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Feed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensi

Innovation, Research, Extension and Advisory Coordination Hub (1xbet online sports betting )

The Innovation, Research, Extension and Advisory Coordination Hub (1xbet online sports betting ), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification (SIIL) at Kansas State University, is a part of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development/Conseil Ouest et Centre Africaine pour la Recherche et le Développement Agricoles(CORAF),internationalnon-profitassociationworkingto enhance prosperity, food, and nutrition security in West Africa.

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The vision of this Innovation, Research, Extension and Advisory Coordination Hub (1xbet online sports betting ) in West Africa (WA) is a strengthened CORAF to meet the objectives of its strategic plan more widely with its broad range of partners throughout the region. Progressively, CORAF will better coordinate, align and integrate research, extension, and advisory activities in the region for efficient use of resources and to meet the demands of different clienteles including producers, researchers, policy makers and the private sector.

The vision of 1xbet online sports betting is supported by the following three objectives:

Objective 1: Improve coordination, alignment and integration of relevant activities

Objective 2: Create and strengthen technology parks and facilitate effective flow of information and innovations

Objective 3: Support and build local human and institutional capacity development

1xbet online sports betting Pilot Countries in West Africa

In the initial pilot phase of approximately four years, the initiative will have a particular, although not exclusive, focus on USAID's activities in Feed the Future and Resilience Zones in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, and Senegal. There are numerous USAID-funded research activities in the five (5) countries that share a desire for increased coordination, integration, information sharing, collective engagement and alignment of activities. This initiative will help increase access, utilization, and the ability to leverage resources from their outputs.

  • Burkina Faso
  • Ghana
  • Mali
  • Niger
  • Senegal

Primary Contacts

Nieyibouda Lamien, 1xbet online sports betting Program Manager


+221 33 869 96 18

1xbet online sports betting Program Manager


1xbet online sports betting

1xbet online sports betting @ksu.edu

Aliou Faye, 1xbet online sports betting West Africa Regional Manager/ISRA & RCE-CERAAS

aliouselbe11@yahoo.fr; aliouselbe11@gmail.com

+221 77 568 1342

Activity Tracker

Innovation Lab members with account access to the Activity Tracker, please use the following link to gain access: 1xbet online sports betting piestar.com. For any other members or anyone requesting a quarterly subscription to the Activity Tracker updates, please contact our lab at 1xbet online sports betting @ksu.edu. To access the public Activity Tracker please press HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have created a list of your frequently asked questions regarding 1xbet online sports betting , the Activity Tracker and the Agricultural Technical Parks which can be found at: 1xbet online sports betting piestar.com.