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Feed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification

External Advisory Board

Jules PrettyProfessor Jules Pretty – Chair

1xbet online sports betting of Essex

Jules Pretty is Professor of Environment and Society at the 1xbet online sports betting of Essex, and Director of the Centre for Public and Policy Engagement. He is formerly Deputy Vice-Chancellor (2010-19). His sole-authored books include Sea Sagas of the North (forthcoming, 2022), Green Minds and a Good Life (forthcoming, 2022), The East Country (2017), The Edge of Extinction (2014), This Luminous Coast (2011, 2014), The Earth Only Endures (2007), Agri-Culture (2002) and Regenerating Agriculture (1995).

He is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and the Royal Society of Arts, former Deputy-Chair of the UK government’s Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment, and has served on advisory committees for BBSRC and the Royal Society. He was presenter of the 1999 BBC Radio 4 series Ploughing Eden, a contributor and writer for the 2001 BBC TV Correspondent programme The Magic Bean, and a panellist in 2007 for Radio 4’s The Moral Maze. He received a 1997 award from the Indian Ecological Society, was appointed A D White Professor-at-Large by Cornell 1xbet online sports betting from 2001, and is Chief & Founding Editor of the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. He received an OBE in 2006 for services to sustainable agriculture, an honorary degree from Ohio State 1xbet online sports betting in 2009, and the British Science Association Presidential Medal (Agriculture and Food) in 2015. He is among the top 1% most cited scientists in the world, and is host of the podcast Louder Than Words.

DixonJohn Dixon

1xbet online sports betting of Queensland, Australian National 1xbet online sports betting and Gansu Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting

John Dixon is Adjunct Professor focused on farming systems at the 1xbet online sports betting of Queensland, Visiting Fellow on sustainable development policy at the Australian National 1xbet online sports betting and Guest Professor on farming systems at Gansu Agricultural 1xbet online sports betting . Dixon has 40 years developing country experience with agricultural research and sustainable development with FAO and the CGIAR in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. He has worked on many aspects of ecologically, economically and socially sustainable intensification for food security and poverty reduction, including systems research, innovation, environment and natural resource management, systems agronomy, conservation agriculture, participatory methods, market access and value chain function, policy analysis, M&E, impact assessment, knowledge sharing. He was presented with the M S Swaminathan Award for leadership in agriculture and was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology Science and Engineering. The Global Evergreening Alliance has selected him as a Senior Fellow and as Chair of the Technical Advisory Board of the Restore Australia Program. Dixon is a graduate from the 1xbet online sports betting of New England with a Ph.D. (agricultural economics), Masters (natural resources), Masters (economics) and Bachelor of Rural Science and has published more than 100 books, articles, chapters and reports on the above subjects.

FloraCornelia Flora

Iowa State 1xbet online sports betting

Cornelia Flora is an Emeritus Distinguished Professor in the Department of Sociology at Iowa State 1xbet online sports betting . Her research interests include international and domestic development, community, and the sociology of science and technology, particularly as related to agriculture and participatory change. Socio-technical regime change and capitals transformations (natural, cultural, human, social, political and financial/built capitals) guide her current research includes work on the community development, sustainable agriculture and natural resource management, with particular attention to how class, gender, and ethnicity influence and are influenced by technology and policy.She has published 14 books, with a 15th co-authored book in preparation. She has served as president of the Rural Sociological Society, the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, and the Community Development Society. Her B.A. degree is from the 1xbet online sports betting of California at Berkeley and her MS and PhD degrees are from Cornell 1xbet online sports betting .

ThornePeter Thorne

International Livestock 1xbet online sports betting Institute (ILRI)

Peter Thorne coordinates the Africa RISING project in the Ethiopian Highlands. He completed his Ph.D. at the 1xbet online sports betting of Nottingham in animal nutrition, with a part of his research conducted at the 1xbet online sports betting of the Philippines in Los Banos. His career has allowed him to work in both public and private sectors, focusing largely on the evolution of mixed farming systems in Africa and Asia. Prior to joining ILRI, Thorne was responsible for the national dairy benchmarking service in Britain.

NjukiJemimah Njuki (2014-2019)

Canada's International Development 1xbet online sports betting Center (IDRC)

Jemimah Njuki has 15 years of experience overseeing gender-responsive and women-targeted 1xbet online sports betting and development projects that link women smallholder farmers to markets, integrate gender in cooperatives, apply participatory gender-responsive 1xbet online sports betting , and more. As senior program officer at the International Development 1xbet online sports betting Centre (IDRC), she manages the Cultivate Africa's Future program.

dbossioDeborah Bossio (2014-2019)

The Nature Conservancy

Deborah Bossio is the Lead Soil Scientist for The Nature Conservancy, where she is an integral member of the Global Lands team and an active member of the Science Cabinet, a collaborative group of Conservancy Lead Scientists contributing topical expertise to cross-cutting science issues for the organization. In this role she integrates new soil science expertise to support and advance existing climate, agriculture, forestry and conservation priorities and to better understand how we can scale our impact through improved soil management.

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