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Haukos, D.A., W. C. Conway, D. Hett, and B. J. Weihs. 2017. Ecological State Change of Saline Lakes on the Southern High Plains. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Haukos, D. A. and G. Albanese. 2017. Use of Network Analysis to Prioritize Conservation of Playa Wetlands Based on Landscape Connectivity. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE.


Haukos, D. A., J. A. Moon and W. C. Conway 2016. At What Scale Should Mottled Ducks Be Managed? North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD.

Haukos, D. A. and J. Prendergast. 2016. Lesser Prairie Chicken Conservation. 81st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.


Haukos, D., C. Boal, S. Carleton, and B. Grisham. 2015. Roles of Cooperative Research Units in contemporary conservation of natural resources. North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference, Omaha, NE. (Invited).

Haukos, D.A. 2015. History and function of the Cooperative Research Unit system. National Military Fish and Wildlife Association, North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference, Omaha, NE.

Haukos, D.A. 2015. Use of network analysis to identify wetlands critical to the playa system: prioritizing wetlands for conservation within a dynamic wetland landscape. Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Seminar Series, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS (Invited).


Haukos, D. 2014. Status of prairie-chickens in Kansas. Konza LTER Docent Training, January 2014 (Invited).

Haukos, D.A. and G. Albanese. 2014. Conservation of Playa Wetlands at the Appropriate Scale - Using Networks to Identify Critical Playas. Department of Natural Resources Management Seminar, Texas Tech University, (Invited).

Haukos, D. Annual survival, recovery rates, and movements of mottled ducks banded on the western Gulf Coast. 2014. Mottled Duck Symposium, Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin, Florida.

Haukos, D. Summary of science behind impacts of wind power development on lesser prairie-chickens. 2014. Lesser Prairie-Chicken and Wind Energy: Pathways to Conservation & Compliance, American Wind Wildlife Institute, Broomfield, Colorado (Invited).


Haukos, D.A. 2013. Ecology and Conservation of Temporary Wetlands. Webinar, Natural Resource Conservation Service, (Invited).

Haukos, D.A. 2013. Lesser prairie-chicken response to restoration of sand shinnery oak grasslands in eastern New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management (Invited), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Haukos, D.A. 2013. Changing Landscapes and Grassland Birds: Effects and Conservation Strategies. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society (Invited Plenary), Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Haukos, D.A. 2013. The Future Role of Playa Wetlands for Waterfowl. 6th North American Duck Symposium, (Invited), Memphis, Tennessee.

Haukos, D.A., J. Moon, and W. Conway. 2013. Survival of Mottled Ducks in the Texas Chenier Plain Region. 6th North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee.


Haukos, D.A. 2012. Emerging issues related to diseases of migratory birds in the Great Plains. Annual meeting of the Disease Committee, Midwest Association of State Wildlife and Fisheries Agencies, Manhattan, Kansas.

Haukos, D.A. 2012. Playas of the Llano Estacado. Southern Plains Conference, Ogallala Commons, Muleshoe, Texas.

Haukos, D.A. 2012. Restoration of sand shinnery oak grasslands using prescribed grazing and herbicides. Special Session "LCCs: Bridging the science-management gap symposia' 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference (Invited), Wichita, Kansas.

Haukos, D.A. 2012. The Great Plains LCC - Connections and Complexity. Joint Meeting of GPLCC Steering Committee and Science Team (Invited), Lubbock, Texas.


Haukos, D.A. 2011. The High Plains: Connecting Ecosystems. Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Science Team Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Haukos, D.A. 2011. The High Plains: making sense of a complex system. Webinar, Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative, September 2011. (Invited).

Haukos, D.A., and P.McDaniel. 2011. Use of grazing management to restore lesser prairie-chicken habitat in eastern New Mexico. Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Hays, Kansas.

A matrix population model for mottled ducks on the western Gulf Coast of Texas. The West Gulf Coast Plain and Big Thicket Science Conference, April 2011, Nacogdoches, Texas

The influence of playa wetlands on High Plains biodiversity. Ecology of Waterbird Migration and Playa Wetland Ecology Symposia, Rainwater Basin Joint Venture/Playa Lakes Joint Venture Research Symposium; Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, March 2011, Grand Island, Nebraska (Invited)

Ecology of playa wetlands. 2011 Water Issues Forum: Kansas In Transition. Kansas Water Board, February 2011, Hays, Kansas (Invited)

Migratory Bird Program and National Wildlife Refuges: a partnership. Texas Coastal NWR Biologists meeting. February 2011, Rockport, Texas (Invited)

Effectiveness of vegetative buffer areas surrounding playa wetlands. Ecology of Waterbird Migration and Playa Wetland Ecology Symposia, Rainwater Basin Joint Venture/Playa Lakes Joint Venture Research Symposium; Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, March 2011, Grand Island, Nebraska (Invited)


Pintails and playas: multi-scale modeling for conservation. Seminar, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, December 2010, Manhattan, Kansas

High Plains wetlands: connections, concerns, and conservation. Seminar, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, South Dakota State University, May 2010, Brookings, South Dakota

Demographic model development for northern pintails of North America. Central Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee, March 2010, Tulsa, Oklahoma and July 2010, Norman, Oklahoma

Demographic model development for northern pintails of North America. Mississippi Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee, July 2010, Mobile, Alabama

Mottled duck focal species plan, Central Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee July 2010, Norman, Oklahoma and Mississippi Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee, July 2010, Mobile, Alabama.

Playa ecology: their historical value and current issues, Invited Presentation - Water, Water Everywhere, But Will There Be A Drop To Drink, A Symposium on the Use and Misuse of Water on the Llano Estacado Through Time, Historical Society of New Mexico, Hobbs, New Mexico

Playa ecology, management, and threats, Workshop, Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams, Garden City, Kansas

Playa wetland ecology and management, Workshop, Kansas Wildlife and Parks, Great Bend, Kansas

Introduction to playa ecology, Playa Festival, Tulia, Texas

Status and research of mottled ducks on the Texas Chenier Plain NWR Complex, USFWS Biologists and Managers Meeting, Port Arthur, Texas


Session Chair "Waterfowl Foods and Habitat Management", 5th North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Canada.

Introduction to the use of playa wetlands for educational opportunities. Ogallala Commons Teacher Training Workshop, Nazareth, Texas.

Value of playa wetlands for education. Hale County Teachers Workshop, Plainview, Texas.

The role of science in natural resource policy. Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas.

Chickens, bugs, and cows: Lessons from the TNC Milnesand Preserve. Annual Meeting, Lesser Prairie-Chicken InterstateWorking Group. Lubbock, Texas.

Wind Development and Wildlife Associated with Playa Wetlands. Panhandle Wind and Wildlife Conference. Amarillo, Texas.

Effectiveness of buffer strips surrounding playa wetlands. Playa Lakes Joint Venture Annual Meeting. Canadian, Texas.


Waterfowl Surveys and Status on Texas Coastal National Wildlife Refuges. National Wildlife Refuge Project Leaders Meeting. McAllen, Texas.

Wind Development and Wildlife Associated with Playa Wetlands. Panhandle Wind and Wildlife Conference. Amarillo, Texas.

Ecology of Playa Wetlands. League of Women Voters, Amarillo, Texas.

Use of Playas for Educational Activities, Ogallala Commons Teacher Training, Nazareth, Texas.

The Role of Playas in the Water Cycle of the Southern High Plains. Water Festival, Friona, Texas.

Why are Playa Wetlands Important? Playa Lakes Festival, Nazareth, Texas.

Why are Playa Wetlands Important? Playa Lakes Festival, Tulia, Texas.

Why are Playa Wetlands Important? Playa Lakes Festival, Whiteface, Texas.

Playa Ecology and Conservation. The Nature Conservancy of Texas, San Antonio, Texas.

Case Study of a Looming Crisis: the Catastrophic Loss of Playa Wetlands on the Southern Plains. Southern Plains Conference, Hereford, Texas.

Playas in Castro County: Origins, Hydrology, & Current Status. Castro County CareFair, Landowner Education Session, Dimmitt, Texas

Development of a Playa Wetland Management District. Amarillo League of Women Voters, Amarillo, Texas

Banding of mottled ducks on state and federal wildlife management areas. 1/2 day workshop, Mottled Duck Status and Management Workshop, Beaumont, Texas.

Reproductive ecology of mottled ducks in coastal marsh on the upper Texas Gulf Coast.

Mottled Duck Status and Management Workshop, Beaumont, Texas.


Functions of playa wetlands. Playa Symposium, Texas Cooperative Extension Service, Amarillo, Texas

Characteristics of urban playas. Playa Symposium, Texas Cooperative Extension Service, Amarillo, Texas

Analyses of continental northern pintail banding data. Pintail Action Group, Tuscan, Arizona

Importance of playa wetlands. Ogallala Commons Teacher Workshop, Friona, Texas.

Analyses of northern pintail banding data. Pintail Action Team Task Force, Sacramento, California.

Application of results from northern pintail banding analyses. Pintail Action Team Annual Meeting, Tuscan, Arizona.


Results of analyses of continental northern pintail banding data. Central Flyway Technical Committee, Socorro, New Mexico.

The impact of drought on playa vegetation. ICASALS Semi-Arid Lands Conference, Lubbock, Texas.

Policies and practices to minimize the impacts of wind turbines on raptors. Raptors of the Prairie Conference, Lubbock, Texas

Policy and the natural resource professional. Graduate seminar, Department of Natural

Resources Management, Texas Tech University.

Migrational ecology of Northern Pintails. Pintail Workshop, 4th North American Duck Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota.

Playa ecology and conservation. Master Gardeners, Lubbock, Texas

Playa birds and plants. High Plains Regional Wetlands Assessment, USDA and TTU partnership.

Pintail Partners: scientists, children, and teachers in virtual field research. To Think and Act Like A Scientist: The Roles of Inquiry, Research, and Technology Conference. Texas Tech University, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Program, Lubbock, Texas.

More than a mirage: playa lakes as sources of diversity, history, and commonwealth.

Natural History and the Art and Literature of Place, The Texas Tech Center for the Southwest Conference. Lubbock, Texas

Annual survival of mottled ducks in Texas and Louisiana. Annual Meeting, The Texas

Chapter of The Wildlife Society, South Padre Island, Texas.


Ecology and population dynamics of mottled ducks. Regional research seminar, USFWS Regional Office, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Regulation proposals for mottled ducks in Texas. Central Flyway Technical Committee, Billings, Montana.

Playa wetlands: threatened treasures for birds of the Llano Estacado. Keynote address,

New Mexico Ornithological Society, Annual Meeting, Portales, New Mexico.

Spring migration of female pintails in the Central Flyway. Invited presentation, 10th Annual Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar, Hastings, Nebraska.

Moist-soil management of seasonal wetlands. Invited Presentation,10th Annual Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar, Hastings, Nebraska.

Spring migration of female pintails. MERT meeting, Playa Lakes Joint Venture, Amarillo, Texas.

Spring migration of northern pintails. Annual meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, Texas.


Spring migration of northern pintails from playas. USFWS Research Seminar, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The critical value of playa ecosystems. USFWS Research Seminar, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The role of playas in the Southern Great Plains. Western Student Conclave, Lubbock, Texas.

Survival of pintails in northwest Texas. Llano Estacado Audubon Society, Lubbock, Texas.


Effects of wintering mallard dispersal from the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Third North American Waterfowl Symposium, Sacramento, California.

Status of mottled ducks on Texas National Wildlife Refuges. Third North American Waterfowl Symposium, Sacramento, California.

The status of mottled ducks along the Gulf Coast of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Ornithological Society, Amarillo, Texas.

The value of playas for environmental education. Biology Department, Amarillo College, Amarillo, Texas.

Use of playas as an educational tool. TCEQ teacher workshop, Lubbock, Texas


Past and future impacts of wetland regulations on playa ecology. Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, Lake Placid, New York.

Playa management. Texas Parks and Wildlife Field Day, Dalhart, Texas.

Status of mottled ducks in Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico. Interagency meeting, Murphee WMA, Port Arthur, Texas.

Status of mottled ducks in Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico. Central Flyway Technical Council, December, Wichita, Kansas.

Playas and moist-soil management. Field presentation, National Resources Foundation of Texas, Lubbock, Texas.

Field ecology of playas. Workshop and field presentation, Science It's a Girl Thing, Lubbock, Texas.


Playa wetlands as environmental education sites. Regions 16 & 17, Science Teachers Workshop, Canyon, Texas.

Playas and moist-soil management. Field presentation, National Resources Foundation of Texas, Lubbock, Texas.

Field ecology of playas. Workshop and field presentation, Science It's a Girl Thing, Lubbock, Texas.

Status of mottled ducks. Regional Office, FWS, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Status of mottled ducks. Washington Office, FWS, Washington, D.C.

Status of mottled ducks. Coastal Refuge Managers Meeting, Clear Lake, Texas.

Analyses of the effects of management changes in the San Luis Valley NWRs on a population of mallards. Upper and Middle Rio Grande Ecoteam Meeting, Creede, Colorado.

Ecosystem management of playa wetlands. Northern Prairie Science Center, Jamestown, North Dakota.

Status of double-creasted cormorant in North America. Bass 101 Workshop, Athens, Texas.

Migratory bird permitting. FWS, Region 2, Project Leaders Meeting, Austin, Texas.


Status of double-crested cormorants in the United States. Texas Colonial Waterbird Society, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Playas and moist-soil management. Field presentation, Natural Resources Foundation of Texas, Lubbock, Texas.

Status of mottled ducks in Texas, mottled duck surveys in Texas, and banding of mottled ducks on National Wildlife Refuges. Interagency Mottled Duck Workshop, Port Arthur, Texas.

Integrating art and science. Panelist, Art Department, Texas Tech University.


Ecology and importance of playa lakes and other wetlands in the Playa Lakes Region. Texas Sixth Interagency Wetlands Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Comparisons of saline wetlands and playas. Texas Sixth Interagency Wetlands Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Playa foods, moist-soil management, flora, amphibians, and invertebrates. Texas Sixth Interagency Wetlands Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Conservation options available for landowners of the Southern High Plains. 3 presentations, Farmer/Stockman Show, Lubbock, Texas

Incorporation of playas into the classroom. Texas CAST workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Kids and playas. Teacher Aid Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Analyses of midwinter inventory data. USFWS Project Leaders meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Playa wetland ecology. Texas Natural Resources and Conservation Commission Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Riparian management. Field Day, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Lubbock, Texas.

Lesser prairie-chickens management and FWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. District Meeting, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Lubbock, Texas.

Values and function of native plants in playa wetlands. Invited speaker, The Charles Weddle Wildflower Distinguished Lecturer Symposium, Lubbock, Texas.

Opportunities for conservation on the Southern High Plains. Floydada Rotary Club, Floydada, Texas.

Environmental education opportunities on the Southern High Plains. Three presentations, Farmer/Stockman Show, Lubbock, Texas.


Flora of playa lakes. Texas Native Plant Society, Lubbock, Texas.

Waterfowl use of coastal National Wildlife Refuges. FWS, Project Leaders Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Accomplishments of the Edwards Ecoteam. FWS, Project Leaders Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Riparian habitat measurements. Amarillo College, Amarillo, Texas.

The value of water to common flora and fauna of playa lakes. The Great Plains Symposium, Lubbock, Texas.


Waterfowl identification. Three presentations, Farmer/Stockman Show, Lubbock, Texas.

Ecology of flora in playas. Adopt a Wetland/Project WILD Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.


Management and ecology of playas. Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, Texas.

Management of playa vegetation. Three presentations, Farmer/Stockman Show, Lubbock, Texas.

Restoration of playa wetlands. Llano Estacado Audubon Society, Lubbock, Texas.

An ecosystem approach to playa lake management. Invited seminar, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point.

Playa lake management for wildlife enhancement. High Plains Association of Crop Consultants, Lubbock, Texas.

Options for management of wetland vegetation. Albuquerque Open Space Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Wildlife management of playas. High Plains Ogallala Area Regional Water Management Plan Meeting, Lubbock, Texas.


Ecology and management of playa wetlands. Nebraska Wetland Restoration Workshop, Lincoln, Nebraska.

An overview of the ecology of playa wetland. Playa Lakes Joint Venture GIS Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Playa Lakes Joint Venture: what they mean to activities on Pantex Reservation, Department of Energy. Pantex Plant, Amarillo, Texas.


A review of the issues surrounding installation of wind turbines and migratory birds. Region 2 Directorate, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

USFWS projects in the Playa Lakes Region. Texas Partners for Wildlife Workshop, Austin, Texas.

Development of moist-soil management strategies for playa wetlands. Invited Seminar, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

The enhancement of playas for wildlife. Playa Basin Symposium, Water Resources Center, Lubbock, Texas.

The management of playa wetlands impacted by agriculture. The 6th Symposium on Issues and Technology in the Management of Impacted Wildlife, Thorne Ecological Institute, Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

Restoration and management of playas. Kansas Wetland Management Workshop, Emporia, Kansas.

The importance of playas to biodiversity of the Southern High Plains. 30th Annual Western Students Wildlife Conclave, Lubbock, Texas.

Incorporation of Playa Lakes Joint Venture and the USFWS Partners for Wildlife Program. Annual Meeting, Partners for Wildlife Coordinators, Tuscan, Arizona.

Ecology and management of playa wetlands. Invited Seminar, Humboldt State University.

Community structure of playas. Seminar, Biology Department, Texas Tech University.


Playa Lake Joint Venture habitat accomplishments. Annual meeting of USFWS Migratory Bird Coordinators, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Ecology of playa lakes. Project WILD Playa Lakes Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Playa lakes flora. Project WILD Playa Lakes Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

The use of moist-soil management in private land management in the Playa Lakes Region. Annual Partners for Wildlife Review Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Private lands opportunities with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Panhandle and South Plains Playa Wetland Symposium, Lubbock, Texas.

An ecological overview of playa wetlands. Playa Wetland Restoration and Enhancement Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Vegetation dynamics of playas. Playa Wetland Restoration and Enhancement Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Moist-soil management of playas. Playa Wetland Restoration and Enhancement Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.

Vegetation of playa wetlands. Lubbock Chapter of The Texas Native Plant Society, Lubbock, Texas.


The role of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Playa Lakes Joint Venture. Private Lands Workshop, Tulia, Texas.

Seed-bank dynamics of playa lakes. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Recommendations for moist-soil management of playa lakes. Playa Lakes Joint Venture, Lubbock, Texas.


Management of playa lakes on private lands. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lubbock, Texas.

Analysis of plant assemblages of playa systems. 67th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Lubbock, Texas.

Ecology of playa lakes in relationship to waterfowl management. Ducks Unlimited, Jackson, Mississippi.

Waterfowl management techniques for playa lakes. The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Tyler, Texas.

Moist-soil management of playa lakes. North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

How to manage playa lakes. Central Flyway Technical Committee, Lubbock, Texas.


Vegetation and wintering waterfowl response to moist-soil management. The Midwest Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Lesser prairie-chickens. Texas Ornithological Society, Lubbock, Texas.


Nutrient reserve models for post-breeding lesser prairie-chickens. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Game and Fish Agencies, St. Louis, Missouri.

Ecology and habitat management of lesser prairie-chickens. Seminar for Forest Service and Kansas Wildlife and Parks, Elkhart, Kansas.

The need for native rangeland in lesser prairie-chicken management. Texas Native Prairie Association, Austin, Texas.


The use of radio-telemetry to estimate lesser prairie-chicken nest success and hen survival. 10th International Symposium on Biotelemetry, Fayetteville, Arkansas.


Survival of Ring-Necked Pheasants in Western Kansas Spring Cover Crops. 2017 The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. A. C. Annis 1xbet online games login .

Ring-Necked Pheasant Use of Spring Cover Crops in Western Kansas. 2017. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. A. J. Godar 1xbet online games login .

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Brood Ecology in Response to Land Management in the Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie. 2017. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. D. U. Greene 1xbet online games login .

Space Use by Cattle, and Its Cascading Effects on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Selection. 2017. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. C. K. Gulick 1xbet online games login .

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Selection during Extreme Temperature Events. 2017. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. J. D. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Quantifying Changes and Drivers of Mottled Duck Density in Texas. 2017. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

The Ecology of the Monarch Butterfly Relative to Density, Host Plant Occurrence and Habitat Use in the Flint Hills. 2017. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. C. Skidmore 1xbet online games login .

Tradeoffs of Nest and Brood Habitat Availability for Lesser Prairie-Chickens. 2017. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Factors Influencing Ring-Necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) Nest Survival in Southwest Nebraska. 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. A. C. Annis 1xbet online games login .

Combining Weather Data and Climate Projections: A Case Study with Lesser Prairie-Chickens. 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. A. J. Godar 1xbet online games login .

Fried Chicken: Identifying Areas of Thermal Refugia for Lesser Prairie-Chickens in a Changing Climate. 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. J. D. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

How Playa Wetlands Influence Landscape Biodiversity: Small Depressions with Big Benefits. 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. W. Malone 1xbet online games login .

Grassland Bird Response to Season of Burn and Grazing Intensity. 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. S. B. Ogden 1xbet online games login .

Influence of Raptor Abundance on Female Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Selection. 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. C. Sink 1xbet online games login .

The Ecology of the Monarch Butterfly Relative to Density, Host Plant Occurrence and Habitat Use in the Flint Hills. 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. C. Skidmore 1xbet online games login .

Selection and Demographic Consequences for Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands for Lesser Prairie Chickens. 2017. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Strategic Regional Conservation for Lesser Prairie-Chickens among Landscapes of Varying Anthropogenic Influence. 2017. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Influence of Raptor Abundance on Female Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Selection. 2017. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS. C. Sink 1xbet online games login .

Kansas Ring-Necked Pheasant Habitat Use and Survival in Summer Cover Crops. 2017. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS. (Poster). A. C. Annis 1xbet online games login .

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Foraging in Native and CRP Grasslands of Kansas and Colorado. 2016. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Re-Thinking Regal Fritillary Conservation and Management: Habitat Characteristics and the Impact of Disturbance Regime on an Imperiled Grassland Butterfly. 2016. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. K. E. McCullough 1xbet online games login .

A Distribution Modeling Approach to Monarch Butterfly Density, Host Plant Occurrence and Preferred Habitat in the Flint Hills. 2016. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. C. Skidmore 1xbet online games login .

Satisfying the Quilt Work of Habitat Needs of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken: The Role of Patch-Burn Grazing. 2016. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. J. D. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Are Larger Pastures and Sparser Herds the Way to Manage Grassland Birds? A Case-Study of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken. 2016. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Birds, Butterflies and Burning: Wildlife Response to Summer Fire Used for Invasive Plant Control in Tall-Grass Prairie. 2016. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. S. B. Ogden 1xbet online games login .

Conservation Planning for Lesser Prairie-chickens Among Reproductive and Survivorship Landscapes of Varying Anthropogenic Influence. 2016. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Madison, WI. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Lesser Prairie-chicken Space Use Response to Anthropogenic Structures Among Landscapes. 2016. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Madison, WI. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Drivers of Mottled Duck Pairs on the Upper Texas Gulf Coast. 2016. North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

A Stochastic Model to Simulate Mottled Duck Population Dynamics. 2016. North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD. J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Integrating Sea-Level Rise and Anthropogenic Change into Mottled Duck Conservation. 2016. North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD. (Poster). J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Waterfowl Identification Skills by Duck Hunter on the Upper Texas Coast. 2016. North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD. (Poster). M. D. Whitson 1xbet online games login .

Seed Bank Potential of Moist-soil Managed Fallow Rice Fields on the Upper Texas Coast. 2016. North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD. (Poster). M. D. Whitson 1xbet online games login .

Influence of raptor abundance on lesser prairie-chicken habitat selection. 2016. McNair Heartland Conference, Kansas City, MO. C. Sink 1xbet online games login .

Heavy metal concentrations within breeding snowy plovers in saline lakes of the Southern Great Plains of Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. H. M. Ashbaugh 1xbet online games login .

A retrospective surveillance study of avian disease outbreaks in Kansas. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. T. A. Becker 1xbet online games login .

Time series analysis of remote sensing data as a management tool for the conservation of the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). 2016 Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York. S. De la Piedra 1xbet online games login .

Environmental mercury availability and accumulation in wetland sediments and blood of snowy plovers in the Southern Great Plains. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Corpus Christi, TX. L. E. Duffie 1xbet online games login .

Mercury concentrations in wetland sediments and blood of snowy plovers in the Southern Great Plains. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. L. E. Duffie 1xbet online games login .

Assessing potential synergies between drought and grazing on lesser prairie-chicken demography. 2016. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, North Carolina. S. R. Fritts 1xbet online games login .

Influence of vegetation structure and composition on lesser prairie-chicken abundance, survival, and recruitment following an intense drought. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. S. R. Fritts 1xbet online games login .

Hierarchical modeling of lesser prairie-chicken demographic response to weather and grazing. 2016. Society of Range Management Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, TX. S. R. Fritts 1xbet online games login .

Rangewide assessment of the influence of climate change on lesser prairie-chicken population persistence. 2016. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington, D.C. A. J. Godar 1xbet online games login .

The influence of weather parameters on lesser prairie-chicken rangewide nest survival. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. A. J. Godar 1xbet online games login .

Incorporating contemporary statistical methods into long-term ecological data: a case study on Lesser Prairie-Chickens. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. A. J. Godar 1xbet online games login .

A range-wide assessment on the influence of anthropogenic structure dispersion and land cover patch size on lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance. 2016. NAOC, Washington, D.C. C. P. Griffin 1xbet online games login .

A range-wide assessment of the influence of anthropogenic features and landcover patterns on lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. C. P. Griffin 1xbet online games login .

Are larger pastures and sparser herds the way to manage grassland birds? A case-study of the lesser prairie-chicken. 2016. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, NC. (Invited). J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Evaluation of lesser prairie-chicken brood habitat selection across categorical habitats. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Dynamic interactions of Conservation Reserve Program, native grasslands, and lesser prairie-chicken habitat selection. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Implications of pasture area, grazing strategy, and region on lesser prairie-chicken habitat selection and vegetation. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Society of Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Habitat selection by waterfowl wintering at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. 2016. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, Texas. T. C. Lane 1xbet online games login .

Using patch-burn grazing to maintain prairie for lesser prairie-chickens. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. J. D. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Effects of tree encroachment on lesser prairie-chickens. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. J. M. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Lesser prairie-chicken habitat and movement response to patch-burn grazing. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. J. D. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Killing trees and maintaining prairie for lesser prairie-chickens through patch-burn grazing. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Society of Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. J. D. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Influence of sound on nesting ecology and home range characteristics of the lesser prairie-chicken. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. T. Lipp 1xbet online games login .

The influence of watershed condition on avian use of dry playa wetlands. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. W. E. Malone 1xbet online games login .

Habitat characteristics and the impact of disturbance regime on an imperiled grassland butterfly: re-thinking regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia) conservation and management. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. K. E. McCullough 1xbet online games login .

Grassland bird community response to sericea lespedeza control using fire and grazing. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. S. B. Ogden 1xbet online games login .

Lesser prairie-chicken space use response to anthropogenic structures among landscapes. 2016. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Madison, WI. (Invited). R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Come rain or no water, I will survive: nonbreeding lesser prairie-chicken survival and space use. 2016. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington, D.C. S. G. Robinson 1xbet online games login .

Combining multiple data sources to determine drought and land-use impacts on lesser prairie-chickens. 2016. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington, D.C. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

Drivers of mottled duck pairs on the upper Texas Gulf Coast. 2016. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, MD. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

A distribution modeling approach to monarch butterfly density, host plant occurrence, and preferred habitat in the Flint Hills. 2016. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, NC. C. Skidmore 1xbet online games login .

Impacts of Conservation Reserve Program grasslands on lesser prairie-chicken populations in the northern extent of their range. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Available foods and diets of lesser prairie-chickens in native and CRP grasslands of Kansas and Colorado. 2016. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Conservation planning for lesser prairie-chickens among reproductive and survivorship landscapes of varying anthropogenic influence. 2016. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Madison, WI. (Invited). D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Lesser prairie-chicken foraging in native and CRP grasslands of Kansas and Colorado. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Society of Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

A framework for understanding connections within dense broad-scale habitat networks: prioritizing wetlands for conservation within a dynamic landscape. 2015. Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Providence, RI. G. Albanese 1xbet online games login .

Snowy plover exposure to metals in sediment and water from saline lakes of the Southern Great Plains. 2015. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX. H. M. Ashbaugh 1xbet online games login .

Occurrence and predictions of avian disease outbreaks in Kansas. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. T. A. Becker 1xbet online games login .

Occurrence and prediction of avian disease outbreaks in Kansas. 2015. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. T. A. Becker 1xbet online games login .

The potential roles of primary molt and parasite loads in declining snowy plovers in the Southern Great Plains. 2015. Annual Meeting of the New Mexico Ornithological Society, Roswell, NM. L. E. Duffie 1xbet online games login .

Primary feather molt in incubating snowy plovers in the Southern High Plains. 2015. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX. L. E. Duffie 1xbet online games login .

Hierarchical modeling of lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance, survival, and recruitment, in response to grazing and weather. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. S. R. Fritts 1xbet online games login .

Long-term evaluation of lesser prairie-chicken nest ecology in response to grassland restoration at two spatial scales. 2015. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba. S. R. Fritts 1xbet online games login .

The influence of weather parameters on lesser prairie-chicken nest survival. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. A. J. Godar 1xbet online games login .

Does microclimate explain regional variation in lesser prairie-chicken nest survival? 2015. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX. A. J. Godar 1xbet online games login .

Does microclimate explain regional variation in lesser prairie-chicken nest survival? 2015. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita. A. J. Godar 1xbet online games login .

A range-wide assessment of the influence of anthropogenic features on lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. C. P. Griffin 1xbet online games login .

A range-wide assessment of the influence of weather on lesser prairie-chicken demographic parameters. 2015. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX. C. P. Griffin 1xbet online games login .

Does weather influence lesser prairie-chicken demographic parameters is proportionately in the sand shinnery oak prairie compared to the sand sagebrush prairie? 2015. Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM American NM Wildlife Societies, Las Cruces, NM. C. P. Griffin 1xbet online games login .

An assessment of lesser prairie-chicken nest microclimate and nest survival among three ecoregions. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. B. A. Grisham 1xbet online games login .

Landscape level habitat selection of female lesser prairie-chickens in western Kansas and eastern Colorado. 2015. International Grouse Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Identifying drivers of lesser prairie-chicken habitat selection within western Kansas grazed lands. 2015. Annual Meeting of the Kansas Ornithological Society, Emporia, KS. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Female lesser prairie-chicken response to grazing in western Kansas grasslands. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Female lesser prairie-chicken response to grazing in western Kansas grasslands. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Landscape characteristics of home ranges of lesser prairie-chickens. 2015. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Female lesser prairie-chicken response to grazing practices in western Kansas grasslands. 2015. Annual Meeting of the Society of Range Management, Sacramento, CA. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Seasonal habitat selection by female lesser prairie-chickens in varying landscapes. 2015. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita. J. D. Kraft 1xbet online games login .

Effect of pyric herbivory on vegetation composition with management implications for lesser prairie-chickens. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. J. M. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Effects of tree encroachment on lesser prairie-chickens.2015. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba. J. M. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Influence of sound on nest placement and success of the lesser prairie-chicken. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. T. Lipp 1xbet online games login .

Our essential freshwater source: estimating the occurrence and function of playa wetlands in western Kansas. 2015. Governor's Water Conference, Manhattan, Kansas. W. E. Malone 1xbet online games login .

The influence of watershed condition on avian use and diversity of playa wetlands in western Kansas. 2015. Annual Meeting of the Kansas Ornithological Society, Emporia, KS. W. E. Malone 1xbet online games login .

The influence of watershed condition on avian use and diversity of playa wetlands in western Kansas. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. (poster). W. E. Malone 1xbet online games login .

The influence of watershed condition on avian use of dry playa wetlands. 2015. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. (poster). W. E. Malone 1xbet online games login .

Gradient habitat modeling of regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia) and larval host plant using distribution modeling approach with notes on life history attributes. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. K. E. McCullough 1xbet online games login .

Effects of anthropogenic noise on male lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. A. Nichter 1xbet online games login .

Response of grassland passerine communities to tall-grass prairie restoration using summer fire and sheep grazing. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. S. B. Ogden 1xbet online games login .

Response of grassland passerine communities to tall-grass prairie restoration with summer fire and sheep grazing. 2015. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. S. B. Ogden 1xbet online games login .

Grassland nesting bird community response to Sericea Lespedeza using fire and grazing. 2015. Annual Meeting of the Kansas Ornithological Society, Emporia, KS. S. B. Ogden 1xbet online games login .

Lesser prairie-chicken space use response to anthropogenic structures. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Lesser prairie-chicken space use response to anthropogenic structures among landscapes. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

An integrated population model for mottled ducks in Texas: harvest, habitat, and survival. 2015. Annual meeting of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society, Santa Rosa, CA. T. V. Riecke 1xbet online games login .

Functional relationships among lesser prairie-chicken survival, habitat type, and landscape fragmentation. 2015. International Grouse Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland. S. G. Robinson 1xbet online games login .

The influence of habitat composition and configuration on lesser prairie-chicken survival rates in Kansas. 2015. Annual Meeting of the Kansas Ornithological Society, Emporia, KS. S. G. Robinson 1xbet online games login .

Attributing landscape characteristics to lesser prairie-chicken survival in Kansas and Colorado. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. S. G. Robinson 1xbet online games login .

There is no space like home:space use of nonbreeding lesser prairie-chickens. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. S. G. Robinson 1xbet online games login .

Space use by nonbreeding lesser prairie-chickens. 2015. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. S. G. Robinson 1xbet online games login .

Nonbreeding season movement and space use of lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas. 2015. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita. S. G. Robinson 1xbet online games login .

Extreme drought events and changes in land cover interact to reduce resilience of the lesser prairie-chicken. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

Combining multiple data sources to determine drought and land-use impacts on lesser prairie-chickens. 2015. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

The relative influence of climate variability and landscape change on lesser prairie-chicken populations. 2015. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

Lesser prairie-chicken diets during brooding and winter. 2015. Annual Meeting of the Kansas Ornithological Society, Emporia, KS. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Regional demographic variability for lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2015. Biennial meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Regional demographic variability for lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2015. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

American woodcock migratory connectivity as indicated by hydrogen isotopes. 2015. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Population demographic sensitivity for the threatened lesser prairie-chicken. 2015. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Optimal nesting substrate drives lesser prairie-chicken habitat use in Kansas and Colorado. 2015. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

"Does weather influence lesser prairie-chicken demographic parameters disproportionately in the sand shinnery oak prairie compared to the sand sagebrush prairie?" 2014. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Outstanding Student Poster. C. Griffin 1xbet online games login .

Does microclimate explain spatial variation in lesser prairie-chicken nest survival? 2014. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX. B. Griffin 1xbet online games login .

Developing a body condition index for mottled ducks on the upper Texas Gulf Coast. 2014. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX. B. V. Kearns 1xbet online games login .

The legacy of lead: developing new methods for assessing lead contamination and wildlife exposure risks in Gulf Coast wetland habitats. 2014. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX. B. V. Kearns 1xbet online games login .

Identifying landscape-level indicators of environmental contaminants that affect wildlife: a species distribution approach. 2014. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. B. V. Kearns 1xbet online games login .

A body condition index for non-breeding mottled ducks on the upper Texas Gulf Coast. 2014. Mottled Duck Symposium, Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin, Florida. B. V. Kearns 1xbet online games login .

Impacts of tree encroachment on lesser prairie-chickens. 2014. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Estes Park, Colorado. J. M. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Survival and habitat selection of lesser prairie-chicken chicks and broods. 2014. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Estes Park, Colorado. J. M. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Differences in successful and unsuccessful nests of lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2014. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, Kansas. J. M. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Nest site location by lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2014. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. J. M. Lautenbach 1xbet online games login .

Lead exposure concentrations in the blood of mottled ducks (Anas fulvigula) on the Texas Chenier Plains National Wildlife Refuge Complex. 2014. Mottled Duck Symposium, Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin, Florida. S. McDowell 1xbet online games login .

Evaluation of capture techniques on lesser prairie-chicken trap injury. 2014. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX. N. Mitchell 1xbet online games login .

Habitat selection of adult female mottled ducks in the Texas Chenier Plain Region. 2014. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX. J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Habitat selection by mottled ducks on the upper Texas Gulf Coast. 2014. Mottled Duck Symposium, Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin, Florida. J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Movements by mottled ducks on the upper Texas Gulf Coast. 2014. Mottled Duck Symposium, Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin, Florida. J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Breeding season habitat patch use by female lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2014. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Estes Park, Colorado. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Effects of habitat patch use on breeding season survivorship of lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2014. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Estes Park, Colorado. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Breeding season space use dynamics of female lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2014. Symposium on Animal Movement and the Environment, Raleigh, North Carolina. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Past, Present, and Future: using historical and information to guide conservation decisions for an iconic prairie grouse of the southwestern Great Plains. 2014. Regional Pheasants Forever and Quail Unlimited Conference, Wichita, Kansas. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Breeding season home-range characteristics of female lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2014. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, Kansas. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Nest site location by lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2014. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Effects of habitat patch selection on breeding season survivorship of lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2014. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Duckling Survival and Habitat Selection for Mottled Ducks on the Upper Texas Gulf Coast. 2014. Mottled Duck Symposium, Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin, Florida. E. Rigby 1xbet online games login .

Nonbreeding season movement and habitat use of lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas. 2014. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Estes Park, Colorado. S. G. Robinson 1xbet online games login .

Changes in lesser prairie-chicken abundance in Kansas. 2014. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, Kansas. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

The relative influence of drought and habitat on lesser prairie-chickens. 2014. Society for Conservation Biology, Missoula, Montana. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

Combining multiple data sources to determine climate and land-use impacts on lesser prairie-chickens. 2014. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. B. E. Ross 1xbet online games login .

A historical record of land cover change of the lesser prairie-chicken range in Kansas. 2014. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. D. Spencer 1xbet online games login .

Nest-site selection by scaup at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. 2014. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. A. Stetter 1xbet online games login .

Duckling survival at the edge of scaup range in Montana. 2014. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. A. Stetter 1xbet online games login .

Management of lesser prairie-chicken populations in shinnery oak-grasslands: priorities and future directions. 2013. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, Texas. B. Grisham 1xbet online games login .

Population demography of lesser prairie-chicken populations in shinnery oak grassland communities of New Mexico and Texas. 2013. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management (Invited), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. B. Grisham 1xbet online games login .

Species distribution in environmental decision-making: characterizing the efficacy of different models for use in habitat and wildlife management. 2013. Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation GIS. Monterey, California. B. V. Kearns 1xbet online games login .

Spatial analysis and ecological risk assessment for lead exposure in Gulf Coast waterfowl: does environmental lead represent an ecological trap? 2013. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis, Minnesota. B. V. Kearns 1xbet online games login .

Blood lead concentrations in mottled ducks (Anas fulvigula) on the Texas Chenier Plain National Wildlife Refuge Complex. 2013. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, Texas. S. McDowell 1xbet online games login .

Potential exposure of mottled ducks (Anas fulvigula) to lead contaminated soil on the Texas Chenier Plains. 2013. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, Texas. S. McDowell 1xbet online games login .

Movements of mottled ducks in the Texas Chenier Plain Region. 2013. 6th North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Habitat selection of mottled ducks in the Texas Chenier Plain. 2013. 6th North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Potential implications of climate change on the mottled duck. 2013. 6th North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. (Poster). J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Adult female survival of lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2013. Biennial Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting, Crookston, MN. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Breeding season movements of adult female lesser prairie-chickens in Kansas and Colorado. 2013. Biennial Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting, Crookston, MN. R. T. Plumb 1xbet online games login .

Causes of black-necked stilt nest failure at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. 2013. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, Texas. T. Riecke 1xbet online games login .

Blood lead levels of black-necked stilts on the Texas Chenier Plain National Wildlife Refuge Complex. 2013. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, Texas. T. Riecke 1xbet online games login .

Parasitemia, health, and reproduction in lesser scaup at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. 2013. 6th North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. A. Stetter 1xbet online games login .

Duckling survival at the edge of scaup range in Montana. 2013. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A. Stetter 1xbet online games login .

Invertebrates of sand shinnery oak communities and the influence on lesser prairie-chicken brood survival. 2013. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, Texas. J. Zavaleta 1xbet online games login .

Understanding the human component for conservation in the sand shinnery oak grasslands. 2013. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, Texas. J. Zavaleta 1xbet online games login .

The predicted influence of climate change on lesser prairie-chicken reproductive parameters. 2012. 48th Annual Meeting, Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, Texas. B. A. Grisham 1xbet online games login .

A modeling framework to integrate harvest and habitat management of North American waterfowl: case-study of northern pintail metapopulation dynamics. 2012. 19th Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society, Portland, Oregon. B. Mattson 1xbet online games login .

Potential exposure to environmental lead in mottled ducks (Anas fulvigula) on the Texas Chenier Plains National Wildlife Refuge Complex. 2012. 48th Annual Meeting, Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, Texas. S. K. McDowell 1xbet online games login .

Aerial surveys for lesser prairie-chicken leks: detectability and disturbance response. 2012. 48th Annual Meeting, Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, Texas. J. T. McRoberts 1xbet online games login .

Potential climate change impacts to mottled ducks on the Chenier Plain Region of Texas. 2012. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, Texas. J. A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Nest success and nest site selection of black-necked stilts on the Texas Chenier Plain National Wildlife Refuge Complex. 2012. 48th Annual Meeting, Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, Texas. T. V. Riecke 1xbet online games login .

American woodcock (Scolopax minor) habitat suitability and occupancy in eastern Texas. 2012. 48th Annual Meeting, Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, Texas. D. S. Sullins 1xbet online games login .

Community response to use of prescribed grazing and herbicide for restoration of sand shinnery oak grasslands. 2012. 48th Annual Meeting, Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, Texas. J. Zavaleta 1xbet online games login .

Understanding the ecology, habitat use, phenology and thermal tolerance of nesting lesser prairie-chickens to predict population level influences of climate change. 2011. Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Fort Robinson, Nebraska. C. Boal 1xbet online games login .

Effects of Conservation Reserve Program on size, sediment depth, and volume loss in playa wetlands. 2011. 36th Annual Great Plains Limnology Conference, Texhoma, Texas. D. Daniel 1xbet online games login .

A ten year assessment of herbicide treatment and grazing on nest site selection and daily nest survival of lesser prairie-chickens in New Mexico. 2011. Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Hays, Kansas. B. Grisham 1xbet online games login .

Thermal ecology of nesting lesser prairie-chickens and the potential implications of climate change. 2011. 18th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii. B. Grisham 1xbet online games login .

Thermal tolerances of nesting lesser prairie-chickens and the potential population level influence of climate change. 2011. Joint Meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists, Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Wilson Ornithological Society, Kearney, Nebraska. B. Grisham 1xbet online games login .

A modeling framework to integrate harvest and habitat management of North American waterfowl: case-study of northern pintail metapopulation dynamics. 2011. 18th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii. B. Mattson 1xbet online games login .

Detectability of lesser prairie-chicken lets from aerial surveys. 2011. 18th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii. J. T. McRoberts 1xbet online games login .

Ecosystem services and playas of the U.S. Great Plains. 2011. Joint Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, Wetpol, and Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic. L. Smith 1xbet online games login .

Ecosystem services provided by High Plains playas; status and needs. 2011. Special Session CEAP-Wetlands, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Washington, D.C. L. Smith 1xbet online games login .

Effects of land management on plant communities of playa wetlands. 2011. Ecology of

Waterbird Migration and Playa Wetland Ecology Symposia, Rainwater Basin Joint Venture/Playa Lakes Joint Venture Research Symposium; Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, Grand Island, Nebraska. J. O'Connell 1xbet online games login .

Sedimentation and volume loss in cropland, grassland, and CRP playas. 2011. Ecology

of Waterbird Migration and Playa Wetland Ecology Symposia, Rainwater Basin Joint Venture/Playa Lakes Joint Venture Research Symposium; Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, Grand Island, Nebraska. S. McMurry 1xbet online games login .

Understanding the thermal tolerance of nesting lesser prairie chickens to predict

population level influence of climate change. 2011. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, Texas. B. Grisham 1xbet online games login .

Habitat use and movements of adult mottled ducks on the Texas Chenier Plain. 2011.

Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, Texas. J. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Distributional records of tiger beetles (Coleoptera:Cicindelidae) in saline lakes of

the Southern High Plains of Texas. 2010. Poster, Bright Ideas Conference, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacagdoches, Texas. W. Conway 1xbet online games login .

Tiger beetles (Coleoptera:Cicindelidae) in saline lakes of the Southern High Plains of

Texas. 2010. Annual Meeting Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Junction, Texas. W. Conway 1xbet online games login .

Nest success of Snowy Plovers in the Southern High Plains of Texas. 2010. Annual

Meeting Wilson Ornithological Society. S. Saalfeld 1xbet online games login .

Conservation effects of catchment land management on playa communities of playa

wetlands in the short-grass prairie ecoregion. 2010. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. J. O'Connell 1xbet online games login .

Effectiveness of wetland buffers as a conservation tool for playas. 2010. 46th Annual

Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Galveston, Texas. L. Johnson 1xbet online games login .

Nest site selection of snowy plovers in the Southern High Plains of Texas. 2010. 46th

Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Galveston, Texas. S. Saalfeld 1xbet online games login .

Determination of current-use pesticides in wetland sediment in the Southern Great

Plains. 2009. Annual meeting Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. New Orleans, LA. B. Holzer 1xbet online games login .

Breeding season ecology of lesser prairie-chickens in the northeast Texas Panhandle.

2009. 28th Meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Portales, NM. R. Holt 1xbet online games login .

Aerial surveys for lesser prairie-chicken leks: detectability and disturbance response.

2009. 28th Meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Portales, NM. R. Holt 1xbet online games login .

Integrating habitat and harvest management for northern pintails: concepts, challenges,

and progress. 2009. 5th North American Duck Symposium. Toronto, Ontario. B. Clark 1xbet online games login .

Reclassifying playa hydric soils and vanishing wetlands. 2009. Annual meeting, Society

of Wetland Scientists. Madison, WI. L. Johnson 1xbet online games login .

Recruitment of mottled ducks on the upper Texas coast. 2009. 5th North American Duck

Symposium. Toronto, Ontario. E. Rigby 1xbet online games login .

Midwinter occurrence of inundated playa wetlands in the Texas High Plains. 2009. 5th

North American Duck Symposium. Toronto, Ontario. W. Johnson 1xbet online games login .

Effect of reclassification of soils on jurisdictional status of playa wetlands. 2009. Texas

Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Lubbock, TX. L. Johnson 1xbet online games login .

Aerial surveys for prairie grouse leks: detectability and disturbance response. 56th Annual

Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Monterrey, Mexico. J. McRoberts 1xbet online games login .

Recruitment of mottled ducks on the Texas Gulf Coast. 2009. Texas

Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Lubbock, TX. E. Rigby 1xbet online games login .

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Brood Ecology in the Texas Panhandle. 2009. Annual Meeting,

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Interstate Working Group. Lubbock, Texas. D. Holt 1xbet online games login .

Aerial Surveys for Lesser Prairie-Chicken Leks: Detectability and Disturbance. 2009.

Annual Meeting, Lesser Prairie-Chicken Interstate Working Group. Lubbock, Texas. Jon McRoberts 1xbet online games login

Survival and recovery estimates for northern pintails of North America. 2009. Texas

Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Lubbock, TX. M. Rice 1xbet online games login .

Toxicity of a glufosinate- and several glyphosate-based herbicides to juvenile amphibians

from the Southern High Plains, USA. 2008. Oklahoma Academy of Sciences, Fall Technical Meeting. Bethany, OK . S. Dinehart 1xbet online games login .

Success and temperature fluctuations of snowy plover nests in the Southern High Plains

of Texas. 2008. Annual meeting of the Waterbird Society. South Padre Island, Texas. S. Saalfeld 1xbet online games login .

Female survival and nesting propensity of mottled ducks on the upper Texas Gulf Coast.

2008. Annual meeting of The Waterbird Society. South Padre Island, Texas. E. Rigby 1xbet online games login .

Aerial surveys for prairie grouse lets: detectability, disturbance response, and distance

sampling. Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Fish and Game Agencies, Corpus Christi, Texas. 2008. J. McRoberts 1xbet online games login .

Habitat use of female northern pintails in the Playa Lakes Region of northwestern Texas.

Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Fish and Game Agencies, Corpus Christi, Texas. 2008. J. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Aerial surveys for prairie grouse leks: detectability and disturbance response. Annual

Conference of The Wildlife Society, Miami, Florida. 2008. J. McRoberts 1xbet online games login .

Survival, habitat use, and movements of mottled duck broods on the upper Texas Gulf

Coast. Annual meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, Texas. 2008. E. Rigby 1xbet online games login .

Disturbance response of lesser prairie-chickens to aerial surveys. Annual meeting of The

Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, Texas. 2008. J. McRoberts 1xbet online games login .

Influence of conservation practices on ecosystem services produced by playas in the High

Plains. Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Washington, D.C. 2008. L.M. Smith 1xbet online games login .

Lesser prairie-chicken response to aerial surveys. Texas Wildlife Diversity Conference,

Houston, Texas. 2008. J. McRoberts 1xbet online games login .

Population characteristics of American woodcock wintering in east Texas. Annual

meeting of the Association of Southeastern Fish and Game Agencies, Charleston, West Virginia. 2007. R.M. Whiting, Jr. 1xbet online games login .

Evaluation of aerial line transect survey methodology for detecting lesser prairie-chicken leks. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Tucson, Arizona. 2007. J.T.

McRoberts 1xbet online games login .

Survival and home range of breeding female mottled ducks on the upper Texas Gulf

Coast. Annual meeting of the American Ornithologists Union, Laramie, Wyoming. 2007. E.A. Rigby 1xbet online games login .

Influence of Conservation Practices on ecosystem services provided by playa wetlands in

the High Plains. Annual meeting of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Wesley Chapel, Florida. 2007. L.M. Smith 1xbet online games login .

Survival and minimum daily movements of breeding female mottled ducks on the upper

Texas Gulf Coast. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Beaumont, Texas. 2007. E.A. Rigby 1xbet online games login .

Spatial variation of northern pintail annual survival rates. Annual Meeting of The Texas

Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Beaumont, Texas. 2007. M. Rice 1xbet online games login .

Survival of female northern pintails wintering in Texas. 4th North American Duck

Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota. 2006. J. Tye Anderson 1xbet online games login .

Analyses of band recovery data for the continental northern pintail population. Pintail

Action Group, 4th North American Duck Symposium, Bismarck, North Dakota. 2006. M. Rice 1xbet online games login .

Survival of female northern pintails wintering in the Playa Lakes Region of Texas. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, South Padre Island, Texas. 2006. J.A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Avian density and diversity response to grazing and tebuthrion use in sand shinnery oak communities. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Madison, Wisconsin. 2005. L. Smythe 1xbet online games login .

Breeding bird response to grazing and tebuthrion use in sand shinnery oak communities. The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, Texas. 2005. L. Smythe 1xbet online games login . Clarence Cottam Session.

Playa wetlands of the Southern Great Plains: past, present, and future? The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, Texas. 2005. L.M. Smith 1xbet online games login . Invited Plenary Paper.

Declining body condition of female northern pintails wintering in the Playa Lakes Region of Texas. The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, Texas. 2005. J.A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Daily movements of female northern pintails wintering in the Playa Lakes Region of Texas. The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Kerrville, Texas. 2004. J.A. Moon 1xbet online games login . Clarence Cottam Session.

Survival of female northern pintails wintering in the Playa Lakes Region of Texas. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Calgary, Alberta. 2004. J.A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

Habitat use by wintering female northern pintails. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Seattle, Washington, 2004. J.A. Moon 1xbet online games login .

The short-term response of birds to prescribed fire in the Rainwater Basins. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Seattle, Washington, 2004. E. Brennen 1xbet online games login .

Spring migration of adult female pintails. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Calgary, Alberta. 2004. M.R. Miller 1xbet online games login .

Spring migration of adult female pintails. Third North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, California. 2004. M.R. Miller 1xbet online games login .

Survival and movements of mottled ducks in Texas and Louisiana. Third North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, California. 2004. B. Wilson 1xbet online games login .

Feeding ecology of migrant shorebirds in saline lakes of the Southern High Plains. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Seattle, Washington, 2004. A. Andrei 1xbet online games login .

Migration chronology and habitat selection of shorebirds in saline lakes of the Southern High Plains. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Burlington, Vermont. 2003. A. Andrei 1xbet online games login .

Behavior of migrant shorebirds on saline lakes of the Southern High Plains. The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Waco, Texas 2003. A. Andrei 1xbet online games login .

Behavior of migrant shorebirds on saline lakes of the Southern High Plains.

Texas Ornithological Society, Amarillo, Texas 2003. A. Andrei 1xbet online games login .

Plant species diversity in relation to playa wetland area and wetland disturbance. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1997. L.M. Smith 1xbet online games login .

Turnover and watershed influence on plant species composition in playa wetlands. INTECOLS V. International Wetlands Conference, Perth, Australia. 1996. L.M. Smith 1xbet online games login .

Habitat characteristics affecting amphibian use of wetlands in west Texas. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1996. A. Anderson 1xbet online games login .

Habitat use, diet, and feather molt of nonbreeding green-winged teal in west Texas. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1996. J. Anderson 1xbet online games login .

Habitat use by amphibians in playa wetlands. Annual Conference of The Society of Wetland Scientists, Kansas City, Kansas. 1996. A. Anderson 1xbet online games login .

Food habits of toads using playas during the breeding season. North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 1996. A. Anderson 1xbet online games login .

Use of habitats by amphibians in playa wetlands. The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Wichita Falls, Texas. 1996. A. Anderson 1xbet online games login .

Response of aquatic invertebrates to moist-soil management of playas. Annual Conference, Midwest Section of The Wildlife Society, Detroit, Michigan. 1995. J. Anderson 1xbet online games login .

Avian response to cover:water ratios in moist-soil managed playa. Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1994. R. Prather 1xbet online games login .

Partners for Natural Resources Conservation: A strategy for resource management. 59th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. 1994. S. Thompson 1xbet online games login .

Trends and predictions for greater prairie-chicken populations in Kansas. Annual Meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. 1993. K. Church 1xbet online games login .

Trends and predictions for greater prairie-chicken populations in Kansas. Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Fort Collins, Colorado. 1993. K. Church 1xbet online games login .