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These articles are for personal use only. They are copyrighted and cannot be duplicated without permission of the holder of the copyright. Please see 1xbet best casino website CV for a complete list of publications, not all publications are available electronically.

Cunha, D., N. R. Finkler, M.do Carmo Calijuri, T. P. Covino, F. Tromboni, and W. K. 1xbet best casino website 2019. Nutrient uptake in a simplified homogeneous stream channel: experimental manipulation of residence time and transient storage.Ecohydrology11: UNSP e2012 DOI: 10.1002/eco.2012

1xbet best casino website WK, Bruckerhoff L, Batzer D, Schechner A, Pennock C, Renner E, Tromboni F, Bigham K, Grieger S. 2019. The freshwater biome gradient framework: predicting macroscale properties based on latitude, altitude, and precipitation. Ecosphere

Larson, D. M., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , and A. M. Veach. 2019. Riparian tree removal substantially altered streams in an otherwise undisturbed grassland watershed.Ecosystems22:64-76

Cunha, D. G. F., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , and S. A. Loiselle. 2018. Factors related to water quality and thresholds for microcystin concentrations in subtropical Brazilian reservoirs.Inland Waters8:368-380.

1xbet best casino website , W. K. S. A. Higgs, M. J. Spangler, J. Guinnip, J. D. Scott, S. C. Hedden, B. D. Frenette, R. Taylor, A. E. Schechner, D. J. Hoeinghaus, and M. A. Evans-White. 2018. Spatial heterogeneity and controls of ecosystem metabolism in a Great Plains river network.Hydrobiologia13:85–102. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-018-3516-0

Saltarelli, W. A., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , F. Tromboni M. do Carmo Calijuri, V. Neres-Lima, C. E. Jordão, J. C. P. Palhares, D. G. F. Cunha 2018. Variation of stream metabolism along a tropical environmental gradient.Journal of Limnology77: 359-371 https://doi.org/10.4081/jlimnol.2018.1717

Song, C., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , J. Rüegg, A. Argerich, C. L. Baker, W. B. Bowden, M. M. Douglas, K. J. Farrell, M. B. Flinn, E. A. Garcia, A. M. Helton, T. K. Harms, S. Jia, J. B. Jones, L. E. Koenig, J. S. Kominoski, W. H. McDowell, D. McMaster, S. P. Parker, A. D. Rosemond, C. M. Ruffing, K. R. Sheehan, M. T. Trentman, M. R. Whiles, W. M. Wollheim, and F. Ballantyne. 2018. Continental-scale decrease in net primary productivity in streams due to climate warming.1xbet best casino website Geoscience11:415-420.

Tank, J., Martí, E., Riis, T., von Schiller, D., Reisinger, A., 1xbet best casino website , W., Whiles, M., Ashkenas, L., Bowden, W., Collins, S., Crenshaw, C., Crowl, T., Griffiths, N., Grimm, N., Hamilton, S., Johnson, S., McDowell, W., Norman, B., Rosi, E., Simon, K., Thomas, S., and Webster, J. 2018. Partitioning assimilatory nitrogen uptake in streams: an analysis of stable isotope tracer additions across continents.1xbet best casino website Monographs88:120-138. DOI 10.1002/ecm.1280

Veach, A. M., Troia, M. J., Jumpponen, A. and 1xbet best casino website , W. K. 2018. Top–down effects of a grazing, omnivorous minnow (Campostoma anomalum) on 1xbet best casino website microbial communities.Freshwater Science37:123-133

1xbet best casino website , W. K., F. Tromboni, W. A. Saltarelli, and D. G. Fernandes Cunha. 2017. The root of the problem: Direct influence of riparian vegetation on estimation of stream ecosystem metabolic rates. Limnology and Oceanography

Siders, A. C., D. M. Larson, J. Rüegg, and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2017. Probing whole-stream metabolism: influence of spatial heterogeneity on rate estimates.Freshwater Biology62:711-723.

Cunha, D. G. F., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , and L. P. Sabogal-Paz. 2016. Land use influence on raw surface water quality and treatment costs for drinking supply in São Paulo State (Brazil). Ecological Engineering 94:516-524 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng

1xbet best casino website , W.K. and V. H. Smith. 2016. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Eutrophication in Streams.Inland Waters6:155-164

Pisani, O., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , R. Jaffe. 2016.Characterizing organic matter inputs to sediments of small, intermittent, prairie streams: a molecular marker and stable isotope approach.Aquatic Sciences, 78(2), 343-354. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-015-0435-2

Rüegg, J., W. 1xbet best casino website , M. Daniels, K. Sheehan, C. Baker, W. Bowden, K. Farrell, M. Flinn, T. Harms, J. Jones, L. Koenig, J. Kominoski, W. McDowell, S. Parker, A. Rosemond, M. Trentman, M. Whiles, and W. Wollheim. 2016. Baseflow physical characteristics differ at multiple spatial scales in stream networks across diverse biomes.Landscape Ecology31:119-136

Song, C., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , M. T. Trentman, J. Rüegg, and F. Ballantyne. 2016. Methods of approximation influence aquatic ecosystem metabolism estimates.Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1002/lom3.10112

Veach, A.M., J.C. Stegen, S. P. Brown, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , and A. Jumpponen. 2016. Spatiotemporal and successional dynamics of microbial biofilm communities in a grassland stream ecosystem.Molecular Ecology25: 4674–4688

Costigan, K. H., M. D. Daniels, and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2015. Fundamental spatial and temporal disconnections in the hydrology of an intermittent prairie headwater network.Journal of Hydrology522:305-316

1xbet best casino website , W. K., K. Gido, M. R. Whiles, M. D. Daniels, and B. P. Grudzinski. 2015. The Stream Biome Gradient Concept: Controlling factors of lotic systems across broad biogeographic Scales.Freshwater Science34:1- 19 DOI: 10.1086/679756

Jackson, K. E., M. R. Whiles, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , J. D. Reeve, J. M. Vandermyde, and H. M. Rantala. 2015. Patch-burn grazing effects on the ecological integrity of tallgrass prairie streams.Journal of Environmental Quality44:1148-1159 doi:10.2134/jeq2014.10.0437

Trentman, M. T., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , J. S. Fencl, K. Gerber, J. Guarneri, S. Hitchman, Z. Peterson, J.Rüegg. 2015. Quantifying ambient nutrient uptake and functional relationships of uptake versus concentration in streams: a comparison of stable isotope, pulse, and plateau approaches.Biogeochemistry125:75-79

Veach, A. M., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , and A. Jumpponen. 2015. Woody plant encroachment, and its removal, impact bacterial and fungal communities across stream and terrestrial habitats in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem.FEMS Microbiology Ecology10.1093/femsec/fiv109

Cunha, D.G.F., W.K. 1xbet best casino website , and Md.C. Calijuri. 2014. Trends in nutrient and sediment retention in Great Plains reservoirs (USA)Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186:1143-115510.1007/s10661-013-3445-3

1xbet best casino website , W. K., S.M. Collins, S.K. Hamilton, J. L. Tank, S. Johnson, J. R. Webster, K. S. Simon, M. R. Whiles, H. M. Rantala, W. H. McDowell, S.D. Peterson, T. Riis, C. L. Crenshaw, S. A. Thomas, P. B. Kristensen, B. M. Cheever, A. S. Flecker, N.A. Griffiths, T. Crowl, E. J. Rosi-Marshall, R. El-Sabaawi, E. Martí. 2014. You are not always what we think you eat: selective assimilation across multiple whole-stream isotopic tracer studies.Ecology95:2757–2767

Goring, S., K. C. Weathers, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , P. A. Soranno, L. C. Sweet, K. S. Cheruvelil, J. S. Kominoski, J. Rüegg, A. M. Thorn, and R. M. Utz. 2014. Improving the culture of interdisciplinary collaboration in ecology by expanding measures of success.Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment12(1):39–47

LINX collaborators: W. K. 1xbet best casino website , J. R. Webster, C. L. Crenshaw, A. M. Helton, J. M. O'Brien, E. Martí, A. E. Hershey, J. L. Tank, A. J. Burgin, N. B. Grimm, S. K. Hamilton, D. J. Sobota, G. C. Poole, J. J. Beaulieu, L. T. Johnson, L. R. Ashkenas, R. O. Hall, Jr., S. L. Johnson, W. M. Wollheim, W. B. Bowden, 2014 The Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiments: an example of successful ecological research collaboration.Freshwater Science33:700-710

Smith, V. H., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , K. E. Havens, D. R. Engstrom, H. W. Paerl, B. Moss and G. E. Likens. 2014. Comment: Cultural eutrophication of natural lakes in the United States is real and widespread.Limnology and Oceanography59:2217-2225

Veach, A.M., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , and A. Skibbee. 2014 Fire and grazing influences on rates of riparian woody plant expansion along grassland streams PLOS ONE 10.1371/journal

Cunha, D.G.F., W.K. 1xbet best casino website , and Md.C. Calijuri 2014. Trends in nutrient and sediment retention in Great Plains reservoirs (USA) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186:1143-115510.1007/s1066

Goring S, K. C. Weathers, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , P. A. Soranno, L. C. Sweet, K. S. Cheruvelil, J. S. Kominoski, J. Rüegg, A. M. Thorn, and R. M. Utz. 2014. Improving the culture of interdisciplinary collaboration in ecology by expanding measures of success.Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment12(1): 39–47

Larson, D.M., B. P. Grudzinski, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , M. D. Daniels, A. Skibbe, and A. Joern. 2013 Blazing and grazing: influences of fire and bison on tallgrass prairie stream water quality. Freshwater

Reisinger, A.J., J.M. Blair, C.W. Rice and W.K. 1xbet best casino website . 2013. Woody vegetation removal stimulates riparian and benthic 1xbet best casino website in tallgrass prairie.Ecosystems. 16: 545-560

Larson, D.M., W.K. 1xbet best casino website , K.E. Jackson, M.R. Whiles, and K.R. Winders. 2013. Ecosystem characteristics of remnant, headwater tallgrass prairie streams.Journal of Environmental Quality42:239-249.

Riley, A. J. and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2013. Whole-stream metabolism: strategies for measurement and modeling diel trends of dissolved oxygen.Freshwater Science32:56-69.

Whiles, M.R., R.O. Hall, Jr., W.K. 1xbet best casino website , P. Verburg, A.D. Huryn, C.M. Pringle, K.R. Lips, S.S. Kilham, C. Colón-Gaud, A.T. Rugenski, S. Peterson, and S. Connelly. 2013. Disease-driven amphibian declines alter ecosystem functioning in tropical streams.Ecosystems16:146–157.

1xbet best casino website , W. K., C. T. Robinson, E. E. Gaiser, G. J. A. Hansen, H. Powell, J. M. Smith, N. B. Morse, S. L. Johnson, S. V. Gregory, T. Bell, T. K. Kratz, W. H. McDowell. 2012. Surprises and Insights from Long-Term Aquatic Datasets and ExperimentsBioScience62:709-721

Riis T, 1xbet best casino website WK, Kristensen PB, Baisner AJ. 2012. Nitrogen cycling and dynamics in a macrophyte-rich stream as determined by a release.Freshwater Biology57: 1579-1591.

Riley, A. J. and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2012. Riparian woody expansion and subsequent restoration influences prairie stream metabolism. Freshwater Biology57:1138-1150doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02778.x

Beaulieu, J. K. et al. 2011. Nitrous oxide emission from denitrification in 1xbet best casino website and river networks.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 214 doi:10.1073/pnas.1011464108

Findlay, S., P. Mulholland, S. Hamilton, J. Tank, M. Bernot, A. Burgin, C. Crenshaw, C. Dahm, W. 1xbet best casino website , N. Grimm, W. McDowell, J. Potter and D. Sobota . 2011 Cross-stream comparison of substrate-specific denitrification potential.Biogeochemistry104: 381-392, DOI: 10.1007/s10533-010-9512-8

Kohler, T. J, J.N. Justin N. Murdock, K. B. Gido, and W. K. 1xbet best casino website 2011. Nutrient loading and grazing by the minnowPhoxinus erythrogastershift periphyton abundance and stoichiometry in experimental 1xbet best casino website Freshwater Biology56, 1133–1146DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02557.x

Murdock, J.N., W.K. 1xbet best casino website , K.B. Gido, and M.R. Whiles. Dynamic influences of nutrients and grazing fish on benthic algae during recovery from flood. 2011.Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 30:331–345

Bernot, M. J. et. al. 2010. Inter-regional comparison of land-use effects on 1xbet best casino website metabolism.Freshwater Biology.55, 1874–1890 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02422.x

1xbet best casino website , W. K., W.H. Clements, K. Gido, R. H. Hilderbrand, and R. S. King. 2010. Thresholds, breakpoints, and nonlinearity in freshwaters as related to management.Journal of the North American Benthological Society29(3):988-997. doi: 10.1899/09-148.1

Gido, K. B., W. K. 1xbet best casino website and M. E. Eberle 2010. Retrospective analysis of fish community change during a half-century of land-use and streamflow changes Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29(3):970-987. doi:

Graham D. W., C. Linacre, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , J. M. O’Brien, E. Banner, I. M. Head, M. S. Smith d, R. K. Yang and C. W. Knapp 2010. Correlations between in situ denitrification activity and nir-gene. abundances in pristine and impacted prairie streams.Environmental Pollution.158: 3225-3229

Murdock, J.N., W.K. 1xbet best casino website , J.A. Reffner, and D.L. Wetzel. 2010. Measuring cellular scale nutrient distribution in algal biofilms with synchrotron confocal infrared microspectroscopy.Spectroscopy.25:32-41

O’Brien, J.M. and W.K. 1xbet best casino website . 2010. Saturation of NO3- uptake in prairie streams as a function of acute and chronic nitrogen exposure. Journal of North American Benthological Society

Banner, E., A. Stahl, W. K. 1xbet best casino website 2009. Stream discharge and riparian land use influence in-stream concentrations and loads of phosphorus from Central Plains watersheds.Environmental Management44:552–565. DOI 10.1007/s00267-009-9332-6

1xbet best casino website , W. K., W. Bouska, J. L. Eitzmann, T. J. Pilger, K. L. Pitts, A. J. Riley, J. T. Schloesser and D. J. Thornbrugh 2009. Eutrophication of U.S. Freshwaters: Analysis of Potential Economic Damages.Environmental Science and Technology. 43:12-19.

Evans-White, M. A., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , D. G. Huggins, D. S. Baker. 2009 Threshold patterns in aquatic biodiversity across water quality gradients in Central Plains streams and rivers.Journal of the North American Benthological Society28:855-868.

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Johnson, L. T., J. L. Tank and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2009. The influence of land use on stream biofilm nutrient limitation across eight North American ecoregions.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences66:1081–1094.

Wilson, K. C. and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2009. Centimeter-scale stream substratum heterogeneity and metabolic rates. Hydrobiol

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Williamson, C. E., W. 1xbet best casino website , T. K. Kratz and M. Palmer. 2008. Lakes and streams as sentinels of environmental change in terrestrial and atmospheric processes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.6:247-254.

Mulholland, P. J., A. M. Helton, G. C. Poole, R. O. Hall, Jr., S. K. Hamilton, B. J. Peterson, J. L. Tank, L. R. Ashkenas, L. W. Cooper, C. N. Dahm, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , S. Findlay, S. V. Gregory, N. B. Grimm, S. L. Johnson, W. H. McDowell, J. L. Meyer, H. M. Valett, J. R. Webster, C. Arango, J. J. Beaulieu, M. J. Bernot, A. J. Burgin, C. Crenshaw, L. Johnson, B. R. Niederlehner, J. M. O’Brien, J. D. Potter, R. W. Sheibley, D. J. Sobota, and S. M. Thomas. 2008. Stream denitrification across biomes and its response to anthropogenic nitrogen loading. Nature

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O’Brien, J. M. and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2007. Ammonium uptake and mineralization in prairie streams: chamber incubation and short-term nutrient addition experiments. Freshwater Biolog

O’Brien, J. M. , W. K. 1xbet best casino website , K. C. Wilson, J. N. Murdock and J. Eichmiller. 2007. The saturation of N cycling in Central Plains streams: 15N experiments across a broad gradient of nitrate concentrations. Biogeochemist

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Bernot, M. J. and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2005. Nitrogen retention, removal, and saturation in lotic ecosystems. Ecosys

Fritz, K. M. and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2005. Harshness: Characterization of intermittent stream habitat over space and time. Marine and Freshwater

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Bernot, R. J., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , M. C. Quist and C. S. Guy. 2004. Spatial and temporal variability of zooplankton in a reservoir. Hydrobiologi

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Tank, J. and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2003. Responses of heterotrophic and autotrophic biofilms to nutrients in ten streams. Freshwater Biology

Webster, J. R., P. J. Mulholland, J. L. Tank, H. M. Valett, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , B. J. Peterson, W. B. Bowden, C. N. Dahm, S. Findlay, S. V. Gregory, N. B. Grimm, S. K. Hamilton, S. L. Johnson, E. Martí, W. H. McDowell, J. L. Meyer, D. D. Morrall, S. A. Thomas and W. M. Wollheim. 2003. Factors affecting ammonium uptake in streams – an inter-biome perspective. Freshwater Biology

Bernot, M. J., W. K. 1xbet best casino website , W. S. Gardner, M. J. McCarthy, D. Sobolev, J. L. Tank. 2003. Comparing denitrification estimates for a Texas estuary by using acetylene inhibition and membrane inlet mass spectrometry. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

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Findlay, S., J. Tank, S. Dye, H. M. Vallett, P. Mulholland, W. H. McDowell, S. Johnson, S. K. Hamilton, J. Edmonds, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , W. B. Bowden. 2002. A cross-system comparison of bacterial and fungal biomass in detritus pools of headwater streams. Microbial

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Peterson, B. J. W. Wollheim, P. J. Mulholland, J. R. Webster, J. L. Meyer, J. L. Tank, N. B. Grimm, W. B. Bowden, H. M. Vallet, A. E. Hershey, W. B. McDowell, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , S. K. Hamilton, S. Gregory, D. J. D’Angelo. 2001. Control of nitrogen export from watersheds by headwater streams.

Mulholland, P. J., C. S. Fellows, J. L. Tank, N. B. Grimm, J. R. Webster, S. K. Hamilton, E. Marti, L. Ashkenas, W. B. Bowden, W. K. 1xbet best casino website , W. H. McDowell, M. J. Paul, B. J. Peterson and J. R. Webster. 2001. Inter-biome comparison of factors controlling stream metabolism. Freshwat. Biol

Kemp, M. J. and W. K. 1xbet best casino website . 2001. Spatial and temporal patterns of nitrogen in prairie streams. Biogeochemis

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