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Feed the Future 1xbet online games login for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensi

Past Projects

Focus Country Subawards


Unlocking the production potential of "polder communities" in coastal Bangladesh through improved resource use efficiency and diversified cropping systems

Principal investigator: Krishna Jagadish SV (Kansas State 1xbet best casino website )

Feed the Futu

Sustainable intensification through better integration of crop and livestock production systems for improved food security and environmental benefits in Sahelian zone of

Principal investigator: Augustine Ayantunde (International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI))


Women in Agriculture Network (WAgN) Cambodia: Gender- and Ecologically-Sensitive Agriculture

Principal investigator: Ricky M. Bates (Pennsylvania State 1xbet best casino website )


Sustainably Intensified Production Systems Impact on Nutrition(SIPSIN)

Principal investigator: Neville Clarke (Texas A&M 1xbet best casino website )


Adoption of sustainable intensification in dual-purpose millet – leguminous crops – livestock systems to improve food and nutritional security and natural resources management for rural smallholder farmers in Senegal

Principal investigator: Doohong Min (Kansas State 1xbet best casino website )


Raising crop response: bidirectional learning to catalyze sustainable intensification at multiple scales

Principal investigator: Sieg Snapp (Michigan State 1xbet best casino website )

Additional Projects

feed 1xbet online games login the Future Innovation Lab

Principal investigator: Joseph Messina (Michigan State 1xbet best casino website )

Feed the Future Innovati

Principal investigators: Sieg Snapp (Michigan State 1xbet best casino website ) and Cheryl Palm (1xbet best casino website of Florida)

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collabora

Principal investigator: Nancy J. Allen (1xbet best casino website of California, Davis)