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June 18, 2020

Two professors involved in webinar series discussing key challenges faced by farmers in providing 1xbet online sports betting

Submitted by Layne Wilson

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture, or SEARCA, hosted a webinar series covering a range of key challenges to our communities and farmers across the globe who provide us 1xbet online sports betting . The center's Online Learning and Virtual Engagement, or SOLVE, webinar series is an immediate response to COVID-19 and the impacts on 1xbet online sports betting security.

Kansas State University'sVara Prasad and Manny Reyes were invited to speak for the sixth webinar, SOLVE 1xbet online sports betting and Nutrition Insecurity through Sustainable Agriculture Intensification.

Prasad is a university distinguished professor of crop ecophysiology in the agronomy department and the director of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification, or SIIL. Prasad discussed the importance of sustainable intensification, and how it is a solution to overcoming the challenges we are faced with today concerning 1xbet online sports betting and nutritional security.

Prasad explained how we have multiple crises to deal with, due to the implications of COVID-19. These include a 1xbet online sports betting crisis, nutritional crisis and climate crisis.

"One of the solutions for all of these crises, which is the need for safe and nutritious 1xbet online sports betting and protection of our environment, is sustainable agricultural intensification," Prasad said. "This is not the only solution, but it is a great start and provides realistic solutions to our problems and challenges."

Prasad discussed how sustainable intensification is increasing 1xbet online sports betting production and access to safe 1xbet online sports betting on existing farmland without any negative impact on the environment or natural resources. In simple terms, it is producing more from less.

Reyes is a research professor at K-State in the SIIL, and coordinator at the Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition, or CE SAIN, at Royal University of 1xbet online sports betting in Cambodia. He is passionate about conservation 1xbet online sports betting and natural resource management, and has trained hundreds of scholars, administrators and farmers.

Reyes discussed the problem that Southeast Asia is facing currently of land degradation, which in turn is leading to 1xbet online sports betting and nutrition insecurity. He says the good news is that we have a solution which is conservation agriculture.

"This is a technique that I sincerely believe will enhance soil health and solve our soil degradation problem due to soil erosion," 1xbet online sports betting said.

Reyes discussed the three principles of conservation 1xbet online sports betting . These include minimum soil disturbance, continuous cover of the soil and diverse species. He said conservation 1xbet online sports betting alone does not respond to all the challenges of sustainable 1xbet online sports betting intensification, and that it does need to be complemented by all other good practices known. However, conservation 1xbet online sports betting is the base for sustainable 1xbet online sports betting intensification by following the three principles discussed.

"By focusing on conservation agriculture for sustainable intensification, we can grow safe and nutritious 1xbet online sports betting while also enhancing the health of the soil," Reyes said.

SEARCA works to strengthen institutional capacities toward inclusive and 1xbet online sports betting agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia through graduate education, research and development, and knowledge management. K-State and SEARCA signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate, facilitate and support graduate students, faculty and researchers.

The full 1xbet online sports betting can be watched on SEARCA's Facebook page.