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David Haukos' Grants


US Department of Agriculture (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Use of Grazing Management and Prescribed Fire for Conservation of Lesser Prairie Chickens.


Playa Lakes Joint Venture Verifying Ground-based Habitat Quality Monitoring and Micro-Habitat Selection by Lesser Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) with Remote Sensing Technology (with 1 other investigator).


Natural Resources Conservation Service, CEAP Assessments of the Effects of the NRCS Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative.

Department of Defense, Multi-scale examination of the distribution and habitat use patterns of the Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) within the Fort Riley Military Reservation (with 1 other investigator).

NSF Macrosystems Climatic and anthropogenic forcing of wetland landscape connectivity in the Great Plains (with 11 other investigators).

Center of Excellence for Hazardous Materials Management (CEHMM). Identification of current and future conservation actions needed to preserve lesser prairie-chicken populations in context of land management Practices and Environmental Variation. (with 4 other investigators).

NSF Coupling Nature and Humans, Coupled Climate, Cultivation and Culture in the Great Plains: Understanding Water Supply and Water Quality in a Fragile Landscape (with 5 other investigators).


National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Restoration of tall-grass prairie infested with L. cuneata (with 1 other investigator).

USDA NRCS LPC Initiative, Outcome based evaluations to determine the benefits of invasive woody vegetation removal and fence marking for lesser prairie-chicken populations. (Part II).

Great Plains LCC, Current and future projected distributions of wetland-dependent birds across the Great Plains in response to climate change (with 2 other investigators).

USFWS, A range-wide assessment of the influence of landscape and environmental change on lesser prairie-chicken populations (with 2 other investigators).


Western Governors Association, Annotated bibliography and literature review of Lesser Prairie-Chickens.

KDWPT, Occurrence and Prediction of Avian Disease Outbreaks in Kansas.

KDWPT, Impacts of Energy Production, Habitat Selection, and Population Size on Resource Selection, Survival, and Recruitment of Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Colorado.

USDA NRCS LPC Initiative, Outcome based evaluations to determine the benefits of invasive woody vegetation removal and fence marking for Lesser Prairie-Chicken populations.

USDA FSA CEAP Wildlife, Lesser Prairie-Chicken Response to USDA Conservation Practices In Kansas and Colorado.

USFWS, Red Rocks Lake NWR, Parasitemia, Health, and Reproduction in a Migratory Waterfowl.

USFWS Section 6 Program, Region 6, Black-Footed Ferret Recovery in Kansas.


USGS Fort Collins Science Center 1xbet best casino website the project "Development of conservation and climate adaptation strategies for wetlands in the Great Plains LCC region"

USFWS Region 2 NWR I&M Program 1xbet best casino website the research project "Estimating Inundation Frequency of Playa Wetlands Using 1970s LandSat MSS Data: Did Irrigation Practices Artificially Increase Frequency and Longevity of Landscape Wetness?"

USFWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

USFWS Avian Disease and Health Program 1xbet best casino website a study on the risk assessment of lead exposure by mottled ducks on the Texas Gulf Coast. (with 2 other investigators).

USFWS Avian Disease and Health Program 1xbet best casino website a lead availability and moist-soil management study on the Chenier Plain of Texas (with 2 other investigators).

USFWS Avian Disease and Health Program 1xbet best casino website continued assessment of wintering northern pintails in Texas and New Mexico

USFWS Webless Migratory Bird Research Program 1xbet best casino website the research project "Habitat occupancy and origins of American woodcock (Scolopax minor) wintering in east Texas (with 2 other investigators).


Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative 1xbet best casino website lesser prairie-chicken nest microsite characteristics and preparation of a monograph for 10 years of lesser prairie-chicken habitat use, survival, and nest success in eastern New Mexico (with 1 other investigator).

USFWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

USFWS Division of Migratory Birds and Refuges 1xbet best casino website a lead availability and avian uptake study on the Chenier Plain of Texas (with 2 other investigators).

USFWS for surveillance of HP avian influenza on National Wildlife Refuges in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

USFWS Divisions of Refuges and Migratory Birds 1xbet best casino website a satellite telemetry study of mottled ducks on the upper Texas Gulf Coast.


USFWS Refuges Division 1xbet best casino website waterfowl migration chronology study in the Central Flyway (with 2 other investigators). Emphasis on assessment of waterfowl surveys on National Wildlife Refuges in the Central Flyway as part of the Inventory and Monitoring initiative of National Wildlife Refuges.

USFWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

USFWS Division of Migratory Birds and Refuges 1xbet best casino website a lead availability and avian uptake study on the Chenier Plain of Texas (with 2 other investigators).

USFWS for surveillance of HP avian influenza on National Wildlife Refuges in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

USFWS Division of Refuges 1xbet best casino website a satellite telemetry study of mottled ducks on the upper Texas Gulf Coast.


USFWS Refuges Division 1xbet best casino website waterfowl migration chronology study in the Central Flyway (with 2 other investigators). Emphasis on assessment of waterfowl surveys on National Wildlife Refuges in the Central Flyway.

USFWS Division of Migratory Birds and Refuges 1xbet best casino website a lead availability and avian uptake study on the Chenier Plain of Texas (with 2 other investigators).

USFWS for surveillance of HP avian influenza on National Wildlife Refuges in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

USFWS Division of Migratory Birds 1xbet best casino website mottled duck recruitment study

USFWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.


FWS, Region 6, Migratory Bird Office, Geospatial landscape analysis of habitat use by breeding long-billed curlews in the United States (with 3 other investigators)

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Snowy plover population ecology and

dynamics in the Southern High Plains of Texas (with 4 other investigators)

USFWS for surveillance of HP avian influenza on National Wildlife Refuges

in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

FWS Division of Migratory Birds 1xbet best casino website mottled duck recruitment study

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling

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EPA (Region 6), Playa Lakes Joint Venture, and FWS 1xbet best casino website an

assessment of the current status and function of playa wetlands (with 2 other investigators).

USDA 1xbet best casino website an investigation on the influence of USDA (Conservation Evaluation of Applied Practices) conservation programs on ecological services provided by playa wetlands in the High Plains (with 6 other investigators).

FWS Division of Migratory Birds 1xbet best casino website mottled duck recruitment study

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling

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FWS Division of Migratory Birds 1xbet best casino website the continental northern pintail banding analysis study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website limiting factors of coastal waterfowl study

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 1xbet best casino website evaluation of aerial line transect surveys to estimate lesser prairie-chicken density in the Texas panhandle (with 4 other investigators).


Llano Estacado Audubon Society, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, The Texas Nature Conservancy, Playa Lakes Joint Venture, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1xbet best casino website matching funds to establish the first Wetland Reserve Program project featuring playas.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website the investigation of limiting factors of mottled ducks on the Texas Gulf Coast.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.


National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 1xbet best casino website the study investigating the impacts of grazing management and herbicidal treatments of sand-shinnery oak on breeding songbirds.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website the investigation of limiting factors of mottled ducks on the Texas Gulf Coast.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website northern pintail telemetry project.

Edwards Ecosystem Team 1xbet best casino website northern pintail telemetry study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website American woodcock habitat and banding study at Stephen F. Austin State University.


Playa Lakes Joint Venture 1xbet best casino website northern pintail telemetry project.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website northern pintail satellite telemetry project.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website northern pintail telemetry project.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website resident Canada goose project.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled duck habitat study.

Edwards and Arkansas/Red Ecosystem Teams 1xbet best casino website northern pintail telemetry study.


Playa Lakes Joint Venture 1xbet best casino website northern pintail satellite telemetry study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website band-tail pigeon monitoring in Arizona.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website northern pintail satellite telemetry study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website whistling duck nest box study.


FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website whistling duck nest box study.

FWS, Partners for Wildlife Program 1xbet best casino website private land enhancement of habitat for Federal Trust Species.

CH Foundation 1xbet best casino website Playa Wetland Outreach and Education, with a professor from the College of Education.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website American woodcock habitat and banding study at Stephen F. Austin State University.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website migrating shorebird use of saline wetlands study at Texas Tech University.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website detecting lead levels of mottled ducks and lesser scaup on Texas Coastal National Wildlife Refuges.


Eisenhower Educational Grant for Math the Science Way: High Plains Ecology 1xbet best casino website workshops for training teachers at the TTU Native Rangeland Research and Education Area with 2 professors from the College of Education.

Environmental Protection Agency 5-Star Grant 1xbet best casino website activities associated with the playa wetland on the Native Rangeland Research and Education Area.

Playa Lakes Joint Venture Management Board 1xbet best casino website private land conservation of playa and other wetlands to meet the objectives of the Playa Lakes Joint Venture.

FWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program 1xbet best casino website private land enhancement of habitat for Federal Trust Species.

FWS North American Waterfowl Management Plan 1xbet best casino website conservation of playa wetlands to meet objectives of the Playa Lakes Joint Venture.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website mottled and whistling duck banding study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website whistling duck nest box study.

Edwards and Arkansas/Red Ecoteams 1xbet best casino website the protection and enhancement of wetlands on private lands.

FWS Watchable Wildlife Program 1xbet best casino website the development of interpretive and other educational activities on the Native Rangeland Research and Education Area.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website American Woodcock banding at Stephen F. Austin State University.


FWS Regional Director 1xbet best casino website development of a butterfly area on the Native Rangeland Research and Education Area.

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FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website the waterfowl use of National Wildlife Refuges along the Texas Gulf Coast study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website the population affiliation of greater white-fronted geese in northwest Texas study.


FWS, Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program 1xbet best casino website private land enhancement of habitat for Federal Trust Species.

FWS, Director's Challenge Cost-Share Grant 1xbet best casino website conservation of wetlands on private lands.


FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office 1xbet best casino website establishment of a goose-collar observation network.

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FWS, Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program 1xbet best casino website private land enhancement of habitat for Federal Trust Species.

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FWS, Region 2, North American Waterfowl Management Plan 1xbet best casino website conservation of wetlands on private lands.


FWS, Region 2, Challenge Grant 1xbet best casino website playa vegetation study.

FWS, Region 2, Migratory Bird Office and The Nature Conservancy of Texas 1xbet best casino website breeding amphibian study.

FWS, Region 2, North American Waterfowl and Wetlands Office 1xbet best casino website a pipeline for moist-soil management at Buffalo Lake NWR.

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FWS, Director's Challenge Cost-Share Grant 1xbet best casino website conservation of wetlands on private lands.

FWS, Refuges and Wildlife 1xbet best casino website development of moist-soil management units on Buffalo Lake NWR.


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