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  3. »Exchange Visitors

Feed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensi

Exchange Visitors

All individuals traveling to the United States as beneficiaries of USAID assistance (funded in full or part with USAID funds) are considered Exchange Visitors (EVs) and must use a USAID J-1 visa. This includes invitational travel and participant training, which are both described in detail in ADS Chapter 252. There are two exceptions to this guidance: 1) co-PIs coming to the U.S. for Innovation Lab administrative business; and 2) advisory body members/evaluators. These individuals are not considered Exchange Visitors and do not have to use a USAID J-1 visa.

Training and Exchanges Automated Management System (TEAMS)

The 1xbet online casino subaward university that plans to host the EV has the responsibility to implement the TEAMS process to obtain a USAID J-1 visa for the EV. When a 1xbet online casino subaward university plans the visit/study of the EV at their institution, the following steps should be taken to begin the TEAMS process. Contact the 1xbet online casino Program Administrator Layne Davis (laynewilson@ksu.edu) for details on the enrollment of appropriate individuals into the TEAMS system. Two team members from the host university should be appointed to serve as the Initiator (R1) and Verifier (R2). After the R1 and R2 roles are established, the process can begin. If you have any questions that cannot be answered by the 1xbet online casino ME, you may also contact the TEAMS Helpdesk at teams@usaid.gov for further assistance.

Selection of Trainees

The capacity strengthening resources of Innovation Labs should continue to be offered primarily for the training and capacity building of host country partners. Thus, training opportunities should be offered to trainees from the following 1xbet online casino in the order presented:
1. Feed the Future focus 1xbet online casino
2. Aligned 1xbet online casino (e.g. New Alliance 1xbet online casino , 1xbet online casino targeted for other relevant USAID initiatives, etc.)
3. Other developing 1xbet online casino with whom the U.S. government has diplomatic relations and where USAID activities are approved by the host government and not prohibited by U.S. law (your AOR can assist you this determination).
4. USA
5. Other developed 1xbet online casino with whom the U.S. government has diplomatic relations, only with very good justification:

Please initiate the TEAMS process no less than 6 months prior the anticipated arrival of the EV.
Note: The training of other developed country nationals should be offered only in extremely rare cases. Such cases will be considered by the AOR when the program has documented that they have exhausted all avenues for the selection of students from the higher priority 1xbet online casino . We anticipate that there will be very few, if any, developed country national trainees approved.