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Impacts of Road 1xbet online casino on Prairie Stream Fishes

Investigators:Underneath view of a road crossing
Wes 1xbet online casino , M.S. student
Dr. Craig 1xbet online casino

Project Supervisor:
Dr. Craig 1xbet online casino

1xbet online casino Department of Transportation Cooperators
1xbet online casino Department of Wildlife and Parks
US Fish & Wildlife Service, 1xbet online casino Department of Transportation
The Watershed Institute, Inc.

Flint Hills stream in Northeast 1xbet online casino

March 2009

Quantify fish passage among different road-stream crossing designs both in the 1xbet online casino Flint Hills and in controlled experimental streams and determine which crossing design is best for fish passage.

Progress and Results:
Inappropriate road-stream crossings may prohibit the movement of stream fishes by creating physical or behavioral barriers. Impeding the natural migrations of these fish can result in negative impacts including reductions in species abundance and diversity, loss of genetic diversity, habitat fragmentation, and species extirpation. A mark-recapture study was conducted to evaluate fish passage through three types of vehicle crossings located on streams that contain federally endangered Topeka shiners (Notropis topeka) in the Flint Hills of Northeast 1xbet online casino . We tested passage through five concrete box culverts, five low-water crossings (concrete slabs vented by one or multiple culverts), and two single corrugated culverts. In addition, each site had a control reach where fish were marked below a natural barrier in the same stream allowing movement patterns to be compared between control and road crossing reaches for each site. A total of 6,539 fish including 192 Topeka shiners were marked in April and May 2007 and 723 (11.1%) were recaptured in June, July, and August 2007. Fish passage occurred at all crossing types. However, Topeka shiner passage was observed only through box culverts and corrugated culverts. Of the recaptured fish at each site, upstream movement was higher at the controls (41.1%) than at the crossing reaches (19.1%) for low-water crossings (P<0.0001). There was no difference in the proportion of fish that moved upstream, compared to control reaches, at box culverts (P=0.665) or corrugated culverts (P=0.171). These results suggest that crossing type affects the degree of fish passage, with low-water crossings having the greatest impact. Use of properly designed and installed crossing structures has great promise in conserving critical stream habitat, preserving native fish communities and aiding the recovery of the Topeka shine

Bouska, W. W., and C. P. 1xbet online casino . 2010. Effects of visible implant elastomer mark color on the predation of red shiners by largemouth bass. Fisheries Management and Ecology 17:294-296.
Bouska, W. W., and C. P. Paukert. 2010. Road crossing designs, their effect on prairie 1xbet online casino fishes, and an update on the Topeka shiner. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Spearfish, SD.
Mammoliti, K., W. Bouska, and C. Paukert. 2010. Seasonal stockpiling of prairie stream fishes below road crossings in the flinthills of 1xbet online casino . 1xbet online casino Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS.
Bouska, W. W. and C. P. Paukert. 2008. Effects of road crossing design on movement and species composition of Great Plains stream fishes. 1xbet online casino Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS.
Bouska, W. W. and C. P. Paukert. 2007. Impacts of Road Crossings on Prairie Stream Fishes. Midwest 1xbet online casino and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI.