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Recent Publications


1xbet online sports betting , D.A., and C.W. Boal (editors). 2016. Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

1xbet online sports betting , D.A., and L.M. Smith. 1997. The Common Flora of Playa Lakes. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, TX.

Book Chapters

Vest, J.L., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , N.D. Niemuth, C.M. Setash, J.H. Gammonley, J.H. Devries, and D.K. Dahlgren. 2023. Waterfowl and wetland birds. Chapter 13 in L.B. McNew, D.K. Dahlgren, and J.L. Beck, editors. Range-land Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. Springer Publishing, New York, New York, USA.

1xbet online sports betting , D.A. 2022. Chapter 12: Applying key concepts: management of harvested species. Pages In Press in E. Gomez, C. Bishop, and J. Organ, editors. Wildlife Management and Conservation in North America: An Overview. Cognella, San Diego, California, USA.

Albanese, G., and D. 1xbet online sports betting . 2019. Toward a theory of connectivity among depressional wetlands of the Great Plains: resiliency to natural and anthropogenic disturbance within a wetland network. Chapter 7inE. Beever, S. Prange, and J. Franklin (editors). Disturbance 1xbet online sports betting and Biological Diversity: Context, Nature, and Scale. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Caldas, M., M. Mather, J. Bergtold, M. Daniels, G. Granco, J. Aistrup, D. 1xbet online sports betting , A.Y. Sheshukov, M. Sanderson, and J.L. Heier Stamm. 2019. Lessons learned in operationalizing interdisciplinary collaboration. Pages 265-294 in Dr. Stephen Perz, editor. Collaboration across boundaries for social-ecological systems science: experiences around the world. Palgrave-Macmillian, Cham, Switzerland.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-13827-1

Albanese, G., and D. 1xbet online sports betting . 2017. Toward a theory of connectivity among depressional wetlands of the Great Plains: resiliency to natural and anthropogenic disturbance within a wetland network.In 1xbet online sports betting in E. Beever, S. Prange, and J. Franklin (editors). Disturbance 1xbet online sports betting and Biological Diversity: Context, Nature, and Scale. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.

1xbet online sports betting , D.A., and J.C. Zavaleta. 2016. Habitat. Pages 99-132 in D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and C.W. Boal (editors). Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 48), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

1xbet online sports betting , D.A., J.C. Pitman, G.M. Beauprez, and D.D. Schoeling. 2016. Harvest. Pages 133-158 in D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and C.W. Boal (editors). Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

1xbet online sports betting , D.A., A. Flanders, C.A. Hagen, and J.C. Pitman. 2016. Lesser Prairie-Chickens of the Sand Sagebrush Prairie. Pages 281-298 in D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and C.W. Boal (editors). Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 48), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Grisham, B.A., J.C. Zavaleta, A.C. Behney, P.K. Borsdorf, D.R. Lucia, C.W. Boal, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2016. Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Sand Shinnery Oak Prairies. Pages 315-344 in D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and C.W. Boal (editors). Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 48), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Boal, C.W., and 1xbet online sports betting , D.A. 2016. The Lesser Prairie-Chicken: a brief introduction to the grouse of the Southern Great Plains. Pages 1-12 in D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and C.W. Boal (editors). Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 48), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Hitchman, S.M. 2014. Freshwater Drum In M.E. Eberle and D. Edds (Eds.), Kansas Fishes (pp. 557-559). University 1xbet online sports betting of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

Fencl, J.S. 2014. Rock Bass. Pp. 358-359 in Eberle, M.E. and D. Edds (editors), Kansas Fishes. University 1xbet online sports betting of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

Fencl, J.S. 2014. Slender Madtom. Pp. 287-288 in Eberle, M.E. and D. Edds (editors), Kansas Fishes. University 1xbet online sports betting of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

Research Publications

Black, A.N., K.J. Bondo, A. Mularo, A. Hernandez, Y. Yu, C.M. Stein, A. Gregory, K.A. Fricke, J. Prendergast, D. Sullins, D. 1xbet online sports betting , M. Whitson, B. Grisham, Z. Lowe, and J.A. DeWoody. 2023. A highly-contiguous and annotated genome assembly of the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). Genome Biol-ogy and Evolution 2023: evad043.

Gehrt, J.M, D.S. Sullins, B.H.F. Verheijen, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2023. Extrinsic variables most influence incuba-tion behavior and nest success of an imperiled grouse species. Ecology and Evolution In Press.

Godar, A. A. Piernicky, D. 1xbet online sports betting , and J. Prendergast. 2023. Ring-necked pheasant brood habitat selection and movements in an intensive agricultural landscape. Prairie Naturalist In Press.

Teige, E.C., L.A. Berigan, C.S.H. Aulicky, J.H. Reitz, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , D.S. Sullins, K.A. Fricke, K.A. Schultz, and L.G. Rossi. 2023. Assessment of lesser prairie-chicken translocation through survival and lek counts. Wildlife
Society Bulletin In 1xbet online sports betting .

Vhay, M.P., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , D.S. Sullins, and M.B. Rice. 2023. Landscape-scale changes in lesser prairie-chicken
habitat. PLoS ONE In 1xbet online sports betting .

Andersson, K., C.A. Davis, G. Harris, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2022. Changes in waterfowl migration phenologies in central North America: implications for future waterfowl conservation. PLoS ONE 17(5): e0266785.

Bergtold, J. S., M. M. Caldas, S. R. Ramsey, M. R. Sanderson, G. Granco, and M. E. 1xbet online sports betting . 2022. The gap between experts, farmers and non-farmers on perceived environmental vulnerability and the influence of values and beliefs. Journal of Environmental Management 316, 115186.

Berigan, L.A., C.S.H. Aulicky, E.C. Teige, D.S. Sullins, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , K.A. Fricke, J.H. Reitz, L.G. Rossi, K.A. Schultz, and A.M. Ricketts. 2022. Lack of lesser prairie-chicken nesting habitat impairs translocation success. Wildlife Society Bulletin In 1xbet online sports betting .

Chestnut, K., M. E. 1xbet online sports betting , Q. Phelps, and D. Shoup. 2022. A review of empirical evidence related to the effectiveness of harvest regulation evaluations: a professional call to action for a more systematic, standardized collaborative approach to data collection. Fisheries. Accepted.

Combe, F. J., L. Jaster, A. Ricketts, D. 1xbet online sports betting , and A. G. Hope. 2022. Population genomics of free ranging Great Plains white-tailed and mule deer reflects a long history of inter-specific hybridization. Evolutionary Applications 15:111-131.

Gehrt, J.M., D.A. Moon, S.C. Stratton, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2022. Role of landscape features in resource selection by female Greater Prairie-chickens within a constrained environment. Global Ecology and Conservation Accepted.

Godar, A.J., A.C. Piernicky, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , J.A. Prendergast, and M.B. Rice. 2022. Conservation Reserve Program effects on resource selection by hen ring-necked pheasants in Kansas, USA. Wildlife Society Bulletin Accepted.

Granco, G., M. Caldas, J. Bergtold, J. L. Heier-Stamm, M. Mather, M. Sanderson, M. Daniels, A. Sheshukov, D. 1xbet online sports betting , and S. Ramsey. 2022. The role of cultural behavior and natural environment in shaping public support for sustainability policy. Journal of Environmental Management 301 (2022) 113776.

Mather, M. E., and J. M. Dettmers. 2022. Adaptive problem maps (APM): Connecting data dots to build increasingly informed and defensible environmental 1xbet online sports betting decisions. Journal of Environmental Management 312 (2022) 114826.

1xbet online sports betting , M. E., C. Moffitt, M. Fabrizio, D. Parrish, B. Penaluna, B. Brown, S. Nesbit. 2022. Diversity and inclusion: a strategy to implement change for 2021 and beyond: symposium summary. Fisheries 47(1):28-

Parker, N.J., D.S. Sullins, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , K.A. Fricke, and C.A. Hagen. 2022. Recovery of working grasslands following a megafire in the southern mixed-grass prairie Global Ecology and Conservation 36 (2022) e02142.

Portillo-Quintero, C., B. Grisham, D. 1xbet online sports betting , C. Boal, C. Hagen, Z. Wan, and N. Menkiti. 2022. Trends of lesser prairie-chicken habitat extent and distribution on the Southern High Plains. Remote Sensing (Special Issue Wildlife Ecology for a Dynamic Future) In 1xbet online sports betting .

Sirch, M.W., D.S. Sullins, N.J. Parker, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , J.D. Kraft, C.A. Hagen, and K.A. Fricke. 2022. Woody species mortality due to a megafire within the mixed-grass prairie. Prairie Naturalist In 1xbet online sports betting .

Teige, E.C., N.J. Parker, M.P. Vhay, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2022. Durability and longevity of Tympanuchus pallidicinctus (1xbet online sports betting Prairie-Chicken) fence tags in Kansas and Colorado. Ecological Restoration 40:83-87.

Alexander, J.A., W.H. Fick, S.B. Ogden, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , J. Lemmon, G.A. Gatson, and K.C. Olson. 2021. Effects of prescribed fire timing on vigor of sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata) total forage biomass accumulation, plant-community composition, and native fauna on tallgrass prairie in the Kansas Flint Hills. Translational Animal Science 5:1-16 doi:10.1093/tas/txab079.

Hitchman, S. M., M. E. 1xbet online sports betting , and J. M. Smith. 2021. Does type, quantity, and location of habitat matter for fish diversity in a Great Plains riverscape? Fisheries 46:495-504.

Kraft, J. D., D. A. 1xbet online sports betting , M. R. Bain, M. B. Rice, S. G Robinson, D. S. Sullins, C. A. Hagen, J. Pitman, J. Lautenbach, R. Plumb, and J. Lautenbach. 2021. Using grazing to manage herbaceous structure for a heterogeneity-dependent bird. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:354–368.

Lautenbach, J.D., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , J.M. Lautenbach, and C.A. Hagen. 2021. Ecological disturbance through patch-burn grazing drives lesser prairie-chicken space use. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1699-1710.

Malanchuk, J.B., B.E. Ross, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , T.F. Bidrowski, and R. Schultheis. 2021. Translocation, survival, and recovery of Kansas-banded Canada geese. Ecosphere 12(7):e03659.

McCullough, K., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and G. Albanese. 2021. Regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia) sex ratio in tallgrass prairie: effects of survey timing and management regime. American Midland Naturalist 185:57-76.

Moon, J.A., S.E. Lehnen, K.L. Metzger, M.A. Squires, M.G. Brasher, B.C. Wilson, W.C. Conway, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , B.E. Davis, F.C. Rohwer, E.M. Wehland, and B.M. Ballard. 2021. Projected impact of sea-level rise and urbanization on mottled duck (Anas fulvigula) habitat along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas through 2100. Ecological Indicators 132 (2021) 108276.

Sullins, D.S., M. Bogaerts, B.H.F. Verheijen, D.E. Naugle, T. Griffiths, and C.A. Hagen. 2021. Increasing durability of voluntary 1xbet online sports betting through strategic implementation of the 1xbet online sports betting Reserve Program. Biological 1xbet online sports betting 259:109177.

Taylor, R. B., 1xbet online sports betting , M. E., Smith, J. M., Gerber-Boles, K. 2021. Can identifying discrete behavioral groups with individual-based acoustic telemetry advance the understanding of fish distribution patterns? Frontiers in Marine Science 8:Art. 723025.

Verheigen, B.H.F., R.T. Plumb, C.K.J. Gulick, C.A. Hagen, S.G. Robinson, D.S. Sullins, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2021. Breeding season space use by lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) varies among ecoregions and breeding stages. American Midland Naturalist 185:149-174.

Bruckerhoff, L., R. Connell, J. Guinnip, E. Adhikari, A. Godar, K. Gido, A. Boyle, A. Hope, A. Joern, and E. Welti. 2020. Harmony on the prairie? Grassland plant and animal community responses to variation in climate and land management. 1xbet online sports betting 101:e02986.

Gehrt, J.M., D.S. Sullins, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2020. Looking at the bigger picture: how abundance of nesting and brooding habitat influences lek-site selection by lesser prairie-chickens. American Midland Naturalist, 183(1):52-77.

Marschall, E. A., D. C. Glover, M. E. 1xbet online sports betting , and D. L. Parrish. 2020. Modeling larval American Shad recruitment in a large river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:939-954.

Owen, R.K., E. B. Webb, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , F.B Fritschi, and K.W. Goyne. 2020. Barnyardgrass (Echinochola crusgalli) emergence and growth in a changing climate in Great Plains wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management 28:35-50.

Owen, R.K., E.B. Webb, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and K.W. Goyne. 2020. Projected climate and land use changes drive plant community composition in agricultural wetlands. Environmental and Experimental Botany 175 (2020) 104039.

Peterson, J.M., J.E. Earl, S.D. Fuhlendorf, D. Elmore, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , A.M. Tanner, and S.A. Carleton. 2020. Estimating response distances of lesser prairie-chickens to anthropogenic features during long-distance movements. Ecosphere 11(9):e03202.

Schindler, A.R., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , C.A. Hagen, and B.E. Ross. 2020. A decision-support tool to prioritize candidate landscapes for lesser prairie-chicken conservation. Landscape Ecology 35:1417-1434.

Schindler, A.R., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , C.A. Hagen, and B.E. Ross. 2020. A multi-species approach to manage effects land cover and weather on upland game birds. Ecology and Evolution 10:14330–14345.

Verheijen, B.H.F., D.M. Varner, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2020. Future losses of playa wetlands decrease network structure and connectivity of the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska. Landscape Ecology 35:453–467.

Albanese, G., and D. 1xbet online sports betting . 2019. Toward a theory of connectivity among depressional wetlands of the Great Plains: resiliency to natural and anthropogenic disturbance within a wetland network. Pages 159-176 in E. Beever, S. Prange, and J. Franklin (editors). Disturbance Ecology and Biological Diversity: Context, Nature, and Scale. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Caldas, M., M. Mather, J. Bergtold, M. Daniels, G. Granco, J. Aistrup, D. 1xbet online sports betting , A.Y. Sheshukov, M. Sanderson, and J.L. Heier Stamm. 2019. Pages 265-294 In Dr. Stephen Perz, editor. Collaboration across boundaries for social-ecological systems science: experiences around the world. Palgrave-Macmillian, Cham, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-13827-1

Gerber, K. M., M. E. Mather, and J. M. Smith. 2019. Multiple metrics provide context for the distribution of a highly mobile fish predator, the blue catfish. 1xbet online sports betting of Freshwater Fish 128:141-155.

Gerber, K. M., M. E. 1xbet online sports betting , J. M. Smith, and Z. Peterson. 2019. Evaluation of a field protocol for internally-tagging fish predators using difficult-to-tag ictalurid catfish as examples. Fisheries Research: 209:58-66.

Granco, G., J.L. Heier Stamm, J.S. Bergtold, M.D. Daniels, M.R. Sanderson, A.Y. Sheshukov, M. Mather, M.M. Caldas, S.M. Ramsey, R. Lehrter, D. 1xbet online sports betting , J. Gao, S. Chatterjee, J. Nifong, and J. Aistrup. 2019. Evaluating environmental change and behavioral decision-making for sustainability policy using an agent-based model: a case study for the Smoky Hill River Watershed, Kansas. Science of the Total Environment

Kearns, B., S. McDowell, J. Moon, E. Rigby, W. C. Conway, and D. 1xbet online sports betting . 2019. Distribution of contaminants in the environment and wildlife habitat use: a case study with lead and waterfowl on the Upper Texas Coast. Ecotoxicology
DOI 10.1007/s10646-019-02079-1

Lautenbach, J.M., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , D.S. Sullins, C.A. Hagen, J.D. Lautenbach, J.C. Pitman, R.T. Plumb, S,G. Robinson, and J.D. Kraft. 2019. Factors influencing nesting ecology of lesser prairie-chickens. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:205-215. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21582

McCullough, K., G. Albanese, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , A.M. Ricketts, and S. Stratton. 2019. Management regime and habitat response influence abundance of regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia) in tallgrass prairie. Ecosphere 10(8):e02845

Ogden, S., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , K.C. Olson, J. Lemmon, J. Alexander, G.A. Gatson, and W.H. Fick. 2019. Grassland bird and butterfly response to sericea lespedeza control via late-season grazing pressure. American Midland Naturalist 181:147-169.

Plumb, R.T., J.M. Lautenbach, S.G. Robinson, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , V.L. Winder, C.A. Hagen, D.S. Sullins, J.C. Pitman, and D.K. Dahlgren. 2019. Lesser prairie-chicken space use in relation to anthropogenic structures. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:216-230. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21561

Riecke, T.V., W.C. Conway, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , J.A. Moon, and C.E. Comer. 2019. Nest survival of black-necked stilts, Himantopus mexicanus, on the upper Texas Coast. Waterbirds 42:261-271.

Ross, B.E., D. Sullins, and D. 1xbet online sports betting . Using an individual-based model to assess common biases in lek-based count data to estimate population trajectories of lesser prairie-chickens.

Sullins, D.S., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , J.M. Lautenbach, J.D. Lautenbach, S.G. Robinson, M.B. Rice, B.K. Sandercock, J.D. Kraft, R.T. Plumb, J.H. Reitz, J.M.S. Hutchinson, and C.A. Hagen. 2019.Strategic regional conservation for 1xbet online sports betting among landscapes of varying anthropogenic influence. Biological Conservation, 238:e108213

Sullins, D.S., W.C. Conway, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and C.E. Comer. 2019. Using pointing dogs and hierarchical models to evaluate American woodcock winter habitat. Proceedings of American Woodcock Symposium 11:154-167.

Sullins, D.S., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , J.M. Lautenbach, J.D. Lautenbach, S.G. Robinson, M.B. Rice, B.K. Sandercock, J.D. Kraft, R.T. Plumb, J.H. Reitz, J.M.S. Hutchinson, and C.A. Hagen. 2019. Strategic regional conservation for lesser prairie-chickens among landscapes of varying anthropogenic influence. Biological Conservation https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108213

Taylor, R. B., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, and K. M. Gerber 2019. Confluences function as ecological hotspots: geomorphic and regional drivers can identify patterns of fish predator distribution within a seascape. Marine 1xbet online sports betting Progress Series 629:133-148.

Verheijen, B.H.F., H.L. Clipp, A.J. Bartolo, W.E. Jensen, and B.K. Sandercock. 2019. Effects of patch-burn grazing on density and territory size of dickcissels. Avian 1xbet online sports betting and Ecology 14: 7.

Andersson, K., C.A. Davis, G. Harris, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2018. Nonbreeding duck use and management contribution trends for Central Flyway refuges. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9:45-64. http://www.fwspubs.org/doi/pdf/10.3996/042017-JFWM-033

Ashbaugh, H.M., W.C. Conway, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , D.P. Collins, C.E. Comer, and A.D. French. 2018. Evidence for exposure to selenium by breeding interior snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) in saline systems of the Southern Great Plains. Ecotoxicology doi.org/10.1007/s10646-018-1952-2

Becker, T.A., A.A. Ahlers, S. Hesting, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2018. Spatiotemporal distribution of waterfowl disease outbreaks in Kansas, USA. Prairie Naturalist 50:4-14.

Fritts, S. R., B. A. Grisham, R. D. Cox, C. W. Boal, D. A. 1xbet online sports betting , P. McDaniel, C. A. Hagen, and D. U. Greene. 2018. Interactive effects of severe drought and grazing on the life history cycle of a bioindicator species. Ecology and Evolution 8:9550–9562 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4432

1xbet online sports betting , D.A., C.W. Boal, S. Carleton, and B. Grisham. 2018. Roles of Cooperative Research Units in contemporary conservation of natural resources. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 80:124-132.

Meyers A.R., S.A. Carleton, W.R. Gould, C. Nichols, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and C.A. Hagen. 2018. Temporal variation in breeding season survival and cause-specific mortality of lesser prairie-chickens. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9:496-507.

Robinson, S.G., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , R.T. Plumb, J.D. Kraft, D.S. Sullins, J.M. Lautenbach, J.D. Lautenbach, B.K. Sandercock, C.A. Hagen, A. Bartuszevige, and M. A. Rice. 2018. Effects of landscape characteristics on annual survival of lesser prairie-chickens. American Midland Naturalist 180:66-86.

Robinson, S.G., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , R.T. Plumb, J.M. Lautenbach, D.S. Sullins, J.D. Kraft, J.D. Lautenbach. C.A. Hagen, and J.C. Pitman. 2018. Nonbreeding home range size and survival of lesser prairie-chickens. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:374–382.

Ross, B.E., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , C. Hagen, and J. Pitman. 2018. Combining multiple sources of data to inform conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chicken populations. Auk 135:228-239.

Ross, B.E., D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , and P.T. Walther. 2018. Quantifying changes and drivers of mottled duck density in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:374–382.

Sullins, D.S., J.D. Kraft, D.A. 1xbet online sports betting , S.G. Robinson, J. Reitz, R.T. Plumb, J.M. Lautenbach, J.D. Lautenbach, B.K. Sandercock, and C.A. Hagen. 2018. Selection and demographic consequences of Conservation Reserve Program grasslands for lesser prairie-chickens. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1617–1632 DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21553

Sullins, D.S., D. A. 1xbet online sports betting , J. Craine, J. M. Lautenbach, S. G. Robinson, J. D. Lautenbach1, J. D. Kraft, R. T. Plumb, B. K. Sandercock, and N. Fierer. 2018. Identifying diet of a declining prairie grouse using DNA metabarcoding. Auk 135:583–608. DOI: 10.1642/AUK-17-199.1

Verheijen, B.H.F., D.M. Varner, and D.A. 1xbet online sports betting . 2018. Effects of large-scale wetland loss on network connectivity of the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska. Submitted to Landscape Ecology