If0fW&$If[+x++++ , ,IXj$$IfQ4\j0* ~ 2  4 QaQ 0fp@ &$If 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