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Completed Fisheries Projects

Fisheries Projects


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Developing and Testing a Spatially-Explicit, Science-Based, Decision-Support Tool for Making Riverscape-Scale Management Decisions: How Dams Affect 1xbet sports betting Communities, a Threatened Native Stream 1xbet sports betting (the Neosho Madtom), and Select Tributary 1xbet sports betting Species (Sean Hitchman)

Plum Island Ecosystems LTER (Ryland Taylor)


A field manipulation that evaluates size through time, habitat-specific diet, isotope values, and distribution of early spawn and natural spawn age-0 largemouth 1xbet sports betting (Robert Mapes)


Assessing Distribution and Movement of Blue Catfish in Kansas Reservoirs (Kayla Gerber and Zachary Peterson)


Sand dredging effects on fishes and fish habitat in the Kansas 1xbet sports betting (Jason Fischer)

Recruitment of Fishes in the Kansas 1xbet sports betting (Joe Gerken)


Effects of Zebra Mussels on Reservoir Aquatic 1xbet sports betting (Andrea Severson)


Impacts of Road Crossings on Prairie Stream 1xbet sports betting (Wes Bouska)

Developing Conservation Priorities to Protect Fish Biodiversity in the Lower Colorado 1xbet sports betting Basin (Kristen Pitts)


Evaluation of Sampling Methods and Habitat Use of Missouri 1xbet sports betting Fishes (Joshua Schloesser)

Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbance of Fish Community and Food Web Structure in a Great Plains 1xbet sports betting (Jeff Eitzmann)


Structural Organization of Great Plains Stream 1xbet sports betting Assemblages: Implications for Sampling and Conservation (Jesse Fischer)

Native 1xbet sports betting Conservation in the Great Plains (Jesse Fischer)


Evaluation of flathead catfish populations in the Kansas 1xbet sports betting (Andy Makinster)

Effects of water willow establishment on littoral assemblages in Kansas reservoirs: Focus on Age-0 largemouth 1xbet sports betting (Timothy R. Strakosh)


Population dynamics of blue suckers in the Kansas 1xbet sports betting (Jeff Eitzmann)


Evaluation of habitat enhancement structure use by spotted 1xbet sports betting in natural and experimental streams (Stanley L. Proboszcz)


1xbet sports betting ,Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy,


Growth of fishes in the Missouri 1xbet sports betting and Lower Yellowstone 1xbet sports betting , and factors influencing recruitment of freshwater drum in the lower channelized Missouri 1xbet sports betting (Patrick J. Braaten)

Habitat use and movement of spotted 1xbet sports betting in Otter Creek, Kansas (Travis B. Horton)

Population characteristics of bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis larvae and adults in the Missouri 1xbet sports betting and interspecific dynamics with paddlefish Polyodon spathula (Sally J. Schrank)

Density, growth, mortality, food habits, and lipid content of age-0 largemouth 1xbet sports betting in El Dorado Reservoir, Kansas (Jeffry A. Tripe)


Structure and function of 1xbet sports betting communities in streams on Fort Riley Military Reservation (Michael C. Quist)


Characteristics of spotted 1xbet sports betting in southeast Kansas streams (Jeff S. Tillma)


Effects of tree revetments on the abiotic and biotic components in two Kansas streams (Jennifer R. Wiens)


Kansas licensed angler use and preference survey and attitudes towards angling by secondary education students (Matthew N. Burlingame)