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Feed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification


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The Feed the Future Lab on Collaborative Research for Sustainable Intensification, or SIIL, at Kansas State University hosted its 2023 annual meeting from Aug. 1-3 in Somone, Senegal. There were about 80 participants in attendance, including research and university partners and funding recipients of the SIIL, and a representative from the United States Agency for International Development, or USAID.

The American University of the Caribbean jointly announce the launch of the Agricultural Technology Park (ATP) at AUC.

The American University of the Caribbean (AUC), United States Aid to International Development (USAID)-Haiti and the Sustainable Intensification 1xbet online games login (SIIL)-Kansas State University jointly announce the launch of the Agricultural Technology Park (ATP) at AUC.

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P.V. Vara Prasad, director of the Sustainable Intensification 1xbet online games login , university distinguished professor, and R.O. Kruse Professor of Agriculture at Kansas State University has been listed in the Clarivate World’s Influential Researchers with Highly Cited Researchers2022 List. Prasad is the only researcher named in the list from K-State for 2022.

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Elizabeth "Beth" Guertal, the project director of the Center of Excellence on Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in the Sustainable Intensification 1xbet online games login at Kansas State University, has been awarded the Presidential Award of the Crop Science Society of America at the organization's 2022 annual meeting held in Baltimore, Maryland.

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SIIL hosted its 2022 annual meeting June 23-25 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with more than 100 participants attending the meeting, including research partners and funding recipients of the lab, along with representatives from distinct United States Agency for International Development missions and Washington, D.C.

K-State Awarded M Grant to Lead Agricultural Growth in Haiti

The U.S. Agency for International Development has selected K-State's Sustainable Intensification 1xbet online games login to lead a project supporting agriculture-led growth in Haiti.

Feed the Future Policy Research Consortium Final Conference

In this conference to mark its end, consortium members will present the results of their research activities, important lessons learned and the implications they hold for USAID’s policy related work. The conference may be of interest not only to USAID staff working on food policy issues, but also to
implementing partners, development agencies, African policy makers and other researchers.

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A new 1xbet online games login investment study from the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification finds that only 7% of current 1xbet online games login spending in agricultural research actually targets environmental outcomes.

iREACH Holds Pioneer Advisory Committee Meeting

The first-ever Advisory Committee meeting of the1xbet online games login , Research, Extension, and Advisory Coordination Hub (iREACH) was held on Wednesday, April 7, 2021.

SIIL Collaborator Appointed Advisor to the National Council of Cambodia

Lyda Hok, the director of the CE SAIN, established by the Sustainable Intensification 1xbet online games login , has been appointed as Advisor to the National Council of Science, Technology and Innovation.

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Kansas State 1xbet sports betting

A Kansas State University researcher received a million grant from the Feed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification, or SIIL, to improve the resilience of smallholder livelihoods through the application of digital and geospatial decision support tools under diverse farming systems.

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Ignacio Ciampitti, associate professor in the agronomy department at Kansas State University, was awarded the Agronomic Education and Extension Award from the American Society of Agronomy — an award that acknowledges excellence in education and extension.

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Following years of dedication to the agriculture community and numerous contributions to research and development, university distinguished professor and director of theFeed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensificationat Kansas State University, P.V. Vara Prasad, received the International Agronomy Award from theAmerican Society of Agronomy.

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Jan Middendorf, associate director of theFeed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Rese, has been elected to serve as the council chair of the Feed the Future 1xbet online games login Labs.

SI Assessment Framework and Training Video

The Sustainable Intensification (SI) Assessment Framework and Toolkit are live! Digital design was provided by New Boston Creative and Piestar, under the leadership of the SIIL Management Entity. The framework provides indicators in five domains: productivity, economic, environment, human condition and social, and allow researchers the ability to assess the performance of an 1xbet online games login across many domains. The full Toolkit can be found here. Additional information on the framework can be found Feed.

Kansas State university 1xbet online games login

A Kansas State University researcher with the Feed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification, or SIIL, has been awarded a 0,000 grant to sustainably intensify agro-pastoral farming systems in Senegal.Zachary Stewart is leading a four-year study on dual-purpose cowpea to increase food and fodder production in Senegal. This work is supported by the Feed the Future 1xbet online games login for Legume Systems Research managed by Michigan State University with funding through the United States Agency for International Development.

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Vara Prasad, university distinguished professor of agronomy and director of theFeed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification, or SIIL,at K-State, has been selected to serve on theCommission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification, or CoSAI. The commission consists of scholars around the world with experience in the Global South. These scientists, experts and decision-makers are serving as CoSAI commissioners to collect and assess evidence to accelerate the urgently needed transformation of agriculture.

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The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture, or SEARCA, hosted a webinar series covering a range of key challenges to our communities and farmers across the globe who provide us food. The center's Online Learning and Virtual Engagement, or SOLVE, webinar series is an immediate response to COVID-19 and the impacts on food security.Kansas State University'sVara Prasad and Manny Reyes were invited to speak for the sixth webinar, SOLVE Food and Nutrition Insecurity through Sustainable Agriculture Intensification.