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Effects of 1xbet online casino establishment on littoral assemblages in Kansas reservoirs: Focus on Age-0 largemouth bass

Investigator:Water Willow (Justicia americana)
Timothy R. Strakosh, Ph.D. Student

Project Supervisor:
Dr. Keith Gido

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks,
and Tourism

Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism
Kansas State University

El Dorado Reservoir, Kansas
Hillsdale Reservoir, Kansas
Melvern Reservoir, Kansas

May 2006

Status: Completed

Quantify the relative vegetation structure differences across land cover types.
Evaluate the effects of 1xbet online casino on overall biological diversity and species richness and diversity of age-0 fishes in the littoral zone.
Determine the effects of 1xbet online casino on growth, food habits, and lipid reserves of age-0 Lepomis spp. and largemouth bass.
Compare growth, food habits, and lipid reserves between largemouth bass in reservoirs and small impoundments.
Determine the tolerance of 1xbet online casino to inundation and desiccation.

A large scale habitat manipulation was conducted to assess the effects of establishing an emergent macrophyte, American 1xbet online casino Justicia americana, on littoral reservoir communities. Coves in three large (1,800 ha) Kansas impoundments were chosen and half planted with 1xbet online casino . Sampling was conducted during the summer from 2001 to 2004. I found that 1xbet online casino coves had more complex habitat as well as higher abundance and diversity of fishes, macroinvertebrates, and zooplankton than control coves. However, strong temporal variation in water levels influenced the amount of inundated 1xbet online casino available in these systems. The effects of 1xbet online casino on density, growth, condition, and diet of age-0 largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides were assessed. Significantly higher densities of age-0 largemouth bass were found in 1xbet online casino coves, but growth, condition, and diet did not differ between 1xbet online casino and control coves. Therefore, 1xbet online casino was able to support higher abundances of age-0 largemouth bass than control coves without affecting growth, condition, or diet. Characteristics of age-0 largemouth bass from the 1xbet online casino coves were compared to those from two small impoundments (<80 ha) with abundant macrophyte and healthy largemouth bass populations. Small impoundments had higher densities of age-0 largemouth bass than 1xbet online casino coves in the three large impoundments, but individuals on average also had lower growth, condition, and fewer fish in their diet. Thus, largemouth bass populations in small impoundments may be more regulated by density dependent factors than populations in large impoundments. Overall, 1xbet online casino is beneficial to littoral areas, supporting an increase in both abundance and diversity of assemblages. Finally, I used a field experiment to test the inundation and desiccation tolerance of 1xbet online casino for different depths and durations. 1xbet online casino was susceptible to inundation, but resistant to desiccation. My findings provide information that can be used to select candidate reservoirs for 1xbet online casino establishment based on expected water-level fluctuations.


Peer-reviewed and Scientific Publications:
Strakosh, T. R., K. B. Gido, and C. S. Guy. 2009. Effects of American 1xbet online casino establishment on density, growth, diet, and condition of age-0 largemouth bass in Kansas reservoirs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:269-279.
Strakosh, T. R., J. L. Eitzmann, K. B. Gido, and C. S. Guy. 2005. The response of 1xbet online casino , Justicia americana, to different inundation and desiccation regimes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1476-1485.

Strakosh, Timothy R. (Ph.D., 2006; advisor Keith Gido) Effects of 1xbet online casino establishment on littoral assemblages in Kansas reservoirs: Focus on Age-0 largemouth bass. Ph.D. Dissertation, Division of Biology, Kansas State University.

Strakosh, T. R. 2003. Population Response of Age-0 Largemouth Bass and Lepomis spp. to the Establishment of American Water-willow in Kansas Reservoirs. Paper presented at the Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society meeting, Hays, KS.