ࡱ> ')&M bjbj== "WW l a@@@@@$ 7@@F@@i @4 VCYaF10a,4Avoiding the "Data Dump"Gina Berend, Marianne Eddy, Erin Fritch, and Tim HawkinsGoal: To conquer the problem of research overwhelming invention; to provide students the opportunity to respond to others' claims and reasonsWorkshop Activity Developing ClaimsEach student writes claim on piece of paper.Get into assigned groups (of about 4 or 5)One students claim at a time, discuss possible reasons to support the claim.Write the reasons down on the paper; make a list of as many reasons as possible.Do this for each students claim in the group.This should give each student a list of reasons to select from; they are able to choose the most appropriate reasons to support the claim.This allows the student a number of supporting reasons from which to choose (letting them feel like they're writing the paper).This also allows for "backup" reasons if necessary. Tips for Teachers: Taking the Fear Out of ResearchGina Berend, Marianne Eddy, Erin Fritch, and Tim HawkinsPoint out that they are choosing their own topic, supposedly something that they are familiar with would like to know more about. Compare writing the paper (researching) to sports, car repair, fashion, makeup, etc. You already know something; you want to know even more about it to perfect it. Allow students to use same topic that was used for the debate essay, it is partially researched for them already. Explain to students that this assignment is just the beginning. The requirements for this assignment will be similar to future papers required by your other classes for the next 4+ years in college. Its better to learn it now. Trust me. Tips for Teachers: Important Stuff that Will Make Your Life Easier (Trust me)Have students write a pre-research draft.Emphasize selecting valid topics.Allow invention time to develop reasons that support their claim (tests validity of claim) develop ideas on where they are going to find their informationFormat a workshop activity that involves the entire class (or small group work) commenting on the claim of fellow students (See above activity.)Develop an exercise that would involve giving the students an example of a good research paper and stripping it. Take out all evidence and sources in the paper so each student will be able to see bones of the paper (thesis, claims, sub-claims) to prove to them that sources backup not points, not make them. Also could be used to examine the evidence by itself and discussing how it is hard evidence, soft evidence, etc. Two-part workshop.Develop an exercise involving students thinking about the ratio of explanation vs. example in their paragraphs. (helps with plagiarism and data dump papers) Sources should back up points, not make themq 5B*\ph5\RS  7b0<=ab | } n `h^h^ & Fn o O j = > h^h 1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH 2@2 Heading 1$@&5\<A@< Default Paragraph Font,B@, Body Text5\ RS  7b0<=ab |}no Oj=> 0000000 0 0 00 0 00000000@00@00@0000000000@0@0@00@00@00@0000n   8@0(  B S  ?$ OQVkrn o t 333p  engstudentrC:\Documents and Settings\engstudent.EH216-8125\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Document1.asd engstudentWC:\Documents and Settings\engstudent.EH216-8125\My Documents\Avoiding the Data Dump.doc engstudentWC:\Documents and Settings\engstudent.EH216-8125\My Documents\Avoiding the Data Dump.doc engstudentWC:\Documents and Settings\engstudent.EH216-8125\My Documents\Avoiding the Data Dump.doc engstudent"A:\ResearchOverwhelmsInvention.docKarin Westman`C:\Documents and Settings\Karin Westman\My Documents\Practicum\research.overwhelms.invention.docNIzd^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.NI         @lr P@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"1hBtFBtF!20d 2QAvoiding the "Data Dump" engstudentKarin WestmanOh+'0 ( D P\hpxAvoiding the "Data Dump"0voi engstudentengsngsNormaleKarin WestmanDa2riMicrosoft Word 9.0D@@HA@HA՜.+,0 hp  Kansas State University  Avoiding the "Data Dump" Title  !"#$%(Root Entry FLY*1TableWordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPoolLYLY  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q